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Similarities To 1998/99 Season?

Mr Popodopolous

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Now, I'm not one for scaremongering or panic spreading- but does anyone else have a sinking feeling, similar to that of 1998/99?

Poor start to season, actually this time around a worse start- at least we got 1 more point that time from 4, as well as similarity being surfeit of strikers, manager leaving early, talk of a new Stadium at Hengrove Park for World Cup (remember that)!?

In other words, am I panicking unnecessarily, or is it a possible case of deja-vu on the cards!

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Guest Cassio

I remember waiting for Shawn Taylor to come back from injury, thinking he'd be the answer to all our prayers. Bit like Carey now.

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Now, I'm not one for scaremongering or panic spreading- but does anyone else have a sinking feeling, similar to that of 1998/99?

Poor start to season, actually this time around a worse start- at least we got 1 more point that time from 4, as well as similarity being surfeit of strikers, manager leaving early, talk of a new Stadium at Hengrove Park for World Cup (remember that)!?

In other words, am I panicking unnecessarily, or is it a possible case of deja-vu on the cards!

I'm always reticent to be perceived as negative on here, but I do worry that you may well have hit the nail on the head Mr Popodopolous. :unsure:

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Spot on, all too similar. Whilst I welcome the signing of Pitman, am not at all sure about the value of Stead. Besides which what we need is a decent LEFT sided defender and midfield player. Those positions should have been the priority from the start and sorted pre-season!

In 98/99 having 3 quality forwards didn't stop us getting relegated with no organising defender and no creative midfielder - it won't stop us this time either I'm afraid...

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Was only saying the same to some blokes at work the other day that it reminded me of that season ,buying loads of strikers and the defence looking awful ,lets hope it doesnt turn out like that.Worried that it doesnt look like we will be buying anyone to bolster defence either .

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I know where people are coming from. It's all attack and no defence - just like that season. I feel we could use an experienced Prem defender on loan who will settle in and simply order the rest around. Millen recognizes the defence is so far inadequate. What will piss me off if he's still talking about 'school boy' defending six weeks down the line. Let's get it fixed now.

Can anyone envisage a situation in which James will be dropped to the bench?

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Why do we always have to look back at previous seasons.. I never understand it. Yes I get the whole theory of learning from mistakes but every season is different.

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It's an old football cliche that good teams are 'built from the back'. We seem to have spent the past couple of seasons bringing in a bucketload of strikers, I'd love someone to tell me how many, rather than a couple of top quality defenders.

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Guest Old Dazzler

I posted a similar thing on here last week.

We signed Tony Thorpe and Soren Andersen and forgot all about our defence, with Taylor being out until about March.

It was the early setbacks, letting in too many goals that we never recovered from.

We signed Akinbiyi for £1.3 million as well, TT cost £1million (signed by Scott Davidson whilst John Ward was on holiday) and Soren Anderssen cost £400,000. So a cool £2.7 million on forwards , we already had Colin Cramb and Steve Torpey at the club

Goalscoring wasn't a problem but the defence was, well a bit like now, JW brought in Julian Watts who had played loads of Premier gaems for Leicester on a Bosman, so he was obviously going to be good alongside Sean Dyche, with Shaun Taylor injured until Easter. Plus we bought Carl Hutchings!!

When Benny came in we bought Seebok and Tistimetanu to bolster the defence and midfield, both seasoned internationals.

Bearing in mind we also had the likes of Bell, Tinnion, Carey, Murray, Edwards, Locke and Brennan from our promotion season (+ Shail returning from injury) we had a group of players who should have finished comfortably mid table. Lack of direction, organisation and confidence basically sealed our doom.

West Brow away 2-2 was a gutter.. Basically we were well capable of scoring 2 goals away from home at most grounds, but would often come back without a point!

So yes there are similarites for Thorpe read James (Chairman's purchase) for Watts read Hunt. And we lost our top goal scorer from the previous season (Goater) although not through injury.

But I am optimistic that we will turn things round!!:fingerscrossed:

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