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Emad Meteb


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Reply to TomF:

Looking at Emad's profile on the official page at http://www.ahlyegypt.com/team_games/soccer/firstteam/mteeab I don't think it will be that easy to pick out the letter.

I ran this through the Google translation service (see below) and notice they have his full name as Emad Mohammed Ibrahim Abdel Nabi, so can't work out where the Meteb or Motæb surname comes from.


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With all the confusion about the 2 or 3 different names on the shirt...we are actually talking about 1 player are we??? We could be signing an 'Emad' from the Egyptian downs League and there is another totally different player called Moteb who is the Beckham-esque Superstar??? :D

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Guest Ahmed
So when is this game he is playing in???

The game is not a pre-season friendly, it literaly is the best Dearby in Africa and the Middle-East because of the two teams play (not all the times) quality football and how large their fans are. The Cairo international stadium will be 100% fulled with both fans (75,000 seater). It is a very tough and intense match for both teams, it is played as part of the African Champions league. If he plays this match, you will have a fully fit and able Emad Meteb.

I trust this game will be extremely important to him. He always played for Al-Ahly, he came from the youths squad. I think making this game his last, will motivate him more than ever to score and will help him recieve a boost with all the crowd cheering for him isa.

EDIT : the game itself will be on the 23rd this month

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He's probably laid back as we speak, sucking on a cuban..... :noexpression:

You been listening to "Sorry I haven't a clue" mate?

Metaab soon be sailing his barge down the River Camel to Taunton, past the ASP factory, Ciderhead and then going off to the Date and Nut bar for a well deserved pint of Donkey's milk.. But I bet we can get him upto the Lions for Natch and pasties.

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The game is not a pre-season friendly, it literaly is the best Dearby in Africa and the Middle-East because of the two teams play (not all the times) quality football and how large their fans are. The Cairo international stadium will be 100% fulled with both fans (75,000 seater). It is a very tough and intense match for both teams, it is played as part of the African Champions league. If he plays this match, you will have a fully fit and able Emad Meteb.

I trust this game will be extremely important to him. He always played for Al-Ahly, he came from the youths squad. I think making this game his last, will motivate him more than ever to score and will help him recieve a boost with all the crowd cheering for him isa.

EDIT : the game itself will be on the 23rd this month

Do you reckon the deal will be announced after he agrees terms and passes a medical on Sunday (Assuming he does), or will we have to wait until he returns from playing his last match for Al-Ahly?

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this just sounds like bad news to me, If city had a player that was just going to go for a big money move to a premier league team and wanted to play for us against cardiff before he left, and the cardiff lot knew he was on his way, and they could scupper the deal with an accidental late challenge, I wouldnt be surprised if something did happen. I have never heard of anything like this happening before anywhere, they would have to redo the medical to check he hasnt damaged himself at the very least.

With all respect to Emads wishes, and he may very well want to say goodbye, but we should never sanction this to happen at this late stage.

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this just sounds like bad news to me, If city had a player that was just going to go for a big money move to a premier league team and wanted to play for us against cardiff before he left, and the cardiff lot knew he was on his way, and they could scupper the deal with an accidental late challenge, I wouldnt be surprised if something did happen. I have never heard of anything like this happening before anywhere, they would have to redo the medical to check he hasnt damaged himself at the very least.

With all respect to Emads wishes, and he may very well want to say goodbye, but we should never sanction this to happen at this late stage.

Agree!!! I can not see Johnson letting this happen!!! I have a horrible feeling this deal is going to fall through!! Its been going on for far to long now!! At this rate he will miss half our pre season!!!

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As long as he signs soon that would be good, we have seen transfers in the past that sign one or two weeks before the actual date, yes the difference is he has another game in between but surely city will have all eventualities down in Black n White just incase.

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Guest Ahmed

What is it with all those people scared from the deal falling? the player already is fit and able to play ( we want to play him against the second best team the continent and our arch-rivals). About him being injured, I don't know what to say but that I think he'll be more than careful on his legs and won't go into tough tackles with the defenders. Furthermore, he already stated he will leave for Bristol and Ahly already agreed on the fee, so why so pessimistic?

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Guest Ahmed

To the dude saying "he will be a flop", I want to inform you that he is way better than you can afford, if the Egyptian league was more watched and covered by scouts, you would have found him directly in first class. He mainly agreed to play in the championship because he wants to prove his worth and transfer to the prem. league. Geez some people are just hard to satisfy.

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What is it with all those people scared from the deal falling?


Furthermore, he already stated he will leave for Bristol and Ahly already agreed on the fee, so why so pessimistic?

