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Village Green Petition - Now Over 30,000


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we're getting there.. 9964.

Its the final coundown (to 10,000) less than Fifty Supporters required now to reach target!.

A City United

:city: In It Together

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Can someone remind me, what's the process? When will the petiton close? Has the decision on the "village green" moved to a council meeting, when will it be and can Joe Public come along?

Can't answer the question on when the Council will take their decision or in what forum that will be, but the petition can run and run for some time (the arbitrary cut-off date is 31st December).

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How about you say something positive instead yeah? :)

Its still more than the average attendance has been of late.

Sorry but the numbers are a joke.

40k at Wembley. HELL even 12k at the last home game for fck sake. It makes our efforts look small time.

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Lazy is correct. I dont care what anyone says us as a fanbase should be ashamed of the current figure.

personally this just shows the true size of our club could you imagine if some one like leeds or sheff wed had this sort of problem, im guessing numbers through the roof.

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personally this just shows the true size of our club could you imagine if some one like leeds or sheff wed had this sort of problem, im guessing numbers through the roof.

Maybe it's more a reflection on the character of the people of Bristol.

Most e-petitions on the Council's site can't muster more than a few dozen names. It takes a lot to get Bristolians to speak out.

This one, however, will shortly become the biggest e-peition ever on the Council's site, so despite Bristolian apathy, people have been moved by this issue to act.

7,000+ have also signed in hard copy, so the total is approaching Ashton Gate's capacity.

For a response from a City that has shown itself inert when asked to respond to petitions on other issues, I'd say these figures are pretty impressive.

But we can always do with more!! So please pass around the link, encourage all your contacts to sign the petition and come forward with any new ideas you may have for getting even more people to add their names.

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personally this just shows the true size of our club could you imagine if some one like leeds or sheff wed had this sort of problem, im guessing numbers through the roof.

Glad I am not the only one thinking it...

Just over 10000 signatures regarding a stadium that will hold how many? :tumbleweed:

Where are the rest coming from to fill it?

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Maybe it's more a reflection on the character of the people of Bristol.

Most e-petitions on the Council's site can't muster more than a few dozen names. It takes a lot to get Bristolians to speak out.

This one, however, will shortly become the biggest e-peition ever on the Council's site, so despite Bristolian apathy, people have been moved by this issue to act.

7,000+ have also signed in hard copy, so the total is approaching Ashton Gate's capacity.

For a response from a City that has shown itself inert when asked to respond to petitions on other issues, I'd say these figures are pretty impressive.

But we can always do with more!! So please pass around the link, encourage all your contacts to sign the petition and come forward with any new ideas you may have for getting even more people to add their names.

didnt realise we had the 7000 hard copies that pretty decent. anyways keep up the good work

Edited by funky monkey
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I Agree. i dont mean to sound negative but thoes figures arnt exactly great are they? for the size of Bristol and the amount we took to wembely we shouldnt be happy with 10,000 signatures atall, we should be hitting 15 - 20,000 by now!

im curious is the 7000 hard copies included in the 10000 or are they separate

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im curious is the 7000 hard copies included in the 10000 or are they separate

They are separate.

Many fans also took petition sheets from us on Saturday to pass around at their workplaces, so there are many more sheets of signatures to come back yet.

It's time now for every fan to ask him or heself: have I done all I can to collect signatures for this petition?

Nobody can gripe about the numbers - which I believe aren't bad, anyway - unless they personally have done all they can to boost them.

Have you?

Have you circulated the link to everyone in your address book?

Have you put it on your social media sites?

Have you circulated hard copy petition forms at your place of work / school / college?

17,000 is a good start ... but if every member of this forum does all of the things listed enough, it can grow to become an even bigger number.

Have you done all that you can?

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10,077 now..

* NB:figure might not impress some posters BUT please note the Village Green supporters 'counter' petition has managed to rustle up just 621 names to date..

We have added another 77 since the 10,000 figure was reached late this afternoon!

(if apathy applies to us - it CERTAINLY APPLIES TO THEM doncha fink? :) )


ps.. make that 81 more - thats 4 since I posted this.

Edited by WhistleHappy
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How do you know people havent signed both?

Without going through all 10,000+ online signatures and all 7,000+ offline ones it's impossible to rule out a few duplicates.

However, we have asked people at every opportunity not to sign both and, for instance, when people at the ground have said they've already done it online and asked if they should sign the hard copy too, they've been told 'no thanks'.

So, the answer is: we can't be 100% certain there are no duplicates at all, but we're pretty confident there won't be many.

By the way, have you signed the petition and circulated the link yourself?

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im curious is the 7000 hard copies included in the 10000 or are they separate

They're separate hard copies collected at the last 2 home games, and I have to say fair play to the Norwich fans who, when they had it explained to them what it was for, they were literally queuing up to sign it. So thanks has to go to them, and more than a few Coventry fans have signed it as well.

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With such a dearth of good news at the Gate at the moment (all season so far) is it not a reason to commend peoples efforts , especially the Supporters Trust. In these dour times SO FAR over 17,000 people have signed the petition, a tremendous effort all round. It does seem at the moment, even allowing for possible intrusions by subversive elements (non-City fans) on the forum that there is a certain masochistic attitude amongst some doom and gloom merchants who fear any good news, and at the first sign of it try to dismiss it.

Well done all and thanks to everyone who took the trouble to thank us for our efforts collecting signatures on Saturday. Things may not be great but if we stick together they will get better.

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With such a dearth of good news at the Gate at the moment (all season so far) is it not a reason to commend peoples efforts , especially the Supporters Trust. In these dour times SO FAR over 17,000 people have signed the petition, a tremendous effort all round.

Hear hear! Well done everyone.

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Of course I've done my bit. Whilst I've only got 20 odd non city fans to sign up, if half our ST holders did the same...etc...I could do better and will try but some aren't doing anything it seems.

Good stuff ... yes, it's frustrating if others sit idly by, but all we can do is do our own bit and encourage them to do likewise.

As I said, against a backdrop of general apathy in Bristol, I think the response to this petition so far has actually been quite good ... but we can always want more!

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I should have 60 signed up by tomorrow, and every day i put the e-petition on top of my status in Facebook and Twitter, so i have been having a pop and will continue to do so, until we get that new ground....

Good stuff - keep up the good work!

Just 31 to go to be the biggest e-petition on the Council's site EVER!

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