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Good Enough

Port Said Red

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Considering KM was given a remit to reduce the squad generally I think he has done a good job in this transfer window, assuming Woolford signs. Keogh on loan helps shore up a threadbare forward line, Woolford can add something we have been lacking, (Supply to the strikers) and if WIlliams leaves that should help balance the books a little. Other players may not leave until the summer, but this gives a bit of lift without too much disruption.

Shame it seems we can't pick up a full back as well, but it's actually a position we can "make do and mend" in for now, we could go back to Preston when the season finishes and pick up Jones for a more sensible deal, especially if PNE go down. I think KM has shown he will not be panicked by the deadline day fever that hits some clubs.

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Considering KM was given a remit to reduce the squad generally I think he has done a good job in this transfer window, assuming Woolford signs. Keogh on loan helps shore up a threadbare forward line, Woolford can add something we have been lacking, (Supply to the strikers) and if WIlliams leaves that should help balance the books a little. Other players may not leave until the summer, but this gives a bit of lift without too much disruption.

Shame it seems we can't pick up a full back as well, but it's actually a position we can "make do and mend" in for now, we could go back to Preston when the season finishes and pick up Jones for a more sensible deal, especially if PNE go down. I think KM has shown he will not be panicked by the deadline day fever that hits some clubs.

Yep agree with all you say, I suppose PNE are resigned to losing Jones anyway in the summer, so 500k might be worth resisting if they think he will help them stay up, all depends on the player and his attitude to the deal not going through is, sounds as though he wanted to come here.

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Can't really understand why PNE won't sell Jones to us. He's out of contract in the summer, so will just walk away for nothing and as PNE fans seem to rate him, it would make sense if they cashed in.

Reading between the lines it seems to be a bit of posturing by their chairman in response to being accused of selling their best players ready for league 1 by their fans.

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I dont think its good enough.

Still massive gaps in the squad.

We have strengthen in places where we already have adequate players...

But still 9 hours to go and I wont judge until then.

I don't get this Riaz, we have been told what our financial situation is, do you really think we should pay more than a players worth to bring them and extend our wage bill and squad still further if people don't leave? I think this is financial suicide. There is enough to the squad we have and the signings coming in to put us safe. Then we should revisit the squad in the summer when things are less manic.

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I don't get this Riaz, we have been told what our financial situation is, do you really think we should pay more than a players worth to bring them and extend our wage bill and squad still further if people don't leave? I think this is financial suicide. There is enough to the squad we have and the signings coming in to put us safe. Then we should revisit the squad in the summer when things are less manic.

So why spend money on positions where we have plenty of players who can do a job there?

JCR & Rose both play on the left.

We have Maynard, Pitman, Clarkson & Stead up front, with adomah able to play up front.

yet we have only one very poor left back and not one midfielder that can knock the ball about a bit.

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Whilst I'm pleased we are (hopefully) bringing in a couple of good players, I'm disappointed that we are not concentating on areas that we are in more need. Do we really need a left winger over a playmaking midfielder, or even a full-back?

You and I both know it doesn't necessarily work like that, we put feelers out for all the positions to strengthen and don't get taken to the cleaners by the likes of Preston. Just the way it goes, especially in January. KM said a while back we need a left-back and a creative midfielder, of course we've been looking for them.

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What makes you think that we can bring in players in the order or priority required ?

We have a definite bid for Billy Jones which has been rejected (at the moment) so it proves the club is concentrating on all aspects of strengthening the squad.

My point being is that do we really need another winger.....at this moment of time?

Why waste time, energy and money chasing a left winger when you can centre more of your efforts on an attacking midfielder or full-back, i.e. a position that we desperately need. We have obviously agreed a fee for Woolford so we could have used that to increase our bid for Jones.

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I dont think its good enough.

Still massive gaps in the squad.

We have strengthen in places where we already have adequate players...

But still 9 hours to go and I wont judge until then.

