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Probably because over the coming weeks, We will see how bad things really are and that in the run up to the general election we will see how New Liebore have put re-election ahead of the national good.

and if rumours about Gormeless Brown resigning his seat as an MP are true, He should be made the pay the cost of a by election, Quitting a week after a general election is a joke, What a bad loser.

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So its gonna be a Con/Lib government.

Bad luck Labour, nice try, but we've had enough of your shit for 13 yrs, don't need you screwing it up any further.

You're delusional.

Watching a Con - Lib government in action is going to be hilarious. Pro-Europe v anti-Europe, public cuts v no public cuts, electoral reform v no electoral reform etc etc.

The Lib Dems have completely shafted themselves and have lost much of their support, probably forever, if this coalition goes ahead.

Labour must be pissing themselves, 6 months of an infighting, hopeless coalition then we WILL have another election.

Labour will have regrouped, new leader - back in power.

Anyway in the interim it's a pretty grim prospect of Cameron and Osbourne. Clegg should be ******* ashamed

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You're delusional.

Watching a Con - Lib government in action is going to be hilarious. Pro-Europe v anti-Europe, public cuts v no public cuts, electoral reform v no electoral reform etc etc.

The Lib Dems have completely shafted themselves and have lost much of their support, probably forever, if this coalition goes ahead.

Labour must be pissing themselves, 6 months of an infighting, hopeless coalition then we WILL have another election.

Labour will have regrouped, new leader - back in power.

Anyway in the interim it's a pretty grim prospect of Cameron and Osbourne. Clegg should be ******* ashamed

The Liberal Party; the prostitutes of politics! surrender.gif

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Probably because over the coming weeks, We will see how bad things really are and that in the run up to the general election we will see how New Liebore have put re-election ahead of the national good.

and if rumours about Gormeless Brown resigning his seat as an MP are true, He should be made the pay the cost of a by election, Quitting a week after a general election is a joke, What a bad loser.

Yeah I was more asking grown ups who can talk about it without making up silly names that only they think are clever and/or funny.

You need to read up on the constitution aswell.

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You're delusional.

Watching a Con - Lib government in action is going to be hilarious. Pro-Europe v anti-Europe, public cuts v no public cuts, electoral reform v no electoral reform etc etc.

The Lib Dems have completely shafted themselves and have lost much of their support, probably forever, if this coalition goes ahead.

Labour must be pissing themselves, 6 months of an infighting, hopeless coalition then we WILL have another election.

Labour will have regrouped, new leader - back in power.

Anyway in the interim it's a pretty grim prospect of Cameron and Osbourne. Clegg should be ******* ashamed

That's what I love about lifetime tribalist supporters of political parties, They always predict doom and gloom when they lose and forget sleeze, lies and total failures of their own beloved party, if New Liebore had dropped Gormeless Brown about a year ago, When the rest of the world could see him for what he is a clown, This thread would have closed days ago and also for the record New Liebore still has more toxic dead wood to remove in Manglespin, Harriet Harridan and Alaister Campbell and all the other unelected cabinet ministers, That is how bad things got for New Liebore they did'nt even have enough talented elected MP's to occupy these government positions.

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That's what I love about lifetime tribalist supporters of political parties, They always predict doom and gloom when they lose and forget sleeze, lies and total failures of their own beloved party, if New Liebore had dropped Gormeless Brown about a year ago, When the rest of the world could see him for what he is a clown, This thread would have closed days ago and also for the record New Liebore still has more toxic dead wood to remove in Manglespin, Harriet Harridan and Alaister Campbell and all the other unelected cabinet ministers, That is how bad things got for New Liebore they did'nt even have enough talented elected MP's to occupy these government positions.

Still not growing up then? Good stuff. Makes your points look stupid though.

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This from the Grown up, Who has documented his petty grudge against another forum member for all and sundry to see. Whilst remaining anonymous, how very brave of you.

You may think you are clever too, many may think differently.

I dont think I'm clever. I didn't catch everyones name on here by the way. Where are they listed?

