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Basso U-turn?


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Young man...to uncle a moment will you?

Now I understand this is an emotive issue for you but the word 'spellcheck' needs to be uppermost in your thoughts before you press the 'add post' or whatever the key is.

Secondly, and I feel this to be a most important point, no matter what Basso may or may not have done, making him into soap because of his misdemeanours is not sometting I can wholeheartedly agree with you on.


what a knob

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Guest That's right
Young man...to uncle a moment will you? Now I understand this is an emotive issue for you but the word 'spellcheck' needs to be uppermost in your thoughts before you press the 'add post' or whatever the key is. Secondly, and I feel this to be a most important point, no matter what Basso may or may not have done, making him into soap because of his misdemeanours is not sometting I can wholeheartedly agree with you on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lye
well my spelling isnt my strongest quality il give you that.. Thanks for pointing it out though.
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It says on good old wiki that Peterborough have bid £150,000 for Mr Basso.

Is that the same Wiki that said we had signed Kasper Schmichael on Sat 1st August, then 2 or 3 days later confirmed by Gary Johnson that it WASNT true?!

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Guest MaloneFM
taken from the lost gospel of Gary, chapter 5 verse 10-15. I think verse 16 says something about the prodigal son, and verse 20 is about the talented man who turned a single fish into greggs steak bakes to feed ten thousand, but ate them all himself over the close season and now has to be punished.

Halitosis children...praise the LARD!

Can I get an EAMONN?


Go in peas brothers and sisters go in peas.

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Young man...to uncle a moment will you?

Now I understand this is an emotive issue for you but the word 'spellcheck' needs to be uppermost in your thoughts before you press the 'add post' or whatever the key is.

Secondly, and I feel this to be a most important point, no matter what Basso may or may not have done, making him into soap because of his misdemeanours is not sometting I can wholeheartedly agree with you on.


Bit of a boob boo Unc SOMETHING :disapointed2se: spellcheck needs to be uppermost in your thoughts to; pot and kettle :tongue:

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Young man...to uncle a moment will you?

Now I understand this is an emotive issue for you but the word 'spellcheck' needs to be uppermost in your thoughts before you press the 'add post' or whatever the key is.

Secondly, and I feel this to be a most important point, no matter what Basso may or may not have done, making him into soap because of his misdemeanours is not sometting I can wholeheartedly agree with you on.


I actually enjoyed that. Thank you Unc. Now i do not agree with what you are saying. If Basso decides to stay and sign the contract, he's still a Bristol City player, and i will support anyone wearing the shirt. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone deserves a second chance. This has been his mistake and im willing to give him his second chance.

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Guest MaloneFM
well my spelling isnt my strongest quality il give you that.. Thanks for pointing it out though.

No thats quite alright young man I don't think anyone noticed.

Here's another little tip. You don't always need to put a worm on the line or any kind of fancy fly, just a strong cast waay out into the middle of the river when you are bored will get you oh, three or four good strong bites.

Should you wish to use bait I suggest the Lee Johnson, always popular.

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Guest MaloneFM
I actually enjoyed that. Thank you Unc.

Not at all young man, one does like to rattle the cage a bit to get the old viewing figures up and I feel I handled it with a certain sensitivity. And as the chap from Glasster pointed the actual word is indeed, SOMETHING. My keys are a bit snotted up with drool and peanut butter.

And I'm sticking to that.

Back to the topic. Should Basso start on saturday at Deepdale I for one will be backing him. So far all we have heard is from the club. If he wants to chance his arm elsewhere well he's a big boy and a professional so its up to him. And if nothing comes of it then tough. I don't tend to get in emotional turmoil over footballers or managers. Wardy was a g*shead but he also got us promoted. Beadle scored for and against us. And we have forgiven both of them.

He has dragged the team out of the fire more than once in the past so good luck to him.

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Not at all young man, one does like to rattle the cage a bit to get the old viewing figures up and I feel I handled it with a certain sensitivity. And as the chap from Glasster pointed the actual word is indeed, SOMETHING. My keys are a bit snotted up with drool and peanut butter.

And I'm sticking to that.

Back to the topic. Should Basso start on saturday at Deepdale I for one will be backing him. So far all we have heard is from the club. If he wants to chance his arm elsewhere well he's a big boy and a professional so its up to him. And if nothing comes of it then tough. I don't tend to get in emotional turmoil over footballers or managers. Wardy was a g*shead but he also got us promoted. Beadle scored for and against us. And we have forgiven both of them.

He has dragged the team out of the fire more than once in the past so good luck to him.

I think me and you are going to get on just fine. Someone with a bit of humour is needed in all forum situations.