I honestly don't think you know anything about football Riaz. I'm not trying to be nasty mate but ffs we had bids turned down for a full back and Millen said another deal fell through in the last 48hrs. What more do you want we're not man city with a bottomless pit of money.

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We don't have those players - who replaces Stead ?

How many have they scored ? One between them ? Woolford has 8 so far this season. And Rose is injured.

Stead is out for more or less the season, maynard will take time to get back. Isn't this obvious ?

Yep - players join in the order of priority don't they ?

Stead is injured - thats why you have a squad instead of 11 players.

Maynard is back soon and the loan window opens in 7 days.

I'm not knocking the players he's bringing in - Keogh is proven at this level and Woolford sounds promising.

but we are desperate in other areas - we are not in those positions.

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Woolford - 8 goals so far.

Same as our top scorer.

What does that tell you about the Bristol City team then...............that we dont score many goals because we have no creativity.

Again, do we need another winger? The goals a winger scores should be a bonus not a reason for signing one.

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My point being is that do we really need another winger.....at this moment of time?

Why waste time, energy and money chasing a left winger when you can centre more of your efforts on an attacking midfielder or full-back, i.e. a position that we desperately need. We have obviously agreed a fee for Woolford so we could have used that to increase our bid for Jones.

Because we signed one player in one position does not mean we didn't look or put bids out for others, you don't have to have one without the other. KM says we had a valuation for Jones and went for it, clearly he wanted Jones badly so raised it today, but there's no point in throwing money at a problem, everyone has a price.

Whats all this "dont sign in order of priority" nonsense people are now pulling out there air to protect teflon keef with?

Nonsense? Don't be stupid, we put offers out there for all the positions we needed; Rose is inconsistent and JCR has no left foot - we need a left winger. Haynes is out and Stead is injured - we need a striker. For the record Keogh is comfortably better than Haynes before you go down that route. KM said a while back we needed to strengthen at left-back and centre-mid, and he said in his interview today we had bids out there. Funnily enough, just because we want them the most doesn't mean other clubs are most likely to grant our wishes, how difficult is that to get your head around?

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I suppose each deal has to be throught about individually.

Millen might be chasing a winger for example and if we get him now rather than wait until the summer we might have to pay a fee, if we wait we could get him 'free' but this would also attract more interest and competition too. We then may have a situation when we have 3 players for one position for a while, one could be on loan anyway and we have no chance/intention of signing. The other could be on his way out in the summer anyway?

I suppose there could be advantages of getting player now and bedding them in the rest of the season to 'hit the ground running ' for the start of next season, but I think we've been there before!

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I honestly don't think you know anything about football Riaz. I'm not trying to be nasty mate but ffs we had bids turned down for a full back and Millen said another deal fell through in the last 48hrs. What more do you want we're not man city with a bottomless pit of money.


I dont want an uneven squad full of wingers and strikers!!

Put all that money we are spending into a full back and a playmaker.

I did'nt know we have had bids rejected for a full back, but come on, how long have we need a left back? for ******g ages.

I dont think there can be any excuses for not having those positions filled tomorrow.

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I honestly don't think you know anything about football Riaz. I'm not trying to be nasty mate but ffs we had bids turned down for a full back and Millen said another deal fell through in the last 48hrs. What more do you want we're not man city with a bottomless pit of money.

Exactly, i think that we need abit more strength and depth and with these two on board that gives us that. He may re-suffle the pack slightly, I think if Rose is fit I think he could be moved into a more central role which is apparently his favoured position, Woolford on the left and Keogh upfront with Pitman will give us a great chance of picking up some vital wins before Maynard and Stead come back from injury.

We have tightened up at the back in recent weeks and we still have Jamie Mac to come back so maybe he doesn't think the back 4 is much as an issue as it was. We will win games providing we have the right attitude and the work rate is there, ultimately as long as we stay up thats all i'm interested in, then we can re-build properly in the summer.