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Just exercising my democratic right as a UK tax payer in the same way dear old Gordon did when he called a lifelong labour voter bigoted.

Labour lost get over it.

I am over it. You dont even know how I voted. Try reading my posts in between trying to come up with pathetic plays on words.

My point is I think this situation will prove better for Labour than either of the other two parties in the long term. Labour was never really interested in a coallition. They have too much to sort out internally first and they need this time to do that.

While Labour is getting a new leader sorting out it's shadow cabinet and refining policys, the Tories and the Lib dems will be fighting internally losing supporters and having there ploicys merged into one.

All points to a Labour landslide at the next election if this coallition does happen to last any decent amount of time.

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I am over it. You dont even know how I voted. Try reading my posts in between trying to come up with pathetic plays on words.

My point is I think this situation will prove better for Labour than either of the other two parties in the long term. Labour was never really interested in a coallition. They have too much to sort out internally first and they need this time to do that.

While Labour is getting a new leader sorting out it's shadow cabinet and refining policys, the Tories and the Lib dems will be fighting internally losing supporters and having there ploicys merged into one.

All points to a Labour landslide at the next election if this coallition does happen to last any decent amount of time.

That may well be your thoughts but i.m.o. they are well baised towards the labour party and they are just thoughts.

Mine by the way are; it is time for a change and the new tory/lib pact will certainly give us that; the labour party has a huge mountian to climb and must hope it will be many years before another election and they can hope to regain there lost 90 plus seats;

In the end we have to pay we always have to pay who evers pulling the strings.

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That may well be your thoughts but i.m.o. they are well baised towards the labour party and they are just thoughts.

Mine by the way are; it is time for a change and the new tory/lib pact will certainly give us that; the labour party has a huge mountian to climb and must hope it will be many years before they can hope to regain there lost 90 plus seats;

In the end we have to pay we always have to pay who evers pulling the strings.

not biased at all. Its an opinion on how it will pan out.

I cant see any good coming of 2 parties merging in the long term and I think bothe have done it because they are desperate to have a go at having some power and could see it slipping away. I would say the same if Labour had joined up with the Lib Dems.

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That's what I love about lifetime tribalist supporters of political parties, They always predict doom and gloom when they lose and forget sleeze, lies and total failures of their own beloved party, if New Liebore had dropped Gormeless Brown about a year ago, When the rest of the world could see him for what he is a clown, This thread would have closed days ago and also for the record New Liebore still has more toxic dead wood to remove in Manglespin, Harriet Harridan and Alaister Campbell and all the other unelected cabinet ministers, That is how bad things got for New Liebore they did'nt even have enough talented elected MP's to occupy these government positions.

Firstly and unsuprisingly you're well off the mark there.

Secondly, aside from Hague I struggle to think of a competant Tory MP. Hopefully you can help me out

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What have we to look forward to now. Tory cuts and screwing the working class. Prepare for a period of civil unrest and riots on the streets. They will destroy all that had been done for the last 13 years, new hospital , schools , rights for the disables , minium wage for the poor, winter fuel allowance for the old.

I know who ever got into power there would have to be cuts but the Tories would deliver the cuts with a joyful glee , you made you beds you better lie in them.

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Firstly and unsuprisingly you're well off the mark there.

Secondly, aside from Hague I struggle to think of a competant Tory MP. Hopefully you can help me out

Hague competent?

He can't even speak competently - that fake whining yorkshire accent belongs strictly in open all hours and nowhere else - he wouldn't even get an extra part on emmerdale farm.

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What have we to look forward to now. Tory cuts and screwing the working class. Prepare for a period of civil unrest and riots on the streets. They will destroy all that had been done for the last 13 years, new hospital , schools , rights for the disables , minium wage for the poor, winter fuel allowance for the old.

I know who ever got into power there would have to be cuts but the Tories would deliver the cuts with a joyful glee , you made you beds you better lie in them.

I wonder which Government has forced another Government into such cuts...

Whichever Government comes in serious cuts need to be made (unless it is Labour who are just deluded).

