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Village Green Petition - Now Over 30,000


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Just wanted to say a massive well done and thankyou to everyone who came and signed the petition against the town green decision today. This was all arranged at quite short notice, but to see so many people literally queuing up to sign the petition before todays game.

Thankyou to those volunteers who helped get the petition signed as well.

I have over 1800 signatures here, and I know Blagdon Red has some more (which he is probably counting as I type)

The online petition should be ready early next week so that will help push the numbers up as well.

Thanks again everyone, I have a sore throat from shouting to get peoples attention, but it was worth it. :)

(shame about the result)

PS: You can also download the petition form here. Then please get everyone to sign it and send it back to us at the Trust.

PPS: Online petition now also available here.

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Just wanted to say a massive well done and thankyou to everyone who came and signed the petition against the town green decision today. This was all arranged at quite short notice, but to see so many people literally queuing up to sign the petition before todays game.

Thankyou to those volunteers who helped get the petition signed as well.

I have over 1800 signatures here, and I know Blagdon Red has some more (which he is probably counting as I type)

The online petition should be ready early next week so that will help push the numbers up as well.

Thanks again everyone, I have a sore throat from shouting to get peoples attention, but it was worth it. :)

(shame about the result)

great effort from all involved :chant6ez: . lets hope it was worth it :fingerscrossed:

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yep well done

i have now emailed the club, Dawn Primarolo as MP, Mark Bradshaw and Colin Smith as Councillors for Bedminster,

as well as all 7 members of the town green committee (check the other treads for names / emails )

the more people that do this the better

remember its their job to listen and respond to the concerns of the people they were elected to serve

:fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:

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Just wanted to say a massive well done and thankyou to everyone who came and signed the petition against the town green decision today. This was all arranged at quite short notice, but to see so many people literally queuing up to sign the petition before todays game.

Thankyou to those volunteers who helped get the petition signed as well.

I have over 1800 signatures here, and I know Blagdon Red has some more (which he is probably counting as I type)

The online petition should be ready early next week so that will help push the numbers up as well.

Thanks again everyone, I have a sore throat from shouting to get peoples attention, but it was worth it. :)

(shame about the result)

My throat is raw after all the shouting n all. Like Dolls, I'd like to thank everyone who signed specially the lads from Northern Ireland here on a stag weekend and signed it. thanks lads. and all the kids who signed it n all, your clubs future is safe in your hands.

Less said about the game the better, specially after SL's pre match speech.

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These petitons will help immensely, and well done for everyone who has signed.

I was thinking though, desperate times call for desperate measures. We need to do something really controversial to make people stand up and take notice, and not let a few idiot councillors win. If as many people felt as strong about this as Sl hopes, why not get a march towards the council, publicise it through the media etc. Or even at a certain time and day, organise through radio, tv, papers, to have a standstill in traffic, say 1pm every saturday for example. Then they will take notice!

My ideas may sound mad, but I, like the rest of you are so desperate a few clows don't win and our club do.

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These petitons will help immensely, and well done for everyone who has signed.

I was thinking though, desperate times call for desperate measures. We need to do something really controversial to make people stand up and take notice, and not let a few idiot councillors win. If as many people felt as strong about this as Sl hopes, why not get a march towards the council, publicise it through the media etc. Or even at a certain time and day, organise through radio, tv, papers, to have a standstill in traffic, say 1pm every saturday for example. Then they will take notice!

My ideas may sound mad, but I, like the rest of you are so desperate a few clows don't win and our club do.

The petitions (both the Sainsburys one and the new Village green one) will be taken to the council house immediately after the Norwich game which is our next home game, 2nd October. More details will be announced as soon as things are finalised with the police and the council, but there will be a "march" of some sorts, of that I can promise you. :city:

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Just wanted to say a massive well done and thankyou to everyone who came and signed the petition against the town green decision today. This was all arranged at quite short notice, but to see so many people literally queuing up to sign the petition before todays game.

