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Supporters Club V Gary Johnson

Martyn Hocking

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Let me tell you where i am on all this.

Most on here will remember me. I use to love posting on here, but the day come where there was so much shit stabbing and bollock s being posted i decided enough is enough!!

I personally know the two people who have been brought up in this thread, RR (Alan) and BB (Ian)

Lets start with Ian. We all know Ian posted on here for a very long time. Outspoken he may have been, but very intelligent, and knows more about Bristol City than he does about his mrs. Let me assure you that it is radio Bristol that rings him up after the game, not the other way around. And to be honest it is difficult to argue the points he makes as a hell of a lot is correct. You of course can have your own opinion, and can agree or disagree with his comments, but that does not make the person a bad fella. And if you question he has Bristol City at heart? Let me tell you that he has over a 250 mile round trip on match days to get to Ashton Gate to follow the team he loves. How many of you would be prepared to do that? He lives and breathes the club, i give you my word on that!

Over to Alan. Alan is a different kettle of fish. I have said to him many times just why he stays on this forum. He always replys just how much joy he gets from it. Now i am not defending him in anyway. I cringe at some of the things he writes, but i have to say he is definately a OTIB target for a good percentage of members. He could say the f ooking sun is out today, and a dozen of you will argue the point even if it was a boiling hot day.

He does dig himself into very deep holes and he is the first to admit that, and his fallings out with Gary Johnson and taking a bunch of twisted 18 fingered Gasheads to Wembley has done him no favours. Being a ex-chairman of the supporters club as well has come to bite him hard on his ass.

But he will carry on posting im sure.

And so on to SC_RED,s post.

I, along with the good wife are members of the supporters club. I continually get the hump bigtime when a lot of you say that it is a f ooking private drinking club. That my friends really is complete bollock,s. There are fans in there that i use to see in the East End back in the 80,s. Proper lads (if you know where im coming from)

They do a hell of a lot for the club, or try to. It always seems to be slated on here, but those who do really are reading from the wrong book. But SC-RED is correct in what he says. Because a hell of a lot of you have greviences with BB and RR that really is unfair to tarnish the rest of us.

Thats my little bit on it all................for now perhaps?


Arny, nice to see you back on here, even if it is only a brief visit, and thanks for the comments.

Just want to say something about the perceived vendetta against the SC , I, and a lot of people on here don't have one. There's obviously a few that do, I don't know why, and I'm not that bothered to be honest!

Some interesting comments on Robbo, and I'm sure the answer as to why he posts on here is a) because it's a free country, and he can b) because he loves to wind people up! As another member of this forum told me in a PM not so long back, take it all with a pinch of salt!

I don't want this to come over as a witchhunt with Robbo, I've told him before that if nothing else I'd admire his dedication to the cause, not that I agree with a lot of what he writes. But allegations have been made which, to my mind, Robbo needs to address or, as other people have said, the mud will stick. There are enough of us that have heard the same story, pretty much word for word, that make people think there is something to it. I don't expect RR to give a full explanation of what happened IF he did ever have this meeting with GJ, but some comment on what the untruths are in the story would help. Then we can all go back to whinging about injury time equalisers and a lack of wingers!

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The true voice of reason returns! I have no comment to make on the substantive issue of this thread which leaves me felling uneasy but I would like to say welcome back Arn (even if temporary). Your contribution has been greatly missed, not least your humour, something in short supply here these days.

Cheers fella, you never know, the "bug" might just bite backinnocent06.gif

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Well the mods have previously pulled threads when requested by the club in the past. Maybe they've been asked to let it run...?

Have to admit that crossed my mind. A conspiracy to nail one of Gary Johnson's fearcest critics. Nah, that could possibly happen...whistle.gif

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Guest BS35Red

Have to admit that crossed my mind. A conspiracy to nail one of Gary Johnson's fearcest critics. Nah, that could possibly happen...whistle.gif

Ok, which bits aren't true then?

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And back it goes to dodging the repeatedly asked question again........

Quite, I would have closed this thread about 4 hours ago if I could get any sense from people.

Why do I bother?

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Unless you like bitching and bickering of course. rolleyes.gif

I doubt anybody on here enjoys doing this...........................although did you see the cut of GJ,s coat the other night just did'nt hand right, and that hat !!!........ well I ask you, who dresses the man?

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Have to admit that crossed my mind. A conspiracy to nail one of Gary Johnson's fearcest critics. Nah, that could possibly happen...whistle.gif

then it's boil's down to why you wont defend yourself against these "lie's" made against you why dont you put your side across?? yes people will proberly shoot you down, but at least your side of the story is out for people to make there own minds up about all this, otherwise your as saying goes the mud will stick!

in me the mean time i'll see how this unfolds:yawn:

Edited by leonCTID
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And back it goes to dodging the repeatedly asked question again........

I guess you are referring to me Dolly.

Let me ask you this - If lies were written about you by a new and mysterious forum user and you were accussed of disgracing the Supporters Trust would you really lower yourself to respond?

