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Wilson Or Players?!

Guest CiderRedMatt

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Guest CiderRedMatt

When we lose, Wilson gets all the knock backs when it's the players out there doing the job! Ok ive questioned his subs sometimes but ultimately its the players who haven't won today and it's the players who may or may not get us promotion!


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Guest The_Boy

I'm gona sit on the fence and say both :P

Wer'e still "In the mix" and going up the difficult way for the fans!! (unfortunately)

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Guest KingswoodRed
..but ultimately its the players who haven't won today and it's the players who may or may not get us promotion!

...and some might say the player most likely to have won it today was substituted.

Whos choice was that??

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Guest Cyprus_Red

sort of both because the amount of chances we had was unbelieveable and you cant blame wilson that the players didnt take them but bringing on goodfellow for roberts was a stupid sub, roberts was again superb i thought.

atleast qpr drew so not much has changed but 1 less game has gone by.

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Guest dez_gimred

it certainly isnt wilson...he isnt out there playing..all he can do is advise his players

today I'm blaming butler for the loss...he gave away a free kick when luton were going nowhere...pillock!

as for them grabbing the winner...i believe if 11 of us fans wanted to stop the ball going from the centre spot into the net in 30 seconds..we could

enough said


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Guest Rikku
it certainly isnt wilson...he isnt out there playing..all he can do is advise his players

But wilson has to take some of the blame - he took off the only player who actually looked threatening and replaced him with someone who has never played up front for us before. We had to score more goals in order to take something out of that match and if I had the straight choice between who was more likely to bang another one in for us, my money would have been on roberts over goodfellow any day of the week. It's just completely defies logic and I still can't get my head around it! Yes, the players have to take responsibility as well and I think that the blame shouldn't be heaped onto one individual - but it does not help when the manager makes such seemingly irrational decisions. :@

Luckily, it is all still there to play for so let's hope there will be no need for finger-pointing in the remaining games of the season!

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I agree Madger, poor old Danny Wilson was forced to take off our in form goalscoring threat yesterday to give the tiring legs of the Luton defenders a breather for the last 15 minutes, much praise to DW for showing some dignity on the football field.

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