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Glad We're Not Going Up..


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Within 10 minutes of the game 2 of us had been taken out by police & stewards and given a final warning after complaints of standing and singing. After confronting the bloke behind us unless i'm dreaming he said he was a Spurs fan....

All of these in the 'singing area' block 133.

Give me the 15,000 faithful at Ashton Gate any week.

I'm one of the lucky 1,000 for next season in the EE but all parts of the ground can make excellent noise and the players will need it next season if we want to get a season like this one again. A bit of an early request for decent noise for next season I suppose, but also wanted to show i'm still thoroughly pissed off by the minority (majority?!) of yesterdays fans.

Edit..Anyone have anything similar near them?

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Guest MaloneFM

Chatting to Mrs M after Pillers she saw the plod having a word with you and your chums. And she said a young lady was taken out as well.

She said there were far too many people sitting down, yawning, reading programmes etc but no one designated it as an official singing block did they? It was something instigated by the supporters only.

You will never change the entity of the day tripper. They will turn up and shut up we all know that so you just have to thank them for the money and make the best of it.

She did say she thought you and your chums did very well to create an atmosphere and imagines you are murder on a matchday in the East End.

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I'd be happy for more of these supporters with "less regular attendance records" to attend next season as 1) it will give us more funds to press on and 2) it will help us educate them how we now support the team under Gary Johnson so that on our next visit to Wembley we make even more noise.

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Guest Rowley Birkin

If they could somehow sell tickets so that you were all sat next to regular fans, instead of scattered all around the stadium, it'd no doubt increase the noise levels, as you can tell the passionate fans a mile off, from the Johnnny come latelys of which unfortunately we are outnumberd.

If we could have reproduced the noise of the Palace games, it'd have helped the players no end.

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  • Admin
If they could somehow sell tickets so that you were all sat next to regular fans, instead of scattered all around the stadium, it'd no doubt increase the noise levels, as you can tell the passionate fans a mile off, from the Johnnny come latelys of which unfortunately we are outnumberd.

If we could have reproduced the noise of the Palace games, it'd have helped the players no end.

Could it be achieved as simply as the club announcing that anyone wishing to spend the match singing should purchase in the lower tier and anyone wishing to remain in their seats and just enjoy watching the match should buy in the upper tier?

Or would that cause uproar from people wanting to sit saying "why should the club decided I have to go in the top tier if I want to sit?" (I'm basically thinking of how grounds used to be with standing at the front and seating above).

If it was pushed heavily on the official website and in all press-releases I'm sure the message would get across.

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Could it be achieved as simply as the club announcing that anyone wishing to spend the match singing should purchase in the lower tier and anyone wishing to remain in their seats and just enjoy watching the match should buy in the upper tier?

Or would that cause uproar from people wanting to sit saying "why should the club decided I have to go in the top tier if I want to sit?" (I'm basically thinking of how grounds used to be with standing at the front and seating above).

If it was pushed heavily on the official website and in all press-releases I'm sure the message would get across.

Exeter and Cambridge did similar and the fa did for a match v Germany. The lower tier West End of the stadium is now designated as the singing section and vocal fans are encouraged via englandfans to book tickets in this section for the match v the USA. Too late now sadly for City.

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  • Admin
Exeter and Cambridge did similar and the fa did for a match v Germany. The lower tier West End of the stadium is now designated as the singing section and vocal fans are encouraged via englandfans to book tickets in this section for the match v the USA. Too late now sadly for City.

Well, it's food for thought regarding next season's FA Cup Semi Final appearance ;)

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Guest Shadow

This is an ongoing problem that needs solving. Where I was sat I saw 3 separate incidents of someone shouting at the person in front to sit down as they couldn't see. All of them involved our fans arguing with each other and getting heated. What happened at Southampton should never happen again but its inevitable it will unless football finds a solution. Maybe elderly people have to sit somewhere separate from youngsters really, it doesn't mean they are any less of a fan because they don't stand and sing, they just belong to a different generation and that should be respected. I know it only really occurs on sold out match days but the only solutions I can think of is either unreserved seating or as has been previously mentioned some kind of system where you buy a ticket dependent on whether you're a sitter or a stander. It can't go on like this with arguments all over the ground. After all we're all supporting the same team, but different people do it in different ways. No one's wrong and no ones right, we're all different, that's all.