People can think what they like. I've met approx 5% of the people who use this forum and about 1% of them I know well enough to call them a mate. Its their opinion that matters to me, not the other 95%+ who know nothing about me other than what they see me post.

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I guess you are referring to me Dolly.

Let me ask you this - If lies were written about you by a new and mysterious forum user and you were accussed of disgracing the Supporters Trust would you really lower yourself to respond?

People can think what they like. I've met approx 5% of the people who use this forum and about 1% of them I know well enough to call them a mate. Its their opinion that matters to me, not the other 95%+ who know nothing about me other than what they see me post.

I would do everything possible to clear my name, instead of leaving it to fester.

I'll ask you again Alan, are you saying what has been posted in this thread is both innaccurate and untrue, and that the person writing it is lying? If so how do you answer the number of people in this thread who have posted saying they have been told, or have overheard you saying the very same thing that has been posted?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

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Fascinating, but a little sad to me.

The Supporters Club clearly do a lot for BCFC and are full of passionate hard core suppporters who want nothing more than a succesful Bristol City. We've a manager (and, critically, our best Chairman ever) equally passionate about the Club who also wants a succesful Bristol City.

GJ is not beyond criticism for transfers and tactics and is overly sensitive. But he has got us promotion and we're now an established Championship side. Remember what he inherited.

I really enjoyed Brstol Boy's postings, agreed with much he said, sorry he has gone and didn't think there was anything vindictive in his postings. The tone of Robbered's postings - ok it's open to interpretation - appears to be more destructive in terms of criticism than constructive and more GJ targetted - to the level that on occasions it appears to be driven by an agenda.

With power comes responsibility. While the Chairman/Board (if there is one) of the SC shouldn't be gagged by the Club and be free to express criticism, a constant barrage of negativity is out of order.

Just seems to me everyone ought to grow up a little - its a lot easier to achieve our common aim if everyone is pulling in the same direction and not trying to do eachother down.

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If this is true then how can we trust what RR says if he lied to Johnson twice? That would mean he isnt a man of his word.

If its not true then why has there been no defence? The excuse of being in a no-win situation is a weak one in my opinion.

Finally, dont delete this post. Much worse has been written about current players and managers by the two people in question. RR talks about people hiding behind keyboards - pot and kettle I think.

Very finally, lets all calm down a bit eh. In the grand scheme of things this is pretty irrelevant.

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I'll ask you again Alan, are you saying what has been posted in this thread is both innaccurate and untrue, and that the person writing it is lying? If so how do you answer the number of people in this thread who have posted saying they have been told, or have overheard you saying the very same thing that has been posted?

I can number on one hand the number of people who I've spoken with about what went down when I met with GJ (to interview him for the SC page in the matchday programe btw) so I can't explain why some people claim that they have heard me speaking about it. I can't recall the last time I spoke to anyone about it. It was about 4 years ago and is deeply buried in my memory banks.

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Much worse has been written about current players and managers by the two people in question. RR talks about people hiding behind keyboards - pot and kettle I think.

I've written one seriously critical post regarding Johnson. The now infamous one. In the 4 years since then I have persistently complained about the stale and unexciting football and blamed Johnson for it (I'm not the only one). He is the manager after all. I don't critise players that much either. There is one current player who I think is not good enough but every football fan will have opinions about players. Liverpool fans were having real player slagging on Talk Sport this morning.

I would ask you to find a post of mine that seriously crtises Johnson on non football matters.

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Guest 21. Marcham

I've written one seriously critical post regarding Johnson. The now infamous one. In the 4 years since then I have persistently complained about the stale and unexciting football and blamed Johnson for it (I'm not the only one). He is the manager after all. I don't critise players that much either. There is one current player who I think is not good enough but every football fan will have opinions about players. Liverpool fans were having real player slagging on Talk Sport this morning.

I would ask you to find a post of mine that seriously crtises Johnson on non football matters.

Lee Johnson?

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I've written one seriously critical post regarding Johnson. The now infamous one. In the 4 years since then I have persistently complained about the stale and unexciting football and blamed Johnson for it (I'm not the only one). He is the manager after all. I don't critise players that much either. There is one current player who I think is not good enough but every football fan will have opinions about players. Liverpool fans were having real player slagging on Talk Sport this morning.

I would ask you to find a post of mine that seriously crtises Johnson on non football matters.

What a Shambles

Here's one.

Here, you ignore the horrendous weather conditions and complain about the boring style of football....... even though city clearly tried to play a passing game..

I could easily find more

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What a Shambles

Here's one.

Here, you ignore the horrendous weather conditions and complain about the boring style of football....... even though city clearly tried to play a passing game..

I could easily find more

Thats not serious critism! Thats just stateing the facts as I saw them. Trying to play passing football on a pitch that was being heavily snowed on?

Come on!

