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Guest Neo

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Have noticed over the last few days, that by day, many of the posts seem to be very condeming on the players, Wilson etc.

For me currently, I understand this, and whilst I find it reasonably depressing (matching my all round current mood), the points put over are well debated and seem to be agreed with by the majority.

By night, things are very different. There are a lot of posts which are very optimistic about our chances of success this season; posters who join some of these threads with not such optimistic views are in the main shouted down.

Most of these optimistic posts whilst positive and "bouncy" do not have reasoning behind this confidence in our chances.

What's the point of this post? It is a question for the optimists amongst us :-

Give reasons why you think we will win promotion this season?

I am not trying to shoot anybody down with this post. It is more a cry for help to make me believe again. I want to be optimistic, however, am failing on my own to have too many reasons at present.

P.S. Do not want to exclude anybody (and it is still day-time when adding this topic!) so it the less optimistic posters want to give healthy debatable reasons why success is unlikely, please feel free. :clap:

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I'm not sure whether I think we can go up or not. It's only Mid-November, and there's still a long way to go.

We're only one payer short of last seasons squad, and I honestly think that we still have a squad capable of pushing for promotion.

Still, not sure about Wilson though, which is an opinion of mine which has changed from this time last year. I think the poor blokes lost it :clap: .

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Guest budbcfc

i think he needs to be more aggressive on matchdays, wear a tracksuit and look as though he is part of the team on the day. and stop leaning against the bloody dugout upright.

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City should, on paper be one of the favourites for automatic promotion.

Why? Because City's squad has strength in depth with competition in all but two or three positions.There's also the fact that City finished well last season and so the pressure of a promotion race is not a new experience for most of the players.

Other Div 2 managers have expressed envy at the talent that Wilson has at his disposal and its very much upto our manger to get the best from the resources he has.He won`t have a better squad with which to do it than the one he has now.Thats why if City don't go up come May then Wilson should be sacked or do the honourable thing and resign.

The ingredients are most definately there for promotion,of that I'm certain.Now its down to Wilson to get us there.

Whether he can or not remains to be seen.

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Guest Dolman Moaner
Most of these optimistic posts whilst positive and "bouncy" do not have reasoning behind this confidence in our chances.

What's the point of this post?  It is a question for the optimists amongst us :-

Give reasons why you think we will win promotion this season?

I think we will win promotion because we are Ace.

We will win this league by a country mile and then bask in the glory by defeating Manchester United in the FA Cup Final.

A handsome 3-0 win will be settled by goals from Burnell, Doherty and an injury time winner from Mike Stowell.

My basis for this is simple.

Were walking in a Wilson Wonderland

Now it's time for my medication, tell me about the rabbits. :clap:

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City should, on paper be one of the favourites for automatic promotion.

Why? Because City's squad has strength in depth with competition in all but two or three positions.There's also the fact that City finished well last season and so the pressure of a promotion race is not a new experience for most of the players.

Other Div 2 managers have expressed envy at the talent that Wilson has at his disposal and its very much upto our manger to get the best from the resources he has.He won`t have a better squad with which to do it than the one he has now.Thats why if City don't go up come May then Wilson should be sacked or do the honourable thing and resign.

The ingredients are most definately there for promotion,of that I'm certain.Now its down to Wilson to get us there.

Whether he can or not remains to be seen.

100% agree with your comments Robbored.

I believe we shall finish 3rd because of the strength in depth of our squad.

i'm not too sure why day time posts are negative compared with night time. Maybe it's a work vs. drugs thing?

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I think we will win promotion because we are Ace.

We will win this league by a country mile and then bask in the glory by defeating Manchester United in the FA Cup Final.

A handsome 3-0 win will be settled by goals from Burnell, Doherty and an injury time winner from Mike Stowell.

My basis for this is simple.

Were walking in a Wilson Wonderland

Now it's time for my medication, tell me about the rabbits. :clap:

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Guest ziderhead2003

Negative people post in the day.

Positive people post @ nite.

Very weird. Any way i will stay being positve throughout the day! :Party27: :clap: :Party27: ;)

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Most of these optimistic posts whilst positive and "bouncy" do not have reasoning behind this confidence in our chances.

To my knowledge, I never make unsubstantiated optimistic comments.

Neither to I condemn anyone who has an opposing view.

I always try to counter negative arguments with positive ones.

So just to re-iterate my 'optimistic' viewpoint:

I believe we will win promotion this year, if only because our team is no worse than anyone else hoping to make the step up.

The league will be won with one of the lowest points totals for years.

Our disappointing season so far will turn around by Christmas because we have one of the strongest squads in the league, stronger than last season (and we finished third then).

Confidence and a bit of luck is all that is required. :clap:

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