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Because we signed one player in one position does not mean we didn't look or put bids out for others, you don't have to have one without the other. KM says we had a valuation for Jones and went for it, clearly he wanted Jones badly so raised it today, but there's no point in throwing money at a problem, everyone has a price.

I think Woolford will be a good signing in all honesty, but I'm not quite sure I get the logic.

We have 4 wide men (wingers) that I can think of off the top of my head on the books. Do we need another one when we are currently playing centre backs at full back, and have two box to box, holding midfielders playing together in the middle.

We are supposedly trying to trim the squad, reduce the wage bill etc etc but are still making the same mistakes of bringing players in in the wrong position and going around and around in circles.

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In addition to all the above, I understand that Woolford is equally happy playing more centrally and Keogh is the type of player with an eye for a pass as well as having the ability to be available for a pass. both traits will encourage the players to play the ball on the ground.

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I think Woolford will be a good signing in all honesty, but I'm not quite sure I get the logic.

We have 4 wide men (wingers) that I can think of off the top of my head on the books. Do we need another one when we are currently playing centre backs at full back, and have two box to box, holding midfielders playing together in the middle.

We are supposedly trying to trim the squad, reduce the wage bill etc etc but are still making the same mistakes of bringing players in in the wrong position and going around and around in circles.

I see where you're coming from, but although KM was involved in the building of the team as assistant, only one of our wingers was signed by him, and he's made it pretty clear Ivan doesn't appear in his plans as regard to having an abundance of wingers. I don't think he rates JCR but has little choice but to play him with Rose injured, and although he has ability he's got no left foot and is relatively easy to mark as he'll always try and cut inside. Yes we need to strengthen defensively, but it's not just that we need to add there, and say we had an offer for an LB and Woolford, Woolford was accepted and the other not - but this is the only one you'll hear about. Any progress is progress and it's not for the want of trying.

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A wingers job is to create, he clearly creates and creates for himself. Your criticising for the sake of it now.

Did I get this right from your previous post that you think we should spend the money we have potentially agreed with s****horpe on Billy jones? On top of the rumoured £500k? You're advocating spending over a million pounds on a player who will be available for nothing at the end of the season?


Okay, why sign Woolford at all then? We already have Adomah, Cambell-Ryce, Sproule and Rose who can all play wide.

Also, I'd hope we weren't spending £500K on Woolford!

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But if these players become available earlier, without jeopardising the chance of signing a defender and midfielder, what's the problem ?

I thought we needed to trim the wage bill?

At the risk of repeating it - players will not necessarily be signed in order of priority. We tabled two good offers for Billy Jones which were turned down - that proves Millen is trying to fill the "desparate" positions, it didn't come off and that's life.

If billy jones is a no goer then there are other left backs about.

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In addition to all the above, I understand that Woolford is equally happy playing more centrally and Keogh is the type of player with an eye for a pass as well as having the ability to be available for a pass. both traits will encourage the players to play the ball on the ground.

hope you are right - bit has woolford played much centrally in the championship?

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Yes, I know... I'm shouting now...

Well...I really hope he is and I, like everyone else, hopes he turns out to be a star at City.

However, the point I'm trying to make is, why are we signing players in areas that we already have cover in? Bust a gut to get the players in we need urgently, then in the summer, move on your Sproules and JCR's and bring in your Woolfords etc

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There are, and you wouldn't have known about Jones if it wasn't for PNE's chairman trying to make a statement.

Of course, I'm sure millen is doing things in the background - I'm not worried that I've not heard anything - I'm worried that I'll wake up tomorrow and we'll still only have jamie mac lumping it from left back.

we have needed a left back since millens been in charge and year or so before that.

I accepted that in august he did'nt have enough time to find a left back. - but 4 months has now passed and I dont think there can be any excuses.

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I thought we needed to trim the wage bill?

