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Always Believe


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WERE BRISTOL CITY. WE ALWAYS BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw why don't you like it?

He has a point, it just seems a bit cheesy i don't know why but theres something about it that i don't quite like.

However at least its original and i believe we are the only club to sing it, it always turns oppostion fans heads when we sing it which i quite like!

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Guest tropicalsurfer

I'm sure in one of Gary's post match interviews he said the players respond to this, maybe it was plymouth correct me if i'm wrong. If the players react in a postive way to this keep on singing it. Plus is 100% original.

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It makes us sound like some born again acoustic giutar playing bunch of brainwashed stepford wives , thats why. Embarrasses me that's for sure. If we have a good team , playing well I'll believe in it, other than that I'll make my own mind up.

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I know instead of singing this 'positive song' why don't we just boo the players and slag off the ones we feel should not be in the team cos they're the managers son etc

Please don't listen to the dullards on here, please keep singing any song you want, the team needs you. God this site is so anal at times!

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It makes us sound like some born again acoustic giutar playing bunch of brainwashed stepford wives , thats why. Embarrasses me that's for sure. If we have a good team , playing well I'll believe in it, other than that I'll make my own mind up.

I'll just die if I don't get this recipe. I'll just die if I don't get this recipe. I'll just die if I don't get this recipe.

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Guest brizzlejoe

to be honest, this should be an EE only post because again no other stand sang!!!!!!!

and before you say anything... i have mates in other stand who say, and i quote, " without the EE the ground would be silent" and he was sat in the dolman!,

onto the actual song, i think its good because everyone can join in because its simple so everyone can learn the words, and it should sum up what we all should think, THAT WE BELIEVE!!!!

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Guest bcfc_agar
to be honest, this should be an EE only post because again no other stand sang!!!!!!!

and before you say anything... i have mates in other stand who say, and i quote, " without the EE the ground would be silent" and he was sat in the dolman!,

onto the actual song, i think its good because everyone can join in because its simple so everyone can learn the words, and it should sum up what we all should think, THAT WE BELIEVE!!!!

i have to admit the dolman wasnt the loudest, but in my opinion were i sit it can generate as much noise as the EE but just not in resent games, which i cant understand why ? but this is not a debate about whose the loudest , as i said before (on an earlier post) i love the ALWAYS BELEIVE song :englandsmile4wf:

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Glad to hear only one strain version of this awful attempt at a city song today where i was sat!

sooner people stop trying to sing this dirge the better!

Agreed. 100%

It's getting very old and sounds terrible.

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I think when the EE is in full force that Cider Army song being sung for 10-15 mins always haves a good effect on the team for some reason.

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It's not the song itself I have a problem with.

It's the negative comments towards the tactics, management and, in particular, certain players throughout the match until we score and then the very same people break out into the song.

Does make you laugh don't it?
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Glad to hear only one strain version of this awful attempt at a city song today where i was sat!

sooner people stop trying to sing this dirge the better!

You can now buy flags in the club shop with always believe written on them. I find believe utterly unoriginal, contrived, drony and embarrassing when the ground is like it was yesterday with droves leaving the Dolman again with five minutes to go.

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Guest snapper
Glad to hear only one strain version of this awful attempt at a city song today where i was sat!

sooner people stop trying to sing this dirge the better!

Credit to the east end for singing "Always Believe" whenever city are are at their lowest which the continually do, I know that it picks me up as it must do the players.

Its much more productive that boning on about the gas or the delights of Cider in a can (which i can appreciate, though i do prefer mine in a glass with a chunk of mature cheddar!)

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to be honest, this should be an EE only post because again no other stand sang!!!!!!!

and before you say anything... i have mates in other stand who say, and i quote, " without the EE the ground would be silent" and he was sat in the dolman!,

onto the actual song, i think its good because everyone can join in because its simple so everyone can learn the words, and it should sum up what we all should think, THAT WE BELIEVE!!!!

I am moved by the true supporters that occupy the EE, showing us how to be true supporters, I mean the rest of us are not worthy, perhaps we should all stay at home? :noexpression:

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to be honest, this should be an EE only post because again no other stand sang!!!!!!!

and before you say anything... i have mates in other stand who say, and i quote, " without the EE the ground would be silent" and he was sat in the dolman!,

onto the actual song, i think its good because everyone can join in because its simple so everyone can learn the words, and it should sum up what we all should think, THAT WE BELIEVE!!!!

YEP, thank god for the true supporters who stand/sit in the EE.

All other 3 stands may as well not turn up. :noexpression:

BTW, I thought the EE were very quiet on Saturday and thought the Atyeo and Dolman were louder. :icecream:

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After an afternoon of booing City players, the Dullmoan early leavers want to get back to the car and listen the gas match report :innocent06:
Where I park by the time I walk from The EE back to my car for some reason my car is the only car left there. I think were on to something here, All the Dolman Early leavers must leave early so they can catch the end of the Rovers game on the radio.
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When we were 1-0 down to Palace in the second leg of the play-off semi final, that song reverberrated around the EE and not only got the fans going but I'm positive the players could hear it aswell. It may sound a little tired when the grounds' abit quiet like yesterday but why critisize fans who are at least trying to create a better atmosphere?

Standing in the EE ,you'll hear fans constantly trying to start songs and when it works (the Plymouth game for example) its a great experience being in there wheather you like the songs or not. And believe me,we,as no doubt all City fans,would like nothing better than all sides joining in.

Let's be honest people,we're all aiming for the same objective aren't we? To make AG an intimidating place for the oposition to come and play. 'Johnson says: Get behind the team.'

p.s. Basso always gives us a wave when we sing it and thats good enough fo me. Cheers.

