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Supporters Club V Gary Johnson

Martyn Hocking

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What is the problem that members of the Supporters Club have with Gary Johnson? It is obvious from the postings on here of its former chair that there is bad blood but I have no idea why.

Can someone explain - did GJ refuse to turn up for their annual skittles match or something?

Edited by Martyn Hocking
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What is the problem that members of the Supporters Club have with Gary Johnson? It is obvious from the postings on here of its former chair that there is bad blood but I have no idea why.

Can someone explain - did GJ refuse to turn up for their annual skittles match or something?

They obviously thought they had the ear of SL, but when he did not appoint the manager they wanted the drinking mens club could not have a go at our benefactor, so they can only go for his choice.

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What is the problem that members of the Supporters Club have with Gary Johnson? It is obvious from the postings on here of its former chair that there is bad blood but I have no idea why.

Can someone explain - did GJ refuse to turn up for their annual skittles match or something?

There IS something. Yessir and robbored both mentioned that there is something a while back...

what the problem is though is anybodys guess.

Johnson probabaly shagged his missus! :rofl2br:

There is/ was an issue and one of the mods pm'd me about it.Pm me if you wish and i will pass it on.

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Guest cityhead

So when they throw thier toys out of the pram and start thier childish moaning threads we should all ignore them and they'll shut up eventually.

I don't have a poblem with constructive critisism but personal vendettas should be kept off public boards.

That's my opinion but anybody is entitled to dissagree, as I'm sure a lot will!

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Didn't the same ex supporters club chairman drive a load of gasheads to their Wembley play-off final?

Yep, and was quite happy to admit it. In some respects there really is not much wrong with that, I am sure we all have mates that are gasheads and family for that matter and may do it as a favour.

The big problem for me is once getting them there he actualy watched the game!!... Now helping out friends and family is one thing but sat with 30k odd blue and white quartered morons is quite another!

Definately not for me, and that is the bit I just can't understand.

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What is the problem that members of the Supporters Club have with Gary Johnson? It is obvious from the postings on here of its former chair that there is bad blood but I have no idea why.

Can someone explain - did GJ refuse to turn up for their annual skittles match or something?


Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

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Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

It all makes sense now

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Very good first post mate. Exactly the same story I heard from someone not so long back.

To be fair, I would hope we all know that not all of the SC are whingers and rumour spreaders. You don't have to be on here too long to find out who those guys are.

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Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

It's good to get first hand information rather than the usual speculation. This helps us to understand personal agendas and brings a number of matters raised on here completely into perspective - it also proves the forum is read by the management team!

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Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

Very calmly and eloquently put, SC_Red. I'm sure all posters realise that vociferous opinions of one or two SC members do not reflect the views of the SC as a whole and it's good to have this spellt out for any who were inclined to believe that it did.

Unfortunately, given freedom of speech, any organisation can be tainted if maverick members exercise that freedom without consideration for how it reflects on their organisation. It is, naturally, even more important that people in positions of responsibility within any organisation should not make public statements that could show the organisation in a poor light... as was reflected by the majority of your SC members in their democratic decision some time ago to have a change of chairman.

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Absolutely no idea how factual that account is but out of curiosity does it not appear potentially libellous to anyone else? At the very least it's without doubt a personal attack on a forum member which I was under the impression was not allowed on here?

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Someone is obviously out to slander me from the anonymity of their computer. Very brave of them.

The post in question is slanderous and full of downright lies. I have reported the post to mods asking for it to be removed but they have not reacted for whatever reason.

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Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

SC_Red, thank you. I, like others on here didn't know and didn't understand the negativity from some people (who claim to be in the know).

I think you're right the supporters club do get a bad press but then it's not suprising when you have people like you've mentioned being the only 'voice' we hear from the SC.

From what you've said, I think fair play to Gary Johnson to confront the chairman and he's absolutely right that as chairman of the supporters club he represents the Supporters Club in everything he says or does.

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Someone is obviously out to slander me from the anonymity of their computer. Very brave of them.

The post in question is slanderous and full of downright lies. I have reported the post to mods asking for it to be removed but they have not reacted for whatever reason.

