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Celebrating Goals When You're Not At The Game


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Just realised I'm totally naffed off with talking about the current state the City are in, so I thought I'd start a thread about happier moments as City fans!

When you've been unable get to a game for some reason, but you've been getting updates on the City score during the game by one method or another, how have you celebrated? If you've jumped up and down, hugged the nearest stranger in Ikea or something, where have you been when you've been celebrating? The more inappropriate the situation the better!

I don't miss many games, but couldn't make Mansfield away last season :clap: I was on my own at home listening to the radio Bristol commentary. It's 3-4 at the time, then we equalise, so I do the classic run around the room screaming celebration. Still pacing around the room, Roberts lashes in the winner. I totally lost it - tripped down the stairs, ran around my living room, jumped on my dog (who was fast asleep) and my flailing arm smashed a vase on the table. The dog jumped a mile, I lay there for a few minutes while the feeling of us winning that game sunk in.

5 mins later my parents come in the door - my Dad thinks we've lost 4-2. Mum sees the smashed vase, Dad looks a tad unimpressed. At which point I start shouting "5-4!! 5-4!! We only went and won 5-4!!"

Needless to say, my Dad forget the vase was smashed at this point, being the City nut that he is!

Ah, memories, goals........... GOALS yes GOALS FOR BRISTOL CITY!! :Party27:

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I think every fan anywhere listening or watching the Mansfield match will have a story around that one - And at 11:50 AM on a quiet weekend in the Suburbs of New York, you can imagine I was the only one running up and down the streets in my boxer shorts screaming "GOAAAAALLLLL"

... But more recently I can remember the reaction when Woodman/Peacock had that Dissalowed goal against Southampton... I'd started into a running sprint out the door, when i heard it was in, then somehow managed to hear it get called back, and my sprint kind of turned into a controlled, backwards collapse, i ended with my feet near my hips and my body flat on the floor, and someone came up and asked me if i needed help :PC_Plod:

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Guest KingswoodRed

Good posting.

The most recent springing to mind was a nice mild evening here in Bristol when we played Crewe away last season.

Out on the patio with the midi tuned into radio Brizzle in my daughters' room on 3/4 blast & window open.

Me, my eldest daughter, youngest daughter & wife all dressed in City tops 1-0 down and then GOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL !!!

1-1 & I fall over trying to get up from the chair, eventually recovering and getting my top over my head running around the garden almost coming face to face with my koi in the pond.

Yep I'd had a few red wines, but having season ticket holders 2 doors up with their radio as loud made it quite a moment :clap:;)

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Guest eskimo's_arnt_real

Not a reaction to a city goal as such but to a city game. The scene was the classic game where 'Stevie sent the gas down'. As I was listening to Radio Bristol the penalty was awarded, I threw my phone on the floor and it hasnt worked since.

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Guest Cyprus_Red

i remember listening to rovers against wycombe i think when they lost 2-0 to go down that was a good night :clap: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12:

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A couple of years ago my cousin and myself realised we could go to Wycombe away, it was the saturday of the game and I couldn`t get hold of the club, something about club shop revamp, so we had to make do with listening to radio Bristol. My cousin`s just leaving my house when Sean Mc Carthey or was it or Cram?? equalised, nothing quite as impressive as breaking vases but me and my cousin were going bazerk on the drive, the old dears in the street must have wondered what was going on. Driving the car is the worst, you`ve got nowhere to go (except to all over the road). I was driving home from work listening to the 4-2 game at Trumpton and the 4-1 euro 96 Holland game, you`ve got other motorists looking over and thinking that blokes of his rocker.

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I used to go fishing with a guy who was a Tottenham fan, we had been to Longleat for a competition and as we were driving out of the estate, a Tottenham game was on the radio, they were awarded a penalty.....when they scored it, my mate drove of the road and into a field, narrowly missing a tree. It was a piece of soft ground and Capri's weren't known for their off-roading prowess, it was dark and in an isolated spot (in the days before mobile phones).

After about 20 minutes an old guy came along in a Marina van, he was at least three sheets to the wind, but managed to pull us out.

So be careful driving and listening to City on the radio.........