Thankyou to those volunteers who helped get the petition signed as well.

I have over 1800 signatures here, and I know Blagdon Red has some more (which he is probably counting as I type)

The online petition should be ready early next week so that will help push the numbers up as well.

Thanks again everyone, I have a sore throat from shouting to get peoples attention, but it was worth it. :)

(shame about the result)

... and the votes are now in from the Blagdon jury.

Additional signatures from the table at the Winterstoke Rd entrance: 782

Total signatures today: over 2,500!!

Well done all ... but it doesn's stop here!

Please help collect many, many more by downloading the petition sheet and getting friends, family and work colleagues to sign it. This issue applies not just to City fans, but to everyone who cares about the development of South Bristol and, indeed, anyone who just thinks it's wrong for an archaic law to be exploited for a purpose for which it was not intended in order to thwart planning permission that has already been granted ... or just that it's madness to think it's OK to designate a 42 acre site as a 'village green'!

Please download and pass around ... and also pass the link to everyone you know to do the same.


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The petitions (both the Sainsburys one and the new Village green one) will be taken to the council house immediately after the Norwich game which is our next home game, 2nd October. More details will be announced as soon as things are finalised with the police and the council, but there will be a "march" of some sorts, of that I can promise you. :city:

Thanks Dolly, count me in :city:

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Great work Dolly and your team, great organisation and team-work. Only wish I could say the same about the efforts on the field today. Also well done Steve Lansdown. Hopefully the petitions and March on the 2nd October will show you how much we appreciate your efforts.

Whats happening on your side of things if you don't mind me asking?

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As an Ashton Vale resident, I didn't know or see any petitiion and I know many who would have signed that were at the game today. I appreciate short notice etc.. but we need to act and make a bigger scope on things. I am currently in talks with people at the club to help where I can. But we need to do another petition signing again, at Sainsburys Winterstoke Road and other outlets in the area to get this motion going and voice our concerns about South Bristol Deveopment.

South Bristol is in desperate need of redevelopment...see a crane in South Bristol...nah...didn't think so!


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As an Ashton Vale resident, I didn't know or see any petitiion and I know many who would have signed that were at the game today. I appreciate short notice etc.. but we need to act and make a bigger scope on things. I am currently in talks with people at the club to help where I can. But we need to do another petition signing again, at Sainsburys Winterstoke Road and other outlets in the area to get this motion going and voice our concerns about South Bristol Deveopment.

South Bristol is in desperate need of redevelopment...see a crane in South Bristol...nah...didn't think so!


The 'We want a new stadium not a "village green"' petition has been registered online with the Council and we're waiting for it to go live - probably on Monday. As soon as it's there we need every City fan to tell everyone about the looming travesty and injustice and to sign it.

As Blagdon has said, please also download the petition sheet and get it round your workplaces, schools, friends and family. It's time for everyone to get involved.

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Blagdon, one guy me n Dolls spoke to today said to put a petition in the Robins pub.. reckoned she wasnt best impressed at misrepresentation on a tv or radio programme earlier this week.

Be worth putting one in there, the BS3, Coopers, Nova Scotia & 3 Lions is it?

Gotta be a way of proving these selfish luddites wrong.

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Good effort by the fans but a total shambles from the directors of BCFC. We are left fighting a 250-pg independent inspectors report with a hastily cobbled together petition which will carry little weight in the eyes of councillors I fear.

SL and CS clearly thought the village green move was a joke and have done nothing to prepare for this scenario. Amateur hour at The Gate.

Edited by Martyn Hocking
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Good effort by the fans but a total shambles from the directors of BCFC. We are left fighting a 250-pg independent inspectors report with a hastily cobbled together petition which will carry little weight in the eyes of councillors I fear.

SL and CS clearly thought the village green move was a joke and have done nothing to prepare for this scenario. Amateur hour at The Gate.

Have to agree with you there - You don't need to spend many minutes googling to find out all sorts of information on Village Green campaigns, resources, advice, solicitors to contact etc etc.

