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John And Adebola To Start On Saturday?


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Would make sense as they have played together before, John looked sharp and had a deft first touch last night, while i like the trundler he seems to have more impact as a sub, we need a killer finisher in the box and i'm sure stern would provide this. Also Maynard looked dangerous in the short time he was on yesterday nearly scored with his first touch. We have a lot of options its just a case of finding the right one now that can convert the chances.

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Would make sense as they have played together before, John looked sharp and had a deft first touch last night, while i like the trundler he seems to have more impact as a sub, we need a killer finisher in the box and i'm sure stern would provide this. Also Maynard looked dangerous in the short time he was on yesterday nearly scored with his first touch. We have a lot of options its just a case of finding the right one now that can convert the chances.

Excellent shout, Dele Adebola and Stern John were up front together at Birmingham and Coventry. No reason why that partnership can't work here for us. Stern John looked to be an excellent player in the limited time I saw him on the pitch for us against Sheffield United.

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i think stern is here to play instead of dele rather than with him. it is obvious dele cant play 46 games this season at a sufficient level so stern has come in to reduce the burden on him

Agree, i don't think John was bought her to be played alongside Dele, IMO John is a better version of Adebola. I would like to see John and either Trunds or Maynard start upfront with him on staurday.

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No way, Trundle and John to start, drop adebola the bloke looks tired to say the least

Whatever, but Gary Johnson's now got Maynard, Trundle, John and Adebola to use in any combination. Just a matter of time before we see a real goal rush with players of that quality leading our attack.

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Guest iWurzel

John and Trundle or John and Maynard.

I'm sorry but Adebola just looked awful last night. Every time he gets the ball you just know he's going to lose it! John looked confident and assured every time he got the ball.

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Guest Bob4Jane

Can't say I was a huuuuuge fan of Dele the few times I saw the fella last season.

So judging on you lot and the media, i'd like to see Stern and Lee when I take my seat for my first 08-09 game on Saturday- with Nicky waiting to rush on and prove he's worth 2 miwwion. (Or of course, Big Bad John could prove he's worth ..um.. how much? 140K?)

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about time adebola was dropped in my opinion. has looked well off the pace in recent weeks and is a guaranteed substitution every game early in the second half. missed to great chaces as well on tuesday night.

maynard and john for me, trundle and akinde on the bench. akinde looked great against plymouth when he came on for the 2nd half, cant comment on his perfomance at shef utd as i wasnt there but sounds like everyone played badly. give the kid another chance.

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John and Trundle or John and Maynard.

I'm sorry but Adebola just looked awful last night. Every time he gets the ball you just know he's going to lose it! John looked confident and assured every time he got the ball.

Agreed Adebola did have probably his worst game of the season last night.

But come on, he was up against Ugo Ehiougu who I thought was awesome against him. Helped by some "generous" refereeing on what is a fair challenge, Dele got ABSOLUTELY battered, but when Stern came on, it was against a very tiring Ugo and therefore able to get into space(admittedly with better pace, touch and movement).

As for the forward pairing on Saturday.

Well I don't think there will be a pairing. Almost certainly we will NOT be playing a 4-4-2 against Reading, but 4-5-1 or a derivation of such.

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Guest ashtonyate
about time adebola was dropped in my opinion. has looked well off the pace in recent weeks and is a guaranteed substitution every game early in the second half. missed to great chaces as well on tuesday night.

maynard and john for me, trundle and akinde on the bench. akinde looked great against plymouth when he came on for the 2nd half, cant comment on his perfomance at shef utd as i wasnt there but sounds like everyone played badly. give the kid another chance.

I really can't think why you would want to drop Adebola he is one of the few forward that is effective is problem is its him against the rest of their defence for most of the game.

I think his work rate is very good for a player that age I would love to see Stern John along side him but that's not the way Johnson wants to play it and against Reading you can blame him for that.

I would like Johnson to start being more adventures against lesser teams if there are any in this division because the way we play at the moment is not very entertaining for most of the game, just for the last 20 minutes when he bring in a winger.

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Is Brooker still "2 weeks from being fit"? Personally, I would go with John and Adebola, as I think that Trundle is too much of a luxury against half-decent teams. It's all very well getting Stern John, but that means that we have 3 very similar strikers with him, Adebola and Akinde.