If billy jones is a no goer then there are other left backs about.

Are there? What just any old left back? Not one KM, rates, wants, that wants to come, we can afford, will fit the wage bill? What do you think a Manager has to take into account when making signings? Any of these things, none of them? Go on KM just sign a left back, to keep Riaz happy, or more likely that he can criticise for not being the one he would have chosen.

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Are there? What just any old left back? Not one KM, rates, wants, that wants to come, we can afford, will fit the wage bill? What do you think a Manager has to take into account when making signings? Any of these things, none of them? Go on KM just sign a left back, to keep Riaz happy, or more likely that he can criticise for not being the one he would have chosen.

Millen needs to sign a left back to shore up the defence, not to keep me happy.

He has been in charge since august - he should have been looking from day one.

My worry is that millen actually rates Jamie McAllister

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Guest Brislingwood Red

Once/If confirmed I'll be incredibly pleased with the Keogh and Woolford signings. Both players we need. I wouldnt leave it down to Clarkson to bail us out of the mess were in. Keogh is a good championship footballer who will improve the current first eleven, let alone the squad. Same with Woolford. Rose has continually flattered to decieve and if he was on loan from a league one side, we'd all be saying how inconsistently pants he's been. JCR is also average at best. Woolford (hopefully) should be a improvement on them. Keef is gradually moulding his own squad, an providing he can keep us in the division, I think next year could be a more successful and enoyable season (maybe top 10?). Especially if we're finally looking at established championship performers such as the highly rated Jones at PNE. Hopefully though Millen has a couple more jewells up his sleeve before 11pm also.

Maybe I'm a little greedy!!

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I suppose each deal has to be throught about individually.

Millen might be chasing a winger for example and if we get him now rather than wait until the summer we might have to pay a fee, if we wait we could get him 'free' but this would also attract more interest and competition too. We then may have a situation when we have 3 players for one position for a while, one could be on loan anyway and we have no chance/intention of signing. The other could be on his way out in the summer anyway?

I suppose there could be advantages of getting player now and bedding them in the rest of the season to 'hit the ground running ' for the start of next season, but I think we've been there before!

saved me time to write the same thing! if we can get him now may as well get him if he attacking creating chances, should mean we spend more time attacking and keeping it in the oppositions half. I don't see JCR as a left winger and Rose isn't consistent enough. If he plays as well as he has for Scunny he would most importantly make it harder to double up on Adomah if both wings are lethal!

Really don't see why people are moaning about not getting the left back and creative midfielder seems Millen had made this a priority Jones was the LB but preston wanted to hold on and no point buying a average left back when there is the loan window still. then same with creative midfield rumours about Danns and some others but if it doesn't work no point in panic buys in the mean time good idea to get players in other positions if available.

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I think if Rose is fit I think he could be moved into a more central role which is apparently his favoured position, Woolford on the left and Keogh upfront with Pitman will give us a great chance of picking up some vital wins before Maynard and Stead come back from injury.

I've never been convinced that Rose is a winger (although he's knocked over a few good crosses, to be fair), but would like to see what he can do in the centre, where I think he has the potential to do something none of our current midfielders does well, which is to run at the opposition with the ball. He's also more than capable of putting his foot in and winning the ball for us. So if we get ourselves a good player for the left side of midfield, and that pushes Rose into the middle, I think that one signing might just improve us in two positions, and improve our creativity a great deal - which would be pretty good business.

We'll see, but I'm with the OP here: the business we're trying to do seems to be pretty sensible. I think we'll have enough to stay up, in spite of recent form, and if I'm right I'd rather we didn't pay over the odds for players now, but kept what little money we can spare in the bank until we can reshape the squad properly.

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Millen needs to sign a left back to shore up the defence, not to keep me happy.

He has been in charge since august - he should have been looking from day one.