So for the purposes of clarity, at any time have you discussed your postings as 'Robbored' on OTIB with Gary Johnson?

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Someone is obviously out to slander me from the anonymity of their computer. Very brave of them.

The post in question is slanderous and full of downright lies. I have reported the post to mods asking for it to be removed but they have not reacted for whatever reason.

Another member of this forum told me this exact story....

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As brave as denying your robbored to Gary? I dont want my identity known because I dont want you bothering me in the SC and not letting me hear the latest rumour your spreading.

If it is lies then you are guilty of telling those lies in the SC Alan because that's where I heard it. I knew you wouldn't like having stories spread about you in the way you love to do it about Gary. Thats quite hyporcritcal.

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I've already posted a reply explaining that you are entitled to your own opinion, which is yours and not that of the Supporters Club, and added that the SC has been the bedrock of BCFC throughout it's 60-year history, but one of the mods has erroneously removed it.

Tom is aware of this.

Frankly, I'm fed up of people slagging off the SC, without foundation.

I'm hoping that this post isn't removed as well.

snack.gifsnack.gifNo, keep it going!snack.gifsnack.gif

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As brave as denying your robbored to Gary? I dont want my identity known because I dont want you bothering me in the SC and not letting me hear the latest rumour your spreading.

If it is lies then you are guilty of telling those lies in the SC Alan because that's where I heard it. I knew you wouldn't like having stories spread about you in the way you love to do it about Gary. Thats quite hyporcritcal.

You have told blatant lies in your original thread and you know it. I suspect that your bullets are being loaded by someone else.

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You have told blatant lies in your original thread and you know it. I suspect that your bullets are being loaded by someone else.


I think it would be very helpful if you would clarify what in the original thread you consider to be lies. This seems to be an important issue and clarification is necessary.

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Someone is obviously out to slander me from the anonymity of their computer. Very brave of them.

The post in question is slanderous and full of downright lies. I have reported the post to mods asking for it to be removed but they have not reacted for whatever reason.

Just seen the writing under your avatar

"The seeker of truth and justice,the voice of reason,the sage."

Seems all very ironic given the popular truth

Just noticed you can vote posts hot or cold, maybe people could vote Robbored or SC_Reds posts by which one they support, give an idea of feeling on the forum

I also believe people can be slanderproof, at least by American law (Micheal Jackson for example) whereby your reputation is so tarnished already that what is said cannot be said to devalue it further... that or no one believes your side of the story...

At least have the testicular fortitude to admit to Gary first time that it was you. That to me is the worst part of the whole truth

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Gotta confess I'm watching this unfold with a really bad taste in my mouth. Nice little computer witch-hunt going on here with a pretty unpleasant feeding frenzy that's all too predictable simply because it's Robbored. Also curious that the OP is quite happily naming names although up till now not sure he's allowed us to know who he is? Must have been an oversight.

Bit cowardly all round fellas.

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Very calmly and eloquently put, SC_Red. I'm sure all posters realise that vociferous opinions of one or two SC members do not reflect the views of the SC as a whole and it's good to have this spellt out for any who were inclined to believe that it did.

Unfortunately, given freedom of speech, any organisation can be tainted if maverick members exercise that freedom without consideration for how it reflects on their organisation. It is, naturally, even more important that people in positions of responsibility within any organisation should not make public statements that could show the organisation in a poor light... as was reflected by the majority of your SC members in their democratic decision some time ago to have a change of chairman.

SC_Red provides a very interesting post. However, it does seem to me that a personal conversation between two (or more?) people can't necessarily be corroborated unless at least two people agree this is what was said at the meeting.

In fairness to Robbored and Ian I don't think I've ever heard them state anything in anything other than a personal capacity. Nevertheless, they are associated closely with the SC (indeed "Ian" often phones the radio from the SC bar). For this reason I have been one of the people (inclined as you say) to think that the negativity and bile surrounding BCFC mostly comes from the SC. It's good that SC_Red can confirm that there are some more positive minded people in the SC. All we need now is that some of them ring up Twentyman!

