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What About The Others


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All this talk about SL getting us out of the mess. We do have a board of directors, who are their to try and make sure the club is run in a way that we do not bluid up big debuts. In the real world, nearly 90 % of football clubs directors would be asked to stand down due to poor financail results.In two years time a new rule comes in that a football club has to be run within it's income. I know this applys to the Premership, not sure about the other leagues. Arsenal have made a profit for the past two years. Man U, Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool have not. So the power at the top may start to change over the next two years. We are just like most other teams in the fact we are losing money. It is not just down to SL, it is down to our broad. I think if this stadium falls to appear. We will see major changes with our club in terms of personal on and off the pitch. We can not continue to make these loses and expect one man to keep putting his hand in his pocket. I think most poeple can see the warning signs, by the words Steve has been coming out with since the start of the season.

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I think the board is simply Steve Lansdown and Keith Dawe, who both invest heavily in the club, with Colin Sexton and Ernie Arathoon as associates.

As you suggest, we're heading for dark times; not specifically BCFC, but football as a whole. As I mentioned in another thread, I suspect football is heading for serious recession and may not survive in its present structure. I am wondering whether we may ultimately see the re-birth of football as a cheap working man's game outside of the Sky Sports/Wayne Rooney/Roman Abramovich stratosphere. Unfortunately this would presumably also exclude SteveLansdown, which would be a shame.

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