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Transitional Period?

Guest Midge

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Guest Midge

Do you all think that maybe we are going to have to go through this sort of thing before we see SC getting his team to play how he wants them, a fair few of the players on show yesterday were from the GJ era and in many ways it showed in the style of play, not much width,very little in the way of crosses and not too many attempts at goal.

I get the feeling we may have a rough few weeks ahead whilst the new manager imprints his methods on the team, add that to the fact that most of the first team are missing and lets face it we need to have a good first eleven available as I think it's a bit naive to think that we have a Chelsea like depth to our squad.

I think Southend on tuesday is not a bad thing, it's a team we could beat and give a chance for the players to put right the wrongs of yesterday, in time I think Coppell will come good, for now though all the pre-season euphoria can be put aside

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Guest cole4ord

I think a telling thing was SC post match interview yesterday where he highlighted that it took him 5 years to get Palace up and Reading 3 years. We cannot expect instant success. Patience is needed from everyone, us more than anyone!

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I think a telling thing was SC post match interview yesterday where he highlighted that it took him 5 years to get Palace up and Reading 3 years. We cannot expect instant success. Patience is needed from everyone, us more than anyone!

Great, he's only signed for one year :whistle2:
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