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Emad Meteb


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The possibilities seem to be:

1. The Friday deadline has passed and the deal is dead;

2. Gary was bluffing on the deadline and negotiations continue;

3. Another club is in the frame;

3. Meteb is in fact in Bristol and the deal is imminent; :fingerscrossed:

4. Yessir is still stuck in a Cairo taxi.

Oh to be in the know. :disapointed2se:

I think the deadline given on the deals are just default timescales to try and move the transfer process along rather than absolute set in stone deadlines. I heard the only thing that was stalling it was the schedule of payments. therefore if another team does come in while we are squabbling over 100k's worth of bank interest we will really have been stung.

I just reckon that if the player had agrees terms and it was just the money issue, we would probably have stumped up by now fearing a bigger club joined the race. I think negotiations are still ongoing but there may be other complications other than the fee.

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Myself and the otherhalf flew back in from Eygpt on Friday, the Eygptians that we spoke to noticed that I had a City shirt on and mentioned Meteb and thought the deal was a done one. Only time will tell if this is true. Quotes from the natives "he is quick with an eye for goal" "alot better than Mido" "he will do well in England".

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Interesting to see that we have openly been chasing him for a while now (according to various foreign press sources/leaked faxes etc), and that it doesnt appear these 'other' clubs are coming forward for him.

Id imagine considering how badly they kept our offer quiet, that if another team comes in it will be made public knowledge pretty much asap.

perhaps there arent as many big clubs sniffing about as Al-Ahly are hoping. I havent heard reports of a single other bid. Hopefully once Carle deal goes through we can pay the lot of front for Meteb and be shot of these cumbersome negotiations.

Then maybe Yessir can finally come home?

any more news from the ever helpful Meteb Admin?

good to see hes keeping himself fit either way. Hes going to start at Blackpool on the 9th :fingerscrossed:

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Its all getting a bit sily and confusing now. As 'Chinapig' said, we should now either put up the cash or move on. They clearly are hard to negotiate with and if they aint prepared to drop there asking price, or accept it in instalments or whatever then we need to look elsewhere. Evening Post reporting today that they have now changed what they want and want all the money (1.5 mill seems to be the quoted price) up front, whilst we want to pay in 3 instalments, I assume of 500k each.

Whatever it is though the season will soon come round again and we need a striker, so if this one isnt to be then I think we should accept that this one isnt ours, and look at someone else.

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The WDP says it will be a record transfer fee for us, Is that true?

I think so, isnt the 1 million we paid for Trunds the current record fee? Not certain about this but I assumed it was.

Edit: Correction, looks like we paid more for Akinbiyi, not sure how much though.

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We paid 1.2m for Ade. He is our current record signing. Met3b would be our new record IF we sign him.......and it appears to be a big if now. Shame I have begun to think he would be a class signing for us!

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Guest redrebel

This is lost on me.We have spent over 2 months chasing this striker with all the costs and GJ appartently going to Cairo, we have agreed a fee and yet again it looks like we are going to bottle it.For pity's sake surely the investment already in time and effort says lets grasp the nettle and sign him and pay the fee upfront.It seems all our effort has gone in to this well let's do it.

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I hope this plays out positively for both teams. It is a pity the selling club seem to have moved the goal posts.

I get the feeling this is now all about brinkmanship. Ahly probably rejected City's payment terms, we went back with a slight improvement and they got fed up and said, sod it... give it all upfront or forget it. These overseas teams from different cultures often operate in a different way and their actions should not always be considered to be offensive. It is just the way it is and I suspect if City did the negotiation again they would probably do it in exactly the same way; above board, professional and with courtesy. That does not necessarily mean the Egyptians have taken it all that way and theres the culture gap.

If City really want their man they may have to find a way of saving face but also appeasing Ahly. Tricky.

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If the player is that good though surely you just give in and accept a hit in the short term for him. After all if he comes in scores 20 and gets us promotion we win in the long run anyway. Guess it will just come down to how good GJ really thinks he is!

