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If Coppell Is Not Appointed..

Carey 6

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So if Coppell isn't appointed - not saying that he definately wont be but -

Would you be dissapointed?

Who would be your preffered manager to take over?

edit: sorry i didnt realise there were so many coppell threadsmf_sleep.gif i havnt posted for a while on here whistle.gif

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Guest healey robins

I hope Coppell is appointed but when? the Supense is killing me the club should come out and say something the fans deserve to know whats going on

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I hope Coppell is appointed but when? the Supense is killing me the club should come out and say something the fans deserve to know whats going on

I never get this the fans deserve to know rubbish.

Let the chairman get on with it and have some patience.

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I didn't say they shouldn't be told anything but there are some things that need to be kept away from them until the time is right.

Like the fact that Gary had been axed as manager? The club refused to admit this on its website at a time when all other media were running it. It's not good enough IMO - BCFC courts the media and supporters when it wants support for issues like the new stadium and World Cup bid (and when it wants to sell 'early bird' season tickets) but then refuses to talk about other issues that are of huge interest to fans.

If we ever get to the Prem, the board at BCFC is going to be in for a very rude awakening if it thinks it will be able to control press stories about the club. The nationals will be all over them like a rash and the EP will be the least of their worries.

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Like the fact that Gary had been axed as manager? The club refused to admit this on its website at a time when all other media were running it. It's not good enough IMO - BCFC courts the media and supporters when it wants support for issues like the new stadium and World Cup bid (and when it wants to sell 'early bird' season tickets) but then refuses to talk about other issues that are of huge interest to fans.

If we ever get to the Prem, the board at BCFC is going to be in for a very rude awakening if it thinks it will be able to control press stories about the club. The nationals will be all over them like a rash and the EP will be the least of their worries.

The club handled the GJ sacking brilliantly with the media. Didn't just blurt it out like most other clubs- they sat down with the manager and then announced as a club with GJ there.

'BCFC courts the media and supporters when it wants support for issues like the new stadium and World Cup bid '

Quite right.

'...but then refuses to talk about other issues that are of huge interest to fans.'

Some things are clearly not meant to be released before they need to be. If you told fans everything about everything then it would be a nightmare.

Just have a bit of patience and wait for the club to release the news on it, it will when it needs to and is appropriate.

'If we ever get to the Prem, the board at BCFC is going to be in for a very rude awakening if it thinks it will be able to control press stories about the club. The nationals will be all over them like a rash and the EP will be the least of their worries.'

I don't think so. They will handle the press like they have been so far- very well.

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Just have a bit of patience and wait for the club to release the news on it, it will when it needs to and is appropriate.

I can be patient but it's five weeks and counting now - that is a lifetime in football. KM worked miracles over that period but still there is no announcement. Not impressed.

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I can be patient but it's five weeks and counting now - that is a lifetime in football. KM worked miracles over that period but still there is no announcement. Not impressed.

Jesus man get a grip. What do you expect the club to announce that were still in discussions, the reason there is no announcement is because there is nothing to announce. Have a bit of patience.

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Jesus man get a grip. What do you expect the club to announce that were still in discussions, the reason there is no announcement is because there is nothing to announce. Have a bit of patience.

Quite right.

The patience of some people on here is shocking.

I would rather wait 25 weeks and get the right person than 5 weeks for the sake of some fans who can't even have a bit of patience.

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I agree 100%, the fans are being mushroomed, and the longer the board treat us with contempt the worse it gets as far as speculation. The Club should have made a positive statement when the EP covered it NOT merely say that Millen is in charge until the end of the season, that merely added more misery to the fans. Sorry Steve you are treating us like idiots, if Coppell is so sensitive or whoever it is then I for one don't want them in BS3.

a. Steve Lansdown is not treating us like idiots, he doing everything correctly. He's drawn up a list of candidates to interview and he's gradually whittling the list down, without going public - that's exactly what I'd expect in any business - not just football.

b. How do you know that <potential manager name here> is being sensitive, it's all speculation. You've no idea why the delay is occurring, it may be that Coppell's agent is stuck abroad, it may be that Steve Coppell wants a staff member from another club which we need to organise compensation for??

We're all guessing, so until SL is ready to tell us what's happening, be patience and stop making stupid remarks.

