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David James


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Guest red_fox02

What a signing a player who has played at the top level and represented England in South Africa! We're going in the right direction on the pitch let's just hope that Bristol city council sees sense and allow the application so we can build a premier and world-class stadium!

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<br />&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br />Oh, sh17, mate, thought you were joking<br /><br />Many apols<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Apology accepted. Stacey is in tears right now, well it looks like tears rolling down her face anyway..............

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<br />&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br />Apology accepted. Stacey is in tears right now, well it looks like tears rolling down her face anyway..............<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I'm not sure what you mean, and I'm not going to ask, as you're probably bigger than me

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<br />&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br />I'm not sure what you mean, and I'm not going to ask, as you're probably bigger than me<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I can toy with you no longer, Sam! I can confirm that Stacey Penton is not my wife and you are free to suggest whatever you wish about her.

No hard feelings on such a magnificent day i hope x x

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Guest comfortinsound

What a day. WHAT A DAY! :-D I will wake up in a minute...this is the greatest day in my 12 years as a loyal die-hard fan! This is what we get for not being glory supporters and supporting our hometown local club through and through! GET IN! :-D Is this Stacey bird Jamo's agent? If so she is a GENIUS. Bring on the season! My favorite manager and favorite keeper. Who'dve thought it. I also could cry with happiness!

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just been watching steve lansdown on a phone in on sky sports news!

right now i feel very happy and proud and i thank you mr lansdown on what you are doing for our club,you sir are a legend!

im definatly coming tomorow to the game and i cant wait.

CTID and long after :D

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Guest bernie from barrow gurney
<br />just been watching steve lansdown on a phone in on sky sports news!<br />right now i feel very happy and proud and i thank you mr lansdown on what you are doing for our club,you sir are a legend!<br />im definatly coming tomorow to the game and i cant wait.<br /><br />CTID and long after <img src='http://www.otib.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

I would imagine, every football agent in the UK is trying to call him after this.

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A remarkable few days. Very glad the doubters have become happy chaps. Congratulations to all involved in the signature, thanks to SL, SC and welcome to David James.

Building from the back as solidly as possible is what it's all about. Today demonstrates that emphatically.

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This beats everything in my city supporting lifetime. Marcus Stewart and Murray were big, but englands number one choice goalkeeper playing for little Bristol city? Absolutely amazed...

What a buzz there will be round the gate now! Any player who has left us or turned us down should be kicking themselves!!

Edited by Lordofthebling
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what a day!!!!!!

all of a sudden we have a defence to back up the boys up front

can't wait to get started

thank you the Steves

happy happy days

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Guest Zyder9

Just browsing around other sites (friday afternoon and that) like the sun and yahoo etc etc and I just can not help clicking on the headline of the DJ story every time it catches my eye. I'm not surprised at all but even more content with this deal when I read comments from West Ham, Fulham, Chelsea and Arsenal fans alike all saying that they should have been offering a contract or the 2 year deal to get him and how many have commented on him getting better with age.

Glorious day!

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Fantastic signing, yet again fantastic work from all down the gate behind the scenes getting this done. For me, biggest signing since Joe Royal, yes i`m that old !! Any odds on him being given the captaincy......personally i wouldn`t hesitate, anyone else ?


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Guest surreyred

Mr James must be costing us a pretty penny, but with increased tickets sales, increased sales in the club shop and if he is prepared to speak up for the club in respect of the stadium and the world cup bid, particulary that he comes across as pretty inteligent, he may prove to be one of the best investments the club has ever made, even wothout kicking a ball. Also given the medias obsession with celebrity that stupid Leauge programme on the BBC might acknowledge our existence with him and SC here.

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I read a few pages (quite a few) back that someone was going to streak across the pitch if we signed David James, :laugh: still cant beleive it.

Are you male or female, looking forward to it if female.....:laugh:...what game is it...:whistle2:

:englandsmile4wf: Englands number 1 goalkeeper:englandsmile4wf:

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Guest diesel

Mr James must be costing us a pretty penny, but with increased tickets sales, increased sales in the club shop and if he is prepared to speak up for the club in respect of the stadium and the world cup bid, particulary that he comes across as pretty inteligent, he may prove to be one of the best investments the club has ever made, even wothout kicking a ball. Also given the medias obsession with celebrity that stupid Leauge programme on the BBC might acknowledge our existence with him and SC here.