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Guest Denilson
Does anyone actually know how much GJ has to spend?

If we can't afford this guy at £1.5m then that's it really. We can't spend what we don't have!

I've heard rumours of how much he has, and if what i've heard is true he'd still have quite a bit if he spent 1.5

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Does anyone actually know how much GJ has to spend?

If we can't afford this guy at £1.5m then that's it really. We can't spend what we don't have!

Nail on the head there my friend

I don't think we have £1.5 cash to splash in one payment otherwise it would have been offered & sealed by now

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Nail on the head there my friend

I don't think we have £1.5 cash to splash in one payment otherwise it would have been offered & sealed by now

From what Denilson said it sounds to me like GJ has the cash, but (quite rightfully) thinks that bringing this lad over from Egypt is a massive gamble, and he's not prepared to splash it all up front. Can't blame him for that, and I think the cheeky offer for the Egyptian centre half was to give Met3b a bit of company should he decide to come.

I'm as frustrated as anyone else on the lack of activity, but the market isn't moving much at the moment. 1st July tomorrow, Euro's are finished - think we'll see chequebooks opening all over the place before too long.

Always believe.

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Just give them the 1.5 up front!! It may cost an extra 60,000 but thats not much when your prepared to pay 1,500,000.

I think the problem with stumping up £1.5M in one go is that it could scupper other signings. While the Club has just had a big slug of cash from the Play-Offs and season tickets sales, spreading the cost of purchases today in three installments of now, mid-season and next summer means that the payments can be met from on-going match revenue and TV money as well as next summer's season ticket sales. If the funds available for transfer fees this summer are, say, £2M, then blowing £1.5M + a signing on fee on one player would mean you can't buy much else. However, if you're only blowing £500K + a signing on fee on Emad up front that leaves you able to make additional significant purchases, particularly where other Clubs are happy to accept the payments in installments. I suspect that the way the Club runs its budget means that it's not so much a case of begrudging an extra £60K in lost interest but the loss of £1M available now to make other purchases.

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I think the problem with stumping up £1.5M in one go is that it could scupper other signings. While the Club has just had a big slug of cash from the Play-Offs and season tickets sales, spreading the cost of purchases today in three installments of now, mid-season and next summer means that the payments can be met from on-going match revenue and TV money as well as next summer's season ticket sales. If the funds available for transfer fees this summer are, say, £2M, then blowing £1.5M + a signing on fee on one player would mean you can't buy much else. However, if you're only blowing £500K + a signing on fee on Emad up front that leaves you able to make additional significant purchases, particularly where other Clubs are happy to accept the payments in installments. I suspect that the way the Club runs its budget means that it's not so much a case of begrudging an extra £60K in lost interest but the loss of £1M available now to make other purchases.

Agreed, but surely if they (SL/GJ) want this guy badly enough, SL could loan BCFC the £1 million and have it paid back in instalments as if it's to the selling club. Maybe there is some rule which doesn't allow this to happen.

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Paying transfer fees in instalments is the norm all over the world, nobody pays all the cash up front.

I don't think there's any question of us having the ability to pay at all, it's just that it's very unusual for this sort of demand to be made.

I suspect this is far from the first time the egyptians have moved the goal posts on this deal and given that and the way they've again released what should be confidential into the public domain I think it's clear that they are unprofessional shysters and we should tell them to **** off on principle. If SL agreed to their demands you can be sure there'd be another one forthcoming.

Hopefully we have already moved on.

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I've heard rumours of how much he has, and if what i've heard is true he'd still have quite a bit if he spent 1.5

£1.5m wouldn't even dent the kitty available this summer. The same as last season and in January, the money is there if GJ fancies a player.

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Guest bcfctimes

Let's hope we are getting our money for Carle upfront, and if not we really should have dealt with Palace the way we are being handled here.

If we do get the money upfront from Palace I really don't see the problem in giving Al-Ahly their money.

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Agreed, but surely if they (SL/GJ) want this guy badly enough, SL could loan BCFC the £1 million and have it paid back in instalments as if it's to the selling club. Maybe there is some rule which doesn't allow this to happen.