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Guest kamikazee

like the idea of the singing area and sitting area. we had a go up the gods 548 and on occasions it carried off. biggest problem was couldn't hear a bloody thing around us so if that was the same elsewhere, no way of all singing together like at the gate. coloured flag system next time??? ears still ringing though and thank got this ain't a talkin site cause i guess a lot of us can't today

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Guest jondow

I had a similar experience with the row of "fans" sat in front of me, in particular the bloke directly in front of me, completelely uninterested, feet up on the rail playing with his shoe laces and clapping occasional bits of play, often as Hull were attacking. He commented on Bradleys injury break and medical care as "overkill". His mate said to him at the end as the attendance was read out that it should have said 86,730 plus a gashead, so I guess that explains it.

Its a real shame that there were so many there just on a day trip when people that the game really mattered to were unable to secure tickets. Automatics next year will do me! :fingerscrossed:

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Same thing happened at southampton and back then i posted the message below,

why this can't be arranged at grounds i do not know? wembley was big enough to put

the fans together who wanted to be together..

Now at home games with every teams fans will go and sit with or around those fans they feel comfortable with and it is why at ashton gate fans will choose their patch and fans with try and gather with like minded, like the EE will attract singing, bouncing around

and a spot of banter, where the williams will attract mabe those who want a quiet life with there football and both are fine, problem is when the 2 mix at away games on a sell out away reserved seating allocation it goes tits up as no one can move out of each others way and the atmosphere suffers, most away game have not always been a sellout and fans, especially singers will try congregate together, there are very different types of fans and both sets will feel they are right in the way they want to enjoy their day as they are used to doing it. Now what clubs should be looking at if a sell out away support is expected is to do a color code ticket system and seperate the blocks in the away seating like ticket red for a block of singers, block of blue for say the fan who does not want to bounce around singing and a block green for family / oap and then you should know what your getting in the areas of the stand you buy your ticket in, it is a type of self segregation

to make sure all fans can enjoy the way they like to watch their football without upsetting each other, this should apply for expected sell out games, and warn fans on buying that areas of the blocks are for singing etc, it would make sense and would help avoid people getting heated over standing, sitting, singing or just watching the game in silence.

this should apply for any new ground we build as i fore see problems like this when a big home end comes together with eastend style support and parts of the atyeo..

southamptons seating plan


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Admittedly I was in with the prawn sandwich brigade, but at times I felt as though i was a hooligan in a library!

People were looking at me as if I was insane when I joined in with some of the chants, and my mate said the atmosphere was disappointing at best in 132 where he had someone constantly telling him to sit down.

The atmosphere at the gate against Palace was far better than yesterdays with a 1/4 of the people, even when Palace were 1-0 up!

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This is an ongoing problem that needs solving. Where I was sat I saw 3 separate incidents of someone shouting at the person in front to sit down as they couldn't see. All of them involved our fans arguing with each other and getting heated. What happened at Southampton should never happen again but its inevitable it will unless football finds a solution. Maybe elderly people have to sit somewhere separate from youngsters really, it doesn't mean they are any less of a fan because they don't stand and sing, they just belong to a different generation and that should be respected. I know it only really occurs on sold out match days but the only solutions I can think of is either unreserved seating or as has been previously mentioned some kind of system where you buy a ticket dependent on whether you're a sitter or a stander. It can't go on like this with arguments all over the ground. After all we're all supporting the same team, but different people do it in different ways. No one's wrong and no ones right, we're all different, that's all.

So there are two generations: 'youngsters' and 'elderly people'! Presumably I'm in the latter - 54 years old, supported City since 1962 and put a personal fortune into the club over that time. The fact is that not everyone wants to (or can) stand and/or sing. This is fine at Ashton Gate and us codgers in Dolman D who are no longer likely to give it the stick we did when we were teenagers obviously love to hear the support that we get at Home. I don't go to away games because it's a different atmosphere and I know it won't suit me unless I'm very lucky in who's around me. You'll never get it right at a match like yesterday's, because everyone wants to go. However, I agree with what you say which is that whether you are young or old, a singer or not, a sitter or a stander, you are no less a CIty fan, and all fans should remember that. I don't need to be abused by some kid who has been supporting City for a few years because I'm not standing up and shouting my head off, so I don't go to away games any more. It's pity that some of the more ardent fans aren't a bit more thoughtful and tolerant about their fellow supporters.