I'd like to know how many keeper shirts we sell in the next couple of weeks. :dancing2:

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Guest jfkerton

I'd like to know how many keeper shirts we sell in the next couple of weeks. :dancing2:

Can you buy them? i haven't seen them on the megastore website.

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Guest bunners2006

Those of you that can get to a TV, Sky sports news are going to speak to James in the next 30 mins regarding his move to us :)

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this thread has to be on the classics! on of the best days in citys history! all over the T.V and internet wonder what the headlines in the national papers will have to say about this? :city:

So bloody delighted. I really think this will help us attract other players too. He will add literally 10 points to our tally come the end of the season with his world class performances. I'm gonna take a punt and say I think we are guaranteed a playoff place now. 2 or 3 more big ones needed for automatic promotion.

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Still staggered this has happened! Never thought it would happen due to wages but fair play David James, you've proved that there is still a few of you footballers out there for whom money isn't everything! On the Sky Sports website notice how the PL fans are all saying fantastic signing and one that highlights our ambition, yet many forums from our league are saying he's shit and they wouldn't want him. More than a ring of jealousy!

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Had a read on the gash forum earlier. Brilliant reading, to start with it's "They don't stand a chance" then it's "It's official" then it is " Calamity James is crap, to expensive, to old". I sat their reading it with a smug little grin on my face!

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And what exactly do you know about football you idiot !!!!!

Pass me a bit of that humble pie.

What a fantastic signing - makes it easier to get others here as well.

You would have to go back a long long time to find a bigger signing.


I think you can be forgiven - When I first heard we we're in talks, I did'nt think we would stand a chance...... its only natural to dismiss it.

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Clearly another big factor that must have played its part today in Mr. James' decision to sign on with City has gone totally without mention;

European football

With two games away in Wales to look forward to this season that's one more than Celtic have left, with them first getting booted out of Champions League qualifying by Braga, then more than likely getting dumped out all together in the Europa League qualifying.

I mean James has an England place to think of, he needs to be plying his trade at a high level!

Apologies for the outburst (especially in my first post back for quite sometime) but having had a quick peek at the Celtic forums and hearing the talk up here (Glasgow) about this move ("Bristol City FFS; James must be going senile...", "He could have ended his career on a high, instead he chose semi-retirement..." some choice ones for you there...) you'd think James had 'done a Trundle' and moved to a non-league side!

SPL teams really need to get some perspective; that league is garbage

Delighted with James, and the other two boys who looked like just what we needed too.

Defence looks a lot more like what we require for the rigours of the Championship season now.

Once Hayes, Maynard and one or two of the defenders (Wilson, Carey, Ribs) are back fit I think we will certainly have a more balanced and deeper squad than this time last year.

Bring on the (Mill)Wall!

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Guest ashtonphil

Going to say something a little abstract but to me shows the depth and character of David James.

If you watch the player interview, Adam Baker welcomes him the Bristol City and then asks the question Why?

His first words are, "Thank you." This is the first time I've ever heard that in an interview and then answers the question posed.

Think you have got a great player and a great ambassador not just for Bristol City but for football in general.

Welcome to Bristol City.

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Mr James must be costing us a pretty penny, but with increased tickets sales, increased sales in the club shop and if he is prepared to speak up for the club in respect of the stadium and the world cup bid, particulary that he comes across as pretty inteligent, he may prove to be one of the best investments the club has ever made, even wothout kicking a ball. Also given the medias obsession with celebrity that stupid Leauge programme on the BBC might acknowledge our existence with him and SC here.

He brings all what you say, plus a huge dose of confidence, show of intent and the all important Feelgood Factor.

A happy day indeed.

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Guest vincent_bcfc

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Thank you Mr S Lansdowne

thank you Mr S Coppell

thank you Mr D james (Englands number 1)

Whats the odds on auto promotion now?

11/2 with Hills on promotion at the moment.

This signing is just WOW!

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Guest greyfriars red

Great work by our chairman & Gaffer, showing great ambition in bringing the club forward, signings like this are always going to help raise the clubs profile.

Just shows the SC effect is in full motion.

Things are looking good for this season & the future.


