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For All The Local Hooligans Heading For South Africa

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Haha, good luck to anyone trying to cause trouble in SA. you'll up end up dead dead dead.

Anyway you wont need the Police to monitor it personally, the names of the trouble makers will be made aware of by face recognition, their passports, there will be no way they will be able to travel direct from the UK. Even football thug tossers aint that dumb, are they?

South Africa is a 3rd world shithole full of peados, murderers, people traffickers and crack heads, I wonder how many fans will be murdered.., I'm thinking at least 40.

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Haha, good luck to anyone trying to cause trouble in SA. you'll up end up dead dead dead.

how many fans will be murdered I wonder, I'm thinking at least 40.

wouldn't surprise me.

No doubt they'll be upping security but it's still a disgrace to hold it there.

I dont like the Lions or the cricketers going there on tours, let alone the football world cup.

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Well I think you will find there would be more than 35 hooligans. How would you define a hooligan a person who goes looking for trouble or if it kicks some one who haves a go. Anyway I don't one single person who is going to this world cup compared to japan I knew a couple of dozen who made the trip over.

Two reasons why no one is going is the price to get there the airlines have over priced the flights and South Africa is a very very unsafe place to go. I am not one to be a profit of doom but I think there could be many many deaths.

So why is Avon and Somerset police wasting money on this operation when a freind of mine had there house broken in today and her children bedroom as been ransacked and she is still waiting for the police to turn up three hours after she phoned the police. The Police are also criminals for not doing their job but just going for easy targats like car drivers and football fans they are a complete disgrace .

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Having family north of Durban (got back from a trip a couple or three weeks ago, brilliant stadium now it's finished), I can say that SA is a wonderful country with amazing scenery, wildlife and people. My family have a lifestyle which just couldn't be attained here. It is far from third world with shopping malls that make Cabot Circus look third world, great food and wine and all year round sun with fantastic beaches on the doorstep. A great life.

There are downsides of course such as the the political instability which has led to gated communities and security being a boom business. And inner city violence which makes Moss Side look like a nursery.

If supporters wander into the wrong inner city areas (which locals from outside those areas give a very wide berth) they are likely to find trouble, big trouble - more so in Joberg (I suppose the reality of those inner cities do relate to the third world as what CH has written about drugs, murderers etc is entirely true as it's desparate in those areas). I really hope all supporters heed the advice they will be given and, if they do, they'll have a fantastic time and made to feel sincerely welcome - it'll be the trip of a lifetime for them and hopefully it'll do wonders for SA and the black population with football being a majority black peoples sport.

But there will always be the idiots who think they are hard (God knows why the saddos need to feel that way) and go looking for trouble - the police will sort that out easily enough, no pussyfooting around, they'll just tasar the tossers and shove 'em in the slammer with some real life hard cases. If they kick off in the inner city then the likelihood is that they won't be coming home unless it's in a body bag. But to say that there will be 40 murders of football supporters is taking it a tad too far.

Tbh I don't think you'll get many people paying all that money and travelling all that way just for a ruck. Look at the Japan/Korea WC, passed off with no bother at all. It's only ever the European tournaments where we've had issues. That said, your advice about SA is spot on.

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Haha, good luck to anyone trying to cause trouble in SA. you'll up end up dead dead dead.

Anyway you wont need the Police to monitor it personally, the names of the trouble makers will be made aware of by face recognition, their passports, there will be no way they will be able to travel direct from the UK. Even football thug tossers aint that dumb, are they?

South Africa is a 3rd world shithole full of peados, murderers, people traffickers and crack heads, I wonder how many fans will be murdered.., I'm thinking at least 40.

So have you been there then? Genuine question you might have been and maybe you were just unlucky.

I went two years ago and have never had anywhere in the world touch me as much as South Africa and Mozambique did, I felt it really changed me, Africa is a wonderful continent full of amazing people and amazing stories. It does have it's problems but for every bad story there are ten good ones.