Someone who lives next to a green space (don't forget the land was green belt) and wanted to fight the development would find out in about 10 minutes that the Village Green application is a tactic that is being widly used to prevent greenspace development.

I'd never heard of it and I doubt SL had - but I would expect his Planning Advisors, Architects, Co-Developers, even his partner Sainsburys , and the Council etc etc - would be well aquainted with this type of defence campaign and the possibilty that the local residents would take this action.

The club should have been advised, and prepared, with a robust defence in place in advance.

SL sounded shell shocked to me when he spoke on the pitch - despite his rallying call at the end. He's no mug and I think he realises what's likely to go down now


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Having collected 2,500 hand written signatures on Saturday, the new "Bristol wants a New Stadium, not a "Village Green" petition is now live on the council's website at the following link:


This has to be the big one. It's not just for City fans to sign. It's for everyone who cares that Bristol is about to lose 5,000 construction jobs, 1,000 full time jobs, a £150 million private investment, the chance for the World Cup and a new music arena, all because NIMBYs who lost the democratic vote are on the verge of successfully claiming their 42 acre rubbish tip is a "village green".

Please circulate the petition link to everyone you know. If you work in an office, school, factory or anywhere where there are lots of people, please also print off the petition form and go around asking people to sign. It's time for all hands to the pump.

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Cant sign. Won't accept any of my emails as valid.

Sorry to hear that. Looks like it's not just the Council's planning department that doesn't work properly. It's not quite so easy but you could always print off the written form and post it, or sign it at the next home match.

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Sorry to hear that. Looks like it's not just the Council's planning department that doesn't work properly. It's not quite so easy but you could always print off the written form and post it, or sign it at the next home match.


I'll stick the link on facebook anyway for others to try.

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Having collected 2,500 hand written signatures on Saturday, the new "Bristol wants a New Stadium, not a "Village Green" petition is now live on the council's website at the following link:


This has to be the big one. It's not just for City fans to sign. It's for everyone who cares that Bristol is about to lose 5,000 construction jobs, 1,000 full time jobs, a £150 million private investment, the chance for the World Cup and a new music arena, all because NIMBYs who lost the democratic vote are on the verge of successfully claiming their 42 acre rubbish tip is a "village green".

Please circulate the petition link to everyone you know. If you work in an office, school, factory or anywhere where there are lots of people, please also print off the petition form and go around asking people to sign. It's time for all hands to the pump.

signed and sent to 40 emails to respond.

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In case it helps, here's some text that I'm putting in emails to send to friends with the e-petition link:

Dear X

I'm emailing you to ask if you can spare a few moments to sign a really important petition. http://epetitions.br...adium_not_green

There are a small group of NIMBYs who lost a democratic vote last year. As a result, the planning decision has opened up the opportunity for the South West to have a new stadium.

The NIMBYs have decided to use some poorly drafted and disreputable legislation to try and get the 42 acres of former rubbish tip classed as a "village green" and they are about to succeed. As soon as it is classed as a "village green" it cannot be built on.

This landfill site was selected with the help of Bristol City council and it was agreed that it was the only suitable site in Bristol for the new stadium. This means that if the 22 NIMBYs are successful, Bristol will;

  • Lose 5,000 construction jobs
  • Lose 1,000 full-time jobs
  • Lose £150 million of private investment
  • Lose the chance to host the World Cup
  • And lose the chance of a new indoor arena

If they succeed, it will be a case of never have so few taken so much from so many.

And while the residents will lose part of the 42 acre site, they will continue to be surrounded by open fields and will have a new wildlife wetlands area instead of a rutted landfill site.

I'm writing to you in the hope that you can help give strength to the city council members who are faced with this difficult legal decision. By signing to say that you want a new stadium and not a "village green" you will be helping the Council make the tough decision that will benefit millions of people at the expense of 22 applicants.

