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Only One Can Win...who Do You Choose?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

England, I hope they demolish the Garlic eaters tottaly, I'm going to be a screaming frothing mess every time an England tackle goes in. I can't wait for this game, I REALLY hate the French - Knocking down war graves, Killing Admiral Nelson and MOANING about the name of Waterloo station. It's not our fault Napolean wanted to try his luck a 2nd time.

But seriously - I want England to win, I think it's more likely anyways!

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The French at the moment have a very good side and if England play like they did against Wales then the french will have an easy win. But if England can raise their game and put pressure on the french and force the penalities, then England will get the win they deserve.Jonny will convert and after getting a two score lead the french heads will drop and we will roll over they try line, and then bring on the finnal.



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Although City need the win, if I could choose which one does it would be England.

City will have lots of other games to put things right this season, England is obviously a one off.

It would be great to see England win the Rugby World Cup. Plus the tenner bet I put on at the start of the tournament that they do win the cup would give me a nice few quid! :clap:

It could be a red letter month. I win a bet and a mug :Party27:

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Who gives a toss about egg-chasing. This is a City site for ######s sake!

Well obviously not you.

Personally, I think any success for England in any sport is good news. As for this is a City site, it doesn't make you less of a fan for having other interests or does it? :Confused13:

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Guest bristol south end

egg chasing for the upper classes doesn't interest me in the slightest city everytime & only 1 game matters sunday ASHTON U10s v LUCKWELL U10s

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"egg chasing for the upper classes doesn't interest me "

So if football is now middle class. what does that leave the working class?

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Guest Bootylicious

Although i couldn't care less about rugby, it is one of the only chances our country has of actually winning a World Cup!

So id say England. Though it'd be nice for both to win.

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Always. always, always City.

Rugby Union is a tedious excuse for a sport. Its stop/start with a rule book thicker than a child born of Jade Goody and Iain Duncan Smith. If I want to watch someone take 2 minutes lining up a ball before hitting it, I'll buy a Steve Davis snooker video. Its apologists are either arrogant, fat, in-bred upper class twits or Cornish/Welsh with a grudge against the rest of the UK. (Not that I wish to generalise or anything)

I personally hope the French stuff the English rugby team and that young men and women all over the country realise that in a choice between the world's favourite game and a sport played by public schoolboys, colonials and the French, that egg chasing is a minority sport that will only ever leave them looking like a car-crash victim and the outside chance of a job in the City. Round balls every time....

I feel better for that, thank you for reading. Better get back the rest of what has been a #### Friday ......

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Always. always, always City.

Rugby Union is a tedious excuse for a sport. Its stop/start with a rule book thicker than a child born of Jade Goody and Iain Duncan Smith. If I want to watch someone take 2 minutes lining up a ball before hitting it, I'll buy a Steve Davis snooker video. Its apologists are either arrogant, fat, in-bred upper class twits or Cornish/Welsh with a grudge against the rest of the UK. (Not that I wish to generalise or anything)

I personally hope the French stuff the English rugby team and that young men and women all over the country realise that in a choice between the world's favourite game and a sport played by public schoolboys, colonials and the French, that egg chasing is a minority sport that will only ever leave them looking like a car-crash victim and the outside chance of a job in the City. Round balls every time....

I feel better for that, thank you for reading. Better get back the rest of what has been a #### Friday ......

At last, the voice of reason! Good on yer.

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I mean, why wright a statement like this "I hope French win" are you not proud of your country, (are you welsh?). This is not about which one you follow, rugby or football. This is about 3 lions, being proud of your country and getting be hided your country no matter what sport, and hopefully seeing an ENGLAND shirt lift a winning trophy.

French to win.... muppet...


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Now I`ve hated egg chasing :Sleep12: ever since we we`re forced to play it by some merchant banker of a games teacher at school, but it`s against the Fro...French so I`ve got to hope they win. You`ve got to support England against the French (or anyone else) even if it`s Morris dancing or the world pipe smoking finals :clap: . Listening to England-Wales on the way to BPA on sunday I hoped we would turn the Taffs over. (pulled into services on motorway just as England took lead to find a coach load of Welsh watching telly :how funny: ) Having said all that I still hope just a little bit more that City get the 3 ponits.