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Guest Ciderhead Reynolds

If I'm not at the game and get news of a city goal i usually give it a fist in the air followed by a "come on" :( !!! except when blackpool beat us 5-1 i was out with my swindon m8s , rang me dad to find out the score and he told me :clap: !! didnt live it down ;)

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Actually, the last game I missed was quite funny. On finding out Beadle had just finished Stockport off putting us 4-1 up, I shouted half way across Woolworths to inform a mate something along the lines of: "Beadle you ******* legend, it's ******** 4-1! We're amazing!"

Got a few funny looks. And needless to say, we've hardly been amazing since, have we?

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Guest KingswoodRed
So be careful driving and listening to City on the radio.........

Especially if driving a Capri when being helped by a guy driving a Marina.

Sadly, I used to be an owner of both. :clap:

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Guest bs11red

One I remember was the Kingstonian away game. I was working late and was sat on the back of the bus listening to the game on my walkman, a handful of people on the bus including an old dear sat just in front of me. City score and I jump out of the seat screaming.

The old dear must have thought I was a right nutter and went and sat at the front of the bus with the rest of the startled passengers. :clap: I was glad we didn't score again !

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Especially if driving a Capri when being helped by a guy driving a Marina.

Sadly, I used to be an owner of both. :clap:

My local garage used to lend me a Marina pick up when my car was in, the rear end had a mind of it`s own :how funny:

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Guest KingswoodRed

My local garage used to lend me a Marina pick up when my car was in, the rear end had a mind of it`s own :how funny:

Slightly off topic, but your Marina reminds me of the Missus......

.......that was between me and you though. :clap:

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Has to be Mansfield.

Think England were playing rugger the same day and I was down Walkabout in Pompey for it. On the way back we were 2-1 up, then I got home to the TV and saw we were 4-2 down and I'm the mockery of everyone in the room!

Then Ray Stubbs reads out Leroy Lita and Christian Roberts banging in the respective equaliser and winner.

Christ almighty, I was in tears of joy and slid across the carpet on two knees punching the air.

******* knees in the morning killed I'll tell ya....

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Opening game of last season, I was driving a minibus of young people to a camp. On the M25 between Stanstead airport and the Dartford Tunnel and the radio announces the first goal of the season has been scored at Northampton. I feared the worst, but still jumped up and banged on the horn when it was announced the visitors had gone 1-0 up.

A Tuesday night in Jan 94 and I was driving a car full of delicate young people to their homes. "Alison has the ball now and passes it through to Tinnion who shoots ...... and scores for Bristol City" I merely shouted out loud, but this scared and upset the three teenagers in the car.

In a similar vein, was the reaction on hearing the first half of a final score.

"Bristol Rovers 2....(head in hands), Bristol City 4" and I stared at the radio in misbelief. The reverse happened at the start of the 78-79 season. I was serving in the RAF and we were sat round listening to the results, no two of us supporting the same team.

"Bristol City 2....(leap up and shout yes!), Wolverhampton Wanderers 3". Again I stared at that radio in disbelief and sat there waiting for a correction to be announced. For some reason, my service comrades thought this was very funny.

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Guest Mickey Bells left foot

yet again the mansfield game, when we went 4-2 down i threw my romote control against the wall and turned the radio off in almighty ######y fit when i decided to put final score on and found out we won i went downstairs to inform my dad and he just burst out laughing.

another one but this was at a game, wycombe away last promotion season cramb scored the winner and i got a huge hug off a large bloke sat next to me

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My neighbour is quite tall and had a crystal chandelier in his living room. He invited us round to watch that Germany v England game. He was stood up getting us some more drinks when England's third went in. He threw his arms into the air to celebrate. As I said, he had a chandelier.

Living in Peterborough, I collected my son from a Psh game last season. "What did you lose to Mansfield for"? he asks. "That's put Posh bottom of the table". In the car we hear Tinnion has scored a penalty. "Gosh, the game's still on" I enthuse, but it didn't cheer him up. Arrived home and put the TV on after the results had been read. I saw City's position and just yelled, "We've won after all". My son came rushing in and saw his beloved Posh were not bottom. "But that means City must have hit at least 2 more in the last minute" we both say. Eventually we hear the full details on Radio 5.