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Gotta confess I'm watching this unfold with a really bad taste in my mouth. Nice little computer witch-hunt going on here with a pretty unpleasant feeding frenzy that's all too predictable simply because it's Robbored. Also curious that the OP is quite happily naming names although up till now not sure he's allowed us to know who he is? Must have been an oversight.

Bit cowardly all round fellas.

That maybe because you want the manager out too?? just guessing like.

But for me and alot of people - this is his comeuppance...

about time too!

Its okay for robbo & co to have a witch-hunt for the manager, but this is unfair????

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I think it would be very helpful if you would clarify what in the original thread you consider to be lies. This seems to be an important issue and clarification is necessary.

Why should I respond to some stranger who slanders me in this way? I don't need to clarify anything. People who don't share my views will choose to believe whats been written regardless of what I might say.

I've taken enough stick for being outspoken on this forum over the years to know that I am in a no win situation thanks to some anonymous liar who before today had never posted on here. I suspect that the orignal poster has been given bullets to fire by someone else.

I would say this to him. Introduce yourself to me in the SC on Saturday and we can have an adult converstaion over a pint. As I have no idea who you are you will have to approach me ( if you have balls) but I wont be holding my breath.

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That maybe because you want the manager out too?? just guessing like.

But for me and alot of people - this is his comeuppance...

about time too!

Its okay for robbo & co to have a witch-hunt for the manager, but this is unfair????

x2. If there are lies being told by the SC-Red, what parts of the statement are lies?

If there are things that affect your views on the current state of the club apart from what you have seen on the pitch and heard from the boardroom over the last few years at least we will know why. What is the point in getting so worked up for 4 or 5 years about a conversation that may or may not have occured with a football manager.

Edited by simon uk
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I'm no legal whizzkid, but isn't it slander if someone has said something about a person that is untrue - and this can be proved?

Whether this forum is the place to prove this or not, I guess that accusing someone of slander is the same as being slandered.

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That maybe because you want the manager out too?? just guessing like.

But for me and alot of people - this is his comeuppance...

about time too!

Its okay for robbo & co to have a witch-hunt for the manager, but this is unfair????

Actually Riaz I think that's a perfectly reasonable assumption to make, but I'd like to think it's not the case here. Think it's fair to say that if anyone on here anonymously accused any member of the staff down at Ashton Gate of being a liar without being able to substantiate it that post would be removed pretty damn quick.

Obviously with the appropriate evidence available then Robbored would possibly have to justify his actions but I'll wait to see if that's presented.

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Okay I am a member of the supporters club. I haven't posted before because I feel members of the SC get a rough deal on here at times but as you've asked a direct question i feel I have to reply and defend the club.

I've been a member for many years and am getting pretty fed up that the rank and file members are all getting tarred with the same brush as a couple of loudmouths like Alan Robinson and Ian Gay. The SC is almost entirely made up of good people who love this club and support it with all their hearts. We raise a lot of money for the club (thousands every season) and are not moaners.

Sadly the two loudmouths Alan and Ian use the internet and the radio to slag off our club and our manager and we all get seen as being negative because of them.

Alan has spoken many times in the SC about why he hates Gary Johnson so I'm surprised its never been told on here. So I will tell it as it happened straight from Alan himself.

When he was chairman he called Gary a conference manager and has been down on him ever since. Gary was unhappy that the chairman of the SC was so negative so called Alan into his office to discuss it. When Gary asked Alan if he was robbored on the forum, Alan denied it completely and said he definitely wasn't. Gary told Alan he knew he was lying and asked him again. Again he denied it. Gary then showed Alan printouts of his posts on here and offered him one final chance to admit he had written those posts and was robbored. Alan was embarrased and admitted it. Gary then asked Alan if he could be more supportive as he was the chairman of the supporters club. Alan said he could post what he liked.

Gary agreed he could post what he liked but asked again that he consider that he was chairman of the SC and his posts reflected badly on the club when he was always so negative and nasty about Gary's management.

