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Emad Meteb


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Why do people place the number 3 in his surname?

I expect the answer is the 10 page thread but theres no way I'm trawling through that. ;)

Iz it Eyptian chav spk?

It's an Egyptian letter that does not translate into English so is rendered as a 3.

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I don't really understand what you're driving at so I would just reiterate what I've said on the subject;

There are lots of people on this forum who claim to have "sources" - most are of the bullshite variety and should expect to be challenged or questioned.

Those that do have personal contacts within the club mainly keep their gobs shut.

If you think that qualifies me as being pedantic, then that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I won't lose any sleep over it.

I understand fully what cynic is saying. You get to know when someone has a good flavour sauce. Cynic himself knows that I have one but I don't come on here spouting off about it and what he's said, mainly just sit back and read and add the occasional comment with regards someone will/will not be signing or if indeed we are interested at all.

I'm with cynic on this one, a few people think they can make a name for themselves on here, but you'll get to know who to trust and who not to eventually. I also wont lose any sleep over it.

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That makes no sense whatsoever. How do you pronounce '3'? :)

It's written as a 3 as the nearest equivalent in English script. Couldn't tell you how it would be pronounced in Egyptian but in English we would no doubt treat it as an e for convenience. Unless we call him Metthreeb. :innocent06:

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Fresh off the press from Daily News Egypt

Meteb set for Bristol- agent

By Omar AbdelAziz

First Published: July 10, 2008

CAIRO: Emad Meteb's agent said that Ahly have agreed with Bristol City over the details of the transfer of the Egypt striker.

Meteb was poised to join the Championship side in a deal worth ₤1.5 million, but both clubs disagreed over the payment method.

However, agent Ahmed Rifai claims that Ahly have accepted to receive the transfer fee in installments.

"Ahly have finally agreed on the installments method, Bristol will pay half the amount now and the rest in January 2009," Rifai told FilGoal.com.

"Emad will fly to London as soon as he acquires the visa."

Bristol boss Gary Johnson threatened to pull the plug on the deal if Ahly carried on stalling in their reply, but Meteb now looks set to play in the Championship next season.

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Guest CityMikk
Amazing what a difference a few subtle changes can make...and relax! :innocent06:

I have been informed by an Egyptian workmate that its pronounced muzab

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Found some more info,

It quotes Emad is coming to Bristol now on Sunday for Medical.

One site has quoted the deal was actually 1.7m

The rest I'm stuggling with, I know it sounds wierd but it looks like Al-Ahly might want Emad to play one more game for them due to injuries. That's what it looks like, (just saying what I see) plus the replies on a thread saying how important this game is to them. Or it could mean a friendly against City. :dunno:

Plus, what this below is supposed to mean....

Emad Meteb, told the English club to sign a transition in Cairo.

Anyway, anyone that can come up with a better translation, please do.


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Why do people place the number 3 in his surname?

I expect the answer is the 10 page thread but theres no way I'm trawling through that. ;)

Iz it Eyptian chav spk?

trawl through it you lazy toe rag. we all had to. now bog off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes this is the news today over there.

"Emad said that he will play against zamalek , then join Brestol"

So that game is July 20th. The bit that does not make sense is the medical before that game.

This has more twists than a curly wurly.

Cairo / MENA / The striker Emad Meteb Al-Ahli club that he will leave Cairo on Sunday, heading to London for a final Ctbarat in the English club Bristol before signing a contract to play for English club for three years at the request of the technical manager of the English club.

He tired in a statement Thursday evening that he was currently participating in exercises his civil and asked the English club to sign the contract in Cairo, and to play a game Ahli and Zamalek in the African Championship, pointing out that this is the least of my people, its owner thanks him.

He added that this first step in an ambitious and wishes to contribute with the Stars Bristol to climb to first class and excellence Egyptian player.

He tired in this regard "that negotiations between civil and Bristol started since last June, and succeeded preferred playing in Bristol although I have received an offer from the Saudi Jeddah Union."

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sounds a bit odd?

surely he cant pass a medical and sign with us and then play one more game for al-ahly

what if he got injured! wed be f*cked

plus at this time of year wont we need him here asap to settle into preseason?

lets just get it confirmed hes signing first i suppose

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Guest Ahmed

Guys I have good news!!!!!!!!!!