In theory you're right, he could. Whether that's something he really wants to do when he's doing his best to run the Club on its own two feet, when he's already ploughed in quite a few million pounds over the years, when the share price of his business is 40% off its peak and when market sentiment means he'd have to sell his investments in a buyers market is another thing entirely. It really would mean SL making a big commitment and if Ahly have, as reports suggest, changed their minds I'm not sure SL would take any pleasure in making the sacrifice and I think he would be disinclined to do so.

My guess is that at £1.5M up front we'll look at other options because £1.5M causes too many problems. I think Ahly have misjudged the situation. They either change their demands or they keep the player who, it would seem from reports, has lost his motivation to play for them and where it doesn't appear that there are many other Clubs banging the door down to get him at the price and on the terms they're demanding.

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Cant see why the bankers wouldnt just give a bump to the overdraft facility with SL's assurances and wouldnt have to involve him getting his cheque book out unnecessarily to further finance this deal.

It depends on the current size of the overdraft, but generally speaking banks are very nervous about lending to football clubs because of the bad press generated if they need to force the Club to re-pay it. I think I'm right in saying that the banks don't have a charge on the Club's assets so the security will be on the directors - it comes back to whether SL and KD want to make the personal commitment. I'm not a banker, but my guess is that with the credit crunch there won't be too many banks happily extending overdrafts by £1M at the moment without it costing a fair bit.

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Guest chipmonk

If someone comes in for marv r we prepared to get the money in 3 payments

knowing we have to replace one of our best players? :whistle2:

Come on city just pay up to stop this thread!

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I suspect this is far from the first time the egyptians have moved the goal posts on this deal and given that and the way they've again released what should be confidential into the public domain I think it's clear that they are unprofessional shysters and we should tell them to **** off on principle. If SL agreed to their demands you can be sure there'd be another one forthcoming.
Very much agree. People who slate the club for not rolling over to the Egyptians demands are short sighted. Obviously the fine details of the deal are not known but if it is a situation where a deal has all but been agreed, only for the seller to change their demands, then regardless of ability this club can and should do better than dealing with such un-professionalism. It is a shame as this would be an exciting signing for the club and potentially open up a new fan base. However, as has been said, if the club are being 'played' then we should immediately withdraw from all negotiations.
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Pfft.. Money. :disapointed2se: You cant take it with you, may as well blow it on something you'll enjoy. You could be dead tomorrow.

Whats the point in people having such an obscene amount of dosh if all you get from it is a monthly statement telling you that you have an obscene amount of dosh? You work like a maniac to see pixilations on your PC screen telling you how uber rich you are, zomg wow, that must be the like the most satisfying thing, ever....ooohhh more meaningless pixels to observe! :icecream:

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  • Admin
Pfft.. Money. :disapointed2se: You cant take it with you, may as well blow it on something you'll enjoy. You could be dead tomorrow.

Whats the point in people having such an obscene amount of dosh if all you get from it is a monthly statement telling you that you have an obscene amount of dosh? You work like a maniac to see pixilations on your PC screen telling you how uber rich you are, zomg wow, that must be the like the most satisfying thing, ever....ooohhh more meaningless pixels to observe! :icecream:

The fourth paragraph of this article - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...tna/7433470.stm - would be the reason, watch Chelsea & QPR collapse financially if the billionaires pull out.

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Guest Cobby the red

For god sake this is a good striker with a good track record get a grip and come on he is young not 32 years of age like some players we are linked with.

Yes we would all like Kev P but is it really going to happen i am not so sure but people in Egypt think there is a 95% chance that his deal will happen :fingerscrossed::englandsmile4wf:

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I like the way that the people who don't have to fund this themselves suddenly think this is the right occasion for SL to sign a personal cheque for a million and a half.

Why? When would this end? So every time in future a selling club decided that they wanted us to pay the full amount up front, something which as others have pointed out rarely happens, we'd be doing this, would we?

Let's look elsewhere.

