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Not sure how many we've sold for Swansea, but i'm sure we can improve on the 795 inital allocation we've been given. They've lifted the bubble, so lets make the effort!

I've been to every game this season, and to be honest, most away games have been poorly attended, bar Portsmouth and of course Leeds will be an exception as its the 'novelty' fixture this season. I can understand this (poor run of form, lots of long distance trips, money, family etc.), but no excuses for the trip to Abertawe! Its only a 90 minute tops drive from Bristol so you wouldn't get home much later than a home evening game!

Lets show Swansea for once that we really do have an away support worth recognising.

Any Idea how many we've sold and how many we can take max?

Come on you reds, onwards and updwards

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Guest bcfc_Jamie

Im going to Leeds and Swansea, £79 Combined and that's for coach tickets as well. I still have food & drink to pay for so I don't blame people going to Leeds & not Swansea

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Guest CiderPunk

Stupid post.

Unless the OP wants to pay for everyone, and look after their kids and take on all their other commitments.

Can't make it then?

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Guest CiderPunk

Stupid post.

Unless the OP wants to pay for everyone, and look after their kids and take on all their other commitments.

Getting away from tea-set etiquette for a minute.... Have you ever thought about getting your anger out in other ways? Like not on the internet, or against people with a common bond? I'd be interested in your response.

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Getting away from tea-set etiquette for a minute.... Have you ever thought about getting your anger out in other ways? Like not on the internet, or against people with a common bond? I'd be interested in your response.

So using the word 'stupid' makes me angry? Sounds a bit soft.

All I'm saying is, dont you think we'd all go to every away game if we could? I don't think it's anything to do with making an effort.

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