My worry is that millen actually rates Jamie McAllister

It worries me more that I rate him, having slated him since we got promoted, including after a dreadful performance at Doncaster this season. Over the last couple of months before his injury he's been a class act, from seemingly nowhere. The summer is the time when real business can be done, much as it sounds like an excuse. Millen and GJ before him have gone on about how the January window ramps up prices to a stupid to a degree, to the extent the LMA have complained about the window this season. It's unfortunate he hasn't been able to get anyone in, but we've been looking for a replacement/competition for JM for a long while now and January is not the most likely time to find one. It just so happens that we're looking for the 2 positions most difficult to fill, and in the time most difficult to fill them.

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Guest Eastend Fan

Maybe we should be thinking outside the box with the Woolford signing (Not a done deal yet mind). Any chance he could take the "creative midfilder" role that we so "desperately need"??

Think it's a great signing who could play in various roles in the team. Besides he could be good at getting back and helping the left back out, which is what we need. Give it time before you slate Millens signings....

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Considering KM was given a remit to reduce the squad generally I think he has done a good job in this transfer window, assuming Woolford signs. Keogh on loan helps shore up a threadbare forward line, Woolford can add something we have been lacking, (Supply to the strikers) and if WIlliams leaves that should help balance the books a little.

It's a shame that Williams hasn't been given a chance this season. Elliott, Skuse, Johnson are all defensively minded and much of a muchness and have all disappointed this season. But all have been retained and persevered with. William IS capable of delivering a good pass, and unlike the three aforementioned has been known to score the odd goal.

Still, what will be will be. Let's just hope that todays deals will turn the tide in our favour!!

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Guest Pemburthy

I dont think its good enough.

Still massive gaps in the squad.

We have strengthen in places where we already have adequate players...

But still 9 hours to go and I wont judge until then.

I agree with you.

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Guest Pemburthy

well johnson isnt defensive minded is he? he is attacking minded but just not very good at it

Why does he pass sideways and backwards so often then?

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I'm going to judge the signings on how they play for us and the results we get rather than slamming the manager before we see them kick a ball together.

Just an idea some others may want to give a go.

Don't you come running to me when one of the new signings misplaces his first pass tomorrow night, you'll live to regret this completely rational way of thinking

I'm always amazed at how much potential signings get slagged off in here beforehand. I get that we need players in other areas, but if they aren't here you can't support them. You can, however, support the lads that have signed up. As SC says, give it a go - what could go wrong?

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Millen needs to sign a left back to shore up the defence, not to keep me happy.

He has been in charge since august - he should have been looking from day one.

My worry is that millen actually rates Jamie McAllister

There's a lot more of us who rate JM.As i have said before, when he actually has a left sided player in front of him it enables him to pass the ball instead of no other option except knock it long.

Up until Rose came in he has not had a natural left footed player in tandem with him for at least a season.

IMO he's a good Championship left back.

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There's a lot more of us who rate JM.As i have said before, when he actually has a left sided player in front of him it enables him to pass the ball instead of no other option except knock it long.

Up until Rose came in he has not had a natural left footed player in tandem with him for at least a season.

IMO he's a good Championship left back.

I'm another who thinks Jamie Mac is a solid left back. I may have missed a few away games in which he's supposedly had a 'mare, but in general I haven't been able to see what the vitriol aimed at him on this forum was all about. He's not the greatest distributor of the ball (but he's better than Bradley Orr, who's still a hero on here) and his positional play is usually very good.

I'd like us to have better cover for him than we've had recently, but I don't believe he deserves the criticism he gets on here, from anything I've seen.

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You can't alwasy get what you want. I assume Keogh has signed as cover and the fact Maynard is unlikely to play again this season (Just my thoughts).

If the Scunny lad is anything like Albert then I don't think we need a central midfielder so desperately.

Frankly I'd like a new back 4 and ship out Hunt, Stewart, and Cisse.

But we can't always have what we want.

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So why spend money on positions where we have plenty of players who can do a job there?