And don't knock the day trippers too much. I know a lot of people who became committed to City after we got to Wembley in the 80s. The more fans we have the better.

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Guest tombcfc
So there are two generations: 'youngsters' and 'elderly people'! Presumably I'm in the latter - 54 years old, supported City since 1962 and put a personal fortune into the club over that time. The fact is that not everyone wants to (or can) stand and/or sing. This is fine at Ashton Gate and us codgers in Dolman D who are no longer likely to give it the stick we did when we were teenagers obviously love to hear the support that we get at Home. I don't go to away games because it's a different atmosphere and I know it won't suit me unless I'm very lucky in who's around me. You'll never get it right at a match like yesterday's, because everyone wants to go. However, I agree with what you say which is that whether you are young or old, a singer or not, a sitter or a stander, you are no less a CIty fan, and all fans should remember that. I don't need to be abused by some kid who has been supporting City for a few years because I'm not standing up and shouting my head off, so I don't go to away games any more. It's pity that some of the more ardent fans aren't a bit more thoughtful and tolerant about their fellow supporters.

And don't knock the day trippers too much. I know a lot of people who became committed to City after we got to Wembley in the 80s. The more fans we have the better.

It's true it's by no means only the "day trippers" who do not get behind the team with singing, I was in block 551 which was sold first to season ticket holders, so there should have been hardly any day trippers there at all. However the atmosphere was flat for most of the game. A few of us at the back tried to get things going as did a smaller section further forward but it never lasted for long.

What really anoys me is these people who have a go at you for standing up, saying how they cant stand due to being old or having a bad back, which I have no problem with. Then they proceed to stand during half-time, where does this new lease of life come from? You're either unable to stand, or you aren't. I swear many of these people (I know... not all of them) simply like having something to complain about.

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Guest Shadow
So there are two generations: 'youngsters' and 'elderly people'! Presumably I'm in the latter - 54 years old, supported City since 1962 and put a personal fortune into the club over that time. The fact is that not everyone wants to (or can) stand and/or sing. This is fine at Ashton Gate and us codgers in Dolman D who are no longer likely to give it the stick we did when we were teenagers obviously love to hear the support that we get at Home. I don't go to away games because it's a different atmosphere and I know it won't suit me unless I'm very lucky in who's around me. You'll never get it right at a match like yesterday's, because everyone wants to go. However, I agree with what you say which is that whether you are young or old, a singer or not, a sitter or a stander, you are no less a CIty fan, and all fans should remember that. I don't need to be abused by some kid who has been supporting City for a few years because I'm not standing up and shouting my head off, so I don't go to away games any more. It's pity that some of the more ardent fans aren't a bit more thoughtful and tolerant about their fellow supporters.

And don't knock the day trippers too much. I know a lot of people who became committed to City after we got to Wembley in the 80s. The more fans we have the better.

I can't find anything in my previous post where I was knocking the day trippers. No there aren't only two generations, obviously there are people of all ages. I merely commented on my observations of yesterday. I also sit in D block in the Dolman, perhaps I'm, near you? Row G seat 7 I am. I'm 49 so am past standing up and ranting and raving as I did as a teenager on the east end terraces. I am not knocking anyone, merely pointing out an ongoing problem with standers and sitters mixed together when maybe they would be better off in separate areas.

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Guest Bristol-Red

Pilnin was speaking you down the concourse at half time when getting drinks. I agree it a joke I told you I had someone hit me on the back for standing :disapointed2se: so happy got East End back!

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So there are two generations: 'youngsters' and 'elderly people'! Presumably I'm in the latter - 54 years old, supported City since 1962 and put a personal fortune into the club over that time. The fact is that not everyone wants to (or can) stand and/or sing. This is fine at Ashton Gate and us codgers in Dolman D who are no longer likely to give it the stick we did when we were teenagers obviously love to hear the support that we get at Home. I don't go to away games because it's a different atmosphere and I know it won't suit me unless I'm very lucky in who's around me. You'll never get it right at a match like yesterday's, because everyone wants to go. However, I agree with what you say which is that whether you are young or old, a singer or not, a sitter or a stander, you are no less a CIty fan, and all fans should remember that. I don't need to be abused by some kid who has been supporting City for a few years because I'm not standing up and shouting my head off, so I don't go to away games any more. It's pity that some of the more ardent fans aren't a bit more thoughtful and tolerant about their fellow supporters.