Please sign the petition here: http://epetitions.br...adium_not_green

If you would like to know more, please visit the facebook site "Bristol wants a new stadium, not a 'Village Green'".


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just sent this to cheltenham lib dem mp, not sure if he'll have any influence

Dear Martin Horwood,

I live in Cheltenham but am from Bristol originally, I know many people who, for work predominantly are in the same situation, equally the other way around, people from Cheltenham who either commute to or have moved to Bristol.

I realise Bristol is outside of our constituency but I would like to draw your attention to Stephen Lawnsdown's (Bristol City football club chairman) proposal for a new stadium in Bristol which is being opposed due to an age old village green act.

As the nearest large football teams to Cheltenham are Aston Villa and Bristol City, this would include large conferencing and musical facilities i think it is a great idea and good for the area and worth building over the proposed land.

There are many worse planning applications which do not bring up or improve an area and I think it would not only benefit Bristol but also the whole of Gloucestershire, I realise that South Gloucestershire runs all the way to the outskirts of Bristol.

I'm unsure of what influence you have in these matters but would appreciate any input you have in representing the views of many in Cheltenham or, if unsure of the support to atleast attempt gathering views of those living in Cheltenham who support Bristol's bid, one of my interests is the appeal of potential world cup football being held locally.

Lastly I know many Bristolians who activly support both the Cheltenham racing meets either by attending or offering accomodation and facilities and the two football clubs also have a close and friendly relationship, i believe any help or support we could provide Bristol would be greatly appreciated and continue to build on existing good relations between Town and City.

I would be very interested in your views and would urge you to review the plans at www.bcfc.co.uk

Yours sincerely,

Neil Richings

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Signed online.

Just for info the email they send to confirm took about an hour and a half to arrive, I thought it hadn't worked. So be patient I guess and we'll get there in the end!

Mine arrived fairly immediately earlier today. Let's take that as a sign they're particularly busy :)

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Signed. Does my signature count for anything when I live in Leeds?

Yeah, it all adds up. I suspect that they differentiate between local voters and non-local but it still shows that this is a decision which ripples well beyond Ashton Vale.

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Your local MP and local councillor. Find them here:


Bristol City Council Public Rights of Way and Greens Committee:

Trevor John Blythe (Chair), Lib Dem


Muriel Cole, Lib Dem


Neil Robert Harrison, Lib Dem


Christopher David Jackson (Party Whip), Labour


Peter Main, Lib Dem


Kevin Michael Quartley, Labour


Jenny Smith, Labour


Lord Mayor's Office:

The Mansion House,

Clifton Down,

Bristol BS8 3LJ

Telephone Number: 01179 031 456

Fax: 01179 031 454


Dawn Primarolo:


Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government:


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You can now sign the petition online:

Bristol wants a new stadium - not a village green! Click to sign petition

Please circulate the link to everyone in your address book and via social media. People do not have to be football fans to be outraged by the injustice of this piece of archaic legislation being used to thwart developments that have been approved via the proper channels and that will bring thousands of jobs, enhanced leisure opportunities and new housing - including 'affordable' housing, via the redevelopment of the old Sainsbury's site, to the area.

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Here's my effort. Sent to the councillors who will make the decision, I hope it helps...






Dear Councillor,

As a resident of our fine city, I feel compelled to write to you over your impending decision about the town / village green application at Ashton Vale.

While I would never be so crass as to accuse the residents of lying, their statements over the use of the area in question (a refilled toxic dump!) has to be questioned and I seriously doubt they would be saying the same thing under oath and risk perjuring themselves.

The city of Bristol lags far behind much smaller cities and towns with regards to leisure facilities especially sporting venues. Your own officers have stated that there are no suitable sites of a sufficient size within the city boundaries which could be an alternative site for the new stadium/ arena etc, facilities which are badly needed in Bristol.

