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I took my 4 year old girl to her first game and the best bit is that she wants to come again.

She also summed up the game very well with....

The yellow team won because the red team need to spend more time practising. I have watched City for 30 years and could not have said it better myself.

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I took my 4 year old girl to her first game and the best bit is that she wants to come again.

She also summed up the game very well with....

The yellow team won because the red team need to spend more time practising. I have watched City for 30 years and could not have said it better myself.

Out of the mouth of Babes

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I took my 4 year old girl to her first game and the best bit is that she wants to come again.

She also summed up the game very well with....

The yellow team won because the red team need to spend more time practising. I have watched City for 30 years and could not have said it better myself.

Ha ha, that is brilliant! :winner_third_h4h:

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Guest weston red

I took my 4 year old girl to her first game and the best bit is that she wants to come again.

She also summed up the game very well with....

The yellow team won because the red team need to spend more time practising. I have watched City for 30 years and could not have said it better myself.

Took my 7 year old daughter to the game too, first time she'd been since the Rotherham game and promotion - she did come up with some great suggestions though such as 'The red team need to run faster' and also made the comment 'The red team aren't very good daddy - why can't they be the yellow team because they got 3 goals' - unfortunately despite the supply of sweets to try and keep her fairly interested she dosen't want to go again !!

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I took my 4 year old girl to her first game and the best bit is that she wants to come again.

She also summed up the game very well with....

The yellow team won because the red team need to spend more time practising. I have watched City for 30 years and could not have said it better myself.

Your daughter is quite right. We need to spend more time practising how to break down well organised defences like the one we were up against yesterday.

Looking down from Dolman Block A second half, I found myself spending more time watching their players than ours because they all seemed to know exactly where they should be and who they should be marking. Every time Albert got the ball they immediately had at least two men on him and they effectively shut down everything we were trying to do.

Unfortunately our defence was frequently all over the place again (especially for their third goal) although I was impressed with Caulker who had a good game.

Mind you, had LJ's superb strike gone in instead of hitting the bar the game could have been changed.

Hope your daughter comes again and sees a win next time !

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As mental as her old man by the sounds of it!


She was good though but then made me take her to the toilet for the last ten minutes of the game. I dont think i missed much.

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