I saw Meteb today on an interview and people were phoning him all of the time, congratulating him on the transfer to the English league. As for the "3" it is a letter in Arabic, that you can't pronounce and doesn't have an equivalent in English, however, the number three kinda' looks like how it is written, hence it is used.

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sounds a bit odd?

surely he cant pass a medical and sign with us and then play one more game for al-ahly

what if he got injured! wed be f*cked

plus at this time of year wont we need him here asap to settle into preseason?

lets just get it confirmed hes signing first i suppose

Exactly, hence my first post, I thought I was imagining things. I can understand Meteb wanting to play this big game for a club he loves and everything but they must have some sort of understanding between the clubs just incase the worst happens during this game.

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so you reckon its all done yeah ahmed?

apparently some people are saying he will remain with al--ahly to play zamalek on 20th?

you heard anything abou that? we need him over here asap.

Plus thank you for alll your stellar work keeping us updated!

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Ahmed has mentione don the other thread that egypt tv has been showing meteb and everyone is congratulating him on his move etc.

cant wait to see him with the shirt and scarf.

maybe we should get him over on monday, weekend forecast isnt the best, lets hope he doesnt take one look and leg it :laugh:

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i'd love one but it's bad on me asp :gasmask:

Pharaoh nuff Giza.

I hope we get this lad, if Luxor's our side, with our defence and him up front we could see a few 3 - Nile wins this season. I karnak see it any other way and I will have a big smile on my Fez. :noexpression:

I need some sleep, got a lot on Tombmorrow

:doh::argh: :coat:

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Guest Ahmed

yes, seems like there will be an arrangement between the player and Bristol, that he will come to England, take the medicals and sign the contract. However, he wants to play the Zamalek (Derby) game as some sort of showing gratitude and appreciation to the club and the fans (since our key player Abo-Terika is injured).

By the way , you guys are mad with all this funny talking, :laugh::)

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Guys I have good news!!!!!!!!!!

I saw Meteb today on an interview and people were phoning him all of the time, congratulating him on the transfer to the English league. As for the "3" it is a letter in Arabic, that you can't pronounce and doesn't have an equivalent in English, however, the number three kinda' looks like how it is written, hence it is used.

Sounds good to me Ahmed!!

Hopefully we will get some official news in the morning!


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I'm off to bed aswell

cheers for update ahmed

cant wait to see something on the bristol city official website as thats when we will finally know its all done and dusted

wonder if wel be able to get highlights from somewhere of the Zamalek game. it would be like us all getting a preview of Meteb? and at a good level as i believe Zamalek are a top side yeah?

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Amhed as confirmed on other thread.

yes, seems like there will be an arrangement between the player and Bristol, that he will come to England, take the medicals and sign the contract. However, he wants to play the Zamalek (Derby) game as some sort of showing gratitude and appreciation to the club and the fans (since our key player Abo-Terika is injured).

By the way , you guys are mad with all this funny talking, :laugh:

This post has been edited by Ahmed: A minute ago

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[i would have believed this new info from ahmed although after how long it has been and the report on BCFC where basically GJ is saying we're not too near a transfer right now, hopefully he will sign but I don't think yet.

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you have made great strides to provide a lot of information on this 'deal' for us all.

I take my hat [or rather my Fez] off to you. Thanks.

Thank you, but if it was not for Hambrook Red saying that no Visa had been applied for yet I would not have gone searching today. It's just been so frustrating to know the News was out there just had to find it. I've said this before but Emad is really huge, so much info on him, I'm currently on an Egyptian forum with 163 pages about the whole Emad to Bristol saga. Think we may see lots of city shirts in Egypt soon.

Tonight's news has spread like wildfire, it's everywhere in a matter of minutes. Below link has the story and this guy has also been following the story for a while, please visit city fans and leave your comments, I get feed up with all the Premier League fans constantly on it.


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Yes this is the news today over there.

"Emad said that he will play against zamalek , then join Brestol"

So that game is July 20th. The bit that does not make sense is the medical before that game.

This has more twists than a curly wurly.

Cairo / MENA / The striker Emad Meteb Al-Ahli club that he will leave Cairo on Sunday, heading to London for a final Ctbarat in the English club Bristol before signing a contract to play for English club for three years at the request of the technical manager of the English club.

