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Attacking The East End

Magic Man

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O i'm glad someone else posted this. (In my opinion) Its much better when we attack the EE in the 2nd half and the players were clearly enjoying it from what I can see...

I would be delighted if this was to happen more often.

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Guest Eastend Fan
Interesting point, I wonder which helps more attacking a vocal end or defending it ?

Probabily attacking it. That way if they score they can celabrate infront of us (East End). I noticed at least 2 goals, if not all 3, were celebrated infront of the East End last night. Was great in there.

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The EE was the 'home' end untill the Atyeo was built and City always tried to attack that way in the second half. It was always full of City fans because back then there were never any away fans in there or the gap of red seats that now seperates home and away fans.

No-ones fault but I think the gap and the away fans detract from the EE becoming the home end again - even though more noise eminates from there than anywhere else.

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Much better as we actually get to properly see some goals, not sure how many City goals we seen down that end last season but it didnt seem to be many!!!

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Just wondered how much of a difference attacking the East End in the second half made last night?

I know the Atyeo is recognized as the home end, but most of the noise was coming from the other end... maybe the players reacted to this?

I agree that it would be better to attack the EE in the 2nd half. Would also have the advantage that the away team would not be playing towards their fans in the 2nd half.

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I posted this originally a few months back and I think I'm right in saying Sunday is the first time since that we've attacked the East End in the second half.

I for one think it's a good idea and might actually go some way to stopping the opposition scoring in the last minute...

It worked on Sunday - I'd be interested to know who won the toss...

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I posted this originally a few months back and I think I'm right in saying Sunday is the first time since that we've attacked the East End in the second half.

I for one think it's a good idea and might actually go some way to stopping the opposition scoring in the last minute...

It worked on Sunday - I'd be interested to know who won the toss...

As Wba kicked off, and the teams swapped ends, it looks like we won the toss and Carey chose to swap form the usual.

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No i think we should keep it as attacking the Atyeo in the second half because it is all City fans in that half of the pitch where as the East End is a corner of the stand with segregation in the middle and stewards dotted about.

It should come down to what the players prefer. Simple.

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No i think we should keep it as attacking the Atyeo in the second half because it is all City fans in that half of the pitch where as the East End is a corner of the stand with segregation in the middle and stewards dotted about.

I see what you're saying and I agree in part, but the away team attacking there own fans HAS to be an advantage for them. With the way things has gone this season it might be worth considering this for the rest of the home games (if only for this season).

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Guest Zider_I_Up_Landlord

If i remember rightly, we attacked towards the East End in the second half in the middlesbrough game too. I'm sure it helps.


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Guest thorneyRED

I think the half time team talk made us win the second half not the end we were attacking! And the players only celebrated in front of the EE cos they were the closest fans, u dont see them celebrating in front of the EE when they attack the atyeo do you?

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i said at half time to my partner we wouldn't lose cos we were attacking the Eastend and on the rare occassions we do we seem to do well

You thow the coin in the air, who wins decides which end you kick off from maybe Carey just realized this or did WBA win the toss and think make them play second half away from the Ateyo stand.

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With all due respect to the EE, I think that their influence was minimal since we always seem to do better in the second half.

Plus, sitting in the Atyeo, I absolutely hate it when we attack the Atyeo in the first half because we always end up losing. ranting.gif


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Guest vincent_bcfc

Games where we have attacked the EE second half always seem to end up quite well. I remember beating Norwich 2-1 with Brooker scoring last minute. Drawing 2-2 with Plymouth after being 2-0 down at half time. Wolves last season when we came from 2-0 down. I'd be willing to bet we have scored more goals at the east end since we were promoted and our record is better when we do shoot that way second half

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Its much better to attack the EE in the second half as I'm totally p!ssed off with watching the away fans and their last minute goal scorer leaping around and celebrating together! At least if they do it at the Atyeo in the last minute they cant just rush over to their fans in the corner. If only we could have clean sheets at home all the time, I hate seeing them all leaping around in their little corner!!

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I prefer it when we attack the East End second half but that's partly because I'm nearer that end and partly because I'm an oldie who remembers when we had the East End to ourselves (apart from the pre-segregation days when chanting 'you'll never take the East End' was a live issue.

Also, as has been pointed out on this thread, we seem to get better results on the rare occasions we have played that way in recent seasons.

But if I was in the Atyeo I'm sure I will feel differently. There's nothing like the team attacking your end and scoring.

We have two home ends. The Atyeo played a huge part on Sunday, not least in the rousing reception at half time. When we operate in unison as a fan base or bounce off eachother with the singing from all four sides at times, the Gate is a great place to be.

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