However i feel this topic may have run its cause. I recommend we wait until a bit of official news is released before we started putting wind beneath the fire.

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The Scene: Somewhere in BS3

The Date: Sometime today.

Present: GJ, KM and AB

AB: Gaffer, I have sinned against City and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your No. 1 goalkeeper;

GJ to KM: Bring the fattened pies and cook them. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this keeper of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.

Meanwhile, the pickled Keeper was in the training field. When he came near the Gate, he heard music and dancing (no LP had not returned). So he called one of the sstaff and asked him what was going on. 'The old keeper has come,' he replied, 'and your gaffer has ate all the pies because he has him back safe and sound.'

"The pickled Keeper became angry and refused to go in. So GJ went out and pleaded with him. But he answered GJ, 'Look! All these weeks I've been playing for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a biscuit so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this keeper of yours who has thrown his toys out the pram comes home, you cook some pies for him!'

" 'My boy,' the gaffer said, 'you are always with me, and one day you may be 1st choice. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this keeper of ours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' "

And everyone was happy.

Bravo! :clapping:

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Not at all young man, one does like to rattle the cage a bit to get the old viewing figures up and I feel I handled it with a certain sensitivity. And as the chap from Glasster pointed the actual word is indeed, SOMETHING. My keys are a bit snotted up with drool and peanut butter.

And I'm sticking to that.

Back to the topic. Should Basso start on saturday at Deepdale I for one will be backing him. So far all we have heard is from the club. If he wants to chance his arm elsewhere well he's a big boy and a professional so its up to him. And if nothing comes of it then tough. I don't tend to get in emotional turmoil over footballers or managers. Wardy was a g*shead but he also got us promoted. Beadle scored for and against us. And we have forgiven both of them.

He has dragged the team out of the fire more than once in the past so good luck to him.

I know its a bit nit picking,.,.,.,. but I be from Kingswood actually old chap 24 years born and bred :yes: ; oh AND I seem to remember my old english teacher always said one must never start a sentence with the word AND as you have 4 times; :mafia: is that not correct old chum or are my memory banks shot? :farmer:

Oh I agree with you on Basso we pay him we should play him. :noexpression:

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Guest MaloneFM

I feel in mitigation I can call upon my phrases such as 'take THAT you men of Crewe' and 'there's Devon White...does all the spade work for R****s'.

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What a load of tosh being posted on here. On past form, Basso is the best keeper at the Club, he is under contract, we are paying his wages, and if this petty dispute can be patched up, all the better. If he decides to leave next summer, that is his right as he will no longer be under contract. As for all this 'let him rot' drivel, I'm sure posters will change opinions after a decent performance or two. Team spirit? Well, how does it help having (allegedly) popular players frozen out?

Sorry guys, get a grip on reality. These things happen in football, and Managers have to deal with it realistically, and in the interests of all parties. For all his talk, I think that underneath the bluster, GJ has a softer side, and if he is happy to pick Basso, we should support Manager and player. It might actually shock you all to know that playing for City is actually not the sole ambition of every footballer - To them, it is just a job.

Lets just hope it gets sorted so that City get another year out of a top Championship keeper. And let those who have never made a bad judgement/ decision cast the first stone.....

Late to the party I know but couldn't agree with this post more. Basso isn't just a keeper he's been the inspiration for supporters these past few years....made a mistake maybe but if he changes his mind I for one will be delighted.

The prodigal returned...

Always Believe! :city:

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At the end of the day Basso is still under contract, so we'd still have to pay him no matter what whether he's sat getting splinters, or between the sticks. If we were to sell him, to get the best money for him he has to be playing and proving to other clubs that he is worth buying. The longer he sits on the bench or stays in the reserves, the lower the price will be......

Part of me wants him to stay, as he is one of the best keepers outside of the Premier League in my opinion. However saying that he is not bigger than the club, as is none of the first team. If he is to stay then he has to re-sign on a contract LESS than the previous offer. At the end of the day he had the chance of being the highest paid player in the squad, he rejected that chance. What sort of a message would the club be giving if he signed on the previous terms? Reject that offer, see what else is about, have a strop, realise nobody else wants you, and then take the offer that was on the table in the first place.

By giving a reduced offer, the club would be sending out a message that they will not be messed about with. You reject the first offer and say you want to go, and then change your mind, then it's a case of "sorry chap, you're no longer worth that amount of money, and if you want to stay this is your final offer which is less than the previous offer because you messed us about".

Like I said I'd like him to stay purely on the basis that nobody really knows how good Gerkin or even Henderson will be given a prolonged run in the team. We know how good Basso is, and although he isn't faultless (if he was he'd already be in the Premier League), we still have a very good keeper to fall back on. I would personally expect to hear a reason for his thinking, and expect him to re-earn his place in the team. A lot of bridges would have to be rebuilt, and a lot of the City supporters are very very unforgiving....

