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Worst Fans

Guest Gary Johnsons left nut

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Guest Gary Johnsons left nut

I think the worst fans last season were...




Anyone else got any feelings on poor fans?

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Guest Gary Johnsons left nut

Worst fans in terms of support for the team, and manner around the ground,

For example, Caridiff 6 out of 10 for verbal support

But 0/10 for manner and way they acted. Hence i thought they were the worst

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Guest 42 trumpton

Wolves were the worst for me every pub me and me bro and cousion tryed to get into no chance, all wolves only. In and around the ground the old bill were looking to nick anyone from bristol for being supportive towards our team, Before and after the game. But what really pi$$eies me off is we dropped my mum and my wife in birmingham for some saturday afternoon shopping and around 6.00 waiting for us to pick them up my wife who aint really a football fan comes under attack from a wolves fan for wearing my city fleece.

What a big man he must be to pick on two women?

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Wolves were the worst for me every pub me and me bro and cousion tryed to get into no chance, all wolves only. In and around the ground the old bill were looking to nick anyone from bristol for being supportive towards our team, Before and after the game. But what really pi$$eies me off is we dropped my mum and my wife in birmingham for some saturday afternoon shopping and around 6.00 waiting for us to pick them up my wife who aint really a football fan comes under attack from a wolves fan for wearing my city fleece.

What a big man he must be to pick on two women?

Not to mention the blatant antagonising of city fans by old bill - snatching cans of booze and pooring them on the floor right in front of us :bruce_h4h:

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Guest 42 trumpton

Sorry does anyone remember the black man singing goodnight irene at us with 5 mins to go??

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Guest MaloneFM

I thought Crapdiff very amusing. Pulling down the netting, waving their arms like they are expecting a great big hug, but with violence, and the way one of them just walked through the stewards and plod and nearly made it.

Like a one man half wit taffy raiding party.

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Sorry does anyone remember the black man singing goodnight irene at us with 5 mins to go??

Yeah I remember him, mixed race lad with long corn rows - giving it the biggun along with the ginger kiddy. don't think they were quite so brave after the game though......

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Guest 0738parkway
Sorry does anyone remember the black man singing goodnight irene at us with 5 mins to go??

Yes i was stood right in tht corner of the ground , he just appeared from nowhere he hadnt been there all game , obviously has some alligience with the gas as he knew all the words ( oh theres only 2 :whistle: irene goodnight irene ) but cant go to see rovers much as I'm sure i would have seen that ugly mug over the years ,

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I though the bon jovi fans were the worst - they should all get lifetime bans

Too damn right!!! Not only did we stand up out of are seats in all 3 stands. We invaded the pitch. & we were the loudest you have heard in many years. Did not see one objection from a club steward either. :icecream::icecream::dancing6::dancing6::dancing6:

Bon Jovi fans RULE!!!!!

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