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Carey/james Argument


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Guest Ciderdrinker

Last season people on here were calling for Carey to go and saying he was past it. This season when he was injured people couldn't wait for him to return saying he would sort the defence out and all will be ok.

Please make your point then stick with it for more than 5 minutes please...............

Do you realy think Carey wants the club to be bottom????? come on get behind the team having ago at individuals will only divide the team more and make players play worse. we have already played 3 at right back.

Get behind the team they want to win and stay in the Championship as do we all. :pray:

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Guest je1dutton

Whether he was shit or not today has no bearing whatsoever on his commitment to the club. I agree he was by far the worst defender today, but he is clearly Bristol City through and through and has dedicated his career to us, something that surely earns him respect? So are you saying you only earn respect by being a brilliant footballer? Because if so I disagree. I have no idea if he was in the wrong or not today in his confrontation with James but he has done more for this club than James ever will, and has earned respect from City fans...at least he should have.

You say Carey has dedicated his career to us the first oppurtunity he had he up sticks and went to Coventry and when that didn't work out he wants to come back to the cushy lifestyle at Ashton Gate. He has done well for us in the past but he is the same as any other player if they get a better offer they are gone. We should now be looking to other players to fill his spot who are younger and more mobile.

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To sum up your opinion; David James is here for the money, David James is not playing well, and David James' unrivalled experience and success doesn't give him the higher ground when telling a small time local defender to wake the hell up when he's having an absolute stinker.

All three points there are Codswallop! drivel of the highest order!

Point 1. David James is NOT here for the money. He had offers from Celtic, Sunderland and a few other PREMIER LEAGUE clubs. If he had gone there he could have been looking at anywhere up to DOUBLE the reported £15k he earns here. David James is here for one reason, to be near home. That to me is a very noble ideal, wanting to prolong his career in a game he loves and still be able to be a proper family man. Incidently this is the argument that NickJ is using to promote Carey's return after leaving for Coventy, So, If we are to accept NickJ's assessment of Carey's commitment to City then you have to accept David James' commitment to playing near his home.

Point 2. The only players this season who have performed well have been Albert Adomah, Jon Stead and David James, the fact you think he is the problem when we have an array of over-rated diabolical nobodies in our defence leaves me feeling quite worried, it really isn't hard to see that having a defence with over the hill players, paceless full backs and over-rated "Prem class" defenders is going to leave us weak at the back.

Point 3. David James by virtue of playing with some of the best defenders in the world, in the best league in the world and at world cups commands more respect than Louis Carey. I love Louis, I really do, but he is outdated, over-rated, and past it. He's given this club plenty, and we've given it back to him, supplying him with a vast wage and a lifestyle he could only dream about. David James' job is to communicate with his defence. People got on Gerkin's back for not being vocal enough, and as soon as we sign a proper top class 'keeper who gets his point across forcibly we all quiver at the thought of someone challenging Bristol's favourite son?

I have no idea what David James did to you, because your vendetta against him is starting to become as tiresome and pathetic as Robbored's tirade against Gary Johnson. David James was our man of the match saturday, and yet you try make out he is the reason we lost.

As much as it pains me to admit :innocent06: ......I agree with absolutely 100% of what you have wrote here.

The fact some people seem to think they can make David James a scape goat, or make out he isnt good enough for us, is laughable.

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Our keeper gave one of his defenders a bollocking. I don't see anything wrong with that atall.

Surely the keeper is in a good position to see what is causing problems as he is always facing the play.

I remember when Flapper was playing for us that supporters criticised him for being too quiet, something that was also aimed at Deano last season. Surely we can all remember Peter Schmeichel (sp) and Steve Bruce / Gary Pallister going nose to 'red' nose because the keeper had rollocked one of his centre halves? They didn't do too badly now did they?

Keep on shouting and bawling DJ as far as I am concerned.

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You say Carey has dedicated his career to us the first oppurtunity he had he up sticks and went to Coventry and when that didn't work out he wants to come back to the cushy lifestyle at Ashton Gate. He has done well for us in the past but he is the same as any other player if they get a better offer they are gone. We should now be looking to other players to fill his spot who are younger and more mobile.

If you bothered to read all of this thread you will see I have already explained my personal view on his move to Coventry, and I do not believe it was ditching us at the first possible opportunity.

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Why do people confuse 'Commitment' with Quality...?

There is no doubt Carey has been a good servant for this Club and has always been committed.

He has however, never been anything more, than an average Championship player when he was at his best.

He should have been replaced 2 seasons ago.

I love the bloke for his passion for City, and the fact he's Bristolian.

One of the biggest downfalls of our Club is loyalty, and what holds us back, is that we show way too much of it to players and managers alike.

In a perfect world, it would be wonderful, to turn back to clock and have loyalty from players and Clubs alike.

But, unfortunately, in this day and age, to succeed in Football, you have to be ruthless.

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To sum up your opinion; David James is here for the money, David James is not playing well, and David James' unrivalled experience and success doesn't give him the higher ground when telling a small time local defender to wake the hell up when he's having an absolute stinker.

All three points there are Codswallop! drivel of the highest order!

Point 1. David James is NOT here for the money. He had offers from Celtic, Sunderland and a few other PREMIER LEAGUE clubs. If he had gone there he could have been looking at anywhere up to DOUBLE the reported £15k he earns here. David James is here for one reason, to be near home. That to me is a very noble ideal, wanting to prolong his career in a game he loves and still be able to be a proper family man. Incidently this is the argument that NickJ is using to promote Carey's return after leaving for Coventy, So, If we are to accept NickJ's assessment of Carey's commitment to City then you have to accept David James' commitment to playing near his home.