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Guest Red Ass

They guy in my books is a traitor, if he was to stay I would be absolutely furious.

I hope the guy rots somewhere, preferably where he came from in the non league.

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Guest MaloneFM
They guy in my books is a traitor, if he was to stay I would be absolutely furious.

I hope the guy rots somewhere, preferably where he came from in the non league.

Bit harsh isn't it?

I mean, traitor? How do you work that out? He's a professional footballer, not an ex wife, not an ex boss, or even a relative. You put a certain amount of faith in these people but you still have to keep in the back of your mind that one day they will go. They will either pack in the game or play somewhere else.

Right now you must be furious and will be for another 12 months, his contract still has a year left to run and he may well play for the first team should injuries dictate.

If he thinks he can get a better deal, as a professional he's welcome to try. He hasn't broken any rules, he's done the honourable thing with a written transfer request.

Supposing at the end of the season a much larger club comes in for Gary Johnson, or he has a sniff they might and he leaves, does that make him a traitor too?

All you can do is wish him the best, if he plays for the first team again he has the best intrests of the team at heart and gives a good performance for the remainder of his time here.

And if he doesn't then he spends his time in the reserves, we hope for a good price and off he goes.

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Guest Ryan 7

At the end of the day, Basso just desperately wanted to have a crack at the Premier League which is his dream before he retires, as shown by the extreme lengths he has gone to chase his dream. I for one believe the amount he has done for the club, he surely deserves a second chance?


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Has anyone stopped to wonder how much was it Adriano's decision to hand in the request or was he being harangued by an over greedy agent who was only thinking of his cut of a potential move??? Basso appears to be the type who would easily be lead, unlike others wearing the red shirt who almost went down this road but behaved in a professional manner and finally things were resolved to everyones satisfaction (Brad).

Whatever it would have been Basso's signature on the bottom of the request albeit I wonder if his agent typed it and just got Adriano to put his autograph on the bottom.

Sorry yes he does make the occasional save, as do most other keepers at this level, but what with the timing of the request plus his "injury" type antics I am sorry but GJ has to stick to his guns and order a "Taxi for Adriano and his chuffing agent!!!!!"

He has lost my respect and I suspect a lot of other similar die hards who paid his wages whilst a lot of us were struggling to even find a job.

BON VOYAGE TO BASSO AND HIS AGENT - Sorry you dropped (another) one.................

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Has anyone stopped to wonder how much was it Adriano's decision to hand in the request or was he being harangued by an over greedy agent who was only thinking of his cut of a potential move??? Basso appears to be the type who would easily be lead, unlike others wearing the red shirt who almost went down this road but behaved in a professional manner and finally things were resolved to everyones satisfaction (Brad).

Whatever it would have been Basso's signature on the bottom of the request albeit I wonder if his agent typed it and just got Adriano to put his autograph on the bottom.

Sorry yes he does make the occasional save, as do most other keepers at this level, but what with the timing of the request plus his "injury" type antics I am sorry but GJ has to stick to his guns and order a "Taxi for Adriano and his chuffing agent!!!!!"

He has lost my respect and I suspect a lot of other similar die hards who paid his wages whilst a lot of us were struggling to even find a job.

BON VOYAGE TO BASSO AND HIS AGENT - Sorry you dropped (another) one.................

Only one small flaw in your argument; I'm afraid Basso's agent recommended that he sign the contract - not the transfer request.

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Only one small flaw in your argument; I'm afraid Basso's agent recommended that he sign the contract - not the transfer request.

Its actually the fact that Basso was going against his agent's advice that makes me most sympathetic to him. Let's hope this was just a moment of madness on the man's part,and that he can be restored to the fold. Surely asking for forgiveness shouldn't be a problem for him...?

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Guest iWurzel

And even so, for me the buck stops with the player, I don't buy into the whole "he was led astray by his agent" in any transfer situation.

These are adults. Professional sportsmen. Not children. THEY are responsible not their agents. Sportsmen get a lot of things that can potentially lead them astray, be it agents, the money, the fame, the media etc, but they are big enough to be accountable for their own decisions, and for me, the only one who can be responsible for Adriano's decision to hand in a written transfer request is Adriano.

For me, I would be disappointed in Gary Johnson if there was a way back for Basso. If he does withdraw his request, it's because of no Premier League clubs coming in for him, NOT because his heart is with BCFC or whatever, and I fear for the long term damage that would do for not only the fans and Basso, but also GJ and the rest of the dressing room.

