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Will He Keep Us Up?


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If we play as well as it sounded today then we'll finish top half. If we defend like we did at Reading, we'll struggle. People had a right to be concerned after the Reading/Palace games, and now Keith deserves credit for a great win.

Nowt wrong with fans being concerned - we were 19th before today and in trouble. Your 'I told you so' attitude is just plain annoying.

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the gap is smaller to the play offs and widening from the drop zone. whist Millen isn't a household name like Coppell and Johnson he has proven his loyalty for the club through thick and thin. will be interesting to see who he signs during the window (he mentioned a left back midfielder some time back)to answer you question i am 100% confident he will keep us up but as we are only 5 points from the play offs survival should no longer be our concern.

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Only a very shallow thinker would alter his opinion after one performance, however emphatic it was.

Very impressive from the off today and if City keep up anything like that level of performance we'll be fine.

Revert to the Hull, Palace, Reading type displays though and we'll deservedly be right down there.

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I'm with Nogbad. One result either way doesn't change an awful lot..although today's was a fine one. Gutted that I was stuck listening to it on Player. Despite today I'll be very pleasantly surprised if this doesn't prove to be a difficult season. I'm unconvinced by Lansdown's decision to hire Keith. Very happy to be proved wrong though. Congratulations to him and the squad on what must be one of our finest wins against Cardiff in my time supporting the club.

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7 points from the drop zone 5 points from the play offs. This division is as open as it ever was. Today was a fantastic performance and with several players out.

The top scorer in last years championship still hasnt played for KM, it just goes to show what a good job he's doing for us.

As some of us have said from the start of the season,anything can happen in this league because anyone can beat anyone.

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Like any manager he is entitled to praise when he gets it right and cirticism when not. Excellent stuff tactically today for instance whereas resting Pitman for a home game with his record was clearlry wrong. Credit is due for the former and not for the second. Pretty much as any manager would expect. The one trap he has not fallen into is blaming the fans when things go wrong a la Hodgson. I suspect we will remain inconsistent as Keith gains experience and perhaps tries to be too clever at times but I always felt we would stay up as I felt the current bottom 3 at least were worse than us.

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We will probably be inconsistent and like you say chinapig Keith will probably make many mistakes in team selection for the rest of the season ! whilst we revel in our success today we must also remain positive in defeat aka 3 home wins in a row / 2 away defeats and 1 draw prior !

I feel a few fans jump on the manager far to quickly .

My view is simple , anything other than avoiding relegation is a bonus and considering the mess we were left in I think he's doing a dam good job !

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We're what we've been all season. Inconsistant.

Thats to be expected given the managerial situation over the last 9 months. but Millen is learning all the time the players seem to like him and there are easily 3 teams worse than us while Millen learns his trade.

Silly littl threads like this dont help as they set the manager up for criticism that isnt needed. Much as negative venedettas dont help nor does constant brown nosing after every win because it fires people up to argue if they have doubts.

He'll keep us up if the fans and chairman support him and the players believe in him because with all that in place we're stronger than at least half a dozen teams in this league. Probably more.

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