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A Question

Guest Centenary Gas

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Guest Centenary Gas

Bristol rivalry aside for a minute, a question...

What makes you think you should be further up the league when you consider the calibre (Prem history, attendances, money spent) of other clubs in the Championship. Why shouldn't they have equal or higher expectations than you 'orrible lot? Not a dig, just a curiosity.

Most fans moan about tactics or performances. You lot probably didnt as much when Wilson as manager, but did he sent you up? There are a lot of big clubs with big shiny grounds and recent (last decade) top flight experience. With Boro, Newcastle and West Brom above you why should you be moaning when you are in the playoffs (as some were earlier in the season). I swear all the patience has completely left football (Bosman ruling doesnt help with fans bonding less with players and high wages widening the gap).

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Guest Centenary Gas
Typical gashead, tarring us with the arrogant brush.

Posters on this forum are hacked off because we should be performing better, but that has nothing to do with how we view the other 23 teams in the Championship.

We dont have a divine right to be doing better than these teams, and I see little evidence to suggest that we think we should??

I'm tarring most football fans with the same brush at the moment. When I started watching Rovers in 95 there wouldnt be any boos if we lost, nowadays its all moans and boos with no patience, just like nearly every other club (apart from Liverpool strangely).

You were in the playoffs yet fans were moaning. At the time, Johnson had you above those teams and people still questioned him to a large extent. Christ, even Chelsea fans booed a home draw with Everton. I would ask them, but you lot are closer to home...

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