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Gas v Wycombe (you know, THE relegation 2nd May)

I had listened to the first half 0-0 on the radio. Had to go to a pub quiz. Didn't hear anymore until at about 9.30 I just managed to hear some bloke in the bar say that rovers were losing 2-0!

In the middle of a question I just lept to my feet yelling "Get down you ######s", ruffled my team mates hair, let out another huge whoop of delight, sat down again and calmly enquired of the quiz master what the question was again as I really wasn't listening!!!

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That Liverpool game at Anfield. Not only could I not go to the away 'leg' I also had a Bible study night so couldn't listen on the radio. What I did was to take my Stereo and recorded Radio 5's coverage (keeping the volume right off and turning the tape when I thought the half time break was over.) At the end of the meeting I took my friend home whose husband was a Liverpool fan. I had to listen to the game outside their house in my car, by myself remembering to keep the noise down. When Tinnion scored I had to bite the steering wheel to keep control - the bite is still there today!!! :clap:

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Guest Eighteen97

Last season, Cardiff home in the league when we cruised 2 to nothing, sat in the computer room when Tinman scored the peno, legged it out the patio door and cartwheeled all over the soaking lawn, falling over a couple of times.

Got wet

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i remember listening to rovers against wycombe i think when they lost 2-0 to go down that was a good night :clap:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:

Yeah I remember that game too.

I was listenin to the radio with my Dad and my mate doing some brick laying and it was Rovers vs Cardiff when the gas didnt manage to get in the play offs and that is the only time I have celebrated a Cardiff win. I dropped a block on my foot when the final whistle blew and fell over! had to get it all strapped up, couldnt walk for a few days!

Sorry for non city

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Mansfield was great... turned the radio off late into injury time with bitter disappointment, being so close to getting a result after tinman put us 4-3 down with a penalty in the 87th minute.

Then I pleaded with God to somehow make City win as for some reason I was very desperate that they had to win! Anyways... I was almost going AWOL feeling really let down that an on-form City were losing and probably had lost to Mansfield.

I then turned on the TV about 5 minutes later just to check the disappointing results and then it flashed up on Sky Sports News (The channel I was watching) and changed from 'Mansfield 4 - 3 Bristol City' almost instantly to 'Mansfield 4 - Bristol City 5 - Leroy Lita '94!'

I assumed he scored 2 goals in 1 minute until I seen 'Christian Roberts '95' flash up underneath that! HAHAHA!!! I just couldn't bloody believe it, woke up my mum who was taking a nap at the time I was going mental and she was really p*$$ed off with me! Anyways I was still going nuts jumping all over the place... took me a good half an hour to calm down a little bit. :how funny: :Party27: :how funny: :Party27: :how funny:

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Guest drink up thy cyder
i remember listening to rovers against wycombe i think when they lost 2-0 to go down that was a good night :clap:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:  :Party12:

Wycombe when the gas wentdown. That was not good. That was absolutely :clap: ###### marvelous

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Aye, Mansfield again sorry.

Working a 15hr shift in the kitchin. Nearly 9hrs in (or 4-40pm) and the radio was giving me the latest from up and doen the land. All I had to hear was 4-2. F@@K. Stormed off and had an hours break :Rage: . Came back to be asked "Si, your a Bristol City fan arnt you?""yep" I replied, "amazing, great result that", "eh? we lost 4-2 did'nt we?". By the time the 5-4 had come out of his mouth I was punching the fridge out of sheer elation. :sport5: My knuckle was broken for about 6 weeks and is still strangly misshapen today. If ever I get down about a City result, I just look at it and smile

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Not just at you oracle, but in general..

I can now see it appears that many of you fans have a history of giving up before the fat lady sings. One might have thought missing a match like Mansfield because you were peckered about being 2 goals down with 5 minutes to go and didn't feel strong enough to sit through 5 more minutes, would learn from your experiences, but as of late this has shown not to be the case! You guys gave up hope in the robins with 5 minutes left at Manfield, but you are already giving up hope on this entire season when there are still over 5 months left!

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Didn't anybody on here GO to the Mansfield game?