And don't knock the day trippers too much. I know a lot of people who became committed to City after we got to Wembley in the 80s. The more fans we have the better.

Yesterday i was surrounded by supporters who quite would not contribute anything in vocal sense sat or stood . So let those who want to get behind the team in the manner the manager requests do so and those who do not likewise by simply organisng City support. City would be a better club for it.

I found it quite disheartening yesterday almost miserable and it was not the first time this eason either.

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Pilnin was speaking you down the concourse at half time when getting drinks. I agree it a joke I told you I had someone hit me on the back for standing :disapointed2se: so happy got East End back!

Oh yeah, nice one mate. Wouldn't be suprised if you were still queuing the time they took :innocent06:

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Within 10 minutes of the game 2 of us had been taken out by police & stewards and given a final warning after complaints of standing and singing. After confronting the bloke behind us unless i'm dreaming he said he was a Spurs fan....

All of these in the 'singing area' block 133.

Give me the 15,000 faithful at Ashton Gate any week.

I'm one of the lucky 1,000 for next season in the EE but all parts of the ground can make excellent noise and the players will need it next season if we want to get a season like this one again. A bit of an early request for decent noise for next season I suppose, but also wanted to show i'm still thoroughly pissed off by the minority (majority?!) of yesterdays fans.

Edit..Anyone have anything similar near them?

Pilnin after witnessing some "fan" almost lose it verbally to a girl and older bloke about singing/standing, I aint sure I wanna see him at the Gate again either. he was getting wound up as people left the ground after final whistle as well. shades of Southampton. again. Try and keep tolerent, different fans behave differently. We're all City fans

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this is a problem that we always get when we go away from the comfort zone of the gate. i,m not being mr killjoy as i love a song and dance at football as much as the next man. i don,t go away so much due to work. i,ll get to my point. i,m 6ft1 and 18 stone so if the bloke in front of me is stood up it,s not a prob as i can see over him but what do my 13 and 11 year old do as they are not going to see diddly. and what ever your feelings i would,nt be happy taking my kids to wembly to look at some blokes ass it,s a bit of give and take and mutual respect something that seems to be lacking on this forum as we are all competing to be the best fan

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Guest ribsbcfc

never had a problem only because we were in the last row of block 131 and stood 4 the whole game but a few lads on our coach were constantly being told to sit down where they were sat block 128 i think got a bit heated they told me

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Pilnin after witnessing some "fan" almost lose it verbally to a girl and older bloke about singing/standing, I aint sure I wanna see him at the Gate again either. he was getting wound up as people left the ground after final whistle as well. shades of Southampton. again. Try and keep tolerent, different fans behave differently. We're all City fans

I assume that you're referring to me. I admit that I did lose it and am gutted like us all about the result. However, if I am able to slightly justify what happened without having my head bit off, I was merely expressing my passion towards the team. Unfortunately, my actions were out of order and I apologised to the young lady, and I assume her father and friends minutes afterwards.

Yes, I know I was totally out of order, but I love this club just as much as anyone else. I didnt physically assault anyone and never would, I just took my frustrations out on the innocent party and can only apologise to those concerned. I would like to add though that themselves and the two blokes in front seemed the only ones in our vicinty that wanted to join in with any songs, other than 'Come on you reds', so I commend them for that.

In reply to your comments about abusing people leaving the ground, again I was in the wrong, but just thought that an additional 10 minutes to applaud the players off would have been fitting for what they and we have achieved this season, clearly those that did leave enjoyed their dayouts and probably had a happy journey home.

I didnt have a good day out, the players gave their all and many fans, the above mentioned included, gave their all, but my point is that too many were content on watching the game, making very little or no noise and going back to their assumingly Gashead or part time supporter lifes!

If anyone watched the Leeds match today, how many do you think were ejected from the ground for persistant standing and told by fellow 'fans' to sit down, not many I bet?

Once again, I apologise to the young lady and her group about my conduct and that I hope I havent put you off going to any future matches as I know you are true supporters, like myself! Hopefully we can all pull in the same direction next season to go one better and achieve all of our dreams!

Always believe!