Ahmed... it is normal, every club in England besides Manchester United is probably pessimistic 90% of the time. For every bit of good news we're all used to lots of bad news and bad luck. It does seem to be 'tempting fate' for him to play one more big game after signing a deal.

My only angle on this all is that I seem to recall a pretty forthright interview with Gary Johnson (or was it Pete?) when the African Nations Cup was on saying it wasn't practical to sign players in that tournament because of the amount of football they will miss every other year.

What happened to that?

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What is it with all those people scared from the deal falling? the player already is fit and able to play ( we want to play him against the second best team the continent and our arch-rivals). About him being injured, I don't know what to say but that I think he'll be more than careful on his legs and won't go into tough tackles with the defenders. Furthermore, he already stated he will leave for Bristol and Ahly already agreed on the fee, so why so pessimistic?

As this is Bristol City we are talking about things can go wrong..!!!In one way it's fair enough he wants to say thanks to the fans. Although on the other hand our manger has been saying he'll keep trying to get our targets meaning maybe our manager doesn't want to wait this long or him to play this rival game. As for us although the season doesn't start fora while our manager will want him soon as possible so as time wares on , it makes the signing less likely.

If what you are saying is true then the offical Bristol City site would say we have signed him he just needs a medical and that another team can't swoop in for him. So it's just the whole thing that in the last minute another Team CAN swoop for him and steal him so that is why we are nervous and not getting over excited just yet.

I have a feeling we won't even know until next week.

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One thing that concerns me is that when Ahmed was asked what Emad was like he said that instead of being an out and out goalscorer as he once was, Emad had become more of a provider.

Whether that means he is playing to orders or has lost his scoring ability we don't know but we don't want a good passer , we need GOALS!

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A billion views and a million replies on a POSSIBLE signing, who I`ve never heard of until a few weeks ago; meltdown if we go for someone famous :mafia:

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To the dude saying "he will be a flop", I want to inform you that he is way better than you can afford, if the Egyptian league was more watched and covered by scouts, you would have found him directly in first class. He mainly agreed to play in the championship because he wants to prove his worth and transfer to the prem. league. Geez some people are just hard to satisfy.

Ahmed, ignore the doubters on this site as some will always have a player as a flop before the player has even played his first game!!

I for one am very excited about the signing of Emad and look forward to seeing him in action. As with any signing, there is always a chance his style may not suit the league, or the club for that matter. Many potential stars have arrived in the Premier League and failed, it does happen, but let's give the guy a chance to prove himself before brandishing him a flop.

"Fans" who write players off don't have a clue, and are narrow-minded in there views of the standard of football currently in the African nations.

Thanks for your input Ahmed

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Guest Ahmed

African players are all over Europe, you see them all the time and still doubt the quality of African talents. Mikel, Essien, Drogba, Eboue, Toure, Eto and many many more. The only difference between Egyptians and them is that their clubs are easy to negotiate with, you see Essien's previous club crying for leaving him or the fans saying farewell to Essien. However, Egyptians clubs' management are still unprofessional in their deals and uneasy to negotiate with. Isamily (third best Egyptian club and home of most of the talents in Egypt) is still crying about John Utaka , yes the player of Portsmouth.

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On the name/pronunciation sub thread (!), if you listen to the YouTube commentaries it certainly seems to be pronounced "Emmad Metteb". Anything else is probably just about transliteration from Arab script to Roman. So Emad Meteb is probably the most practical way of writing it.

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One thing that concerns me is that when Ahmed was asked what Emad was like he said that instead of being an out and out goalscorer as he once was, Emad had become more of a provider.

Whether that means he is playing to orders or has lost his scoring ability we don't know but we don't want a good passer , we need GOALS!

I'd say we do need a passer/provider actually. Given the measly amount of chances we make per game.

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Guest Ahmed

I'm not saying he is a playmaker, he is rather a penalty box player but he can also pressure defenders to make room for team-mates to go up and score.

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African players are all over Europe, you see them all the time and still doubt the quality of African talents. Mikel, Essien, Drogba, Eboue, Toure, Eto and many many more. The only difference between Egyptians and them is that their clubs are easy to negotiate with, you see Essien's previous club crying for leaving him or the fans saying farewell to Essien. However, Egyptians clubs' management are still unprofessional in their deals and uneasy to negotiate with. Isamily (third best Egyptian club and home of most of the talents in Egypt) is still crying about John Utaka , yes the player of Portsmouth.

Don't worry about the few negative comments Ahmed, they are most likely looking to provoke you.