My favourite moment of elation was the Gas going down evening. Was out on the ######, on the phone to a mate who was watching teletext. As soon as it was announced that it was a final score and Wycombe had won, I fell to my knees and thanked the Lord.

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Mine too has to be the Mansfield game.

My old man and I had gone to Twickenahm on Corporate Hospitality for the England-South Africa game.

Managed to make it into the tent after the game just in time for the last 10 minutes. One minute we were 4-2 down, next I read 5-4 Bristol City-Leroy Lita.

Cos we had both been drinking all day we started running around in front of all these big wigs and depressed South Africans shouting all sorts of obscenities about Leroy Lita (good ones)

Topped off an already brilliant day.

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Guest duncan james

has to b when i was in thailand and we beat cambridge 3-1~( i think) when that second goal went in jumped up shouting YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS! GGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLL and load of thais gathered round the pc to see what was going on very funny but great night after that !!!!!11

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Not just at you oracle, but in general..

I can now see it appears that many of you fans have a history of giving up before the fat lady sings. One might have thought missing a match like Mansfield because you were peckered about being 2 goals down with 5 minutes to go and didn't feel strong enough to sit through 5 more minutes, would learn from your experiences, but as of late this has shown not to be the case! You guys gave up hope in the robins with 5 minutes left at Manfield, but you are already giving up hope on this entire season when there are still over 5 months left!

Got to say that I see your point but just from my perspective;

I have never and will never leave a match before the finish. And listening on the radio is never the same as really being there.

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Got to say that I see your point but just from my perspective;

I have never and will never leave a match before the finish. And listening on the radio is never the same as really being there.

Like i said not meant directly at you, you just happened to be the last one to post it - i just figure if your working, and you have to work anyway, why take a break with minutes left ? :clap: Sure I was rueing our luck set to go out on a rainy (in New York) Saturday morning against the leagues bottom club, But there was always a good majority of me that sat there and listened intently, staring at the radio (as if that really does anything) knowing that something has got to happen, someone has got to convert... and When leroy was brought down and the tinman stepped up, I had no doubts!

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Guest east_dundry_red

i just jumped up ran around the room and fell over the coffie table!

never mind! that sounds stupid!

1st game i aint been at in a while!

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You should see some of the things I've done here at university when my roomie is around - he goes home some weekend because he lives close but when he's around he's usually asleep so i revert into some kind of crazed pantomime performence - one of the highlights of which had to be Wilkshires goal earlier today

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For the Mansfield game I was in Dumfries watching the mighty QOS. After they had won 3-0 I was still thoroughly depressed after hearing that City were losing 4-2 with seconds to go - I then got a phone call from a mate telling me that we had infact won 5-4. Cue me and my dad running through the streets of Dumfries jumping around and screaming..... :clap:

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Not a City moment, but I remember World cup '98 V Argentina. If I remember rightly we were down to 10 men and with about 10 minutes to go, Sol Cambell put a bullet header into the net. I was out through the patio door and down the garden bellowing as loud as I ever have, only to get back to my seat to find that the goal had been disallowed for a infringement on the keeper. I thought too that the Argentinians had kicked off a bit quick.

Alas we all know the outcome.

Another moment..was in '93 England V Holland when Koeman fouled Platt when clean through....Penalty !! OFF OFF OFF. But not only was he just cautioned but a free kick was awarded.....And fate dealt a deathly blow when the same bloke scored from a cracker of a free kick to open the scoring in a 2-0 defeat and condemn us to another 4 years of world cup misery.


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Guest peg_leg_greg

wel it was surely the mansfield game. I'm at rovers with my mates in the away that nite um they were playing umm ok not sure on that. but at the end it sed mansfield 4 - city - 2 n me n my fields r like "NOO ###### ######!!!" so afta a short journy home (that seemed to take a week) i get in my front room look for other results on skysports news, n my ma goes city won 5-4 n I'm like shut up dnt take the ###### n then suddenly on tv it comes up christianroberts and leroy lita with equaliser and winner n what not n i grabed my cat starteds dancing with it n my friends went out side singin city chants which isnt a good thing when most your neighbours r gasheads!!

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