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Guest DanC

On the way back home yesterday I like most obviously had a lot to think about. I hardly said a word and kept my thoughts to myself. One of my thoughts were, What can be done to improve the atmosphere at away games, I was thinking back to the games at West Brom, Plymouth, Soton etc where the atmosphere was dire. City fans need to be braver and sit where they want and stand when they want. Sitting in your allocated seat is not a must and your not going to be given a life sentence if you sing or stand.

The only thing I could think of is for away games the club could designate one or two blocks as singing blocks. So like minded fans can sing and stand together without pissing other fans off. They wouldn't even need the permission of the home side. They would just have to sell them as singing blocks.

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Was in block 128 an was poked constantly an even grabbed by the shirt when i stood up an sang! Really annoyed me went in the lower block as I thought the majority would stand but no a silly old part timer had to ruin my day.

Like others have said was made to feel as if I was a hooligan just for supporting my team!

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this is a problem that we always get when we go away from the comfort zone of the gate. i,m not being mr killjoy as i love a song and dance at football as much as the next man. i don,t go away so much due to work. i,ll get to my point. i,m 6ft1 and 18 stone so if the bloke in front of me is stood up it,s not a prob as i can see over him but what do my 13 and 11 year old do as they are not going to see diddly. and what ever your feelings i would,nt be happy taking my kids to wembly to look at some blokes ass it,s a bit of give and take and mutual respect something that seems to be lacking on this forum as we are all competing to be the best fan

Its got nothing to do with being the best supporter or about standing its about getting the best from our support. Yesterday for what was the biggest game of my life i felt disullusioned by half time because of the attitude of supporters around me.

There must have been several thousand amongst City support who really wanted to get behind the team so BCFC let them gather together in future that is real tolerance.

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Until the authoreties take heed the frustrations of virtually ALL fans regarding this and allocating tickets in chatagorised groups becomes the norm then I see no hope for the future. Either that or an introduction of 'safe standing'.

Long live the East End!

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Guest DanC
Its got nothing to do with being the best supporter or about standing its about getting the best from our support. Yesterday for what was the biggest game of my life i felt disullusioned by half time because of the attitude of supporters around me.

There must have been several thousand amongst City support who really wanted to get behind the team so BCFC let them gather together in future that is real tolerance.

TBH I didn't even feel like I was at a City game Yesterday. If all of us in Silverspoons would have been sat together then the atmosphere would have been electric.
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Guest Shadow
Was in block 128 an was poked constantly an even grabbed by the shirt when i stood up an sang! Really annoyed me went in the lower block as I thought the majority would stand but no a silly old part timer had to ruin my day.

Like others have said was made to feel as if I was a hooligan just for supporting my team!

But this is the point I was making earlier, just because this silly old part timer as you call him didn't stand up and sing doesn't mean he is any less of a supporter than you are. You can't ban people from the ground just because they don't do the same as you do. You think you're doing the right thing for you by standing and singing, he thought he was doing the right thing for him by sitting and watching quietly. Neither is right or wrong, its an age thing. That's why standers and sitters need to be organised into relevant sections. The Ninian Park scenario seemed a good idea to me i.e. seats at the front for those who want to sit and terracing behind for those who want to stand but the authorities don't seem willing to introduce this as an option in new stadia.

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this is a problem that we always get when we go away from the comfort zone of the gate. i,m not being mr killjoy as i love a song and dance at football as much as the next man. i don,t go away so much due to work. i,ll get to my point. i,m 6ft1 and 18 stone so if the bloke in front of me is stood up it,s not a prob as i can see over him but what do my 13 and 11 year old do as they are not going to see diddly. and what ever your feelings i would,nt be happy taking my kids to wembly to look at some blokes ass it,s a bit of give and take and mutual respect something that seems to be lacking on this forum as we are all competing to be the best fan

can see what you're saying mate. Infront of us we had a couple and their young un and he happily stood on the seat until everyone infront sat down. The other option is I asked the bloke behind me to swap places so he could sit and I could stand and sing. Met with a no.

Disagree with best fan bit though, just want to be vocal and try help the team win the games, standing just seems to come with for me.

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Guest lugger

I had a similar experience in block 134 lower tier (unofficial singing block) where a group of 4 were getting annoyed about me and my friends standing up and singing but luckily I suggested we swop seats with them as they were at the back and we were able to find a solution, but without some chanting I think I would have been sorely disappointed. Not sure what the solution is but for these big events I suppose you have to accept it will be like this but for standard away games surely it is accepted that the support will be vocal and therefore in staying in your seat and clapping politely will put you in the minority so put up with it!?