Point 2. The only players this season who have performed well have been Albert Adomah, Jon Stead and David James, the fact you think he is the problem when we have an array of over-rated diabolical nobodies in our defence leaves me feeling quite worried, it really isn't hard to see that having a defence with over the hill players, paceless full backs and over-rated "Prem class" defenders is going to leave us weak at the back.

Point 3. David James by virtue of playing with some of the best defenders in the world, in the best league in the world and at world cups commands more respect than Louis Carey. I love Louis, I really do, but he is outdated, over-rated, and past it. He's given this club plenty, and we've given it back to him, supplying him with a vast wage and a lifestyle he could only dream about. David James' job is to communicate with his defence. People got on Gerkin's back for not being vocal enough, and as soon as we sign a proper top class 'keeper who gets his point across forcibly we all quiver at the thought of someone challenging Bristol's favourite son?

I have no idea what David James did to you, because your vendetta against him is starting to become as tiresome and pathetic as Robbored's tirade against Gary Johnson. David James was our man of the match saturday, and yet you try make out he is the reason we lost.

I'm very sorry but I have to admit that I agree 100% with JT ..... far too much sensible coment for one day, I'll get my coat... for today anyway! ;)

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Where has this 15k a week come from just because people constantly repeat it on here does not make it fact. I remember everyone on here saying Stern John was on 12k a week fact, yet southampton confirmed he was only on 8k at theirs so was probably on less with us. (not that this has anything to do with anything just showing how people exagerate on here)

Back to Carey it was about time someone said something to him. To many people at this club tread on egg shells around him. Look what happened the last time a player tried moaning at him.. Bradley Orr live on sky ended up in a scuffle. Gary Johnson fell out with him rumoured. All of a sudden the whole team want Gary out. He has way to much authority at this club. Fair play to James for not being scared to say something to him. Carey should learn to take critisism. Hes been playing **** now for nearly 3 seasons.

Its also funny how its probably the same people on here who moaned that james should be organising the deffense are probably the same ones who are moaning at him for trying to organise Carey. :doh:

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Tell me why should be captain? Because he played for England? Louis is City through and through and would die for this club. Do you really think James cares if we get relegated? He has no idea what it means to us fans to be in this league and at the end of this season he will bugger off after making a mint from us!!!!

Louis WAS Mr Bristol City. He aint been for about a year or so. He was dogshit against Watford away, last season, worse even than Saturday, and not much better in several other critical games. Lee Johnson was defending better than him that night, and LJ aint no defender.

This "performance" Saturday is not the first, and I don't think it will be the last. I have watched him over his entire 1st team career, and I long since took off my rose tinted specs about him (and the rest of our shambolic defence). Put it this way Gerkin would be conceding even more, if he was there instead.

I personally dont give a flying shit where the player comes from, put the bloody effort and pull your weight, or ship out. Louis did not Saturday, and not for the first time. I would have stripped him of the captaincy and give to it Hartley or Orr, last season.

David James may not know what life is like in League 1, but playing for the England shambles, and playing for relegated bankrupt Pompey will give him more than a flavour of the real world.

There wont be many footballers who wouldnt walk out on City not giving a **** either. Its the way of the world these days, even the alleged " Mr add team of choice"

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Don't know if its been mentioned earlier, but didn't Gary Johnson's reign start to turn around after 2 of our players had a high profile 'spat' in their own penalty box? The omens are clear....

Oh yes, and one of them was a certain Mr. Carey!

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Guest Ashton Kate

this is probably the worst post I've ever seen.

absolute codswallop.

Your opinion Jordan AND I HAVE MINE...... Accept the fact that not all people agree with you and not all people will agree with me and I suppose 51 years of watching City I KNOW NOTHING!!!!!!
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Your opinion Jordan AND I HAVE MINE...... Accept the fact that not all people agree with you and not all people will agree with me and I suppose 51 years of watching City I KNOW NOTHING!!!!!!

I've known women all my life but it doesn't mean I know how they tick? :no:

no offence meant or anything.....:shutup:

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beautifully ignore the big post i made for you.

Yeah, you could watch anything for a hundred years and still no nothing about it... not really a valid argument.

I suppose today's performance and reaction to the win show's James to be a money grabbing bastard who doesn't give a shit about us?

Bit unneccesary to bring this up again.

Carey and James were practically shagging each other after the game, 2 strong characters, they've put it behind them, so should we.

Let it rest, maybe tonight was the start of something good.

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Guest Ashton Kate

First time I've been online today, work then straight to football, haven't had a chance to reply to Kate.

The post isn't about Louis and James anymore, the debate has progressed and I am still intrigued as to Kates undeniable vendetta against David James.

I agree, I feel great after tonights game (points you toward my thread) Obviously QPR is a big test and we shouldnt get ahead of ourselves, but, the signs were all there tonight!

Please come and talk to me if you want Jordan face to face and I will TELL you my reasons.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but Carey played at right back was one of the reasons he left for Coventry. He did not like it then and I doubt he likes it now.

Wrong! He was a right back and coventry then also played him at right back.

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Please come and talk to me if you want Jordan face to face and I will TELL you my reasons.

oooooooh sounds interesting.....

Tell me when you see me!

ps I think too much is being made of this argument - two good players for us, who got into a argument.

I do get the feeling tho, that carey's age is catching up with him - and he's never been a good right back

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don't know if this has been mentioned but the other week (think it was the reading game?), James was going up to every city player and giving high 5's, hugging etc... but Carey completely blanked him and walked off - not a good thin for a captain to do, regardless what happened between them on the pitch it doesn't matter!

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