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Is It Still A Witch Hunt?

The Casual Connoisseur

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Just asking?????

Looks to me as it clearly wasn't!

I really think for some people it was - they want GJ gone for personal reasons rather than football reasons.

If you witch hunt a football manager for long enough then eventually your going to be right (every manager has a witch moment). If we get a new manager and every week I post on here that im not happy about something then eventually everyone else will agree, at that time is it right for me to stand up as some kind of visionary that sees football on a different plain to everyone else feeling completely vindicated with my view? or am I just the Winker that's been banging on about the same crap for years waiting for the day GJ falls flat on his face taking the club I love with him?

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I think for most it was and still is a matter that the manager, no longer can do his job properly, I wish him well and thank him for the PAST, it's simply time to move on.

Look at the results over the past 40 something games and the writing is clearly on the wall, the original thread was started by someone who used the term witch hunt, when it was actually just people airing their views surrounding the terrible run of results.

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I really think for some people it was - they want GJ gone for personal reasons rather than football reasons.

If you witch hunt a football manager for long enough then eventually your going to be right (every manager has a witch moment). If we get a new manager and every week I post on here that im not happy about something then eventually everyone else will agree, at that time is it right for me to stand up as some kind of visionary that sees football on a different plain to everyone else feeling completely vindicated with my view? or am I just the Winker that's been banging on about the same crap for years waiting for the day GJ falls flat on his face taking the club I love with him?

Well said. Feeling its time for a change is one thing. The tossers who rub there hands everytime we lose are quite another.

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Supporters of this club who rub there hands when we lose are tossers.

If the cap fits.

Odd comments SC_Red, I don't think anyone rubs their hands.

We are despairing at the bleak run of form we are in and at the manager's apparent lack of direction at the moment. I don't think anyone likes to see City lose (apart from the Gas!).

Lets not let emotion get in the way of the facts. Gary is really struggling and appears to be out of his depth and he is taking the club closer and close to the releagation places whilst spending more and more on the wage bill.


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Odd comments SC_Red, I don't think anyone rubs their hands.

We are despairing at the bleak run of form we are in and at the manager's apparent lack of direction at the moment. I don't think anyone likes to see City lose (apart from the Gas!).

Lets not let emotion get in the way of the facts. Gary is really struggling and appears to be out of his depth and he is taking the club closer and close to the releagation places whilst spending more and more on the wage bill.


There are fans of this club who want Gary Johnson out and have done for a lot longer than just recently. People like to be right. For them to be right City have to lose.

Draw your own conclusions about how they feel right now.

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So you pick one person from a cast of thousands, and even if that person had his own agenda no fan wants us to fail or worse. I would agrue its because we are fans that we show the concern that we do. And another point I would make there are two sides to this, sure I agree some people go over the top is opposing the manager, but at the same time a lot of people have thrown their lot in with Gary Johnson , forgetting the football club and perhaps the reality of the present siutuation is equally as hard to take and admit for them. As if this continues there is the real prospect that he will not be here much longer....so I reiterate its time to SUPPORT the club.

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Odd comments SC_Red, I don't think anyone rubs their hands.

We are despairing at the bleak run of form we are in and at the manager's apparent lack of direction at the moment. I don't think anyone likes to see City lose (apart from the Gas!).

Lets not let emotion get in the way of the facts. Gary is really struggling and appears to be out of his depth and he is taking the club closer and close to the releagation places whilst spending more and more on the wage bill.


completely agree, to suggest anyone would want the team to lose so they could belittle the manager is ridiculous, however if it helps your argument then carry on SC, each to their own.

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Odd comments SC_Red, I don't think anyone rubs their hands.

We are despairing at the bleak run of form we are in and at the manager's apparent lack of direction at the moment. I don't think anyone likes to see City lose (apart from the Gas!).

Lets not let emotion get in the way of the facts. Gary is really struggling and appears to be out of his depth and he is taking the club closer and close to the releagation places whilst spending more and more on the wage bill.


I CBA to find it now, but I certainly read someone say that if the defeat today hastens the end of GJ then they were pleased - or words to that affect anyway. So, no, we sadly don't all want us to win.

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So you pick one person from a cast of thousands, and even if that person had his own agenda no fan wants us to fail or worse. I would agrue its because we are fans that we show the concern that we do. And another point I would make there are two sides to this, sure I agree some people go over the top is opposing the manager, but at the same time a lot of people have thrown their lot in with Gary Johnson , forgetting the football club and perhaps the reality of the present siutuation is equally as hard to take and admit for them. As if this continues there is the real prospect that he will not be here much longer....so I reiterate its time to SUPPORT the club.

You said you found it hard to believe any fan wanted us to lose so I gave you an example that I know does.

People have defended Gary Johnson more than they probably would because of the level of critisism he's got for a long time from people who want him out. I want Gary Johnson to succeed and support him because he is the manager of this football club as we speak. If that changes I will suppor the new manager. Thats my job. I'm a supporter.

