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Swansea City Player Dead Age 22!

Guest bs4_bcfc

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Many of the tragic deads within football over last few years seems to have to do with the use of painkillers over a long period of time according to a Danish documentary. This young man don't seems to have had a injury record though. Really sad news.

Terrible news!

He did have a history of collapsing during games so not quite sure you're correct there and that report you mention may be pretty misleading especially considering most of the players who have tragically died during games have had genetic heart conditions. It surprising considering how many tests young players undergo these days.


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Many dressing rooms are candystores of painkillers free to take. You are supposed to perform on Saturday.

Quite a few ex. players witnessed about this in the documentary.

It also happens at Sunday League level something you never read about.

It's a well documented bi-effect of painkillers. Read the small print.

Have you ever heard of SDS (sudden death syndrome)? It is a rare condition but happens in young and otherwise perfectly fit athletes.. Most of the footbalers that have suddendly died of heart problems have had it. Im not saying this Swansea player had it but it but many people cant get there heads around the fact that a young and fit person can just suddenly drop dead, that is why you rumours and whispers start doing the rounds (painkillers etc etc). I didnt even know it existed untill a friend of mone who is a personal trainer told me, i was pretty shocked when he was telling me about it.

Have a read http://www.c-r-y.org...th_syndrome.htm its obviously very rare but a few players have had it over the years.

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Don't forget to read the small print.

Many of the players were on there way back after serious injuries forcing them to take painkillers. Watch the Danish documentary!

Im not doubting that players have developed heart problems beacuse of taking dogy pain killers but i doubt very much that was the reason for this poor Swansea player to die. He already had underlying heart problems and had collapsed before on a few occasions. Look at Ruben De La Red at Real Madrid, only 24 but has had to retire beacuse of similar heart issue's, same with Lilian Thuram again who had to retire beacause of heart problems..

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I know of a few people who have suddenly died playing sport and the post mortems in those cases showed that they had congenital heart conditions.

Steven Gately (from Boyzone) also died because of a previously undetected congenital heart disease, so it can happen to anyone.

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