The minimum wage won't go anywhere regardless and the Tories have already said they won't be getting rid of the winter fuel allowance etc- it was all lies from Labour.

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What have we to look forward to now. Tory cuts and screwing the working class. Prepare for a period of civil unrest and riots on the streets. They will destroy all that had been done for the last 13 years, new hospital , schools , rights for the disables , minium wage for the poor, winter fuel allowance for the old.

I know who ever got into power there would have to be cuts but the Tories would deliver the cuts with a joyful glee , you made you beds you better lie in them.

Sounds like Greece what you are predicting...and thats the point we all have to face the fact that every sngle one of us is going to be affected by it.....just remind yourself who got us in this posistion. Nobody makes cuts with "joyful" glee its just a taste of financial reality I'm affraid.

Just remeber there isn't enough stately homes and voters with double barrell names to have provided the result that the election gave us....the working class voted conservative.

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The bankers got us into this, Gordon Brown stopped the reccesion from going into a depression and millions of people kept thier jobs because of it. Unemployed didn't reach the levels of the early 80s and early 90s thanks to Brown.

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Hague competent?

He can't even speak competently - that fake whining yorkshire accent belongs strictly in open all hours and nowhere else - he wouldn't even get an extra part on emmerdale farm.

Rubbish leader but intelligent man.

If you want a real horrorshow check out George Osbourne's wikipedia entry, his working life prior to politics consisted of this:

Osborne's first job was to provide data entry services to the National Health Service to record the names of people who had died in London.[8] He also briefly worked for Selfridges. He originally intended to pursue a career as a journalist, but after failing to become one at a national newspaper, was informed of a vacant job at the Conservative Central Office.[8]

He is also heir to a billion pound fortune. Lucky man, I'm positive he'll have the best interests of the hard working man at the heart of all his budget decisions.

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The Tories don't belive in state education all thier kids go to public schools they don't belive in the NHS because they all have their BUPA membership. Even if we were in more stable economic times the Tories would still cut public spending on health and education in favour of tax cuts for the wealthy.

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The bankers got us into this, Gordon Brown stopped the reccesion from going into a depression and millions of people kept thier jobs because of it. Unemployed didn't reach the levels of the early 80s and early 90s thanks to Brown.

We had a massive deficit before the problems.

I would say he did OK in the recession to be fair.

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Just remeber there isn't enough stately homes and voters with double barrell names to have provided the result that the election gave us....the working class voted conservative.

And very sad that is too because if there's one thing that we all know will happen with the Tory's in charge...the working man will lose his job / be worse off and the rich will get richer.

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And very sad that is too because if there's one thing that we all know will happen with the Tory's in charge...the working man will lose his job / be worse off and the rich will get richer.

The working man will lose their job as cuts will need to be deep because of Labour's overspend which has killed us for a while.

Didn't the gap between the richer and the poorer grow during the last 13 years?

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The Tories don't belive in state education all thier kids go to public schools they don't belive in the NHS because they all have their BUPA membership. Even if we were in more stable economic times the Tories would still cut public spending on health and education in favour of tax cuts for the wealthy.

Don't worry mate, it's all cyclical,give it time and they'll be clamouring for Daves head!

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Guest jgsmuzzy

The Victory was winning most seats and most votes. I am card carrying Tory, I do not mind admitting it, but I find the prospect of a coallition with the Lib Dems is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth.

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Guest jgsmuzzy

The Tories don't belive in state education all thier kids go to public schools they don't belive in the NHS because they all have their BUPA membership. Even if we were in more stable economic times the Tories would still cut public spending on health and education in favour of tax cuts for the wealthy.

Wow, you really have swallowed the propaganda haven't you. I am state school educated, my son goes to state school, I grew up in a small house and do not have Bupa membership. Hell, I haven't even got a pension. I claim no benefits and make do with what I have.

I take it your dad and his dad before him voted Labour? That seems to be the basis for a lot of the Labour vote. This is first hand experience from canvassing for the election. The amount of times I heard "My Grandad voted Labour, my dad voted Labour so I am". Good reasoning that.

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Don't patronise me . I vote Labour because I belive in what they stand for what an arrogant attitude you have.