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Guest AJ Sylvester

I've written one seriously critical post regarding Johnson. The now infamous one. In the 4 years since then I have persistently complained about the stale and unexciting football and blamed Johnson for it (I'm not the only one). He is the manager after all. I don't critise players that much either. There is one current player who I think is not good enough but every football fan will have opinions about players. Liverpool fans were having real player slagging on Talk Sport this morning.

I would ask you to find a post of mine that seriously crtises Johnson on non football matters.

Pretty certain you recently called Johnson a "bully".

Got to be honest, whatever the level of truth from the anonymous SC poster, I can't see why you're refusing to argue the case. Sounds very much like you and Johnson did have a chat, that you didn't seem eye to eye and the rest you're not willing to confirm either way, which raises suspicions (rightly or wrongly).

A lot of what you write I may disagree with but you have the right to post it...even if you are (in your case were) the Chair of the SC at the time. But what bugs me is that it's almost always negative. You may have the right to say it but it doesn't make it right to do so, it doesn't make it constructive either.

We could be top of the Premier League and scoring 3 per game but you'd still come out and criticise wherever possible and that's why people are not at all surprised to consider it possible that you have a personal vendetta against Johnson.

Edited by AJ Sylvester
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Thats not serious critism! Thats just stateing the facts as I saw them. Trying to play passing football on a pitch that was being heavily snowed on?

Come on!

Anyone who was at the game (who has nothing against johnson) would say that was a crazy post - clueless.

You start by saying "same old boring football" - ignore the conditions - you said

by the end you say we should have played long ball??! because of the conditions - which you said to ignore??!

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I agree with some of RR's views and equally dont agree with other parts, just like any other poster on here. I think im speaking for many on here when i say the volume of his posts and the repetitiveness of his posts is what gets on the majoritys nerevs..

However, this thread i think personally is bang out of order on the bloke to be quite honest. I dont have a clue how true this story is, and the truth is how many of us actually do? You are getting the usual suspects giving it the ''ive heard the exact same story from somebody else'' but have they really? I think the Robored hate club (lets not kid ourselves there is more a less one now) have seen this as a perfect oppurtunity to stick the knife into him.

A pretty sad state of affairs in all honesty. Who would have thought we all support the same club?

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Interesting read. Impossible to know what is fact and what is bulls**t. Unless RR directly addresses what is false, and what, if any, is true, then this will go round in circles. Interesting that people claim to have heard this story before, yet not many posters have posted saying they have directly heard this. Surely there are members of the SC that use otib that could clarify whether or not they have heard RR say this at a meeting? RR's opinions certainly shouldn't refect the entire SC though, just as RR should be allowed to post his opinions on here without being gunned down. I have agreed with him before, and I have disagreed with him before as others have stated, just as I have with just about every other user on this forum. One thing I will say is it would be interesting to read a post from what was Bristol Boy on the issue!

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Does it matter, is it really relevant. Robbo posts what he likes as we all do - do we really care what anyone else thinks? I know I don't. Can we talk about the football please and consign this to the bin? Don't take yourselves so seriously guys - this isn't Parliament or the UN.

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Does it matter, is it really relevant. Robbo posts what he likes as we all do - do we really care what anyone else thinks? I know I don't. Can we talk about the football please and consign this to the bin? Don't take yourselves so seriously guys - this isn't Parliament or the UN.

Exactly, some people on this forum think there as important as the club.

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Guest zider_head

And I quote

Someone is obviously out to slander me from the anonymity of their computer. Very brave of them.

The post in question is slanderous and full of downright lies. I have reported the post to mods asking for it to be removed but they have not reacted for whatever reason.

I guess you now know how Gary Johnson feels hey...............

IRONIC ??????????????

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  • Admin

OK Tom just have me a little curious here. Obviously the SC post clearly states that Robbored lied to GJ. I'm unsure how you fail to see one individual calling another a liar anything other than a form of personal abuse. The fact that more than one of you have heard a similar account unfortunately does not to my mind validate this as a fact and therefore applying the rules that you and the rest of the mods/admin team insist we adhere to I would have expected the post to be removed.

Instead we see you and Dolly joining those individuals clammering for RR to argue his case and somehow prove that the allegations are false. This lack of neutrality bothers me when your apparent prejudice allows you to bend forum rules apparently due to the fact you've heard the same story and appear to believe your source. I think this is ill-judged. I personally don't know RR, have my own opinion on his posts but feel that as a member of this forum he should be afforded the same rights as all other members. Similarly I don't give a brass toss about the SC and what people think of them as a whole. However as a member of this forum I do have an issue with being asked to follow the rules unless the mods agree with me in which case I can apparently say what I want.

So presumably in the future if I fancy abusing someone ,I just check with you guys whether you like them or not first and then if you're not so keen it's gloves off?

Hello reddoc,

I understand your concerns and notice that the thread has since been locked but at no stage have we asked RR to prove the allegations are false, merely to clarify which parts were false so that we could remove them. RR repeatedly chose not to do this as his right I suppose.

It's worth noting that RR himself has stated that the meeting did indeed take place within a reply on this thread?


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