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Rovers Fail To Set Record


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Rovers fans yesterday was trying to set a record by dressing up as pirates the record is 1700 they were very confident they would beat they would hope it was going to rise the profile of there crappy little club. However only 500 turned up what a bunch of sad losers. They can't acheive anything, even when they are trying to get some cheap publicity they fail what a bunch of c0cks.

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Bristol Rovers are just one fail after another, the BEP tried to cover it up as being 'a bit of a laugh' ecsetera but no doubt if they had won it there would have been a big headline on the back announcing rovers as 'RECORD-BREAKERS'.

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Rovers fans yesterday was trying to set a record by dressing up as pirates the record is 1700 they were very confident they would beat they would hope it was going to rise the profile of there crappy little club. However only 500 turned up what a bunch of sad losers. They can't acheive anything, even when they are trying to get some cheap publicity they fail what a bunch of c0cks.

I'm confused - I thought 500 was a good crowd for them!? tumbleweed.gif

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Come on you Reds! ... Nowt wrong with a bit of City / Rovers banter, but we can be bigger than this, in this case they (Gasheads) were having a bit of fun & more seriously raising money for a cause that we have also supported ourselves.

Quote BEP: Proceeds from the event, which was an idea by pirate-loving supporter, Captain Gas, are being donated to the prostate cancer appeal at Southmead Hospital.

Club spokeswoman Kirsty Pugh said: "We want to make the most of our pirate image and raise some money for charity at the same time.

"Everyone has had a great time and we hope to make it an annual event."

So fair play to the 500 who took part this year & on this issue I for one wish them all the best for next years charity event.

Perhaps we should be thinking up ideas to rival theirs in a friendly last home game of season fans charity event?

All proceeds to thesame BUI prostate cancer appeal.... there will be no 'losers', just a goodwill gesture benefitting the whole of the Bristol community.

So get yer thinking caps on any good ideas out there?

...good luck to the Pirates next year but we're gonna do something bigger & better (or are we?) & together raise shite loads of money for the BUI prostate appeal.

So Wos Reckon Can Us Lot Do Sumfink Or Wot??? Come On You Reds! & happy holidays to ya all. :city:

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WTF was that all about today at LUTON vs York? ... bloody disgrace!

(Eric Morecambe RIP must be turning in his grave)

following on from Sheff Wed/Palace wtf are some fans thinking?

Bring back terracing/safe standing? :fingerscrossed: - sadly theres little or no chance of that happening anytime soon (if ever) when 'fans' like the above continue acting like moronic throwbacks to the 70's/80's :dunno: .

All the more reason not to be knocking the Gas for their charitable efforts this week - least the 'Pirates' were just having a laugh & supporting a *good cause (*thats the charity not the team btw :) )

We've thankfully got a good reputation for fair play on & off the pitch nowadays too, :city: BCFC long may it continue.. Bristol football aint so bad is it... bring on the World Cup!! :englandsmile4wf:.


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WTF was that all about today at LUTON vs York? ... bloody disgrace!

(Eric Morecambe RIP must be turning in his grave)

following on from Sheff Wed/Palace wtf are some fans thinking?

Bring back terracing/safe standing? :fingerscrossed: - sadly theres little or no chance of that happening anytime soon (if ever) when 'fans' like the above continue acting like moronic throwbacks to the 70's/80's :dunno: .

All the more reason not to be knocking the Gas for their charitable efforts this week - least the 'Pirates' were just having a laugh & supporting a *good cause (*thats the charity not the team btw :) )

We've thankfully got a good reputation for fair play on & off the pitch nowadays too, :city: BCFC long may it continue.. Bristol football aint so bad is it... bring on the World Cup!! :englandsmile4wf:.


What happened at york? What has that got to do with standing?

Ok, there was some trouble.

BUT luton does not have any standing areas, so how that relates to safe standing i dont know.

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WTF was that all about today at LUTON vs York? ... bloody disgrace!

(Eric Morecambe RIP must be turning in his grave)

following on from Sheff Wed/Palace wtf are some fans thinking?