The fact that Egypt hold 6 African Cup of Nations titles including the last two (one of which Motæb played a part in) and have the most appearences at it (21 times) should be proof enough of the nation's ability to produce good players/teams.

Many of the reasons that great north african players do not move to England are cultural. They can also earn very good money in the middle east and at home, which means they do not have to move a long way away (or to a very different culture) to get very well paid. Russia is in a similar situation and I'm sure many people here would love to have one or two of their international players at City.

I for one think this could end up being a amazing signing for City if it does finally go through. He will most likely take time to settle and adapt, but I think he'll prove a worthy investment.

And to Ole's point RE the African Cup/nternational problem; the next championship is not till the season after next, so maybe GJ thought he'd get this lad now so as to have a full season of domestic football behind him prior to 2010.

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Don't worry about the few negative comments Ahmed, they are most likely looking to provoke you.

The fact that Egypt hold 6 African Cup of Nations titles including the last two (one of which Motæb played a part in) and have the most appearences at it (21 times) should be proof enough of the nation's ability to produce good players/teams.

Many of the reasons that great north african players do not move to England are cultural. They can also earn very good money in the middle east and at home, which means they do not have to move a long way away (or to a very different culture) to get very well paid. Russia is in a similar situation and I'm sure many people here would love to have one or two of their international players at City.

I for one think this could end up being a amazing signing for City if it does finally go through. He will most likely take time to settle and adapt, but I think he'll prove a worthy investment.

And to Ole's point RE the African Cup/nternational problem; the next championship is not till the season after next, so maybe GJ thought he'd get this lad now so as to have a full season of domestic football behind him prior to 2010.

Excellent response. There is still a tendency in this country to believe our football and footballers are somehow superior, against all the evidence of the last 40 years. There is also ignorance of football beyond western Europe. In the Cup of Nations Egypt have always impressed as the most professional looking side and their quality has been overlooked because of the concentration of our media on British/European based players from sub-Saharan Africa. I respect Ahmed's knowledge and his team and am happy to accept his recommendation. :yes:

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Don't worry about the few negative comments Ahmed, they are most likely looking to provoke you.

The fact that Egypt hold 6 African Cup of Nations titles including the last two (one of which Motæb played a part in) and have the most appearences at it (21 times) should be proof enough of the nation's ability to produce good players/teams.

Many of the reasons that great north african players do not move to England are cultural. They can also earn very good money in the middle east and at home, which means they do not have to move a long way away (or to a very different culture) to get very well paid. Russia is in a similar situation and I'm sure many people here would love to have one or two of their international players at City.

I for one think this could end up being a amazing signing for City if it does finally go through. He will most likely take time to settle and adapt, but I think he'll prove a worthy investment.

And to Ole's point RE the African Cup/nternational problem; the next championship is not till the season after next, so maybe GJ thought he'd get this lad now so as to have a full season of domestic football behind him prior to 2010.

Excellent response. There is still a tendency in this country to believe our football and footballers are somehow superior, against all the evidence of the last 40 years. There is also ignorance of football beyond western Europe. In the Cup of Nations Egypt have always impressed as the most professional looking side and their quality has been overlooked because of the concentration of our media on British/European based players from sub-Saharan Africa. I respect Ahmed's knowledge and his team and am happy to accept his recommendation. :yes:

Two good posts in less than ten minutes :winner_third_h4h:

Question for Ahmed, I've had about 4-5 PM's from Ahly fans this morning all pointing me to a thread with some news. But it's the worst translation yet, I have no idea what it's about, I can only see Zidane's name mentioned a few times. Just wondered if you knew anything, it does not seem to be Meteb or Bristol City related..

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Don't worry about any perceived doubters on this forum, that's the way forums work and anyone who has supported City for years is naturally sceptical when it comes to good news .....

Just make sure that Mr Ahmed Rifai - who is quoted as Emad agent according to many websites here knows the process for UK visa applications:


And whilst I think of it .... Your family name wouldn't happen to be Rifai would it?

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Hi Ahmed

wow this post is still going and your still here.... nice one!

i for one have reiterated many times that i think this has the potential to be our signing of the decade.

althought here is slight cultural risks the facts are facts

2 years ago we were in english 3rd tier struggling a bit when are new manager took over, now we are on the verge of signing possibly the best (or one of) domestic players on a continent!

we need goals, he scores them! and loads of them!

I'm more worried about us not progressing as a club quick enough to meet his ambition, than i am about him flopping.