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I mean, why wright a statement like this "I hope French win" are you not proud of your country, (are you welsh?). This is not about which one you follow, rugby or football. This is about 3 lions, being proud of your country and getting be hided your country no matter what sport, and hopefully seeing an ENGLAND shirt lift a winning trophy.

French to win.... muppet...



As you ask, no, I'm not Welsh, not that it matters if I were.

Like one or two others, (though sadly, not enough) I'm not one of the 'My country, right in whatever circumstances' mob. I didn't ever support an England cricket team while they had those aparthied apologists Gatting or Gooch among their number. I'm afraid for that same reason, I have to bite my tongue when David Graveney comes on and talks about English pride - he was the manager of the English rebel XI when they toured SA during the dying days of racist rule, despite the ANC asking them not to.

The original question was, who would you rather see win over the w/e, City or England. And I repeat, always City. I thought I made my reasons clear; its to do with more English kids ending up as footballers, rather than as rugby players if England lose (its the same argument many here use for wanting Rovers to drop out of the league). Its also to do with the class attitude that is still all to prevalent in rugby union. And its also due to the fact that its a bl00dy tedious sport and the sooner England are out of the tournament, the sooner we can concentrate on Euro 2004, Division II and our national sport.

PS. Aren't muppet's a bit trans-atlantic for you three lion sorts? I feel a lot happier if you called me a teletubbie......

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Got to be City everytime, whether it be England football team/Rugby team or topless darts team.

Even though i hate the game of Rugby, i still hope they will shove it up those arrogant, garlic eating poncy snail eating foreigners.

God i hate the french. :Rage:

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Guest spanish fly
I didn't ever support an England cricket team while they had those aparthied apologists Gatting or Gooch among their number. I'm afraid for that same reason, I have to bite my tongue when David Graveney comes on and talks about English pride - he was the manager of the English rebel XI when they toured SA during the dying days of racist rule, despite the ANC asking them not to.

funny old world innit when you deny your country because two guys play their chosen sport without political interference but you are more than happy to support that murdering racist thug Mandela and his wife :clap:

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funny old world innit when you deny your country because two guys play their chosen sport without political interference but you are more than happy to support that murdering racist thug Mandela and his wife :clap:

Good point !!

for some reason mandela is seen as a hero

ps city every time

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funny old world innit when you deny your country because two guys play their chosen sport without political interference but you are more than happy to support that murdering racist thug Mandela and his wife :wacko:

I don't want to turn this thread into a debate over politics and this will be my last word on it:

To suggest that Gooch and Gatting were simply seeking to play their own sport 'without political interference' is naive in the extreme. At the time of the rebel tours, there was a worldwide sporting boycott of South Africa - supported, it has to be said even by the yanks. They toured aginst the wishes of the TCCB and the ECB, not just against the wishes of those of us who wished to see an evil regime consigned to the dustbin of history.

As for the comparison of Nelson Mandela with Gatting and Gooch, your lack of knowledge and logic simply defies belief. Mandela is a man who has united a country in spite of years of institutionalised fascism, a man who reconciled white police officers with the families of their murdered black victims, a man who the Springbok rugby players regard as a hero and a man who was locked up for his political beliefs for nearly three decades. Gooch and Gatting (and Graveney come to that) are just fat, greedy, selfish cretins who put themselves and their own pensions before what was right. A plague on the pair of them. :rolleyes:

Winnie Mandela and her lunatic ravings don't even come into it by the way.

Oh, yeah - I still would prefer a City win over Barnsley than a English win over the Aussies on Saturday.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Once South African blacks won their fight for equality the man should have stepped down, now we see a South Africa riddled with crime, and the prospect of bloody civil war with the ultra right wing boares - South Africa has gone to the dogs big time

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