Bring back terracing/safe standing? :fingerscrossed: - sadly theres little or no chance of that happening anytime soon (if ever) when 'fans' like the above continue acting like moronic throwbacks to the 70's/80's :dunno: .

All the more reason not to be knocking the Gas for their charitable efforts this week - least the 'Pirates' were just having a laugh & supporting a *good cause (*thats the charity not the team btw :) )

We've thankfully got a good reputation for fair play on & off the pitch nowadays too, :city: BCFC long may it continue.. Bristol football aint so bad is it... bring on the World Cup!! :englandsmile4wf:.


What has some arseholes action got to do with safe standing, scare mongering at its worst? If there were more seats then they could've ripped them out to throw, would you prefer that, perhaps

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If only they had needed over 1700 people dressed up web toed pikey inbreds, they would of smashed that record with little effort.

Do that lot at Whorefield even get 1700 nowadays?

Didn't think enough people would be so dumb still?!

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What has some arseholes action got to do with safe standing, scare mongering at its worst? If there were more seats then they could've ripped them out to throw, would you prefer that, perhaps

...Hey, get one thing straight here ....

I want nothing more than a chance to enjoy the atmosphere of standing in a seat free area once again, imo nothing beats standing on the old terraces for an authentic 'football experience' .. - In the old days we had a choice, stand with the lads on the terrace or for those that prefer sitting go into the stands -thats the right & proper way, but we'll never see those days again.

The Health & Safety mob along with some politically motivated 'guidance/lobbying' took that choice away from all of us & we have all had to endure a sanitised 'plastic' version of football ever since.

The best we can hope for now is for the day when some form of 'safe-standing' is permitted.

Thanks to morons like the Luton mob today (yeah I know seats couldve made things worse) but the 'Health & Safety' lot will grasp at ANY TROUBLE in grounds/stadiums to argue their point against ever relaxing their rules... -therefore idiots and their antics like we've witnessed today are doing NO-ONE any good & certainly wont be helping to enhance the chances of 'football fans' being treated like 'intelligent humans' & being entrusted to stand safely - thats the connection between the safe standing issue & todays 'non related' trouble -

The powers that be WILL use ANY PROBLEMS against ALL OF US! (it doesnt have to make sense - since when did common-sense ever come into anything where authorities are concerned? )

Football fans have and always will be tarred with the same brush - the vast majority always having to pay for the mindless minority.

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Guest philgas1

Come on you Reds! ... Nowt wrong with a bit of City / Rovers banter, but we can be bigger than this, in this case they (Gasheads) were having a bit of fun & more seriously raising money for a cause that we have also supported ourselves.

Quote BEP: Proceeds from the event, which was an idea by pirate-loving supporter, Captain Gas, are being donated to the prostate cancer appeal at Southmead Hospital.

Club spokeswoman Kirsty Pugh said: "We want to make the most of our pirate image and raise some money for charity at the same time.

"Everyone has had a great time and we hope to make it an annual event."

So fair play to the 500 who took part this year & on this issue I for one wish them all the best for next years charity event.

Perhaps we should be thinking up ideas to rival theirs in a friendly last home game of season fans charity event?

All proceeds to thesame BUI prostate cancer appeal.... there will be no 'losers', just a goodwill gesture benefitting the whole of the Bristol community.

So get yer thinking caps on any good ideas out there?

...good luck to the Pirates next year but we're gonna do something bigger & better (or are we?) & together raise shite loads of money for the BUI prostate appeal.

So Wos Reckon Can Us Lot Do Sumfink Or Wot??? Come On You Reds! & happy holidays to ya all. city.gif

well said ..i couldnt be there saturday otherwise there wouldve been at least one more pirate...no fail...we raised dosh for a good cause

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Guest Worcester Red

Instead of having a pop why dont we work with them? I remember setting up the fans derby with them for charity and it worked very well, why dont the 2 clubs do somthing together for both our 1st home games of the season?

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Instead of having a pop why dont we work with them? I remember setting up the fans derby with them for charity and it worked very well, why dont the 2 clubs do somthing together for both our 1st home games of the season?

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