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Village Green Petition - Now Over 30,000


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Bristol wants a new stadium not a "village green" 21134

As Tens of Thousands of Stadium Supporters put pen to paper & sign online

the anti-stadium nimbys continue to stuggle to muster interest - 821

Do the Math - Support for the Stadium in Bristol is a massive 25x larger than the NIMBY SUPPORT



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  1. In Support of Ashton Vale Village Green 824 Signatures

    Ends Sat, 25 Dec 10
  2. Bristol wants a new stadium not a "village green" 21157 Signatures

    Ends Fri, 31 Dec 10

The People of Bristol (& beyond) are overwhelmingly in support of a Stadium complex at Ashton Vale.

A handful of Nimbys with spurious green credentials & an idiotic claim have next to no support & even less credibility.

The margin of balance between opposing views are increasing daily & now stand at OVER 25 to 1 AGAINST 'Village Green' claims.

.... Come On BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL .... end this crazy 'Village Green' nonsense ASAP ...


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  1. In Support of Ashton Vale Village Green 824 Signatures

    Ends Sat, 25 Dec 10
  2. Bristol wants a new stadium not a "village green" 21157 Signatures

    Ends Fri, 31 Dec 10

The People of Bristol (& beyond) are overwhelmingly in support of a Stadium complex at Ashton Vale.

A handful of Nimbys with spurious green credentials & an idiotic claim have next to no support & even less credibility.

The margin of balance between opposing views are increasing daily & now stand at OVER 25 to 1 AGAINST 'Village Green' claims.

.... Come On BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL .... end this crazy 'Village Green' nonsense ASAP ...


...since the previous post (above) support for the Village(idiots)Geen has increased by - wait for it .... FIVE (5)

...during exactly the same period Support FOR The STADIUM has increased by ..................... FIFTY - TWO (52) !!!



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Guest cocobeans

Obviously worth doing.

Keep going people, and thatks to WhistleHappy for the constant updates!

I have been getting my students to sign e-petition at start of ICT lessons ... great lesson plan !!

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THEY are currently just 16 sigs away forom 1000.... WE are currently just 26 sigs away from 21, 500

Village Idiots 984............vs........21,424 Pro Stadium



now they are 10 away from 1000 - we need 16... for 21,500...

Come on we are slowing down almost to their pace now! (only 10 new sigs for us today)

We've gotta get a boost in support again - to get the ball rolling once more!


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click link above


8647 & counting......

Remember this figure at back end of September? ...... 8,647

Well We Currently Have .............................................. 21,574

If we can just equal the september totals by the closing date in December (another 8,500) WE WILL REACH & SURPASS OUR 30,000 target...

30,000 signatures = 1 for every seat in the proposed new stadium.. CAN WE DO IT?



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29944 as of 24th Feb. Just 56 to go.

if anyone is holding out just so they can be 30000 can I suggest they sign now as city could do with a positive headline at the mo? (i remember reading a poster saying they wanted to be 30000)

if we can all get just one more relative or friend to sign up then we can hit this target before the sainsbury's planning meeting?

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29,949 fifty-one more & we hit the 30,000 mark!

It remains to be seen if we have any effect at all on decisions made in this once great City of ours - but we gotta be in it if we're gonna have a chance to win it!


(personally I'm beginning to wonder if dark forces are afoot around the whole BCFC stadium proposals, ridiculous, unbelievable, strange & unfathomable objections & hurdles seem to be haunting us everystep of the way leading to setback after setback ... I dont know anything but I really am wondering if ' influential societies ' within our City have sought to make things, erm, 'difficult' ...

As well as a large Masonic presence here we also have the Merchant Venturers of Bristol among us too (often heard that they have a very great influence upon what happens (or not) within the bounderies of Bristol.. a nod here & a wink there etc etc.. like I said I dont know but it all seems very odd to me. (wonder if rolled up red trouser legs have been at play??)

Apologies to the two institutions mentioned above if I've barked up the wrong tree or if any offence caused - but to the ordinary bloke in the street you are both pretty much mysterious entities...

P.S. however : if you can pull any strings in our favour though, that'd be much appreciated! :) .

p.p.s. : after all that, if I suddenly disappear from these pages please dont just assume WH has gone off on his holidays or something (I've got nothing booked) - call in Mulder & Scully cos chances are 'the boys' have been sent round & spirited me away somewhere! :ermm: )

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Hello from Romania, what's the number now ? I'm very exciting :D I want a new ground, because we'll have a more good performance in next years, i'm sure about that. We need a LB, CB, a creative midfielder, and maybe another defender if caulker.. we'll gone.. at Spurs again.

GO GO MY Favorite Team,

Cheers from Romania !! I want a win Monday, and the match will be online?? NO? because is in the Sky programs.

If we got 30k petitions, we'll have SURE the stadium start construction?

In procents ? what % chaches you think ?

Edited by myhay
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Hello from Romania, what's the number now ? I'm very exciting :D I want a new ground, because we'll have a more good performance in next years, i'm sure about that. We need a LB, CB, a creative midfielder, and maybe another defender if caulker.. we'll gone.. at Spurs again.

GO GO MY Favorite Team,

Cheers from Romania !! I want a win Monday, and the match will be online?? NO? because is in the Sky programs.

If we got 30k petitions, we'll have SURE the stadium start construction?

In procents ? what % chaches you think ?

100%,even if it takes an appeal.

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100%,even if it takes an appeal.

Thanks NOTR. Respect !! I want to become a PL team in max 2 years, because if we are constant in game, we'll can "catch" one of the first two places for promotin in next season, with a stronger defense will catch wihtout problems first six places.

Cheers my friends !

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Thanks NOTR. Respect !! I want to become a PL team in max 2 years, because if we are constant in game, we'll can "catch" one of the first two places for promotin in next season, with a stronger defense will catch wihtout problems first six places.

Cheers my friends !


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