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Guest Cobby the red

If this is the player GJ wants I am sure he will score goals he will have been watched many times by PJ so if we

want to push on this season we need to sign him and not get someone who is left in the gbargin bin / one season wonder Eastwood

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The fourth paragraph of this article - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...tna/7433470.stm - would be the reason, watch Chelsea & QPR collapse financially if the billionaires pull out.

Yeps very true. Guess we should be thankful our Club is run properly

I hope this happens very soon to Chelsea and QPR, I cant stand either of their owners, but it will be the fans who suffer... hey hey! double whammy, i hate their fans too! :icecream:

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This reminds me of a recent episode of south park when Canada decide to go on strike...

surely its just a face saving operation

egyptians just need to give us something so it looks like we havent been mugged off, however small it is so we can hold it up and make us feel like we won.

IE let us have him for 1.45m up front. they then get all there money in their hands nad can tell everyone they haggled well, but at least we can say we got 50k knocked off the price.

Sounds to me like they don't want to sell him cos IMO this deal could have been done by now if they wanted it to.

Although I'm not one of the people who was specualting 5m spending pot for city in close season, i was confident that a player who was to be our main striker and showpiece signing could be afforded at around this 1.5 m price.

That was before Carle deal! if the egyptians had asked for 1.5m up front i reckon we would have paid it no probs. Is only cos we feel like weve been screwed over that we wont match there demands.

Its pride thats all, and although its frustrating, we have to stand are ground and at least get something in the negotiations


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Guest Ahmed

Hi guys, i just registered because you all seem enthusiastic about this deal and I wanted to comment.

I'm from Egypt, currently studying Engineering at the British University. I am a supporter of Al-Ahly - Meteb's club- but I don't know much about Bristol City. However, I do see EPL games so I know how the English soccer is like.

Lets get to the real deal. Al-Ahly IS selling his best and most-talented striker so please try to appreciate that. The player is a very good one, with good speed, acceleration, headers, and most of all touch and finishing. In the season before this one, he was the second best scorer in the Egyptian league by a difference of 1 goal. The season before that he was the second best -not sure- and the one before the he was at his top form and was the top scorer of the league.

So the club is selling their best striker and I think they are going to use the money to make another transfer, that's probably why they want it in cash. For example, a player of Ahly, called Shawky transfered to Middlesborough last season and the money from the transfer was instantly used to buy another Egyptian player in Sheffield United, do you get the point?

Sorry for the long post, I'll be around.

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So the club is selling their best striker and I think they are going to use the money to make another transfer, that's probably why they want it in cash. For example, a player of Ahly, called Shawky transfered to Middlesborough last season and the money from the transfer was instantly used to buy another Egyptian player in Sheffield United, do you get the point?

It's still very unusual for transfer fees to be paid in full up front even when the fee is unconditional. There's no reason Al Ahly would have to pay a transfer fee for a replacement all up front either - FIFA have very strict rules on payment of transfer fees so there's no real risk involved.

It reads to me far more like a negotiating position and probably not the last. I think BCFC have probably already lost interest in the never ending story myself.

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Guest Ahmed

Oh don't be so negative mate, its not about "positions" or anything, its just bargaining, and every side wants the best deal. Al-Ahly administers are good bargainers, and trust me, if you saw the lad in his form, you would want to have him on your squad.

Edit: Moreover, we ARE less "professional" when it comes to transfers as you are.

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Hi Ahmed

I'm not dounting the quality of player or his importance to club

people are just narked off as allegedly Al-Ahly accepted a bid that was in 3 staggered payments, but have now changed their mind and want it all up front.

Moving on from that i just wondered, I can see he seems to be quite a big star in egypt, is he a player who is known as a hard trainer, proffesional etc.

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Guest Ahmed

Al-Ahly is the best club in Africa, Egypt and the ME -not exaggerating, google it-. The club enjoys professionalism and very well-discipline imposed by the Head Coach and the manager. Yes he is very hard worker, especially on the field.

