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Jamie Mcallister

Somerset Red

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Am I the only one who felt sorry for him?

I felt he tried his best, running about like a blue arsed fly, trying to cover left wing and left back.

When Norwich attacked down the right he had to drop back, and was usually being attacked by two players, as there was no left winger to help him. When he got the ball in the left back position, there was a huge gap in front of him....because no-one would go out to the wing ...it wasn't their job! When he did get the ball in the left wing position, there wasn't anybody in front of him on the left, and nobody coming over to the left back position to help out, so it meant a punt into the middle, which then got the crowd on his back!

Sometimes I'm not sure about him, but I thought he did his best in a team/formation that didn't help him at all!

Perhaps the people that booed him Saturday should have a look at some of the effort given by some of the other players and share the boos out accordigly??

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We are asking far too much of him, and no player should be booed off when subbed. That was a disgrace.

He isn't good enough even at left back without being asked to be a winger too though.

Why the **** we're playing Rose inside is beyond me, it makes no chuffing sense at all.

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Am I the only one who felt sorry for him?

I felt he tried his best, running about like a blue arsed fly, trying to cover left wing and left back.

When Norwich attacked down the right he had to drop back, and was usually being attacked by two players, as there was no left winger to help him. When he got the ball in the left back position, there was a huge gap in front of him....because no-one would go out to the wing ...it wasn't their job! When he did get the ball in the left wing position, there wasn't anybody in front of him on the left, and nobody coming over to the left back position to help out, so it meant a punt into the middle, which then got the crowd on his back!

Sometimes I'm not sure about him, but I thought he did his best in a team/formation that didn't help him at all!

Perhaps the people that booed him Saturday should have a look at some of the effort given by some of the other players and share the boos out accordigly??

At least one more here. He did no worse than anyone else on saturday and to be honest for the whole of this season. He is probably another player we won't appreciate until he's gone.

He hasn't had it easy since we have got rid of any other left sided players or played them out of position. As for getting beat by opposing wingers, its their job to beat the fullback. We can't keep them quiet all game.

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Am I the only one who felt sorry for him?

I felt he tried his best, running about like a blue arsed fly, trying to cover left wing and left back.

When Norwich attacked down the right he had to drop back, and was usually being attacked by two players, as there was no left winger to help him. When he got the ball in the left back position, there was a huge gap in front of him....because no-one would go out to the wing ...it wasn't their job! When he did get the ball in the left wing position, there wasn't anybody in front of him on the left, and nobody coming over to the left back position to help out, so it meant a punt into the middle, which then got the crowd on his back!

Sometimes I'm not sure about him, but I thought he did his best in a team/formation that didn't help him at all!

Perhaps the people that booed him Saturday should have a look at some of the effort given by some of the other players and share the boos out accordigly??

Yes I feel exactly the same - but why bother letting that get in the way of needing a player to boo now that LJ dad has gone and Bradley hoof it from the half way line has gone on to something else (cant remember where he went but they obviously cant be doing to very well with a player like him!).

He is a good defender just not good enough to deal with 2 players against him (Im still waiting for someone to point out someone who can) most teams this year have had an extra man over on our left hand side and a lot of chances have been created from there.

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I posted on Saturday that with LJ not playing from the start any more he's become the scapegoat for those who feel they have to boo at someone.

I don't think he justifies a place any longer but also don't think it is his fault that over the years his "competition" has come from the "never will bes" like Tom Williams or that lad Blackman, (now on the bench at AFC Wimbledon!) or left footed centre backs played out of position.

We need a better alternative at left back (and Nibor is right, to play 4-4-2, too) but a lot of revisionism is now going on about McAllister's contribution over the last 4 years.

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As for getting beat by opposing wingers, its their job to beat the fullback. We can't keep them quiet all game.

That's right. The problem is that almost every winger to grace the gate has beaten Maccer comfortably, and more often than not that has lead to goals.

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Guest snibbor ashton

I agree, Macalister works very hard and is being made the scapegoat this season, he is often left isolated on the left with no forward outlet. He is very much like Orr, who worked hard last season got slagged off on here and is now missed. The person next to me spent much of the match moaning about McAllister saying bring on Johnson despite spending last season moaning nonstop about him. Booing and moaning just reduces confidence.

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It's not McAllister's fault that he's simply out of his depth at this level. He truly is not good enough to play Championship football. He's not about to go to Millen and say "Sorry boss, i'm shite so i don't think I should play". Unfortunately his shortcomings do give the impression that he doesn't apply himself as well as he should. I think most City fans appreciate triers, but Macca never looks like he is one. The number of times he's left for dead and then doesn't then track back to try to catch up with play is far too much.

I said on another thread that he wasn't booed, or cheered for being replaced....I think the cheering was more down to the fact that Millen has maybe realised what most inside the Gate have seen for the last few seasons and that he simply isn't good enough.

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When Norwich attacked down the right he had to drop back, and was usually being attacked by two players,

This is because he is often singled out as the weak point by the opposition well before they even kick a ball against us..........

Something we dont seem to do....or else all the other teams do not have weak points for us to exploit......

As for Saturday......Wed paper said Macca 50/50 on being fit ..........TBF I dont think he was anywhere near fit

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I am one of the biggest critics of McAllister due to his poor positional play, abysmal 'passing' ability, lack of strength in the tackle and the slip of concentration that happens all too often. What I will concede though is that throughout his time with us he has never had any help from a left sided midfielder in front of him. No too ways about it; all full backs need help in the their defending and double banking is the only way to nulify opposition wide players, that rarely happens with conviction with us though.

He is still weak in all other areas though.