Of course Alan told anyone who would listen in the SC what had happened and rather than agreeing with Alan most people agreed that Gary had a point. Not long after that Alan lost his position as chairman in the vote and has blamed Gary ever since. That is why he hates him.

I'm surprised he says he doesn't hate him on here because he is happy to say that he does if you talk to him in the SC.

Since then Alan has spread rumours of dressing room splits at any opportunity in the SC and was quick to spread stories that Basso had hit another player, that Gary had humiliated Basso for being late for a team meeting and that Hartley had put in a transfer request. If there's some story going around that will undermine Gary you can be sure that Alan and Ian Gay are the ones spreading it around in the SC. They are both well known for it and for going on the internet and the radio to spread it too.

Sorry to make such a long first post but me and a fair few others in the SC are sick and tired of this pair making us all look like negative moaning idiots when we are not. We are good supporters like anyone else and its time people realised they dont represent us all.

Interesting juggle.gif

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Actually Riaz I think that's a perfectly reasonable assumption to make, but I'd like to think it's not the case here. Think it's fair to say that if anyone on here anonymously accused any member of the staff down at Ashton Gate of being a liar without being able to substantiate it that post would be removed pretty damn quick.

Obviously with the appropriate evidence available then Robbored would possibly have to justify his actions but I'll wait to see if that's presented.

it should be noted that someone else sent me this exact same story.... before this new member joined...

And I've had a message from someone else to say it is in fact true.

I know who I believe....

I say let people make their own minds up!

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Rumour has it that when Robbored was leaving Gary"s office GJ tripped him up-- true story.

PS. RR just a quick message, i think you asked for everything you are getting you have been outspoken to put it mildly and tried to wind people up with your outspoken comments, how you got to the position in the SC that you did beggars belief.

yours midland red.

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Guest BS35Red

Has a mod rated this thread 5stars? I don't have permission to rate threads!

Looks like it might be staying open..

Funny, I was able to and I don't think I'm a mod yet?

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it should be noted that someone else sent me this exact same story.... before this new member joined...

And I've had a message from someone else to say it is in fact true.

I know who I believe....

I say let people make their own minds up!

Yep, take your point. Still smacks of double standards to me, so if you've got anything negative to say about GJ or the club on here watch your backs.

Actually was possibly talking to myself then, but even so genuinely didn't think this form of character assasination was allowed on here.

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Gotta confess I'm watching this unfold with a really bad taste in my mouth. Nice little computer witch-hunt going on here with a pretty unpleasant feeding frenzy that's all too predictable simply because it's Robbored. Also curious that the OP is quite happily naming names although up till now not sure he's allowed us to know who he is? Must have been an oversight.

Bit cowardly all round fellas.

Reminds me of when Nick Griffithswas on Question time. Seems to me Gary's pack of hyenas smell blood.

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Yep, take your point. Still smacks of double standards to me, so if you've got anything negative to say about GJ or the club on here watch your backs.

Actually was possibly talking to myself then, but even so genuinely didn't think this form of character assasination was allowed on here.

I dont think you have anything to worry about....

I criticise GJ, we all do (unless your cheese). But witch-hunts are different.

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cheers, nice read. ah apologies getting mixed up!

Ian certainly isn't Greebo (I notice you've edited your post)!! Ian is an ex-poster on here who is well known by most in terms of his posting name (Bristol Boy). I've never had any alliegance to, interest in or membership of the Supporters Club I am afraid. I have to admit it the post made by SC-Red comes across as a load of idle gossip and he/she would have more credence in my eyes if they identified themselves as he/she writes some pretty strong stuff about Robbored and Bristol Boy. It could be 100% true but could equally be 100% made up - who knows? The only people who can confirm that are Robbored and Gary Johnson but it doesn't stop the masses laying the boot into Robbored (who, by the way, I wouldn't know if he walked up and punched me in the face!!) and there is more than a touch of hypocrisy going down here.