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If it isn't moaning about the team or manager or Lee Johnson... it's now the songs we sing and the different stands.

What is wrong with some of you? Do you get a kick out of moaning about EVERYTHING? If you don't like the songs, the team, your fellow supporters, etc etc etc then what do you actually like about supporting Bristol City? Do you really go to games just to moan? And then spend the rest of the weekend moaning about a, b or c?

It's embarassing, listen to yourselves. Get over yourselves!

Thankfully, many people still stick up for fellow fans/songs etc... What exactly is wrong with singing a song that encourages the team and shows our support?


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When we were 1-0 down to Palace in the second leg of the play-off semi final, that song reverberrated around the EE and not only got the fans going but I'm positive the players could hear it aswell. It may sound a little tired when the grounds' abit quiet like yesterday but why critisize fans who are at least trying to create a better atmosphere?

Standing in the EE ,you'll hear fans constantly trying to start songs and when it works (the Plymouth game for example) its a great experience being in there wheather you like the songs or not. And believe me,we,as no doubt all City fans,would like nothing better than all sides joining in.

Let's be honest people,we're all aiming for the same objective aren't we? To make AG an intimidating place for the oposition to come and play. 'Johnson says: Get behind the team.'

p.s. Basso always gives us a wave when we sing it and thats good enough fo me. Cheers.

Was Basso in the middle of a wave to the crowd when he flapped at that ball in the first half?!!! You need to time your songs a bit better.

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Was Basso in the middle of a wave to the crowd when he flapped at that ball in the first half?!!! You need to time your songs a bit better.

Ha ha,possibly. Or he may have been pointing to the heavens. You take my point though?

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If it isn't moaning about the team or manager or Lee Johnson... it's now the songs we sing and the different stands.

What is wrong with some of you? Do you get a kick out of moaning about EVERYTHING? If you don't like the songs, the team, your fellow supporters, etc etc etc then what do you actually like about supporting Bristol City? Do you really go to games just to moan? And then spend the rest of the weekend moaning about a, b or c?

It's embarassing, listen to yourselves. Get over yourselves!

Thankfully, many people still stick up for fellow fans/songs etc... What exactly is wrong with singing a song that encourages the team and shows our support?


We always do it, always have done; can remember the Dicks out :noexpression: chants as I type;

Some should get a grip though and see the bigger picture, as should we really, moaning about the moaners as per norm; :disapointed2se:

IT is all triva which only matters to a small few.

Anyway Hull I see beat West Ham today, to go 3rd :noexpression: what a difference their goal at Wembers has made to them as our goal yesterday could make to us at the end of the season. :fingerscrossed:

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Guest Bob4Jane

Always believe may annoy some, but as already said- it is original.

the one I hate is 'And it's Bristol City..." - you know, the one that every team in the country sings, and ends with "by far the greatest team... etc".

The reason this one makes me cringe when I sing it* is because the chances are, somewhere around the country a few thousand are actually singing along in some other ground!

*On top of all the above, I will quite frankly sing anything to get the lads going, and like any publicity is good publicity, the idea is to express your love and support for the boys in red and making lots of noise. So, whether it be a nice loud 'come on city" at kick off, or an encouraging cheer when a corner is awarded- I urge all those who are lucky enough to have a season ticket to make a racket and drown out the away fans, whether we're winning or loosing-

How about IF the opposition score against us, we drown out thier cheers with a song?

"Great idea, Mr bob4jane"

"Nice idea, let's try that"

"Marry me, bob4!"

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We always do it, always have done; can remember the Dicks out :noexpression: chants as I type;

Some should get a grip though and see the bigger picture, as should we really, moaning about the moaners as per norm; :disapointed2se:

IT is all triva which only matters to a small few.

Anyway Hull I see beat West Ham today, to go 3rd :noexpression: what a difference their goal at Wembers has made to them as our goal yesterday could make to us at the end of the season. :fingerscrossed:

Very true- I guess its all quite laughable really - just really winds me up thats all!

As for your last sentence, thats the spirit - let's hope yesterday's win gets us back on track and fills the players with renewed confidence.

We've been poor recently, but the players ground out a good result yesterday - let's use this as a platform and build on it, both as a team and as a club. :city:

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If it isn't moaning about the team or manager or Lee Johnson... it's now the songs we sing and the different stands.

What is wrong with some of you? Do you get a kick out of moaning about EVERYTHING? If you don't like the songs, the team, your fellow supporters, etc etc etc then what do you actually like about supporting Bristol City? Do you really go to games just to moan? And then spend the rest of the weekend moaning about a, b or c?

It's embarassing, listen to yourselves. Get over yourselves!

Thankfully, many people still stick up for fellow fans/songs etc... What exactly is wrong with singing a song that encourages the team and shows our support?


can't argue much about that fella

check this out tiz superb and it's a bench mark for us and fans, players a like to think of when supporting your team

and giving back to fans, it's give and take but we can but dream...

puts us to shame,


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There have been several times already this season when a chorus of 'believe' has given the EE a worthwhile reminder that even though what's happening on the pitch is depressing we have to do our bit to encourage the players.

Frankly, I don't give a sh*t whether someone sat in any of the other stands likes or dislikes 'believe' - we are not singing it for your benefit - it's for the players, and also acts as a bit of a rallying-call for the EE. Good enough for me.

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moaning about moaners... :noexpression:

find that laughably ironic

Very smart ;) although someone beat you to it.

I understand what youre saying... but my point is that it seems some people are trying to pick the bones out of EVERYTHING. Like I said, it just winds me up and I wonder whether if some people put half as much energy into supporting the team as they do moaning about EVERYTHING then we might generate a better atmosphere at the Gate.

Just my opinion of course - "you pay your money, you can say what you want..." etc etc.

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