I visit friends in Huddersfield regularly, a town which is 1/5 the size of Bristol. In Huddersfield, they do have very modern sporting / leisure facilities which their local authority (Kirklees) were very much in support of. Surely we, in a city of nigh on 1 Million people should have the same, if not better. We risk becoming a joke of a city because of the facilities we currently have, or rather don't have.

The benefits of the project at Ashton Vale are huge, 5000 construction jobs at a time when the construction industry is at a low ebb, 1000 permanent extra jobs in an area of poor employment, the opportunity to regenerate an area in dire need of regeneration, the potential arena which would mean us Bristolians wouldn't have to go to Cardiff, Birmingham or London, the stadium fit for the Premier league and the opportunity to showcase Bristol by hosting World cup games including the revenue and future tourist business that could bring.

In summation, you have a decision to make (which I do not envy) which could bring the facilities in Bristol into the 21st century, alongside other towns and cities, could revitalise an area which badly needs regeneration, showcase the city to the world, bring in great revenue, plus potentially bring 6000 jobs in a time of great hardship (I am currently unemployed myself). The plans include recreational areas to protect wildlife and they would be a great improvement on the land as it currently stands.

When you come to vote on the town / village green application, I urge you to throw out the application as it is nothing to do with protecting a village facility, it is all to do with stopping the stadium and other facilities. The area in question is not a village green, it is a rutted, dangerous refilled toxic dump which is scarcely used by anyone atall. This can be replaced by state of the art facilities, badly needed by Bristolians, jobs and commercial interests. Even central Government are looking into the misuse of the village green applications, surely Bristol can lead for a change.

I urge you, in the strongest way I can, to help Bristol and all but 22 Bristolians and throw the town / Village green application out.

Yours sincerley


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My reply from the North and Bristol East MP

Dear Mr ,


> Thank you for your email concerning the Ashton Vale Stadium for Bristol City FC. This issue was brought to my attention last week. I am very keen to help in any way that I can and will be meeting with Mr Landsdown, Bristol City FC Chairman, shortly to discuss how my support and backing can best assist Bristol City FC. I am sorry not to be able to give more detail at this stage but hope that it offers some reassurance in the meantime.


> Best wishes,


> Jack


> Jack Lopresti MP

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The only reply I have had so far was from Jackie Stirling (MEP) who said she can't / won't do anything and to contact my MP. :badmood:

Surely the powers that be cannot ignore the strength shown by the number of e mails and letters they are receiving?

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Just had this reply back from one of my Councillors:


This matter will be considered by the Public Rights of Way and Greens Committee in due course and may be referred to the Full Council. We are not able to make any further comment at this stage. It is clearly essential that nothing is said that could be construed as prejudging the eventual outcome.

If you do have personal experience of access arrangements to this site and would like to make representations, you may do so by writing to following address:

Frances Horner

Senior Solicitor

Legal Division

Bristol City Council

The Council House

College Green

Bristol BS1 5TR

Jackie Norman

Councillor, Brislington West

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Its strange how MEP's are quite happy to take up issues regarding the Spanish Government land-grabbing the Brits holiday homes but when it happens on their own doorstep and 22 people can stop countless thousands from enjoying their recreational pastimes MEP's are suddenly not interested. Basically it gives them no reason to go off on a all expenses paid Junket so they are not interested.

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Having collected 2,500 hand written signatures on Saturday, the new "Bristol wants a New Stadium, not a "Village Green" petition is now live on the council's website at the following link:


This has to be the big one. It's not just for City fans to sign. It's for everyone who cares that Bristol is about to lose 5,000 construction jobs, 1,000 full time jobs, a £150 million private investment, the chance for the World Cup and a new music arena, all because NIMBYs who lost the democratic vote are on the verge of successfully claiming their 42 acre rubbish tip is a "village green".

Please circulate the petition link to everyone you know. If you work in an office, school, factory or anywhere where there are lots of people, please also print off the petition form and go around asking people to sign. It's time for all hands to the pump.


Signed twice (once for me and once for the Mrs).

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Nothing back from Chris Skidmore yet.