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Guest Dave Youell

If he comes back, keeps his head down and doesn't try any of this shit again. All is forgiven in my book.

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Doesn't bother me if he stays. I would hope that he signs a new deal or a club asset will leave for nothing at the end of the season.

I dont blame him for wanting a shot at the top. When he handed his notice in there was a chance a team such as West ham would come infor him as a no.2. If Green gets injured Basso gets his chance. If he shines he is an astablished Prem keeper and his country would look at him. As it is at the moment this hasn't worked out but you dont get far in life without taking a few risks so i don't blame him.

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Guest iWurzel
Everyone can change their mind, I got offered a job handed in my resignation, thought better of it and stayed and got on with it, in Basso's case all I can say is welcome back if you do sign on the dotted line.

Basso is a very good goalkeeper and we would be mad as fans not to accept the decisions he has made rightly or wrongly.

Always believe.

Agree to an extent but where do you draw the line? Say you created a company, provided jobs for people, and then one of your employees handed in their resignation, and (not because they'd had a change of heart - but because nothing better came along) then they asked to stay please, how would you feel?

If Basso had immediately said, I'm sorry, I made a massive mistake, this isn't what I want, then fair enough. But what he's saying IF he does withdraw his request is "nothing better has come up". Personally I would be disappointed in Johnson if he then sends out the message that will be sent out by his inclusion the squad.

I have nothing against people taking risks etc, but people should stand and fall by their decisions, and if it doesn't work out, I don't see why we as a club should accept that we are just the second best option.

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Guest awilko
Everyone can change their mind, I got offered a job handed in my resignation, thought better of it and stayed and got on with it, in Basso's case all I can say is welcome back if you do sign on the dotted line.

Basso is a very good goalkeeper and we would be mad as fans not to accept the decisions he has made rightly or wrongly.

Always believe.

Lucky you, people have done that at my work place and in no uncertain terms been told sorry your jobs been filled already theres no way back, the same should apply here IMO.

I know alot of employers would let you withdraw it but theres also a hell of alot that wont and i would have put GJ in this bracket after he allways goes on about close knit changing room, respect etc.

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In the future GJ will go to SL and say he has an offer from a Premier League club which he would like to accept. Something like that will happen and GJ will be on his way. He wants to go to the top !

Basso is running out of years and at 34 his chances of being chased by Premier League clubs are slim to remote ! Handing in a transfer request without a new club was a huge mistake. Obviously his belief was beyond his concept of reality. No Different than GJ believing he could change Trundle from a front line striker to a box to box donkey.

Managers and players make mistakes, just as we mere mortals do, its just a growing thing !

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Guest Bob4Jane
Now I understand this is an emotive issue for you but the word 'spellcheck' needs to be uppermost in your thoughts before you press the 'add post' or whatever the key is.

Might want to proof read your (glorious) signature.

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Been away from the computer since Tuesday evening and only just caught up with the EP story and responses here, so apologies for late post and any duplication of comments already made, but having posted on this topic before would just like to add my reactions to latest developments.

I have been deeply unimpressed by Basso's behaviour and am really quite surprised by the manager's apparent willingness to back off on this after having so recently implied that Basso had burnt his boats as far as he was concerned. It is at odds with his tendency to portray himself as a man you don't take liberties with. He seems to be saying that for him to reconsider his stance towards Basso it would be sufficient for AB simply to withdraw his written request.

In fact, as others have pointed out, this would involve no meaningful concession from Basso at all. He gets to keep all his options open, having yet to sign a contract, and the only reason he would be withdrawing his request would be not because of any real change of heart, but rather because he has wildly over-estimated his value, as evidenced by the fact that no offers have been forthcoming. I would have thought that at the very least it would take Basso to indicate a willingness to sign on the terms offered before any reconciliation could be considered.

Personally, I would not have him back at any price. I do not deny he is a good keeper, but his value to the club is in danger of being seriously over-rated if GJ relents (not to mention the further boost to an already over-inflated ego). We have a very capable replacement already and the manager has indicated that the addition of a third keeper on loan should not present any great difficulty.

Perhaps most important of all, it arguably weakens the manager's position (and that of the club) in the eyes of other players, supporters and the media, all of whom will no doubt be watching this saga unfold with some interest, because it threatens to make Basso appear more powerful than GJ. Most unlike the manager to risk undermining his own position in this way, especially for a player who is by no means indispensible. The very opposite of the principled stance we saw over, for example, Meteb and Mifsud, which I fully supported at the time. Very puzzling and, as far as I am concerned, also very disappointing.

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Been away from the computer since Tuesday evening and only just caught up with the EP story and responses here, so apologies for late post and any duplication of comments already made, but having posted on this topic before would just like to add my reactions to latest developments.