The whole post by SC-Red is trying to give the Supporters Club an inflated level of importance that they have never previously had, do not currently have and never will have in my opinion. And I base that opinion on the fact that the vast majority of Bristol City fans ARE NOT, NEVER HAVE BEEN AND NEVER WILL BE members of that organisation. I am surprised that Gary Johnson gave Robbored's comments such air time, and went to the trouble of getting computer print-outs of them, as a professional football manager. I would be amazed if this happened at other clubs to be honest and there is no real proof in the public domain that it happened at Bristol City, only unsubstantiated hearsay. Perhaps Adam Baker should ask the question next time out!!!

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Reminds me of when Nick Griffithswas on Question time. Seems to me Gary's pack of hyenas smell blood.

Gary's pack of detractors have been smelling blood for some time now.

Nothing wrong with those of us that are happy to be an established CCC club sticking up for the bloke.

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Gary's pack of detractors have been smelling blood for some time now.

Nothing wrong with those of us that are happy to be an established CCC club sticking up for the bloke.

I'm not sure that many people have been calling for Johnson's head to be honest. I reckon that is a OTIB myth spread around by GJ's staunchest supporters. Many people have said give him until the end of the season and many more have said stick with him come what may. Who has been recommending he be sacked immediately or in the next month or so?

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I am surprised that Gary Johnson gave Robbored's comments such air time, and went to the trouble of getting computer print-outs of them, as a professional football manager. I would be amazed if this happened at other clubs to be honest and there is no real proof in the public domain that it happened at Bristol City, only unsubstantiated hearsay. Perhaps Adam Baker should ask the question next time out!!!

I'm surprised by this too. For most City fans I know, the SC barely registers. Why GJ should worry about a subsection of the SC to such an extent is baffling.

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1 members, 72 guests, 29 anonymous users for this topic, wow 29 anon users, what are you all so paranoid about?

There is a bug, all users except for yourself show as anon.

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I'm not sure that many people have been calling for Johnson's head to be honest. I reckon that is a OTIB myth spread around by GJ's staunchest supporters. Many people have said give him until the end of the season and many more have said stick with him come what may. Who has been recommending he be sacked immediately or in the next month or so?

I think you're right in what you say, as someone put it not so long back, the moaners (for want of a better word) seem to be better at getting their views across. From my point of view it's just because I can't stand to read some of the drivel on here, and even less bothered to reply. I guess a fair few on this forum would feel the same.

As for who has been recommeding sackings, I think there's quite a few lately! I won't put any names down for fear of being called a keyboard warrior - but I think most people can guess the half dozen or so loudest voices. To be honest, a lot of the time I don't look to see who's posted what, for some sad reason I seem to remember avatars a lot better than peoples names!

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robbered, if u just defended urself in a post similar to the one Sc-Red posted then u could put ur side of the story across.

I know uv been very negative (calling Gj a confrence manager was scandolous) and of course you are entitled to that view.....just to get your side of the story across you should explain your version of events...otherwise people are going to beleive what sc_red has put as ur refusal to defend urself makes you look extremely guilty.

As for Ian or "Bristol Boy"-this surprises me, in our first season in the championship i very much agreed with virtually everything he said when he used to do his reviews of the matches. If it is true he's been spreading rumours about GJ id be very surprised but to be fair i dont know the guy, just always came across to me as a real honest fan. Always seemed to speak sense on those reviews and in his posts on the forum.

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I'm surprised by this too. For most Cirty fans I know, the SC barely registers. Why GJ should worry about a subsection of the SC to such an extent is baffling.

Mud sticks. And coming from the head of an official supporters club must give it some credence.

If someone was (in your mind) slagging you off behind your back in the most public of places (bars and forums) in such a voiciferous manner surely you'd want to do something about it?

RR - I find it hard to believe any adult would act in the manner you've been accused of and carry such a petty grudge for so long. Indeed some of your recent posts have been mildly positive where warranted. So I take this with a pinch of salt, but you know how it works.

You say you don't have to answer to it, but you know that mud sticks (you've thrown a fair amount yourself) and this is your golden chance to respond.

Which bit is untrue?

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robbered, if u just defended urself in a post similar to the one Sc-Red posted then u could put ur side of the story across.