If I dont get a response I'll send another email asking why i havn't had a response to my first email.

He's never bothered to reply to the email I sent him following Raynor-gate. It's a shame he got in as in my experience Roger Berry was excellent and easy to speak with.

Since then I've moved a mile down the road and I'm now covered by the Filton & Bradley Stoke constituency and have received a very positive reply from Jack Lopresti MP.

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Not impressed with Mr Skidmore either.

I have had the misfortune of losing my job and was advised to see my MP (Mr Skidmore) who promised to contact various people on my behalf. When I checked to see if they had been contacted, his office had done the the square root of nothing!

Total waste of space unless there is a press photographer around to get his mugshot in the EP / local Journal IMO.

I am not expecting a replay from him even though he was one of the people I e-mailed reference Ashton Vale.

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Official e-petition going well, very active at mo...

I signed about half hour ago & theres 20odd new signings after mine already .. so signings at a current rate of about 40 an hour!!

Come On You Reds!! ...& ...All right minded Bristolians!!...

(not forgetting the wider community throughout the West too, who will also benefit from all the proposed facilities at AV - if we can get them built!)

SIGN NOW if you havent already done so!

THINK!.. is there anyone else you know that might need a reminder? Go on give 'em a nudge right now while you think about it!! :)

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Looking at the recent signatures I noticed a "George Ferguson from Clifton." SURELY NOT!!!!???

As a property developer himself I'm sure he's very, very keen that the Village Green application is rejected. It sets a dangerous precedent that could hamper any kind of development anywhere.

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Guest Blondie-Red

Just wanted to say a massive well done and thankyou to everyone who came and signed the petition against the town green decision today. This was all arranged at quite short notice, but to see so many people literally queuing up to sign the petition before todays game.

Thankyou to those volunteers who helped get the petition signed as well.

I have over 1800 signatures here, and I know Blagdon Red has some more (which he is probably counting as I type)

The online petition should be ready early next week so that will help push the numbers up as well.

Thanks again everyone, I have a sore throat from shouting to get peoples attention, but it was worth it. :)

(shame about the result)

PS: You can also download the petition form here. Then please get everyone to sign it and send it back to us at the Trust.

PPS: Online petition now also available here.

I am getting signatures from the people I work in Bath. Can I bring my petition and give it to someone at the next home game?

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I am getting signatures from the people I work in Bath. Can I bring my petition and give it to someone at the next home game?

Yes, can you go to reception half way along the williams and put it in the Supporters Trust pigeon hole.

Or if we are having signing points (still working out exactly whats going to happen at the moment) then you can just hand it in there. Keep an eye out on here closer to next weekends game.

And thankyou! :chant6ez:

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Not impressed with Mr Skidmore either.

I have had the misfortune of losing my job and was advised to see my MP (Mr Skidmore) who promised to contact various people on my behalf. When I checked to see if they had been contacted, his office had done the the square root of nothing!

Total waste of space unless there is a press photographer around to get his mugshot in the EP / local Journal IMO.

I am not expecting a replay from him even though he was one of the people I e-mailed reference Ashton Vale.

I take it back. This dropped through the letterbox from the house of Commons this morning...

Dear Tim

Thank you for your email requesting that as your local MP I try and help with the current situation over the proposed Bristol City ground.

As I am sure you are aware, the site of the ground is outside my constituency, so I am limited with what actions I can take in another MP's arae.

I do, however share your concerns that planning legislation designed to protect areas of outstanding natural beauty and rural villiages is being used in inappropiate ways. I am a strong supporter of Bristol's World Cup bid, and I want to do all I can to ensure that we get the maximum possible investment in Bristol and our local area, I have therefore contacted Steve Lansdown requesting a meeting to discuss the situation.

As a local man who was born and grew up in the area, and as a local MP, I am determined to fight for all my constituents.

Thank you so much for getting in touch, and I hope that I can help.

With best wishes


Chris Skidmore MP


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