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It's not McAllister's fault that he's simply out of his depth at this level. He truly is not good enough to play Championship football. He's not about to go to Millen and say "Sorry boss, i'm shite so i don't think I should play". Unfortunately his shortcomings do give the impression that he doesn't apply himself as well as he should. I think most City fans appreciate triers, but Macca never looks like he is one. The number of times he's left for dead and then doesn't then track back to try to catch up with play is far too much.

I said on another thread that he wasn't booed, or cheered for being replaced....I think the cheering was more down to the fact that Millen has maybe realised what most inside the Gate have seen for the last few seasons and that he simply isn't good enough.

But surely playing in the championship solidly for the last 3 years by default mean he must be good enough?

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I think he has struggled since McIndoe left, they seemed to have a good understanding !

The frustrating thing is that he seems to be picked every game regardless, I know we have not got many options at LB but who's fault is that ?

We have 1 natural left back, but about 10 right sided midfield players 6/7 strikers the balance of the squad is crackers

Also Ribiero gets dropped after being given the runaround by John Utaka, Macca has been given the runaround by every bloke and his dog for 18 months and still plays !

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But surely playing in the championship solidly for the last 3 years by default mean he must be good enough?

No, it means that the management of this club, of which KM has been a constant in that time, believe he is good enough. The majority (or at least a large proportion) of 13000 regular fans disagree, which is very worrying when looking at how players are assessed. I realise that there's not a huge number of left sided players available, but there surely has to be someone who isn't quite good enough at this stage of his career for the Prem that would do a very solid job at our level. Someone slightly younger who still has time to progress above Championship material rather than Macca, who at his age is in decline.

It's a shame, as he was very very good for us in our promotion year and was a real unsung hero. Unfortunately, for me he hasn't pushed on from that and really just shows that League 1 is his level....at best.

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Guest jimmy ateyo

Am I the only one who felt sorry for him?

I felt he tried his best, running about like a blue arsed fly, trying to cover left wing and left back.

When Norwich attacked down the right he had to drop back, and was usually being attacked by two players, as there was no left winger to help him. When he got the ball in the left back position, there was a huge gap in front of him....because no-one would go out to the wing ...it wasn't their job! When he did get the ball in the left wing position, there wasn't anybody in front of him on the left, and nobody coming over to the left back position to help out, so it meant a punt into the middle, which then got the crowd on his back!

Sometimes I'm not sure about him, but I thought he did his best in a team/formation that didn't help him at all!

Perhaps the people that booed him Saturday should have a look at some of the effort given by some of the other players and share the boos out accordigly??

his positional play is woeful, he's a very experienced player, but totally out of his depth now in the championship, just like last season.

Far too slow, at fault for a lot of gaols, always getting booked, always looking for someone to balme

Should of been replaced last season, MUST be replaced this year.

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At least one more here. He did no worse than anyone else on saturday and to be honest for the whole of this season. He is probably another player we won't appreciate until he's gone.

He hasn't had it easy since we have got rid of any other left sided players or played them out of position. As for getting beat by opposing wingers, its their job to beat the fullback. We can't keep them quiet all game.

Hmm, yes, i agree. Seems to me the more he is criticised, the worse he gets. Cant be easy doing a job with 13000 bosses telling you what a useless **** you are.
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Guest bcfc_Jamie

Agree 100% that macca tried his best. Don't know why everyone has all of a sudden started picking on him when no one else has done much better

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Agree 100% that macca tried his best. Don't know why everyone has all of a sudden started picking on him when no one else has done much better

be cause he,s a crap ever present player

and it bloody frustrating i swear it makes my blood boil that he is still in the team and been in it for so long i find it funny that 99 % of the people see his weakness he brings to our team but the management cant. but ive got nothing against him he tries hard but he aint up to it.

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I thought he did OK, got forward a few times and put a couple of decent crosses in, not his fault Stead wasn't in the box.

Good on set pieces too.

Caught out in the move where their centre forward just put it wide but solid apart from that.

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Ive said my bit on the "biggest cheer yesterday thread".

Its not JM fault that for 18 months hes had to defend and attack the left side ALL ON HIS OWN:yes:

Very much so. It is a basic football tactic that if there is a full back exposed on one side- let's sat Mcallister in this case, that you will overload onto that side to overwhelm that area of the pitch.

Therefore the winger on that side MUST TRACK BACK OR double up to counter this, otherwise it is an open invitation for the opposition. We know this, why JCR/Millen don't appear to have addressed this, who the hell knows!?

Generally speaking though, still don't think he is the answer at left back.

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Correct and we haven't gone down yet with him as an ever constant in the team so therefor must have been good enough for this league over the last 3 years.

I don't think you can say he's single handedly kept us up for the last three years!

Very much so. It is a basic football tactic that if there is a full back exposed on one side- let's sat Mcallister in this case, that you will overload onto that side to overwhelm that area of the pitch.

Therefore the winger on that side MUST TRACK BACK OR double up to counter this, otherwise it is an open invitation for the opposition. We know this, why JCR/Millen don't appear to have addressed this, who the hell knows!?

Generally speaking though, still don't think he is the answer at left back.

But on Saturday they still saw as a weakness and overloaded our left hand side, which saw a defender at left wing back instead of hitting our right hand side which saw a left winger play at right wing back! What does that tell you about others seeing a weakness in our team?!?

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My take is that McCallister has been up against it since GJ decided to get shot of Mckindoe. Since then we have had no decent left side midfielder/winger. McCallister gets the ball, looks up and has no one to pass to and the only option is to smack it down the pitch to the strikers none of which is a real target man. Same as when teams are attacking, opposing right side midfielder and full back come forward, McCallister is often left with 2 men to cope with. Playing with no other naturally left sided player has made it exceptionally difficult for McCallister, we should get off his back.

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