I have been deeply unimpressed by Basso's behaviour and am really quite surprised by the manager's apparent willingness to back off on this after having so recently implied that Basso had burnt his boats as far as he was concerned. It is at odds with his tendency to portray himself as a man you don't take liberties with. He seems to be saying that for him to reconsider his stance towards Basso it would be sufficient for AB simply to withdraw his written request.

In fact, as others have pointed out, this would involve no meaningful concession from Basso at all. He gets to keep all his options open, having yet to sign a contract, and the only reason he would be withdrawing his request would be not because of any real change of heart, but rather because he has wildly over-estimated his value, as evidenced by the fact that no offers have been forthcoming. I would have thought that at the very least it would take Basso to indicate a willingness to sign on the terms offered before any reconciliation could be considered.

Personally, I would not have him back at any price. I do not deny he is a good keeper, but his value to the club is in danger of being seriously over-rated if GJ relents (not to mention the further boost to an already over-inflated ego). We have a very capable replacement already and the manager has indicated that the addition of a third keeper on loan should not present any great difficulty.

Perhaps most important of all, it arguably weakens the manager's position (and that of the club) in the eyes of other players, supporters and the media, all of whom will no doubt be watching this saga unfold with some interest, because it threatens to make Basso appear more powerful than GJ. Most unlike the manager to risk undermining his own position in this way, especially for a player who is by no means indispensible. The very opposite of the principled stance we saw over, for example, Meteb and Mifsud, which I fully supported at the time. Very puzzling and, as far as I am concerned, also very disappointing.

couldnt agree more. especially with the last paragraph. goes against everything GJ has worked to build up in terms of his stance on these matters and the fact that he only wants players who are totally focussed on bcfc.

would be a joke if basso were allowed to come back into the fold with anything less than a full apology and the signing of a new deal.

GJ would lose face with fans and players alike i feel. get someone in on loan and let the fool rot in teh stands if no one else comes in.

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Perhaps most important of all, it arguably weakens the manager's position (and that of the club) in the eyes of other players, supporters and the media, all of whom will no doubt be watching this saga unfold with some interest, because it threatens to make Basso appear more powerful than GJ. Most unlike the manager to risk undermining his own position in this way, especially for a player who is by no means indispensible. The very opposite of the principled stance we saw over, for example, Meteb and Mifsud, which I fully supported at the time. Very puzzling and, as far as I am concerned, also very disappointing.

I was talking to a Middlesbrough fan last night and he told me that Mark Schwarzer put in a transfer request a few seasons back that he eventually withdrew. He went on to perform very well for them for a couple more years.

So far I think Gary Johnson is handling this very well and it would be nice to see an amicable agreement reached because, aside from the fact that Basso is a very good player who City could do with keeping hold of, it would show that Gary Johnson is capable of reversing his decisions when it makes sense to do so. Gary is known for taking a hard line with players and rightly so, but it would also be good to know that he will not cut off his nose to spite his face as it were.

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couldnt agree more. especially with the last paragraph. goes against everything GJ has worked to build up in terms of his stance on these matters and the fact that he only wants players who are totally focussed on bcfc.

would be a joke if basso were allowed to come back into the fold with anything less than a full apology and the signing of a new deal.

GJ would lose face with fans and players alike i feel. get someone in on loan and let the fool rot in teh stands if no one else comes in.

Not a very good business deal to let him rot in the stands. This sort of thing happens in football.

Man u let Ronaldo back this season when Real wanted to buy him for 50 mil last summer and the player wanted to go. He stayed for a season, helped them win the prem and runner up in the champ league and has now been sold for 80 mil. Perhaps Fergi should have left him to rot in the stands last year :noexpression:

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I was talking to a Middlesbrough fan last night and he told me that Mark Schwarzer put in a transfer request a few seasons back that he eventually withdrew. He went on to perform very well for them for a couple more years.

So far I think Gary Johnson is handling this very well and it would be nice to see an amicable agreement reached because, aside from the fact that Basso is a very good player who City could do with keeping hold of, it would show that Gary Johnson is capable of reversing his decisions when it makes sense to do so. Gary is known for taking a hard line with players and rightly so, but it would also be good to know that he will not cut off his nose to spite his face as it were.

Fair shout, Dan, and in most situations I would probably agree and be in the same camp with the "let's all be grown up about this and settle the matter like adults" body of opinion, and I do also take your point about the desirability of GJ not always appearing the autocrat who cannot be disagreed with, but for one reason or another I feel a bit differently about this one. Only time will tell who's right.

