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Stadium Decision - Live Match Thread

Guest zider_head

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bet you a bottom Dollar a decision wont be made tonight

Its almost guranteed that it will drag on untill tomorow. Its exactly what the Nimbys want, even if they dont get there wish holding it up a bit longer will please them :disapointed2se:

And how they say theres a chance it could ''flood'' is beggers belief!

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I must admit that my opinion is now starting to change. The environmental impact on the Otters, Elk, Giraffe and Wildebeast that we all love to watch frollicking through the flood ravaged plains of Ashton Vale will be hard to replace. Maybe it should be a no vote.

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I must admit that my opinion is now starting to change. The environmental impact on the Otters, Elk, Giraffe and Wildebeast that we all love to watch frollicking through the flood ravaged plains of Ashton Vale will be hard to replace. Maybe it should be a no vote.

Don't forget the blue whales !

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Why are city council not chomping at the bit to get a major sports stadium in the city and make us the leading south west city, they should be trying to stuff Cardiff, Plymouth and Sansea out of site.

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Why are city council not chomping at the bit to get a major sports stadium in the city and make us the leading south west city, they should be trying to stuff Cardiff, Plymouth and Sansea out of site.

.............and none of this would have been even possible without Steve L chucking a load of money in. I would not blame the bloke for one minute if he walked away if these numpties say no. It's pratically a soddin 'freebie'

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It's the same self important councillors asking endless trivial questions to big up their role in all of this.

I feel sorry for the officers, they must be close to exasperation!

I used to work for BCC and had to put up with this type of cr@p from time to time. (though not on this scale!)

Most councillors are sitting quietly, hopefully waiting to vote yes! :fingerscrossed:

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cheaky cow. the odd mistake is hardly surprising after hours of chat largely about minor issues... lucidity remark not called for. good grief woman. :noexpression:

hey, i wondered where the blue halo had gone.. that was worth the wait. !

Edited by havanatopia
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It's the same self important councillors asking endless trivial questions to big up their role in all of this.

I feel sorry for the officers, they must be close to exasperation!

I used to work for BCC and had to put up with this type of cr@p from time to time. (though not on this scale!)

Most councillors are sitting quietly, hopefully waiting to vote yes! :fingerscrossed:

must be on double time so trying to hang it out

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I must admit that my opinion is now starting to change. The environmental impact on the Otters, Elk, Giraffe and Wildebeast that we all love to watch frollicking through the flood ravaged plains of Ashton Vale will be hard to replace. Maybe it should be a no vote.

but the dolphin overbreeding might endanger the cod stocks

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It's the same self important councillors asking endless trivial questions to big up their role in all of this.

One must remember that to be a Councillor it is important to have the following traits and be:

Thoughtful, Objective, Sensible, Sensitive, Environmental, Resourceful

TOSSER for short

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Even if we get a yes from BCC, we have to go through this with N.Somerset Council aswell....most are City fans being south of the river I am sure

Havnt N Somerset agreed to go with whatever BCC decide?

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now i get it... they have to discuss whether to take a vote to agree to then take a vote. simple really.

flippin hec.

Thats about it. Even if a Councillor needs to leave the meeting to go and have a crap it needs to be put in the form of a motion !

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I work for NSC planners and councillors are all total Roger hunts they will balls it up for sure if a yes tonight

Well thats nice and positive !

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