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Guest kristian444

I have to admit, after the Palace game I was really disappionted with the atmosphere at Wembley.

There were two empty seats next to me, three in the second half because the rather lost looking businessman left at the interval.

But what riled me most was the three blokes in front with T-shirts saying "City is for life...not just for Wembley." If that was the case, then they must have helped with the atmosphere during most home games; yet whenever we made any noise they looked at us like we'd just urinated in eachother's faces.

On a positive note, it was nice to see the fans applaud eachother after the game and to have a chat to a nice Ull fan who thought we were better.

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Still low and flat after yesterday...

For me and the lads who made the trip and sat in 533, it was a bizarre 90 mins,

We are all season ticket holders, ages range from 75 (mats dad) , late 30's and my nephew and his mate aged 17,

All passionate, always red.

The atmosphere in such a vast stadium will always get lost but there was the odd experience of all city fans being united in our vocal support for the team.

Apart from the massive upset of losing, We had the biggest w*nk*rs sat behind us. They were probably aged between 45 and 55 but every pass, every move, every kick, every tackle, every header, every shot, every free-kick, every offside was criticised. It was not only frustrating, but bloody annoying. I got the vibe that they were part timers and were regular watchers of all Premier League games (probably top 4 clubs, Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool).

I may be wrong, they could well be regulars...if so I would rather they stay away from Ashton Gate...so negative and sounded worse than old boy John Motsen...

They expected the world.

What made me laugh (well angry), when one said "play it out wide"....fair comment !- "if there was someone out wide" Utter nonsense from those who think criticising helps!

It ruined my day in some ways and towards the end I shouted very loudly and aggresively "###### off", not at them but with my head up high in frustration at their attitude and comments. I hope they know it was directed at them.

I am no hooligan, just a passionate supporter who could have enjoyed the day better without constant commentary throughout the game, all negative.

Next season is our season - always believe.


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I assume that you're referring to me. I admit that I did lose it and am gutted like us all about the result. However, if I am able to slightly justify what happened without having my head bit off, I was merely expressing my passion towards the team. Unfortunately, my actions were out of order and I apologised to the young lady, and I assume her father and friends minutes afterwards.

Yes, I know I was totally out of order, but I love this club just as much as anyone else. I didnt physically assault anyone and never would, I just took my frustrations out on the innocent party and can only apologise to those concerned. I would like to add though that themselves and the two blokes in front seemed the only ones in our vicinty that wanted to join in with any songs, other than 'Come on you reds', so I commend them for that.

In reply to your comments about abusing people leaving the ground, again I was in the wrong, but just thought that an additional 10 minutes to applaud the players off would have been fitting for what they and we have achieved this season, clearly those that did leave enjoyed their dayouts and probably had a happy journey home.

I didnt have a good day out, the players gave their all and many fans, the above mentioned included, gave their all, but my point is that too many were content on watching the game, making very little or no noise and going back to their assumingly Gashead or part time supporter lifes!

If anyone watched the Leeds match today, how many do you think were ejected from the ground for persistant standing and told by fellow 'fans' to sit down, not many I bet?

Once again, I apologise to the young lady and her group about my conduct and that I hope I havent put you off going to any future matches as I know you are true supporters, like myself! Hopefully we can all pull in the same direction next season to go one better and achieve all of our dreams!

Always believe!

Mate,, I reckon it was you, and fair play, you did apologize, and the rest of the game you were as passionate and good a supporter as anyone expects. I share your frustration with the early leavers, the very least any of us could, and should have done is stay and clap the boys off. The only shit thing about yesterday was the result, and I aint aint ever going to forget it. Take nothing away from what we acheived over this massive season for us.

If your talking about Leeds fans, did you notice how 90% of them had left before Donny got their trophy, and the players hadnt even left the pitch by the time most had gapped it. More of our Red Army stayed to see the lads off.

just be a bit more considerate, as not everyone wears their emotions on their sleeves like you.

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On the way back home yesterday I like most obviously had a lot to think about. I hardly said a word and kept my thoughts to myself. One of my thoughts were, What can be done to improve the atmosphere at away games, I was thinking back to the games at West Brom, Plymouth, Soton etc where the atmosphere was dire. City fans need to be braver and sit where they want and stand when they want. Sitting in your allocated seat is not a must and your not going to be given a life sentence if you sing or stand.