Family units are strong, they look after eachother despite living in abject poverty and there is a lot that we could take from African people and apply to our own lives, I sometimes feel like we have somewhat lost our way in this concrete jungle and what I found out there truly touched me :) To quote Richard Dowden in the awesome book "Africa - Altered states and ordinary miracles"

"Westerners arriving in africa for the first time are always struck by its beauty and size - even the sky seems higher. And they often find themselves suddenly cracked open. They lose inhibitions, feel more alive, more themselves, and they being to understand why, until then, they have only half lived. Africa in essentials of existance Light, earth, water, food, birth, family, love, sickness, death

are more immediate, more intense

visitors suddently realize what life is for.

to risk a huge generalization, amid our wasteful wealth and time pressed lives, we have lost human values that still abound in africa"

Sadly I expect this will be a bit washed down for most people visiting this year but I hope you all enjoy yourselves and good luck :)

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Tbh I don't think you'll get many people paying all that money and travelling all that way just for a ruck. Look at the Japan/Korea WC, passed off with no bother at all. It's only ever the European tournaments where we've had issues. That said, your advice about SA is spot on.

Agree. There will be very little if any people going to SA purely looking for trouble. The further a field you go the more this puts people off.

As you said its the tournaments in Europe where trouble is guranteed, cheap an easy to get to for all the countrys with hooligan elements (us, Croatia, Poland, Germany etc).

Personally for me a WC is never the same if its not in Europe. Germany 06 was top draw imo.

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I think they should fly all of the Rovers & City Hoolies over for free and drop them in one of the roughest townships with billboards around their necks similar to the one Bruce Willis had on in Die Hard.

That should get rid of a few problems.

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Guest Craven arms

If i were a hooligan i'd be contacting the police to see what sort of numbers they had to protect me

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Or The Sun

His knack for sensationalist cliched bullshit is unparallelled

He's not that far off the mark in this case.

South Africa has about the highest violent crime rate in the world and it is indiscriminate.

My brother lives in South Africa. His wife and children were carjacked by a gang at gunpoint and his son was mugged at knifepoint and ordered to hand over his trainers and trousers.

I hope the tournament passes without serious incidents, but I fear it will not, and it won't be 'hooligans' who are hurt, or worse, but ordinary fans.

Yes, South Africa is an extremely beautiful country with some fantastically friendly people, but it's a different world with different rules, and a very risky place to hold the World Cup.

Fingers crossed my fears prove groundless and all goes well, but I for one wouldn't want to be anywhere near South Africa when the World Cup is on.

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I love how people believe in the bullshit that that papers print, if you leave a mob of citys lads and the mob from the other side loose any where in the world, thay would not s **t thierselves , they would want to go toe to toe with anyone, but the difference is, the "English do not neede weapons". I know everyone will; have a pop at me for saying that , but not all of our thugs are little young pretenders, but hard family men, that just like having a row every now and then.

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I love how people believe in the bullshit that that papers print, if you leave a mob of citys lads and the mob from the other side loose any where in the world, thay would not s **t thierselves , they would want to go toe to toe with anyone, but the difference is, the "English do not neede weapons". I know everyone will; have a pop at me for saying that , but not all of our thugs are little young pretenders, but hard family men, that just like having a row every now and then.

Why don't they take up Boxing if they like scuffle so much?

Or set up there own underground fighting scene, leave the football to the fans who only want to watch the football.

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I love how people believe in the bullshit that that papers print, if you leave a mob of citys lads and the mob from the other side loose any where in the world, thay would not s **t thierselves , they would want to go toe to toe with anyone, but the difference is, the "English do not neede weapons". I know everyone will; have a pop at me for saying that , but not all of our thugs are little young pretenders, but hard family men, that just like having a row every now and then.


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I love how people believe in the bullshit that that papers print, if you leave a mob of citys lads and the mob from the other side loose any where in the world, thay would not s **t thierselves , they would want to go toe to toe with anyone, but the difference is, the "English do not neede weapons". I know everyone will; have a pop at me for saying that , but not all of our thugs are little young pretenders, but hard family men, that just like having a row every now and then.

Oh dear...... :rofl2br:

A mate of mine is in the CSF, and he says a load of hooligans are flying into Lusaka (Zambia). From there they plan on paying locals to drive them down to SA.

And im sure they will thank you for broadcasting this..... :whistle2:

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A mate of mine is in the CSF, and he says a load of hooligans are flying into Lusaka (Zambia). From there they plan on paying locals to drive them down to SA.

One of the most far- fetched story's i have heard either you are lying or your mate is talking bollox. Not a chance people will be flying into obscure countrys like zambia and then driving down to south africa looking for trouble. Far to much hassle and the potential problems that could happen would put even the most seasoned campaigners off.