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Guest Ahmed
We don't do second best, who is the guy that beat him by a goal....we'll sign him!!! :D


That would be his mate Flavio, he is an Angolian striker but unfortunately he is 30 years old so I can see why clubs aren't after him.

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Guest Ahmed
do you think a lot of egyptians would keep an eye out for his performances and results at his new club once he left.

Or would he be forgotten about.

any chance bristol city could win some new egyptian, or even wider, african fans?

Yes, Al-Ahly literally is supported by a HUGE crowd in Egypt, Africa and the Middle-East. If you ask me to give an estimation, I would answer in millions. I swear I am not joking or promoting anything.

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Yes, Al-Ahly literally is supported by a HUGE crowd in Egypt, Africa and the Middle-East. If you ask me to give an estimation, I would answer in millions. I swear I am not joking or promoting anything.

would you go down to watch the first home game if he was playing, you can walk from the centre in half an hour?

I'm trying to get an automatic £20 recouped from his transfer :laugh:

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Guest Ahmed
would you go down to watch the first home game if he was playing, you can walk from the centre in half an hour?

I'm trying to get an automatic £20 recouped from his transfer :laugh:

I don't live in the UK mate - Although I would like to. I live in Cairo, Egypt.

Cheerz :dancing6:

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I don't live in the UK mate - Although I would like to. I live in Cairo, Egypt.

Cheerz :dancing6:

You can fly on easy jet from the coast of egypt, but i aint sure about Cairo. I reckon if you came accross to watch us, our chairman would give you a free hat........... & scarf, on the pitch at half time in a game

is that a deal breaker?? :D

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As Ahmed says, all that is happening is a bit of bargaining between City and Al-Ahly. The Egyptians / North Africans are famous for it! Anyone ever been to a North African market / medina?!

If push comes to shove on this deal then I reckon City will come up with the money somehow.

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As Ahmed says, all that is happening is a bit of bargaining between City and Al-Ahly. The Egyptians / North Africans are famous for it! Anyone ever been to a North African market / medina?!

If push comes to shove on this deal then I reckon City will come up with the money somehow.

I'm fairly convinced he will be a city player.. I think we all need to reaise he is there star player and they obviously would rather keep him! So its not just going to be a qick signing like williams alot of negotiating will be involved so that al ahly get the best deal they can!

If someone came in for elliot i'd hope that city would try and make it as awkward and hard for them to get him!

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Guest Axbridge Red

First post, but believe if we do get him interesting times ahead from what I have heard

If we don't sure there will be others already lined up

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Guest Axbridge Red

A few contacts from that part of the world confirm he is a star in the making...and hopefully the promised land of AG can fulfill this potential, but as the other posts mention believe there will be a lot more haggling yet.

Come the first day of the season, however, I'm sure that the vast majority of BCFC fans will be happy with the squad of players that we have.

After all that is what GJ & all are striving for ....lets wait and see what develops over the next month

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Guest Ahmed

I want to know where does Bristol stand in the league? are they equal to Derby for example? in other words is Bristol classified as a top team in the championship or is it in the mid-table or ...?

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I want to know where does Bristol stand in the league? are they equal to Derby for example? in other words is Bristol classified as a top team in the championship or is it in the mid-table or ...?

I think we're an average size club with great ambition and potential! We arnt classified as a big boy yet!! I predict that will change in the near future! We are very much a team on the up! :englandsmile4wf:

Derby are a bigger club than us but don't think they are a better team!

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I want to know where does Bristol stand in the league? are they equal to Derby for example? in other words is Bristol classified as a top team in the championship or is it in the mid-table or ...?

Put it this way, we finished 4th in the championship last year.

With all due respect to Derby, we don't fear them.

Edit: ... and we were one game away from the Premier League last season, but I don't want to talk about it.

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Guest Ahmed

That classifies you as a big team, I mean 3 points difference and being the 4th, this is very good. Especially, that I know the second division is extremely competitive. Yet another reason to complete the deal, with a player like E-mad on the front, you secure yourselves alot of goals.

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