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Lansdown, Loss And Budget Deficits

Guest TobysDad

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Guest TobysDad

Some say thank god for Steve.

Some say that with a £12M loss reported the very same man has the club over a barrel.

Perhaps somewhere between the two lies the truth. If he walks we see 1982 again. Will he walk? If he does, does he lose his investment? What would make him walk? What's the difference between SL funding BCFC and any other businessman funding any other club.

What happens when the team at the top spend, spend, spend and promise the earth, and then find that the promises aren't deliverable? We're seeing aspects of that now - Blair and Brown have gone, having spent 13 years promising so much, spending more than they earned, and having failed in a number of ways.

And now we hear about budget deficits and public spending cuts.

If you want a new sofa go to DFS. Have it now. Have interest free. Pay for it over 5 years. Have a payment holiday for a year. But at the end of the 5 years it'll be bloody uncomfortable.

Building a future on the back of debt or one man will rarely be sustained.


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Some say thank god for Steve.

Some say that with a £12M loss reported the very same man has the club over a barrel.

Perhaps somewhere between the two lies the truth. If he walks we see 1982 again. Will he walk? If he does, does he lose his investment? What would make him walk? What's the difference between SL funding BCFC and any other businessman funding any other club.

What happens when the team at the top spend, spend, spend and promise the earth, and then find that the promises aren't deliverable? We're seeing aspects of that now - Blair and Brown have gone, having spent 13 years promising so much, spending more than they earned, and having failed in a number of ways.

And now we hear about budget deficits and public spending cuts.

If you want a new sofa go to DFS. Have it now. Have interest free. Pay for it over 5 years. Have a payment holiday for a year. But at the end of the 5 years it'll be bloody uncomfortable.

Building a future on the back of debt or one man will rarely be sustained.


I've actually just finished paying for my DFS sofa after 5 years and actually it's still in very good condition, that said I am considering getting a new one through personal choice.

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Your point is? :disapointed2se:

That football is slowly destroying itself - started by the greed of agents who , when sky bought the premier league, decided that they (the agents) would grab all the extra sky money from the clubs in terms of obscene wages including of course their own fees - and none of it went into supporting the structure of the game.

Those at the top grabbed the most for themselves and it's spiralled from there - with everybody now chasing the dream (BCFC included) - and nothing for for the smaller clubs.


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Guest TobysDad

My point is a simple one. The danger of relying upon one man for funds. The danger of relying upon one strategy. The danger of borrowing or investing more you can afford. The danger of being tempted by the promise of something that's not attainable or sustainable.

And what happens when it goes wrong. When you don't have a Plan B (Dexys Midnight Runners - I Tune it - superb). And when the men with the money ride off on their chargers, into the sunset to lick their wounds and count their blessings, and we're off on a rainy, dark night to some far flung outpost ala early 80s.

Who'll be there then?

It'll never happen (line from The Redskins - again I Tune and listen) I hear people say. 1982 isn't that long ago.

Have dreams but recognise your limitations. Be content with what you have.

Only a view.........

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