There will be doubters with any signing of course but I'm not one. if this guy was english or even europena we wouldnt get a look in! although the negotiations have been a pain in the arse i hope this deal could pave the way for future talent from the region aswell. if no big clubs are willing to take the risk then i applaud city for trying it

two players have recently gone over here for around 1.5m, a guy called patterson and a guy called eastwood. they both look like nothing on Emad!

CMON CITY! CMON EMAD! good luck to Al-Ahly against zamalek

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quote "Metaeb stated yesterday that he's travelling to England on Sunday to finalise the transfer to Bristol City FC

After the medical tests ... Emad is going to sign a 3 year contract to Bristol City FC for 1.5 million pounds

Metaeb stated also in "Modern sport tv" that he's going to request from Bristol City FC to play the next Ahly's match against Zamalek

The club will accept my request as its officials are really respectable" he added"


this may help folks on these boards sleep :) looks like hes going to play one last farewell match

source http://forum.met3bfans.com/

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Guest Axbridge Red


Lets hope it's a lucky 13th and a successful start with the game tomorrow to the 2008/09 Campaign

Here's to a great season whatever the make up

quote "Metaeb stated yesterday that he's travelling to England on Sunday to finalise the transfer to Bristol City FC

After the medical tests ... Emad is going to sign a 3 year contract to Bristol City FC for 1.5 million pounds

Metaeb stated also in "Modern sport tv" that he's going to request from Bristol City FC to play the next Ahly's match against Zamalek

The club will accept my request as its officials are really respectable" he added"


this may help folks on these boards sleep :) looks like hes going to play one last farewell match

source http://forum.met3bfans.com/

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Guest Ahmed


Meteb has reached an agreement with Bristol's officials that he will join the club on the last week of this month. By doing so, he will play against Zamalek on the 20th. Meteb will come to Bristol on Monday to take the medical tests and negotiate on his salary. He should isa return to Cairo by the end of the week.

Moreover, Ahly sent a letter to Bristol confirming the club's approval on the payment of 750,000 as a first payment then another in January.

Source : FilGoal.com - in Arabic- lhttp://www.filgoal.com/Arabic/News.asp?NewsID=44822

I hope you be there when he comes to the club, try to impress him. I know our fans would if we had a big signing.

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Meteb has reached an agreement with Bristol's officials that he will join the club on the last week of this month. By doing so, he will play against Zamalek on the 20th. Meteb will come to Bristol on Monday to take the medical tests and negotiate on his salary. He should isa return to Cairo by the end of the week.

Moreover, Ahly sent a letter to Bristol confirming the club's approval on the payment of 750,000 as a first payment then another in January.

Source : FilGoal.com - in Arabic- lhttp://www.filgoal.com/Arabic/News.asp?NewsID=44822

I hope you be there when he comes to the club, try to impress him. I know our fans would if we had a big signing.

Great. So time to reveal your real identity then? :tumbleweed:

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Meteb has reached an agreement with Bristol's officials that he will join the club on the last week of this month. By doing so, he will play against Zamalek on the 20th. Meteb will come to Bristol on Monday to take the medical tests and negotiate on his salary. He should isa return to Cairo by the end of the week.

Moreover, Ahly sent a letter to Bristol confirming the club's approval on the payment of 750,000 as a first payment then another in January.

Source : FilGoal.com - in Arabic- lhttp://www.filgoal.com/Arabic/News.asp?NewsID=44822

I hope you be there when he comes to the club, try to impress him. I know our fans would if we had a big signing.

Yep, some other reports says he leaves Bristol on Tuesday but don't care on that one. From what I'm seeing a 15% sell on is also in place, I've also read what City are to offer in terms of wages (I'm not posting it, that takes it to far) and it quotes less than what he's on now by some margin. Note it does say the Salary offered so far.

Edit: Sorry just noticed we are both referring to the same article actually.

I'm pretty shocked on the amount of news and the detail they go into (saying that I suppose it's like Baseball here, they tell you to the penny what each player earns, very open), everything I've read seems pretty accurate too, just the translation messes it up.

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I've also read what City are to offer in terms of wages (I'm not posting it, that takes it to far) and it quotes less than what he's on now by some margin.

How did you know its less than what he's on now? In the article mentioned, I read the sentence as what he wants versus what we have offered, no mention of what he's on.

And for the record, the amount we've offered, is pretty staggering. It sounds genuine too, as they quote a Euro annual figure, which if converted to pounds and divided into a weekly wage, actually comes out at a very VERY round number indeed, which is probably what we quoted.