There will be trouble this year in SA without a doubt but no way will it be organised mobs going at each other freely on the streets like we have seen in previous years (Germany 06 euro 96 euro 2000 etc) As people have said it will be muggings stabbings and the like against innocent fans.

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He's not that far off the mark in this case.

South Africa has about the highest violent crime rate in the world and it is indiscriminate.

My brother lives in South Africa. His wife and children were carjacked by a gang at gunpoint and his son was mugged at knifepoint and ordered to hand over his trainers and trousers.

I hope the tournament passes without serious incidents, but I fear it will not, and it won't be 'hooligans' who are hurt, or worse, but ordinary fans.

Yes, South Africa is an extremely beautiful country with some fantastically friendly people, but it's a different world with different rules, and a very risky place to hold the World Cup.

PS. Had a phone call ! Nation master.com quotes 2009 murder figures of 21,553. Thats right up there between Columbia and the USA. South Africa also has the distinction of the highest number of child and baby rapes in the world. Add the BBC report of I in 4 men having raped one or more women.

I think I will stay at home and watch it on TV

Fingers crossed my fears prove groundless and all goes well, but I for one wouldn't want to be anywhere near South Africa when the World Cup is on.

Nogbad has highlighted the most relevant point in this thread. The violent crime rate.especially the murder rate in certain areas. I read the figure 21,553 per Nationmaster.com for the whole country last year. That makes Afganistan look like a seniors health resort. Gangs abound and killing is not restricted to animals in the National Parks. Gangs will welcome the thousands of football tourist and their money. Loosen your money belt or lose an arm.

I used to work for a now retired bookie and he said, quote, " its long odds on that some fans will get killed, its the law of averages ".

I know two other Paras who worked in the minding business for mining companies, they wont work there any more.

I have a good old mate ex SAS, he wont work there, especially in the outer regions, his reason was, quote, " The money's good, but I'me not happy with the exit stategy".

Hard lads looking for some biff will find it with some like minded footy fans. Dont try the locals in the wrong area, its a very quick exit in a box.

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My apologies to Nogbad.

The PS appendage to his post is mine and was intended for my post. Not sure how it happened, however the PS comments attached to Nogbad the Bad's post are not his and no deceit was intended.


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I love how people believe in the bullshit that that papers print, if you leave a mob of citys lads and the mob from the other side loose any where in the world, thay would not s **t thierselves , they would want to go toe to toe with anyone, but the difference is, the "English do not neede weapons". I know everyone will; have a pop at me for saying that , but not all of our thugs are little young pretenders, but hard family men, that just like having a row every now and then.

dafarms is spot on, if they want a row they will have it where ever they are.

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Having family north of Durban (got back from a trip a couple or three weeks ago, brilliant stadium now it's finished), I can say that SA is a wonderful country with amazing scenery, wildlife and people. My family have a lifestyle which just couldn't be attained here. It is far from third world with shopping malls that make Cabot Circus look third world, great food and wine and all year round sun with fantastic beaches on the doorstep. A great life.

There are downsides of course such as the the political instability which has led to gated communities and security being a boom business. And inner city violence which makes Moss Side look like a nursery.

If supporters wander into the wrong inner city areas (which locals from outside those areas give a very wide berth) they are likely to find trouble, big trouble - more so in Joberg (I suppose the reality of those inner cities do relate to the third world as what CH has written about drugs, murderers etc is entirely true as it's desparate in those areas). I really hope all supporters heed the advice they will be given and, if they do, they'll have a fantastic time and made to feel sincerely welcome - it'll be the trip of a lifetime for them and hopefully it'll do wonders for SA and the black population with football being a majority black peoples sport.

But there will always be the idiots who think they are hard (God knows why the saddos need to feel that way) and go looking for trouble - the police will sort that out easily enough, no pussyfooting around, they'll just tasar the tossers and shove 'em in the slammer with some real life hard cases. If they kick off in the inner city then the likelihood is that they won't be coming home unless it's in a body bag. But to say that there will be 40 murders of football supporters is taking it a tad too far.

Haven't been but this seems like a pretty accurate summary- more so than the one by CH, I suspect.

Certainly when watching the Test Series earlier this year, Cape Town looked great. Backdrop of Table Mountain behind the cricket ground looked great.

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Ive heard that they are coming in via rafts from Madagascar! The police will be caught napping!

They were a dead give away. The raft had an outboard, 6 dozen cans of Zider and two reasonably attractive female chimpanzees in red panties.innocent06.gif

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