I know uv been very negative and of course you are entitled to that view.....just to get your side of the story across you should explain your version of events...otherwise people are going to beleive what sc_red has put as ur refusal to defend urself makes you look extremely guilty.

I've already stated earlier in this thread that no matter what I say I am in a no win situation. There is no point as far as I'm concerned in trying to defend myself against what are scurrilous statements.

Frankly I'm amazed that mods have allowed this threads to continue as it breaks forum rules about personal attacks. I have reported it but have had no reaction or response.

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RR - I find it hard to believe any adult would act in the manner you've been accused of and carry such a petty grudge for so long. Indeed some of your recent posts have been mildly positive where warranted. So I take this with a pinch of salt, but you know how it works.

Your right to take it with a pinch of salt and I do know how it works which is exactly why I see no point in reacting.

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Frankly I'm amazed that mods have allowed this threads to continue as it breaks forum rules about personal attacks. I have reported it but have had no reaction or response.

I've read the post by the OP a number of times and at no point do I see any real personal attack. I see someone telling a tale from the SC about what they've heard. Now you've said its lies. Which parts of the story are lies. Maybe you can clear it up, once and for all. Seeing as I, along with many others, have heard this story I'm inclined to think that somewhere along the line it has some sort of credence.

It's rather ironic that someone from the SC is telling a tale about you this time and you don't like it though. Tell me, how is this any different to the stories that you are quite happy to come on here and post about Hartley, Basso etc etc?

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Robbored is clearly denying what SC-Red has said therefore isn't it time for SC-Red to put up or shut up? Is there anyone else on here in the Supporters Club who can categorically back him/her up? If so, nobody has appeared yet. Otherwise it looks to me like some saddo has created a new user name on a different computer just so they could have a pop at Robbored. The sooner we get back to talking football the better.

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I've already stated earlier in this thread that no matter what I say I am in a no win situation. There is no point as far as I'm concerned in trying to defend myself against what are scurrilous statements.

Frankly I'm amazed that mods have allowed this threads to continue as it breaks forum rules about personal attacks. I have reported it but have had no reaction or response.

Well the mods have previously pulled threads when requested by the club in the past. Maybe they've been asked to let it run...?

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Let me tell you where i am on all this.

Most on here will remember me. I use to love posting on here, but the day come where there was so much shit stabbing and bollock s being posted i decided enough is enough!!

I personally know the two people who have been brought up in this thread, RR (Alan) and BB (Ian)

Lets start with Ian. We all know Ian posted on here for a very long time. Outspoken he may have been, but very intelligent, and knows more about Bristol City than he does about his mrs. Let me assure you that it is radio Bristol that rings him up after the game, not the other way around. And to be honest it is difficult to argue the points he makes as a hell of a lot is correct. You of course can have your own opinion, and can agree or disagree with his comments, but that does not make the person a bad fella. And if you question he has Bristol City at heart? Let me tell you that he has over a 250 mile round trip on match days to get to Ashton Gate to follow the team he loves. How many of you would be prepared to do that? He lives and breathes the club, i give you my word on that!

Over to Alan. Alan is a different kettle of fish. I have said to him many times just why he stays on this forum. He always replys just how much joy he gets from it. Now i am not defending him in anyway. I cringe at some of the things he writes, but i have to say he is definately a OTIB target for a good percentage of members. He could say the f ooking sun is out today, and a dozen of you will argue the point even if it was a boiling hot day.

He does dig himself into very deep holes and he is the first to admit that, and his fallings out with Gary Johnson and taking a bunch of twisted 18 fingered Gasheads to Wembley has done him no favours. Being a ex-chairman of the supporters club as well has come to bite him hard on his ass.

But he will carry on posting im sure.

And so on to SC_RED,s post.

I, along with the good wife are members of the supporters club. I continually get the hump bigtime when a lot of you say that it is a f ooking private drinking club. That my friends really is complete bollock,s. There are fans in there that i use to see in the East End back in the 80,s. Proper lads (if you know where im coming from)

They do a hell of a lot for the club, or try to. It always seems to be slated on here, but those who do really are reading from the wrong book. But SC-RED is correct in what he says. Because a hell of a lot of you have greviences with BB and RR that really is unfair to tarnish the rest of us.