As to the other poster who cited the example of Ferguson, Ronaldo and Real Madrid, point taken, but with respect circumstances do alter cases: Basso is not currently the world's best player whose presence is likely to be the difference between winning major titles or not; GJ does not have the near impregnable standing of Sir Alex, and we haven't got Barcelona or AC Milan breathing down our necks. In fact, we haven't got anyone at all breathing down our necks, so the club at the moment hold the cards and Basso is wavering because it's getting increasingly obvious he's shot himself in the foot. All of which makes it harder to understand why the olive branch is apparently being offered at this stage, only days after the manager clearly implied that there was no way back for Basso.

Most odd and, on balance, still a mistake in my book.

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To be honest I am really fed up with this, Firstly why should we give Basso more time to make his decision, Once he was aware that the club might listen to a U turn, Then his decision should have been instant, Perhaps his heart is'nt really in it and what if he does get an offer or decides not to U turn, We are seriously close to the deadline for saturdays game.

Yet again the tail wags dog.

That's why football is a stupid game, The players have most of the power, Just ask Man City fans.

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What are Henderson and Gerken going to make of all this?

Surely it doesn't show much, if any, faith in their capabilities, when we seem so keen to accommodate a clearly want away rival.

This ongoing situation must surely be unsettling for the other keepers, particularly Gerken, who must have felt a first team spot was his for the taking.

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Not a very good business deal to let him rot in the stands. This sort of thing happens in football.

Man u let Ronaldo back this season when Real wanted to buy him for 50 mil last summer and the player wanted to go. He stayed for a season, helped them win the prem and runner up in the champ league and has now been sold for 80 mil. Perhaps Fergi should have left him to rot in the stands last year :noexpression:

i would of. made me sick to hear those cretens still singing his name and worshiping the ladyboy when he blatantly would of rather been elsewhere.

if you are suggesting that our clubs fans look at things in the same way man utds do then your wrong.

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Guest sparkyboy72
What are Henderson and Gerken going to make of all this?

Surely it doesn't show much, if any, faith in their capabilities, when we seem so keen to accommodate a clearly want away rival.

This ongoing situation must surely be unsettling for the other keepers, particularly Gerken, who must have felt a first team spot was his for the taking.

My opinion is that the Number 1 Jersy now belongs to Gerken and if reports are true about AB then he should be looked upon as a new keeper and have to prove that he is in the right mindset and compete for the N1 Jersey.

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What are Henderson and Gerken going to make of all this?

Surely it doesn't show much, if any, faith in their capabilities, when we seem so keen to accommodate a clearly want away rival.

This ongoing situation must surely be unsettling for the other keepers, particularly Gerken, who must have felt a first team spot was his for the taking.

Very true noggers and time is one thing we dont have, 5.0pm friday is the cut off for a loan signing, dont get me wrong i rated AB highly but i still believe he would be off in a flash if a offer came in for him, AB is only thinking about AB and to me that just is not right in the present circumstances.

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To be fair I think the other goalkeepers only have an argument if Basso walks straight back into the first team. He has to earn his place back after this misdemeanour (assuming he's coming back at all) but the situation will be no different the how it was when Gerken arrived or to how it would be if another goalkeeper were brought in.

I would also assume that the contract originally on offer to Basso will have been torn up and he will be offered something more appropriate considering his behaviour. If he wants to take his chances elsewhere next summer that's up to him.

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This ongoing situation must surely be unsettling for the other keepers, particularly Gerken, who must have felt a first team spot was his for the taking.

This just needs settling one way or another, tell Basso to do one and get someone else in until Henderson is fit and put our faith in those 2 keepers or tell Basso to withdraw the request and sign a deal and he can get back in the squad, none of this is helping 2 days before the season starts.

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Guest City Chuds

Just thinking out loud, but has it crossed anyone elses mind that maybe GJ has been quite clever here and has played a clever game to get him to stay.

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What are Henderson and Gerken going to make of all this?

Surely it doesn't show much, if any, faith in their capabilities, when we seem so keen to accommodate a clearly want away rival.

This ongoing situation must surely be unsettling for the other keepers, particularly Gerken, who must have felt a first team spot was his for the taking.

To be fair Nogbad as long as GJ has got a big pair of balls between his legs then Gerken has got a first team spot there for the taking whatever happens. If Gerken plays well on Saturday (or makes no mistakes) then as far as I am concerned he should be in against Palace. As long as he is showing Championship form and is making very few mistakes then Basso, if he does make a U turn, would have to sit on the bench and take his medicine wouldn't he? Henderson is the one I am more worried about because I believe that this lad has got all the potential you could want in a young keeper but GJ seems determined to force him into the Nr 3 goalkeeping position. That is madness and that is why, as long as Gerken is playing alright, I would not be too upset at seeing Basso sat in the Williams with his club tie on every week. In the longer term, Henderson needs to be fighting with Gerken for the first team spot.

