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Guest ziderhead2003

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Guest Red_Rat

Why is it that whenver a player serves at a club for a period of time people think he'd make a good manager, i doubt tinnion would have a clue what to do,he'd fail and end up being hated by the fans.

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Guest Ciderhead Reynolds
Naah he could maybe be an assistant here but he would be too inexperienced.
Agreed , maybe assistane for a few years then give him a shot !! He's got the passion and in time will have tactics and man 2 man skills :clap:
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Guest Tins4Gaffer

Tinman seems a very good coach because he earnt his badges very early on into his coaching courses which was apparently very rare and impressive.. Gerry Sweeney (ex-City star) told me that he feels Brian has the best footballing brain he has ever worked with! ('Sween' also said that he feels Brian is the best player outside the Premiership by miles!)

Whether Tinny would be any good business-wise or man-managing etc I really don't know.. I could imagine Tins for example playing himself and Wilkshire in the middle with Aaron and Robbo out wide.. I don't know if he appreciates 'off-the-ball' stuff enough? I can't think of anybody who'd be in the job with more heart and passion though!

We'll have to see.. maybe assistant at first and then he'll end up in charge.. I remember Paul Jewell and Brian Tinnion were favourite for the job before DW came in - to manage us together (Jewell/Tinnion joint gaffers - best mates at Bradford..).

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I would like to see Tins as manager one day, but only when his playing days are over.

I was very impressed with what he had to say at the Dave L's Tinman do. His answers to the questions put were totally honest and spot on. Asked who was the best youngster at the club, he said "Simon Clist"

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He, in my opinion would be deserving of a chance at management at BCFC, but not for a few years yet.

He still is, in my opinion, the best footballer at the club by a country mile, no one else gets close to his football brain, he can play it short or long effectively and has bags of energy, if only city could coach the rest of the squad to get somewhere near his talent, we would be laughing, far to valuable as a player at the moment.

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