Edited by Greyfriars Red10
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Great work by our chairman & Gaffer, showing great ambition in bringing the club forward, signing like are always going to help.

Just shows the SC effect is in full motion.

Things are looking good full this sean & the future.


I would be gutted now if i had just left city or refused them. no names but stead and orr and hartley must be thinking they have made a mistake. city are on the up

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I actually can't believe this has happened. I was in a recording stufio at the time when my phone buzzed to let me know we had signed him. My reaction was greeted with strange looks from my fellow band members as they aren't really into football and didn't know who Bristol City were. But they do now! :D

What a great day for our Club. This shows that we are serious. The squad know looks very hopefully. In Mr Coppell and Mr Landsdown we trust.

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Guest Midge

Terrific amazing signing obviously.

Saw him home & away v Pompey in the cup and his command of the area was awesome.

Agreed, he moreorless won them that 3rd round tie, this has to go down as one of the greatest signings in our history, it frightens me to think that is might not be the last either

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Terrific amazing signing obviously.

Saw him home & away v Pompey in the cup and his command of the area was awesome.

Agreed. Was an awesome keeper in the Premier League and for England, but just remember this. He is now in the Championship , playing against Championship strikers, so it stands to reason that he will look even more impressive. Hopefully,he has another 3 or 4 good years at this level so it will be a longer term deal than the contract shows.`

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David................... you have done the right thing.............. okay it's down to you know & the players around you but you are in touch with the old Ying & Yang

Tap in to the vibe that is 'Bristol City FC'...... and be inspired..... inspire those aound you too

All the best as a Bristol City player........ make that difference

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Guest Cideeerr in a Glass

As i said on points west last night this is a quality signing and will be a day to remember for all city fans

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Front page on bbc news website :laugh:, we've arrived for a right reason and no warnock shinnanigans... game on!!!

Front page on the leading German football webiste too! One click to this story:

David James wird zweitklassig

Not the most flattering of headlines, literally "David James becomes second class" or, as I'd translate it, "David James drops down to second tier", but the rest of the story is pretty factual and in the main a direct translation of Adam's copy on the OS.

When did a City transfer last make the front page of a foreign football website???

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Even for just one second IF we had any chance of signing him the his wage demands would be too much. He is on at least £40,000 a week isnt he? And im sure he is getting offered the same as that elsewhere.

Raoul is also without a club. Why do people post this crap?! David James will not be signing for us, of that you can be 100% sure.

Another attention seeker I am afraid. :disapointed2se:

I just do not understand some people, especially those who should know better.


There is no way we will sign David James. Seriously do people actually think this is championship manager????

No chance, its supposed to be between Celtic and Sunderland. He would not struggle to find a Prem club.

apparently if we dont get James we are going after Buffon...

Yeah I have. I'm sure James has too, so he'll be looking for the biigest salary he can find now he's coming to the end of his career. Are you telling me you honestly believe David James is a realistic target, or that he'd consider coming here? Don't get me wrong I think he's one of the most honurable players around these days and a genuinely nice chap, but get real ffs.

A few of my favourites there!

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Even for just one second IF we had any chance of signing him the his wage demands would be too much. He is on at least £40,000 a week isnt he? And im sure he is getting offered the same as that elsewhere.

Raoul is also without a club. Why do people post this crap?! David James will not be signing for us, of that you can be 100% sure.

Another attention seeker I am afraid. :disapointed2se:

I just do not understand some people, especially those who should know better.


There is no way we will sign David James. Seriously do people actually think this is championship manager????

No chance, its supposed to be between Celtic and Sunderland. He would not struggle to find a Prem club.

apparently if we dont get James we are going after Buffon...

Yeah I have. I'm sure James has too, so he'll be looking for the biigest salary he can find now he's coming to the end of his career. Are you telling me you honestly believe David James is a realistic target, or that he'd consider coming here? Don't get me wrong I think he's one of the most honurable players around these days and a genuinely nice chap, but get real ffs.

A few of my favourites there!

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I agree, i reckon orr, hartley and stead must be wondering if they made the right decision now.

Bring it on, can't wait for the new season to get started! :dancing6:

I would be gutted now if i had just left city or refused them. no names but stead and orr and hartley must be thinking they have made a mistake. city are on the up

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