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Guest terjon

Without reading any other posts above, :noexpression:

WTF is going on, :ranting:



GET ON WITH IT MAN...... :grr:

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Guest City Chuds
To be fair Nogbad as long as GJ has got a big pair of balls between his legs then Gerken has got a first team spot there for the taking whatever happens. If Gerken plays well on Saturday (or makes no mistakes) then as far as I am concerned he should be in against Palace. As long as he is showing Championship form and is making very few mistakes then Basso, if he does make a U turn, would have to sit on the bench and take his medicine wouldn't he? Henderson is the one I am more worried about because I believe that this lad has got all the potential you could want in a young keeper but GJ seems determined to force him into the Nr 3 goalkeeping position. That is madness and that is why, as long as Gerken is playing alright, I would not be too upset at seeing Basso sat in the Williams with his club tie on every week. In the longer term, Henderson needs to be fighting with Gerken for the first team spot.

I like all you have said bar one thing. Thats a lot of money in wages to be sat in the Williams stand doing bog all its better to give him away

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Very true noggers and time is one thing we dont have, 5.0pm friday is the cut off for a loan signing, dont get me wrong i rated AB highly but i still believe he would be off in a flash if a offer came in for him, AB is only thinking about AB and to me that just is not right in the present circumstances.

Well, I assume Gerken will definitely play against Preston, so it's up to him to play well enough to keep the shirt.

In the past, though, the impression has been given that whenever Basso missed a game or two through injury he expected to return immediately no matter how well Weale or Henderson might have done in his absence.

Terrible attitude to encourgage if true - little doubt it went some way to costing us Weale and it would surely be impossible to keep Gerken and Henderson happy if it was to carry on this season.

Basso putting in a written request was the best thing that could have happened as regards our keepers, the only proviso being it should have been presented to GJ before Weale left, in which case I'm certain he would have stayed.

The whole goalkeeping situation is a very worrying mess of Basso's making and the first step to putting it right would be to be decisive and get rid of him.

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Guest Bob4Jane
He's under contract, so I think he should see out his contract, but start the season as no 2.

I agree. If Basso is willing to change his mind and sign another contract, great. If not, he is still an employee and should be given the chance to prove he is 1st choice.

But the U-turn would need an apology to the fans on top of the deals/talks that go on behind closed-doors.(IMO)

But I would welcome him back to the team. If GJ and Carey are happy to have him in the team, so am I.

Always Believe. ( -in the team, not in one player!)

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Well, I assume Gerken will definitely play against Preston, so it's up to him to play well enough to keep the shirt.

In the past, though, the impression has been given that whenever Basso missed a game or two through injury he expected to return immediately no matter how well Weale or Henderson might have done in his absence.

Terrible attitude to encourgage if true - little doubt it went some way to costing us Weale and it would surely be impossible to keep Gerken and Henderson happy if it was to carry on this season.

Basso putting in a written request was the best thing that could have happened as regards our keepers, the only proviso being it should have been presented to GJ before Weale left, in which case I'm certain he would have stayed.

The whole goalkeeping situation is a very worrying mess of Basso's making and the first step to putting it right would be to be decisive and get rid of him.

Correct on all counts, in my view.

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i would of. made me sick to hear those cretens still singing his name and worshiping the ladyboy when he blatantly would of rather been elsewhere.

if you are suggesting that our clubs fans look at things in the same way man utds do then your wrong.

Then "you" would have lost 40 million. Good job your not our manager. And yes our fans are probably the same , ALL fans are the same pretty much. They all have different views.

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As much as ive liked seeing Basso in goal for us, i dont think there should be any coming back from this. As talented a stopper as he is ive not often seen him playing with a smile on his face and have even seen him getting pissy with his team mates during the warm up as they peppered shots at him when he wasnt ready, in other words he comes across as a bit of a sulky git. I sense a little petulance of character from Mr Basso. Why he would of handed in that request if he wasnt damn sure he had a move lined up leaves me totally puzzled. Its disrupted the team and the preperations for the new season and id like to wish DG all the best for saturday and i hope he takes his chance to be our new no.1.

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Then "you" would have lost 40 million. Good job your not our manager. And yes our fans are probably the same , ALL fans are the same pretty much. They all have different views.

your right it is a good job im not our manager but where did you get the idea that united would of only got £50M for ladyboy last summer from??? im sure they would of got pretty much the same fee come the end.