He tired in a statement Thursday evening that he was currently participating in exercises his civil and asked the English club to sign the contract in Cairo, and to play a game Ahli and Zamalek in the African Championship, pointing out that this is the least of my people, its owner thanks him.

He added that this first step in an ambitious and wishes to contribute with the Stars Bristol to climb to first class and excellence Egyptian player.

He tired in this regard "that negotiations between civil and Bristol started since last June, and succeeded preferred playing in Bristol although I have received an offer from the Saudi Jeddah Union."

Thank God for your post Chowie .

After weeks of reading about Emad being tired - from the above post it now becomes plain that "tired" is an incorrect translation of the word "said"

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It's an Egyptian letter that does not translate into English so is rendered as a 3.

Can someone let me know the character and I'll see if I can find an easier work around.

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Guest sticks81

To be fair Bristolian76.... It's a bit of a cheek asking a simple question on a public forum... Who do you think you are, and certainly you've over stepped the mark if you were expecting a sensible reply...

*Rolls eyes*

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Surely GJ would not let him play in a massive Derby before he moves?

Won't do him any harm will it? think of it as a more competitive pre-season friendly. Players are just as likely to get injured playing against FGR, or in training, as in a competitive match aren't they? If he leaves Egypt feeling that he has done the right thing by his former club, and, importantly, his fans, that should set him up nicely, mentally, for coming to AG. Also, he should be match-ready from day 1.

Only downside is, IMO, it reduces further the amount of time he has to get to know the other boys before the start of the season.

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A quote on the upcoming derby game - "Al-Ahly has a fierce rivalry with local rivals El Zamalek (akin to the Old Firm rivalry in Scotland, these clubs have never been relegated from the Egyptian top flight); the derby matches are so intense, that foreign referees are brought in to officiate the game!"

I'd love to watch that derby.

If he does sign for us and does play in this game, Cardiff away in September will be a breeze for him!

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He tired in a statement Thursday evening

Thank God for your post Chowie .

After weeks of reading about Emad being tired - from the above post it now becomes plain that "tired" is an incorrect translation of the word "said"

That or he's so unfit, he really gets tired half way through a statement. I wonder if GJ has talked to him much :o)

Emad - so good, his name's got three signs.

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Guest Eamer
It's an Egyptian letter that does not translate into English so is rendered as a 3.

It is actually a latin letter.

Emad's last name is actually Ibrahim, I'm not sure what the Motæb actually is all about but he has 'EMAD' printed on the back of his shirts.

If he was to have Motæb on the back of his shirt though it would be wrote as 'MOTEAB' as with the former Manchester United Striker Ole Gunnar Solskjær who had the same letter in his name but nobody ever made a deal of that like we are as his was printed simply as 'SOLSKJAER'

It though is doubtful he will have 'MOTEAB' printed though as it's not his surname.

His name is also not Meteb.

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Love the fact that Gary stuck to his guns on the instalments and they gave in first, a great bit of negotiation (particularly as 'bigger' clubs were sniffing around)

In fairness I expect the credit for that can go to ColinS more than GJ. I doubt the manager gets involved in the detail of payment schedules beyond saying what he thinks is an acceptable price.

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In fairness I expect the credit for that can go to ColinS more than GJ. I doubt the manager gets involved in the detail of payment schedules beyond saying what he thinks is an acceptable price.

WHAT?? Colin Sextone?? give him credit? how dare you suggest such a thing? :D

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In fairness I expect the credit for that can go to ColinS more than GJ. I doubt the manager gets involved in the detail of payment schedules beyond saying what he thinks is an acceptable price.

Forum police please note. Positive remark for ColinS. Please have Nibor banned for one month.

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It is actually a latin letter.

Emad's last name is actually Ibrahim, I'm not sure what the Motæb actually is all about but he has 'EMAD' printed on the back of his shirts.

If he was to have Motæb on the back of his shirt though it would be wrote as 'MOTEAB' as with the former Manchester United Striker Ole Gunnar Solskjær who had the same letter in his name but nobody ever made a deal of that like we are as his was printed simply as 'SOLSKJAER'

It though is doubtful he will have 'MOTEAB' printed though as it's not his surname.

His name is also not Meteb.

So its 'Motæb'

If so I can put a word filter in to change Moteb or Mot3b to = Motæb

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