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I think for most it was and still is a matter that the manager, no longer can do his job properly, I wish him well and thank him for the PAST, it's simply time to move on.

Look at the results over the past 40 something games and the writing is clearly on the wall, the original thread was started by someone who used the term witch hunt, when it was actually just people airing their views surrounding the terrible run of results.

You clearly make your point of view about GJ over about 40 games because if you make it over the time he has been here then there is evidence that he can turn this around - you state that you appreciate what he has done for the club, me to - I considered us in debt to him until this season started I now feel we don't owe him anything and we are equal, this season is fast turning into a disappointment but I do agree with GJ that he should be judged over 46 games and if were in the bottom 8 at the end of the season I think its best he moves on.

I maybe described as happy clapper and GJ supporter but the fact of the matter is I can only say what I see and I see his point of view most of the time. I have on many occasions voiced concerns about things he has done - I stated in the summer that I thought not enough had been done to evolve our defence, recently stated the game against Watford was piss poor tactically and dull home performances turning supporters away is starting to become a really big problem so he is hardly beyond criticism from me.

GJ has had to put up with a hell of a lot of slander, negative spin and plain lies on this forum.

To pick up on a specific aspect of blind ignorance from people claiming not to be on a witch hunt - the Watford game - GJ has been criticised time and time again for his perceived "ego", now he held his hands up and said "sorry I got it wrong" so where were all the "supporters" that were attacking him saying he never says sorry - twidleing there thumbs thinking about the next thing they can use to attack the manager.

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completely agree, to suggest anyone would want the team to lose so they could belittle the manager is ridiculous, however if it helps your argument then carry on SC, each to their own.

There are certainly people that want GJ out of the club so much they want us to lose - some have even said so clearly on here.

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You said you found it hard to believe any fan wanted us to lose so I gave you an example that I know does.

People have defended Gary Johnson more than they probably would because of the level of critisism he's got for a long time from people who want him out. I want Gary Johnson to succeed and support him because he is the manager of this football club as we speak. If that changes I will suppor the new manager. Thats my job. I'm a supporter.

One final point, there is a saying ..."There is an exception to ever rule"...and in your opinion you found it.

As far as I'm concerened I want three points Tuesday and another Three Sunday.

The level of criticism he has received is of his own making, as far as I'm aware there has been no loud "Johnson Out" chants or worse. The general stream of fan opinion he has carried and at times in my view minipulated. He could have received a hell of a lot worse than he has. He has been given the benifit of the doubt by a lot of fans, now its time for him to stand up and be counted, he has taken many plaudits and pats on the back, now he needs to deliver results.

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One final point, there is a saying ..."There is an exception to ever rule"...and in your opinion you found it.

As far as I'm concerened I want three points Tuesday and another Three Sunday.

The level of criticism he has received is of his own making, as far as I'm aware there has been no loud "Johnson Out" chants or worse. The general stream of fan opinion he has carried and at times in my view minipulated. He could have received a hell of a lot worse than he has. He has been given the benifit of the doubt by a lot of fans, now its time for him to stand up and be counted, he has taken many plaudits and pats on the back, now he needs to deliver results.

I agree with you. He needs to deliver results and we need to support him as he tries to do that. Its our club. To do anything else would be stupid.

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Supporters of this club who rub there hands when we lose are tossers.

If the cap fits.

I don't believe anyone would rub their hands when we lose simply so they are right, that's ridiculous, we are all Bristol City supporters, we just have contradicting views.

I CBA to find it now, but I certainly read someone say that if the defeat today hastens the end of GJ then they were pleased - or words to that affect anyway. So, no, we sadly don't all want us to win.

That's not neccessarily rubbing their hands in it, maybe they feel this is whats needed to bring the club forwards. Besides, I haven't seen a comment like that.

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One final point, there is a saying ..."There is an exception to ever rule"...and in your opinion you found it.

As far as I'm concerened I want three points Tuesday and another Three Sunday.

The level of criticism he has received is of his own making, as far as I'm aware there has been no loud "Johnson Out" chants or worse. The general stream of fan opinion he has carried and at times in my view minipulated. He could have received a hell of a lot worse than he has. He has been given the benifit of the doubt by a lot of fans, now its time for him to stand up and be counted, he has taken many plaudits and pats on the back, now he needs to deliver results.

that is so true. GJ has been given plenty of slack IMO this season dispite all of the dour football, spinelss late cave ins, our biggest home whipping for 80 years and the obvious horrendous run of late. bottom line, at most other championship clubs he would be getting far worse stick for overseeing such a run. for me he deserved to go after cardiff. if we dont win any of the next two home games and he is still in post then SL is obviously completely unable to see whats coming due to his blind loyalty and we are going down with GJ captaining the titanic.

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