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Guest iWurzel

Can't believe or understand how Gary has continued to pick Adebola when it's painfully obvious that he needs a rest and isn't producing.

All he ever does is lose the ball, you know as soon as he gets it that he's going to fall over his own feet and give the ball away! Every time John got the ball on Tuesday he looked confident and you knew he wasn't just going to end up giving away posession.

John and Trundle to start, Maynard and Akinde on the bench - give Dele a rest.

Though it may not sound like it, I do like and rate Dele, but I think he needs a rest.

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Can't believe or understand how Gary has continued to pick Adebola when it's painfully obvious that he needs a rest and isn't producing.

All he ever does is lose the ball, you know as soon as he gets it that he's going to fall over his own feet and give the ball away! Every time John got the ball on Tuesday he looked confident and you knew he wasn't just going to end up giving away posession.

John and Trundle to start, Maynard and Akinde on the bench - give Dele a rest.

Though it may not sound like it, I do like and rate Dele, but I think he needs a rest.

I agree, Dele is getting on lets face it and at 33 he cannont be expected to put in the type of perfomances we expect week in week out. I personally like the look of John and Maynard as a combination, I'm shore Maynard is chomping at the bit at the moment considering hes been on the bench for the last 3 games. John looks like he could work well with a pacy striker, when he plays for Trindad and Tobago him and Kenywne Jones seem to have a good understanding and Jones is similar to Maynard in terms of pase. I personally think this would be a good shout, if it dosnt work then we can always change but if youve seen John and Jones you will see were I'm coming from.

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In all honesty, I couldn't say who I'd like to play upfront from the start. :dunno:

However, I don't think Maynard should start as I believe he is a good player to come off the bench when the defenders are a little more tired and their concentration is waivering more.

Haven't seen enough of Stern John to say that he warrants a start but he did look lively, dangerous, has a good touch and good footballing brain who can bring players into the attack. We must bare in mind though that when he came on, Sheff Utd were on the back foot, and had had Adebola to contend with for the last 65 mins. He therefore may not be as influential from the start of a game? But who knows unless we try hey?

I would start with Adebola and Trunds against Reading and if we are continually hitting a brick wall and getting knowhere, then I would bring on Stern John and Maynard.

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Guest iWurzel
where has this dele bashing come from?

is it becuase ther is nothing else to moan about?

Are we not allowed opinions now? Is that not the point of the forum?

If I picked the team, Dele would not be in my starting 11, simple as. I don't think he's one of our two best strikers, and I would therefore put him on the bench.

John looks classy and creative, and I think that him and Trundle would make a good partnership. Time will tell who will play on Saturday.

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Guest walshy-shuffle-carl-shutt

I think as one of the other posters has said Dele could do with a rest and he will certainly benefit from it. I think John and trundle. Although Maynard may egt a boost if johnson started him. Quiet word first in his ear telling him hes got faith he can get the goals we need.

With all the srikers we now have it gives some real options and once we get a settled front two, the oppostions defence will not fancy playing us thats for sure.

Exciting times.

RED Army

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i never said that.. i like how you conveniently deleted the rest of my post!

your opinion is that.. brilliant :D

my opinion is i have seen nothing from stern john that tells me he will do any better than the best striker in our team since we signed him... in fact i don't think anyone could do a better job than dele, as the service for all of our strikers is so poor it makes no difference

its jsut people are on here calling for dele to be dropped and sold... completely ridiculous as in my opinion he is the most important player after fontaine and marvin

Disagree completly with that. Not only did he show when he came on against sheffield that he could hold the ball up, lay the ball off and run at the opposition defence, he also set up McIndoe for his disallowed goal and was involved with the hand ball claim. Pretty good return for someone who was only on for 25+ mins IMO.

No one is "bashing" Adebola, general concensus is that Adebola is looking a bit tired at the moment and with John in the squad, it would be good to take all the weight off Adebola's shoulders and let another forward pairing a chance.

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Guest kamikazee

against reading it's going to need pace with a bit of grit, john and maynard there. if we go with dele we'll just keep hoofing and their defence will be more than equal to the task. playing against a predominantly exprem outfit you've got to be looking at your younger quiker guys. fiar enough dele is big and strong but when it goes to him he'll be surrounded and shut down all too. give him a day off or a bench seat an let's see how it fairs, on the same vain though little lee could do with a time out too cause he ain't going to tackle andit has to 178% from all tomorrow

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