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Where Amankwaah's heart at?

Guest Red_Rat

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Guest Red_Rat

In my view Kevin Amankwaah should be the first player out the door,i appreciate the ordeal he had to go through with the car crash, but top be honest he struggled at Cheltenham let alone playing 1st team with us,he has no control no raw talent no passion and to be honest in my eyes should have no further place at the club.Show us some Passion Kev!!!

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Guest Bootylicious

That is a very harsh view.

He has been thrust into the first team at City, after playing in a virtual Conference team in Cheltenham Town.

Give the lad time for christ sake! All it will take is a handful of games for him to get his confidence back and then we will, hopefully, see the 'old' KA.

Its no good fans like you getting on his back! It will only knock his confidence y'know. :sport5:

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Guest citysnumber7

i think that kevin amankwah has a poor standard of football, like you said mate, no control what so ever, but maybe now hes scored 2 goals against non league strugglers, he might start preforming, all she got is pace, hes no threat to the oppisition and he has no desire to succeed, or hes a great actor because hes not showing any :Rage:

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Not trying to disagree with everything you post but it's hard not to.

You can't say a player who not so long ago was attracting interest from the likes of tottenham among others and then said to have a value of £1.5m can't at least have raw talent

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Wilson seems to have faith in him - I was very suprised to see him picked again yesterday after the Luton fiasco.

I don`t think its lack of passion,more a confidence issue with him.Theres no doubt he has the abiity to perform well but he's like Aaron Brown - one good game in four.Maybe Brian Jones should spent some individual time with him.

He needs a run of good performances which means a run in the first team.

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No wonder he doesnt perform with fans on his back like this , he has just come back from cheltenham which is a much slower game in the third , as he says in the link. He has only played 3 and a bit games and has scored 2 goals , albeit against poor oposition , but your constant putting down of big kev ( tian and citysnumber7)

does not help i think you should get behind him after all you are supposed to be supporters. :AquaCount: :AquaCount: :AquaCount: :TheBird: :TheBird:


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Guest spanish fly

In my view, KA has never had any ability other than pace like a couple of others I could mention - he has little or no control and little positional sense and is very lucky to have lasted as long as he has. Carey plays better when he is injured than KA and just as importantly shows he cares

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Absolute bollo.

In the Leeds game he looked our most class player. He had them in his pocket. Sure, he may have had a bad game or two while he found the pace of Div Two after a spell at Cheltenham but how on earth can you can say he doesn't have raw talent? He's got oodles of it.

Yes, he looks ungainly on the ball and I lost count watching him the number of times I thought he'd lost control, but he'd stick out a foot just when the opponent thought he had him - and just knock it past him.

He is class and once he sharpens up after a few appearances he could well be the spark which kick-starts our season.

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Guest citysnumber7

are seaaon has only just started, and if KA stays in the team it will be soon finishing, hes a very poor player, and he played well in a friendly, it didnt mean anything, who cares how well he plays in friendlys, he needs to preform in the league, and has he? yeh thats what i thought :sport5: :sport5:

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The world has gone mental. Kev is fantastic.

He has hardly had a game so far, but what I like is that he is passionate and works hard. I remember that if players got past him, he would still track back and make the tackle. He is exciting going forward and he is young and should get better.

Yep ok he was poor against Luton, but didn't he score twice Saturday. Was not there, but he must have done okay?

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Can't believe what's going on here. Well remember his performances at RIGHT BACK before he broke his leg, which was when the likes of Arsenal were watching him. Outstanding! Had speed and reach and could tackle anything within ten yards.

Needless to say Wilson only sees him as a wing back, which he ain't. In my ideal team he would be right back playing behind Christain Roberts wide right midfield. Imagine what those two could do once they got an understanding together.

After a broken leg and a broken neck might be fair to expect him suffering some psychological/confidence problem. Who among us wouldn't take time to recover from that sort of set back? With appearances and work he should get it back - and if he does, he'll be well worth the wait.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

How can you say that a player that suffered a horrfic car crash, broke his neck, put his chances of ever playing again to a very small percentage. But the man fought back worked bloody hard to get back where he is now and after something like that you got to learn most of it all over again, apart from the second time its is easier and comes quicker.

How anyone can say he has no passion after working so hard to get back playing is beyond me. look up the facts on how many player come back from broken necks o think you will find a rather large percentage of them retire once they have done this.

I agree he is not the player he used to be. YET. Hes still 're-learning' what he learny before, regaining that experience and confidence. The Leeds game he was a absolutely superb. ok lately not so good but it will come and he will progress in leaps and bounds and i think come end of next season he may of even moved on to bigger and better things cause i think he is one of if not the player with the most potentiall.

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Guest poolered

Give the lad a chance . How many first team games has he had exactly ?I remember when Coles , Hill , Burnell first came into the team and didnt look anything special . The lad needs time and he needs the so called fans to get off his back. Strange that Woodman gets full support from the fans and Kev doesnt.

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He is class and once he sharpens up after a few appearances he could well be the spark which kick-starts our season.

I agree with RedTop. Kev was the only player who looked like turning it around for us in the play-off semi against Cardiff. His pace frightens defenders and that quality is precisely what we need at the moment. I do take issue with him on where his best position is though; I feel he is a liability at right-back, he is too languid and is not a good header of the ball. I think he's better off as RWB or in the midfield.

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