The only thing I could think of is for away games the club could designate one or two blocks as singing blocks. So like minded fans can sing and stand together without pissing other fans off. They wouldn't even need the permission of the home side. They would just have to sell them as singing blocks.

We tried sitting with our mates at WBA, & Cov,but STEWARDS moved us on in no uncertain terms. You cannot sit where you want, at big grounds, which will by definition attract bigger away crowds, its the law. When you can sit in unreserved, its not a problem, but big grounds don't tend to allow it. specially ex Prem clubs, or Wembley

If safe standing is ever permitted it will kill the issue. till then, unless the clubs involved make an area for the standers/singers, its gotta be a case of tolerence. all this negative vibes is taking away from a fantastic season.

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as you can tell the passionate fans a mile off, from the Johnnny come latelys of which unfortunately we are outnumberd.
I am getting on a bit and tend to sit fairly quietly. Back in 82 I dug deep to help save this Club, and I have followed City home and away for 30 years. I have no problem with people standing at appropriate times, just people making judgements about fellow fans based on singing ability. A little bit of compromise and consideration, and we can all happily co-exist to support City.
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I am getting on a bit and tend to sit fairly quietly. Back in 82 I dug deep to help save this Club, and I have followed City home and away for 30 years. I have no problem with people standing at appropriate times, just people making judgements about fellow fans based on singing ability. A little bit of compromise and consideration, and we can all happily co-exist to support City.

People are not making judgements really about standing or singing its about the lack of consideration shown for those who want to get behind the team as well. Where actually is this compromise? For what felt a kings ransom saturday i got to sit and not for the first time this season with people i have virtually nothing in common with. I simply don't want to have to sit with people like that and that to me it is quite logical and easy to accommodate.

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Guest DeeperRed

I was in block 141 with a lot of the overnight-queuers and we created a fair bit of noise... not constant, but when the team needed a lift everyone got singing / shouting / making a general racket. Didn't notice much in the way of day-trippers where I was.

Having said that, remember one thing. Most of the more 'regular' fans would have brought along their family and maybe even friends to the game... so natually you're not going to get a stadium pack full of regulars. And besides, I'd have to be honest and say that we'd probably be pushed to find 38,000 good 'voices' from the gate regulars... and I'd rather fill the empties with daytrippers than opposition fans.

I do think the Hull supporters did a better job than us, but I also think that the problems we had on the pitch weren't due to lack of support. They were due to the same problem we've had all season - finding the back of the net.


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I agree that it should be better, but whilst it isn't, an element of compromise is needed. And you do share something in common with those around you, you support Bristol City.

What made me laugh (well angry), when one said "play it out wide"....fair comment !- "if there was someone out wide" Utter nonsense from those who think criticising helps!
I think that I also said that a few times. All too often McIndoe and Sproule were in the centre, and we did not have the option of playing it wide to deliver a cross from the by-line. Hence we resorted to a succession of hoofs into a crowded penalty area. If you look back at the season, we have been far more effective playing the ball on the deck, and using the width, so I see that as a fair observation rather than unjustified criticism.
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I'm 49 so am past standing up and ranting and raving as I did as a teenager on the east end terraces.

I'm only 3 years behind you mate and hope I never think like that.

Our group of 23 (blokes and some wives in our 40's and teenage kids) were lucky enough to occupy the back row of block 132 and stood up, shouted, sang and give it our all for the entire 90 minutes.

Don't know what law says you cant vocally support your team when you get past 40.

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I'm sorry to hear the experiences of others.

I was sat in block 554 (I think havent got the ticket anymore- K entrance.) and in the rows around me I was probably the only one singing but no one complained at me fortunately for standing up etc.

The people in front of me I don't think actually moved it was crazy. :noexpression:

I did hear from one or two on the train home that had been told to sit down when we had that free-kick 20 yards out in the second half and apparently the guy was poking him in the back every time he so much as moved. :disapointed2se:

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Same problem in 124, I was sat towards the back and me and my mates kept getting told to sit down, mostly by a bloke with a red wig on and his face painted white with a red nose. What a person I disagree with. There was only one other fella I could see in our entire block trying to get some atmosphere going he was on about row 30 with a red t-shirt on.

Watching Leeds yesterday they stood to a man right to the front row, proper vocal support, not like the muppets we attract.


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