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I dont understand how you want GJ out. Ok that your opinion and i'm not going to try and change that, but after all he has done for us I really think he is a great manager. Ok football might not be great at the moment, but IMP thats down to the players and not GJ. Could you get more attacking than Maynard, Haynes n Saborio (Soz if i spelt it wrong) up front all at once. Maybe its the players not working together or getting the balls through. However were still 5th in the table and I am very happy with the team and club atm. Its certainly keeping me at the Gate :D

How about trying Clarkson? what has he done wrong?

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Let me get this right, you want us to win, and play brilliant football? Do you want someone to wipe your ass for you in the toilet too? a topless girl (or man :noexpression: ) to greet you when you get to the ground? anything else?

Has SL asked you to conduct a survey to identify the sort of facilities fans want at the new ground?

I'd prefer it if ther tiopless giorl could wipemy ass, if that's OK. To be truthful, I'd really prefer the tiopkless girl to hold onto my ............................................. na, can't see it happening!

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Let me get this right, you want us to win, and play brilliant football? Do you want someone to wipe your ass for you in the toilet too? a topless girl (or man :noexpression: ) to greet you when you get to the ground? anything else?

I think he just wants the team to be a bit more positive thats all. We have the ability to play brilliant football yet we continue to hoof the ball up from the back to strikers who are a better on the ground in the case of DH and NM. Nyatanga has shown the ability to pass well and looks a really good player yet playing along side McCombe he has started to launch the ball 40-50 yards up the pitch in the vain attempt to find a red shirt. Maynard would have scored 15 goals this season if we played to our strenghts. He's fantastic and takes every chance he gets, which is usualy 0-1-2 a game.

as for the entertainment, the picture of the boy taking a No.2 on your profile does that job. I like that one. Nice work!!!!

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I think he just wants the team to be a bit more positive thats all. We have the ability to play brilliant football yet we continue to hoof the ball up from the back to strikers who are a better on the ground in the case of DH and NM. Nyatanga has shown the ability to pass well and looks a really good player yet playing along side McCombe he has started to launch the ball 40-50 yards up the pitch in the vain attempt to find a red shirt. Maynard would have scored 15 goals this season if we played to our strenghts. He's fantastic and takes every chance he gets, which is usualy 0-1-2 a game.

as for the entertainment, the picture of the boy taking a No.2 on your profile does that job. I like that one. Nice work!!!!

Ever thought we went long because the wednesday made it difficult for the side to play or pass it around?!

ps its not a toilet!

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We went long because of the formation we were playing with no width. When changed to 4-4-2 and Hartley came on he started pinging the ball around nicely. Yet next home game I et we go back to 3 at the back. Fair enough for away games in the championship where a point is a good result and a direct ball gives us that chance sometimes to 'nick' a win.

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You seem to have a problem with quite a number of posters who pretty much agree that whilst City are in 5th place the stye of play so far ain't been pretty to watch. In fact its been dire. Low on entertainment and goal mouth action to name just two complaints.

Its bit narrow minded and disrespectfull of you to advise these posters that they should go and watch some non-league team or Southampton?!

Just accept that not everyone sees it your way and try to see the other point of view. I mean do you think the footballs been attractive to watch this season?

Not at all. Clearly this 'void' in tone/demeanor that occurs over the internet has been at play here. My comments are purely tongue in cheek, and I do not actually suggest people go and watch a non league side or s,hampton do I? I'm sure you realise that its purely a joking theoretical comment, I dont actually think we should sack everyone and commit arson leavng us with no choice but to support an other team.

My point, with tongue in cheek banter (not a narrow minded or disrespectful jibe at others view) is that really we should have some perspective and realise that things could be VERY VERY much worse than they are at AG at the moment and I have emphsised that by highlighting the positions of other clubs in our region who we are now streets and miles ahead of. Whilst I am not suggesting this should give GJ and the team lisence to play awful football, I am suggesting that this really, really should be put into perspective. Not so long ago, we were on a par at best and below all of the teams around us. We have leapfrogged them all and, despite some not so Brazilain style performances, we are in a pretty damn good position to continue moving even further away from them.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, i agree we are not setting the league on fire with attractive football, BUT many, if not the majority of teams in this league do not play this style that some at AG, believe we should adopt, in fact many play a similar level of 'attractvie'(or not depedning on opinion) football but DO NOT GET RESULTS that leave them 5th in the table after nearly a third of the season.

IF, and only IF, we were playing this kind of game and languishing near the foot of the table then it would be a different matter, but at present we are at least putting ourselves amongst those in contention for promotion, and for me I find that a fair trade off considering we could have neither attractive football OR a decent league position. I also feel that GJ has not yet found his best 11 or indeed his best formation, maybe he should have, but the facts are, if he hasnt as yet he has done a pretty good job of securing 25 points for us whilst he sorts it out.

I agree we could play better, more exciting football we could argue his team selections have been wrong, tactical decisions negative, but at the end of the day a manager is judged ultimately on his results and 5th in the table is not something we can argue with IMO. I beleive when PH is fully fit, we will see him play a more integral roll, when Sno is fully 'match fit' he will play in his more acustomed position and so forth. After 15 games many teams wont yet have found their feet fully and those who secure points in this phase of the season leave themselves in a VERY good postiton to push on when they do gel completely. I think we have a very exciting squad, one that when its fully fit, fully gelled and fully on form (i dont think we have been yet) will produce NOT only the results that we have seeen so far bu ALSO a better style of football. I dont think things will change massively, we will not be the 'Brazil' of the championship, but we have seen glimmers of attractive attacking football this season, and I think they will become more consistent and more a part of our approach from the off.

In the mean time, whilst in 5th place and streets above those who were once laughing at us, I find it VERY hard to understand how some fans are SO negative, lets not forget what this threads OP suggested. That said, it is right that that people can have their opinion, but it is also right that I can express my view that thier opinion is wrong and 'IN MY OPINION' rather rediculous considering all the above.

I enjoy wathcing Chelsea score goals like they did at Bolton on the weekend, fantastic football, but I also enjoy far more, my club winning games and moving towards a time and place when we might get to see those kinds of goals and players at AG (or the new stadium). Whilst that continues to be a possibility on the horizon with the current results I for one am happy to ease critisim on GJ and the stlye of football we are currently playing and think anyone that has sacking him on their minds is really rather odd.

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