By the way when I was refering to the Tories sending thier kids to public school etc I of course was refering to the leaders of the party and not everyone who voted for them.

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Don't patronise me . I vote Labour because I belive in what they stand for what an arrogant attitude you have.

By the way when I was refering to the Tories sending thier kids to public school etc I of course was refering to the leaders of the party and not everyone who voted for them.

I stand to be corrected but I'm sure Cameron sends his kids to state school, so sterotypes do not necessarily apply.

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I stand to be corrected but I'm sure Cameron sends his kids to state school, so sterotypes do not necessarily apply.

They do go to state school, plus liam fox to lose his job to paddy ashdown as defence minister....fox was said to have a face of thunder :dancing2:

So say sky news

damn looks like sky got it wrong about liam fox

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Don't patronise me . I vote Labour because I belive in what they stand for what an arrogant attitude you have.

By the way when I was refering to the Tories sending thier kids to public school etc I of course was refering to the leaders of the party and not everyone who voted for them.

I'm not a Tory but in Cameron's case you could hardly be more wrong if you tried.



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And very sad that is too because if there's one thing that we all know will happen with the Tory's in charge...the working man will lose his job / be worse off and the rich will get richer.

Working man? :disapointed2se: that most of us including directors, managers,chairmen etc Almost anyone can be a boss even me, its not an exclusive club; and many work harder and longer than those they employ; fact;

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Probably because over the coming weeks, We will see how bad things really are and that in the run up to the general election we will see how New Liebore have put re-election ahead of the national good.

and if rumours about Gormeless Brown resigning his seat as an MP are true, He should be made the pay the cost of a by election, Quitting a week after a general election is a joke, What a bad loser.

That's as maybe, but he certainly knew how to deliver a classy farewell speech.

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The Tories don't belive in state education all thier kids go to public schools they don't belive in the NHS because they all have their BUPA membership. Even if we were in more stable economic times the Tories would still cut public spending on health and education in favour of tax cuts for the wealthy.

Just like Tony Blair, Harriet Harman and even Diane Abbott and the rest of the hypocritical Labour elite.

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What have we to look forward to now. Tory cuts and screwing the working class. Prepare for a period of civil unrest and riots on the streets. They will destroy all that had been done for the last 13 years, new hospital , schools , rights for the disables , minium wage for the poor, winter fuel allowance for the old.

I know who ever got into power there would have to be cuts but the Tories would deliver the cuts with a joyful glee , you made you beds you better lie in them.

The same thing would have happend whoever came to power, Cuts are cuts and that is what we have to come cuts.

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Just like Tony Blair, Harriet Harman and even Diane Abbott and the rest of the hypocritical Labour elite.

but this about the tories not labour. You have very little to say on the party of privilege, big business and vested interest.

I'm sure most of us would send our kids to a sate school if we lived in Witney, Oxfordshire or in the leafy part of the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

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but this about the tories not labour. You have very little to say on the party of privilege, big business and vested interest.

I'm sure most of us would send our kids to a sate school if we lived in Witney, Oxfordshire or in the leafy part of the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

What total nonsense, We all know where most tories send their children to school, That's not news FFS. it is actually about people who criticize the tories about where they send their kids to school and then do exactly the same especially somebody like Diane Abbott has done and Harriet Harman did and of course Tony Blair and many others of labours elite, it is total hypocrisy which will always be one of the defining effects of their 13 years of government.

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What total nonsense, We all know where most tories send their children to school, That's not news FFS. it is actually about people who criticize the tories about where they send their kids to school and then do exactly the same especially somebody like Diane Abbott has done and Harriet Harman did and of course Tony Blair and many others of labours elite, it is total hypocrisy which will always be one of the defining effects of their 13 years of government.

effects? did you mean attributes?

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it is total hypocrisy which will always be one of the defining effects of their 13 years of government.

So hypocrisy = attributes in your book?

you should have said attributes not effects. As in the Labour government were hypocritical.

But then again from the wit that brought us New Liebore - who knows what you are on about?

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