Not sure (and don't want to know) what Trundle etc are on, but this sounds like a record wage offer and that's before negotiation - he wants 50% higher, again a pretty round number where weekly wages are concerned, and certainly an equally scary one. Some negotiation to go yet folks...

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Guest Ahmed
Don't worry Ahmed, we have these supporters, would not know talent if it hit them in the face. I think you can be assured, that 99.9% of fans are very very very excited about this signing. From what we have all seen on clips, he is the player we have been missing, and he could become a huge hero. He may have to work on fitness, not that he cannot play, but our game is stupidly phsical these days, and it generally takes a while to get up to speed, but he will have a month to prepare, which is huge. What you all need to know, is that whilst Bristol is not a -big- name as such, it is a very large City, and outside of the top 6 prem clubs, it can become, if managed well a majot football club. We have a new stadium being built and last season we were the best supported team playing away from home.

I forsee, this will be one of a number of signings we will make from Egypt... Oh and my cousins are from Egypt, so I am extra excited.

Thanks for all your updates, we have all appreciated it.

Yes, he needs some time to adjust to the pace of your games. Moreover, he needs a visit to the weights room. I am not here to blindingly defend anyone. I want to give you a whole picture. Thanks alot though, you are all very nice.

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Well he will need lots of money to pay for all the club fines he seems to aquire!!! This article suggests he fit in fine to our 'lively' club of rehabbers and an interest in singers

Meteb's case postponed to November seventh

Tue, 12 Sep 2006 - 15:18

By: Hatem Maher

Ahli striker Emad Meteb's case, in which he was accused of assaulting two policemen in October last year, has been postponed to the seventh of November.

"The court postponed the case to listen to the remaining witnesses," Ahli spokesman Muharam Al-Ragheb told FilGoal.com on Tuesday.

The court was due to announce its final verdict today but opted for a delay.

The Egyptian international striker, accompanied by a famous singer, reportedly assaulted two policemen in a road trap where he was asked to show his driving license.

Meteb consistently denied the charge over the last year in media means.

Well at least that's his song sorted.

"Emad Meteeb is our friend...he hates coppers..."

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How did you know its less than what he's on now? In the article mentioned, I read the sentence as what he wants versus what we have offered, no mention of what he's on.

And for the record, the amount we've offered, is pretty staggering. It sounds genuine too, as they quote a Euro annual figure, which if converted to pounds and divided into a weekly wage, actually comes out at a very VERY round number indeed, which is probably what we quoted.

Not sure (and don't want to know) what Trundle etc are on, but this sounds like a record wage offer and that's before negotiation - he wants 50% higher, again a pretty round number where weekly wages are concerned, and certainly an equally scary one. Some negotiation to go yet folks...

If i'm reading between the lines, that seems to suggest £10k per week, but he's holding out for £15k?

Not ridiculous wages for a man of such perceived talent and to be honest, probably under the going rate for a player of his abilty. This is the type of wage we have to offer if we want to progress at the club.

If Marcus Stewart allegedly took home £6k per week, then £10k seems like a bargain to me.

I am genuinely excited about this signing, if it happens, could be the best coupe of my time.

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Guest gizmo666

It's taken 1116 posts but that's it! I am now offically really excited by this signing... Something is just so right about it... But heh... I was OFFICALLY excited about Trundle... I am NOW offically EXCITED about Trundle... This season...

I'll get my coat... :rolleyes:

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Guest Ahmed

Yes he is supposed to take medicals today (Monday July 14th)...Don't you hate your club's "no transfer news" policy?

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Yes he is supposed to take medicals today (Monday July 14th)...Don't you hate your club's "no transfer news" policy?

If you are his agent then I can understand why you ask such a question.

I, personally, am delighted the club keep quiet.

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Guest Denilson

Hmm about wages, If he wants 15k i'm sure City could pay it. Because from what i've heard Trundle is on 10 and Nick Carle was on 12

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Yes he is supposed to take medicals today (Monday July 14th)...Don't you hate your club's "no transfer news" policy?
A couple of years ago we we were close to signing a a player called Graham Coghlan, All set to sign and the club announced it, But then his wife went into labour and gave birth and in the meantime Sheff Wed became interested and he ended up signing for them. We probably have had instances like that since but the difference being Gary Johnson doesn't say anything until the deal is signed and sealed.
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Yes he is supposed to take medicals today (Monday July 14th)...Don't you hate your club's "no transfer news" policy?

Don't you worry Ahmed; this silence is golden.

At this stage I'd actually be more worried had we heard something, as it would likely be a denial.

The longer GJ says nothing at all about Emad the better IMHO.

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