Thats my little bit on it all................for now perhaps?


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Why should I respond to some stranger who slanders me in this way? I don't need to clarify anything. People who don't share my views will choose to believe whats been written regardless of what I might say.

I've taken enough stick for being outspoken on this forum over the years to know that I am in a no win situation thanks to some anonymous liar who before today had never posted on here. I suspect that the orignal poster has been given bullets to fire by someone else.

I would say this to him. Introduce yourself to me in the SC on Saturday and we can have an adult converstaion over a pint. As I have no idea who you are you will have to approach me ( if you have balls) but I wont be holding my breath.

In the interests of truth and fairness, I suggest you are specific about what is false in the original post.

Speaking as a newbie to the forum and not a SC member, but as a long time City fan, I'd be interested to know what if any of the claims in the original post are true. Does Gary Johnson really read what's on this forum to the extent he would care who "Robbored" is? That in itself is fascinating.

I accept that the internet gives people anonymity and that's unfair but given that the case against you is that you attempted to keep your own identity secret, you are not in a strong position unless you refute the allegation. Failure to put the record straight makes you look guilty as you can see from many of the posts here.

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Guest leedsred

Your right to take it with a pinch of salt and I do know how it works which is exactly why I see no point in reacting.

Well i don't take it with a pinch of salt having also heard this story from at least two very trustworthy sources. I would also say the way you conduct yourself on this site would lead me to believe it.

You've still not explained which bits are lies... the fact that's who you are - the fact you were invited into Gary's office and bottled it.......

I've pretty much stopped reading the forum due to the rubbish you and couple of your cronies post on here constantly.

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Let me tell you where i am on all this.

Most on here will remember me. I use to love posting on here, but the day come where there was so much shit stabbing and bollock s being posted i decided enough is enough!!

I personally know the two people who have been brought up in this thread, RR (Alan) and BB (Ian)

Lets start with Ian. We all know Ian posted on here for a very long time. Outspoken he may have been, but very intelligent, and knows more about Bristol City than he does about his mrs. Let me assure you that it is radio Bristol that rings him up after the game, not the other way around. And to be honest it is difficult to argue the points he makes as a hell of a lot is correct. You of course can have your own opinion, and can agree or disagree with his comments, but that does not make the person a bad fella. And if you question he has Bristol City at heart? Let me tell you that he has over a 250 mile round trip on match days to get to Ashton Gate to follow the team he loves. How many of you would be prepared to do that? He lives and breathes the club, i give you my word on that!

Over to Alan. Alan is a different kettle of fish. I have said to him many times just why he stays on this forum. He always replys just how much joy he gets from it. Now i am not defending him in anyway. I cringe at some of the things he writes, but i have to say he is definately a OTIB target for a good percentage of members. He could say the f ooking sun is out today, and a dozen of you will argue the point even if it was a boiling hot day.

He does dig himself into very deep holes and he is the first to admit that, and his fallings out with Gary Johnson and taking a bunch of twisted 18 fingered Gasheads to Wembley has done him no favours. Being a ex-chairman of the supporters club as well has come to bite him hard on his ass.

But he will carry on posting im sure.

And so on to SC_RED,s post.

I, along with the good wife are members of the supporters club. I continually get the hump bigtime when a lot of you say that it is a f ooking private drinking club. That my friends really is complete bollock,s. There are fans in there that i use to see in the East End back in the 80,s. Proper lads (if you know where im coming from)

They do a hell of a lot for the club, or try to. It always seems to be slated on here, but those who do really are reading from the wrong book. But SC-RED is correct in what he says. Because a hell of a lot of you have greviences with BB and RR that really is unfair to tarnish the rest of us.

Thats my little bit on it all................for now perhaps?


The true voice of reason returns! I have no comment to make on the substantive issue of this thread which leaves me felling uneasy but I would like to say welcome back Arn (even if temporary). Your contribution has been greatly missed, not least your humour, something in short supply here these days.

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