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Guest david wka

I don't want him anyway he's known as a quitter already throwing his toys out the pram.He'll get his one year rolling contract what he likes and then quit after 6 days like he did at man city

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I hope Coppell is appointed but when? the Supense is killing me the club should come out and say something the fans deserve to know whats going on

I shop at Asda quite a bit (simply because it's the closest supermarket to where I work...), and I don't scream out wanting to know what's happening when they make a decision about who their new store manager is going to be - I just let them get on with it. Why is this any different?!

BCFC is a business and runs in a professional, business-like manner. It is far more professional to announce something when it has happened, not when you are in the middle of discussions.

Just look at Emad Meteb...

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I shop at Asda quite a bit (simply because it's the closest supermarket to where I work...), and I don't scream out wanting to know what's happening when they make a decision about who their new store manager is going to be - I just let them get on with it. Why is this any different?!

BCFC is a business and runs in a professional, business-like manner. It is far more professional to announce something when it has happened, not when you are in the middle of discussions.

Just look at Emad Meteb...

people tend to get slightly more attached and more emotional about their football clubs than their supermarkets red_mat. thats why its different.

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Well looks like all the cajoling has paid off, with a press conference tomorrow:innocent06: Surely if Sky says its SC then it's SCenglandsmile4wf.gif

Is that the same Sky whose nickname is "never wrong for long". They always dive in headfirst, and don't worry about the occasions they get things incorrect at first. Not saying it isn't SC mind you :innocent06:

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Hang on a minute, you accuse me of making stupid remarks, I guess your arrogance gets in the way of clear thinking...there is no reason at all for so much cloak and dagger from the board, if there is a perfectly plausible reason dor the delay then say so. It is a Football Club, not National Security, and as MH states if we ever get in the Prem you can bet the club will have to be more open.

The amount of reasons you put forth as is exactly why a statement should be made, soumds a bit like a massive PR cock up to me considering the 'leaks' that have been made by not only the EP but the BBC also. A statement from the club is long over due IMO, if that's all right with you!!

No it's not alright with me!

The club doesn't owe you anything. They've got the right to keep quiet until they feel fit to announce any news they wish. Just because you and few others are getting fidgety doesn't change that fact one iota. They are doing things by the book and as long as they do it's fine by me - even if it upsets you!

We've lost players in the past for announcing news too early, so I'd hate to see the same thing happen when we're trying to appoint our number one target manager.

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Hang on a minute, you accuse me of making stupid remarks, I guess your arrogance gets in the way of clear thinking...there is no reason at all for so much cloak and dagger from the board, if there is a perfectly plausible reason dor the delay then say so. It is a Football Club, not National Security, and as MH states if we ever get in the Prem you can bet the club will have to be more open.

The amount of reasons you put forth as is exactly why a statement should be made, soumds a bit like a massive PR cock up to me considering the 'leaks' that have been made by not only the EP but the BBC also. A statement from the club is long over due IMO, if that's all right with you!!

Get your knickers out of a twist and shut up, you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, don't call this hindsight as you can have a look at what I posted last night if you wish.

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I can be patient but it's five weeks and counting now - that is a lifetime in football. KM worked miracles over that period but still there is no announcement. Not impressed.

This from the bloke who was telling us a manager like Coppell wouldn't be interested?

With key appointments you ALWAYS take time to get them right and you NEVER discuss them publicly until the ink is dry.

If the club had commented on rumours or candidates before a deal was done I'd be disappointed at the unprofessional manner of doing business.

As it is I am excited and I hope tomorrow to be delighted.

The club have handled the transition superbly.

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Guest bunners2006

I would be extremely dis-appointed as he could be the missing link, but its not going to happen he will be here 2moro at 1130 :)

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And while we are at it, have we been given the details of new players being signed this summer? No.

This cloak and dagger stuff is enfuriating. As a fan I have the right to be kept informed - and yet not one player name released to us second class customers.

Utter farce.

Unacceptable - sack the board I say.

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Guest Chariot

Join in on the Steve Coppell thread, the mods are going to get tired of merging soon!!

I see that you have "Sir" Steve Coppell as your new manager, brilliant move - he was, still is, and always will be a god at Reading FC. I've been a supporter of the Royals for nearly 60 years and never ever seen anyone better at his job. It might take a season, but he will fix everything for you.

The year we came down from the Prem he wanted to quit. The supporters camped out on his parking spot, and persuaded him to stay - it wasnt his fault we came down - our chairman was a tight wad when it came to spending money to improve the team in the Jan window.

I'm sure you will be up there with the best.


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