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1 Dimensional

Guest jon

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Has anyone noticed how one dimensional we've got lately? A lack of basic ideas, repeating the same old tired tried and tested methods to little effect? Trying to break down the right wing with little effect?

Yeah, the forum is getting dull and monotonous. Sadly, with the change to the new format and address, we've lost some of the more colourful and inventive posters, to be replaced by posters who feel that they've got something to offer on every subject. Hey, message to some of you (and you know who you are); if you've got nothing to say, I'd be quite happy if you kept quiet. that's what the more astute people in society do. They speak when they have an original or telling thought, they don't say the first thing that comes into their head.

Perhaps I'm getting too old for this thing as I must admit that I don't understand the "young-boy network" that seems to exist between some of you.

Anyway, I'm off to post a thread about my ten best bowel movements. I'm sure that some of you from your earlier postings will be thrilled!

Scooter Red

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I agree upto a point - but with a little practice you learn which posters are worth reading.There some nameless ones that I never bother to read having had the misfortune of stumbling across them accidently.

Then again there are several that I always read.

Give it time.

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:Rage: Completely agree with you.

Some of the postings are getting completely rubbish and banal. The forum is just getting to be like a kiddy chatroom.

This site is about City and not stating the obvious or illthought and uninformed half baked ideals.

And as for the injokes- What issue Scooter Monthly u reading on the bog.

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