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Best Of Luck To Bristol City!

Guest HullCityTigers

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Guest HullCityTigers

Your fans had a big impact on Hull City fans in general. Everyone was full of praise for you.

I know a lot of my mates (and I) started looking out for your results afterwards and willing you on.

Re: Mauled by the tigers chant.

Ha! We like it. But don`t often get to sing it much of late.

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:city: It was not our day at Wembley center back ill before kick off,full back playing with a fractured cheekbone when the goal went in and then our best midfielder had to cover at full back.

You just know when its not your day,lets hope that this is our season !:fingerscrossed:

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Guest nacho libre

Its clear why .... we have hull last game of the season.... as we all know every team we have played in our last game for the last 6/7 seasons have been promoted except 07 when it was ourselves!

Hull 08, Burnley 09 and blackpool 10 are the last 3!

Hull will go up! No Wonder they like us!

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Had a good crack with the Hull fans after the game, quite simply we could have no complaints, the refereeing was fine and there was no injustice, the best way to lose (shame England defeats never seem to be like that)

I'm in Hull now and then with the Army (driver training camp nearby in Leconfield) and nearly went to see them against Man City last season to fill in a day while waiting to catch a ferry, decided against it in the end and went to that aquarium thing. There must have been 5 or 6 goals in the game and it was supposedly the game of the season, I was gutted :rofl2br:

I always look out for Hulls results after Citys

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Oh and as I headed towards my car after the match a passing Hull fan said "cheer up mate you'll do well next year and at least your journey back ain't as far as mine!"

I pointed to my (German) number plate, got into the drivers seat (on the left side) and nearly wept :D

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Good luck to Bristol City for this coming season.

I`d be really pleased if you got promoted this year.

Why, I hear you ask?

Simply because of your fans reaction after you lost at Wembley in the Play Off Final. You were a true credit to your city (and humanity).

It was a game that pretty much even – just a one off class goal decided it - and your fans took it with such grace.

I remember at Tube stations after the game, Bristol City fans waiting to shake our hands. Meeting Bristol City fans after the game in the pubs who were so gracious it almost made me feel sorry for winning.

So, it does look like you`ve got a good squad together this season, I just hope you get the luck.

Up The Robins (and of course the Tigers)

Thanks for the comments....

But I've gotta say, when I was leaving the stadium, I could'nt believe how subdued your fans we're..... considering you had reached the promised land!

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Its clear why .... we have hull last game of the season.... as we all know every team we have played in our last game for the last 6/7 seasons have

been promoted except 07 when it was ourselves!

Hull 08, Burnley 09 and blackpool 10 are the last 3!

Hull will go up! No Wonder they like us!

Or will it be us?!

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Guest HullCityTigers

Fair shout pal. Personally I was in the front row right behind your goal when Alan Wiley infamously blew the final whistle and I will always remember at that moment of massive jubilation for your team, Myhill your keeper straight away turned round and applauded us City fans - a fantastic show of sportsmanship and even though he is no longer with you, he displayed in my eyes in that one moment every thing that is good about Hull City.

Best of luck also to you and yours this season my friend


Cheers mate.

Gary Johnson and his teams reaction to the defeat is worth mentioning too. I remember the team watching us get the cup and standing to applaud.

These things and all I`ve mentioned above - I`ll never forget.


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Guest BigTCiderRed

Too be honest I met some cracking Hull fans after the play off game.

Good luck to them I thought.....

Then I saw this.


I quiteish liked Hull until now. This is truely horrible, I NEVER want to see this again.

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:city: It was not our day at Wembley center back ill before kick off,full back playing with a fractured cheekbone when the goal went in and then our best midfielder had to cover at full back.

You just know when its not your day,lets hope that this is our season !:fingerscrossed:

It was all about the blimps pre game......... do you remember the BCFC one would not take off and was at an angle........ oh that and the one magpie I saw before I had even got two miles from home in Dorset :)

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Guest silverfox

Had a long chat with a Tigers fan on the tube on the way up to Wembley - seemed as surprised as we were that we'd made it to the final. Wished each other well and went into the ground..

Enjoyed the game, despite the result because it was such an occasion and we knew we'd over achieved in our first season up.

As others have commented, the Hull fans were surprisingly subdued afterwards on the way back to the Tube - BCFC fans singing, Hull fans seemingly numb, certainly very quiet.

The amazing thing was that I found myself walking next to the same Tigers fan I'd been talking to on the way up - quite a coincidence in such a large crowd. Congratutated him, shook his hand and parted by saying "don't do a Derby". Well they didn't did they? Gave it their best shot.

Good luck to Hull for the coming season.

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Im going to be honest and say at first when you went up i wanted your lot to come straight back down, as when i got on my minibus after the game a small minority of hull supporters decided to come towards our bus and give it the big one with the W£$%ers sign ETC, but after i seen your dertimination when you went up, i couldnt help but cheer you on in the prem.

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Guest bunners2006

Not a lot of fans out there like yourself, very good of you to come onto a forum of another team with praise very unusual as well couldn't imagine the likes of Baadiff or Millwall doing it whistle.gif

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I was in a carriage from central London to Wembley full of Hull fans and just me with my Bristol City colours on.

Everyone was friendly and when some young 'uns started singing a song to try and wind me up, which I didn't mind, the parents told them to shut up and show some respect. Which was sweet but not necessary.

My Dad is from Hull, escaped many decades ago, so I have a bit of a soft spot for Hull, especaily now the man with a tan has gone.

All the best. :englandsmile4wf:

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Guest sparkyboy72

I was in Vegas watching the game, The name of the Brit bar eludes me, but what a morning it was.

Up until about half hour before the game i was the only City fan in there with the Hull City Fans, there was good banter during the game but afterwards as gutted as i was i couldn't help but join in with the Hull Fans celebrations. The two most un-fanceyed teams in the play off final was just a cause for celebration in it self.

Thanks for your good wishes for this season Tiger, all the best mate

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It's amazing how we form our judgements of a group of people/football fans based on the few we meet. A few mindless idiots can make us 'hate' a team for years, or a few kind, gracious words can make us warm to another. I've never been one to really dislike another team just because of the actions of a small minority. It's more when these actions seem to be perpetrated by a signifcant minority and seem to happen over and over again. That's why I can't stand Cardiff or Millwall or any teams' "fans" who seem to revel in their bad reputations.

Still, thanks for the very supportive words Mr/Mrs Tiger. I guess your number one priority this season is to financially secure your club. It's crazy how clubs (and there are many out there) are virtually bankrupting themselves just for a year in the Premier League.

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Not often you get an opposition fan posting such gracious words!

Don't think I'll ever forget that day. I really thought it was going to be our day - the whole spirit of the club was ready for it but it wasn't to be. I remember watching the Hull players take those steps into the Premier League and looking at our team out on the pitch being humble in defeat.

Its the only time that football has brought me to tears but the one over-riding memory of that day will be the company I had of an elderly gent who was set next to me (I'd never met him before but we got chatting about his memories) who had made the trip to Wembley from Bristol on his own after scraping together the money for his ticket. He hadn't been to Ashton Gate in ages - he just couldn't afford it on his pension but he loved the club.

But the one thing that I will forever remember are those words he said when I felt terrible... "Don't worry son, you'll see them get there in your lifetime." Hopefully, he's still with us and he'll get to see us back at the top of English football.

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