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To be honest I am really fed up with this, Firstly why should we give Basso more time to make his decision, Once he was aware that the club might listen to a U turn, Then his decision should have been instant, Perhaps his heart is'nt really in it and what if he does get an offer or decides not to U turn, We are seriously close to the deadline for saturdays game.

Yet again the tail wags dog.

That's why football is a stupid game, The players have most of the power, Just ask Man City fans.

Well said that man!

As I said yesterday, as if Basso hadn't mucked us about enough already, we could also be missing out on a loan keeper through all this delaying.

I'd much rather never see him in a City shirt again, but if GJ IS deciding to hold out an olive branch and a way back for him, why is he allowing more time for him to delay. Basso either realises (A) he's made a massive mistake and instantly snatches GJs hand off, or (B) he still wants to stand by his decision to leave. So to me it's easy and just needs one of two answers from Basso, so why the extra time? If Basso needs to think that long about it, that tells me he doesn't want to be with us and GJ can take that as a definite answer (B) so can tell him to do one

I for one am sick to death of all this rubbish and it's taken the edge right off of Saturday for me. Who knows what it's doing to the players in the squad, especially the other keepers.

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Well said that man!

As I said yesterday, as if Basso hadn't mucked us about enough already, we could also be missing out on a loan keeper through all this delaying.

I'd much rather never see him in a City shirt again, but if GJ IS deciding to hold out an olive branch and a way back for him, why is he allowing more time for him to delay. Basso either realises (A) he's made a massive mistake and instantly snatches GJs hand off, or (B) he still wants to stand by his decision to leave. So to me it's easy and just needs one of two answers from Basso, so why the extra time? If Basso needs to think that long about it, that tells me he doesn't want to be with us and GJ can take that as a definite answer (B) so can tell him to do one

I for one am sick to death of all this rubbish and it's taken the edge right off of Saturday for me. Who knows what it's doing to the players in the squad, especially the other keepers.

I agree with all of this - this debacle is overshadowing what should be an exciting time, with the new season just a few days away - sign up or sod off should be the ultimatum. As a 'keeper myself I admire what Basso has done up to a fortnight ago, but this subject is now is tiresome to say the least. The fact is we were told a new loanee would be in by Tuesday and it is now only a day until the deadline so time is running out. I have never known a situation like this in all my years of supporting the club.

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I agree with all of this - this debacle is overshadowing what should be an exciting time, with the new season just a few days away - sign up or sod off should be the ultimatum. As a 'keeper myself I admire what Basso has done up to a fortnight ago, but this subject is now is tiresome to say the least. The fact is we were told a new loanee would be in by Tuesday and it is now only a day until the deadline so time is running out. I have never known a situation like this in all my years of supporting the club.

Completely agree with you Ronnie.

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Guest gary cornes
I agree with all of this - this debacle is overshadowing what should be an exciting time, with the new season just a few days away - sign up or sod off should be the ultimatum. As a 'keeper myself I admire what Basso has done up to a fortnight ago, but this subject is now is tiresome to say the least. The fact is we were told a new loanee would be in by Tuesday and it is now only a day until the deadline so time is running out. I have never known a situation like this in all my years of supporting the club.

I just cant believe that he is being given an opertunity to stay he asked to leave and now oneone wants him he wants to stay, obviously his heart is else were. Me persanly as much as i like basso would rather him go or not play for us agian. now all city players can say i want to leave to see if anyone comes in and then change there mind when it doesnt happen, If i told my manager i was looking for a new job for better money I would be put on garden leave and that would be that no U turn opition there...... any one agree or disagree. I dont want to see him a booo from suporters but I am starting to think he will if he plays.

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Guest Red Ass
Bit harsh isn't it?

I mean, traitor? How do you work that out? He's a professional footballer, not an ex wife, not an ex boss, or even a relative. You put a certain amount of faith in these people but you still have to keep in the back of your mind that one day they will go. They will either pack in the game or play somewhere else.

Right now you must be furious and will be for another 12 months, his contract still has a year left to run and he may well play for the first team should injuries dictate.

If he thinks he can get a better deal, as a professional he's welcome to try. He hasn't broken any rules, he's done the honourable thing with a written transfer request.

Supposing at the end of the season a much larger club comes in for Gary Johnson, or he has a sniff they might and he leaves, does that make him a traitor too?

All you can do is wish him the best, if he plays for the first team again he has the best intrests of the team at heart and gives a good performance for the remainder of his time here.

And if he doesn't then he spends his time in the reserves, we hope for a good price and off he goes.

No not at all piggy.

Mr Basso has made his intentions clear, we picked him up from the scrapheap that is non league, and gave him a new lease of life that is well documented.


He was offered superb money to stay with us, and turned it down flat.

Next please.........................

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