JCR & Rose both play on the left.

We have Maynard, Pitman, Clarkson & Stead up front, with adomah able to play up front.

yet we have only one very poor left back and not one midfielder that can knock the ball about a bit.

You do make a valid point. Clearly though Keogh was needed as we have 2 of the 4 you mention out injured. Also some have said on another thread that Rose could come inside and Woolford go out left; not, perhaps, the perfect scenario though. As for left back.. that, it seems, will rumble on now for a while.

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Millen needs to sign a left back to shore up the defence, not to keep me happy.

He has been in charge since august - he should have been looking from day one.

My worry is that millen actually rates Jamie McAllister

**** me your as thick as a whale omelette Riaz. Just go out and buy any old left back and any old midfielder because Riaz is having a panic attack. Have you been in charge of the rovers recent recruitment drive, cause they've just gone and signed any old shit just to appease brainless fans. Do you think we are the only club after a decent left back and more importantly a quality attacking midfielder is as rare as rocking horse shit.

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You can't alwasy get what you want. I assume Keogh has signed as cover and the fact Maynard is unlikely to play again this season (Just my thoughts).

If the Scunny lad is anything like Albert then I don't think we need a central midfielder so desperately.

Frankly I'd like a new back 4 and ship out Hunt, Stewart, and Cisse.

But we can't always have what we want.

Been looking through the scunny forums and seems Woolford is more skill than pace but do tend to agree in some ways if we have both wings flowing a little less pressure on the CM's though of course be nice to get a creative midfielder never know may be someone in the loan market.

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There's a lot more of us who rate JM.As i have said before, when he actually has a left sided player in front of him it enables him to pass the ball instead of no other option except knock it long.

Up until Rose came in he has not had a natural left footed player in tandem with him for at least a season.

IMO he's a good Championship left back.


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**** me your as thick as a whale omelette Riaz. Just go out and buy any old left back and any old midfielder because Riaz is having a panic attack. Have you been in charge of the rovers recent recruitment drive, cause they've just gone and signed any old shit just to appease brainless fans. Do you think we are the only club after a decent left back and more importantly a quality attacking midfielder is as rare as rocking horse shit.

Where have I said any left back? mouthy *****

Millen has had plenty of time to find a left back - and young players in the lower leagues who could step up - its just about finding them

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Where have I said any left back? mouthy *****

Millen has had plenty of time to find a left back - and young players in the lower leagues who could step up - its just about finding them

Millen has found one. The club he plays for wont sell him at the moment so he's prepared to wait till the summer to get him for free. Whats the problem?

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Millen has found one. The club he plays for wont sell him at the moment so he's prepared to wait till the summer to get him for free. Whats the problem?

Wait til the summer when we might not get him??? when we need one now?

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Wait til the summer when we might not get him??? when we need one now?

So buy one he's not so keen on just so your happy?

We dont need one now. We have Jamie Macallister and players who can fill in.

Have you not seen what happens to a squad if you buy players that arent good enough instead of holding out for the players you know are better than you have? Try bcfc.co.uk for details.

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We dont need one now. We have Jamie Macallister and players who can fill in.

Have you not seen what happens to a squad if you buy players that arent good enough instead of holding out for the players you know are better than you have? Try bcfc.co.uk for details.

Millen has had plenty of time to find a left back good enough - just making excuses for him.

And as you point out - we've only got Jamie McAllister - who has been very poor for at least 2 years - and he is injured!

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Guest MC Risk

So buy one he's not so keen on just so your happy?

We dont need one now. We have Jamie Macallister and players who can fill in.

Have you not seen what happens to a squad if you buy players that arent good enough instead of holding out for the players you know are better than you have? Try bcfc.co.uk for details.

jamie mac is fine at this level with fontaine/nyatanga as back up.....in all fairness i am happy with just keogh in this windonw a big frontman to replace stead and chip in with goals.....think we have enough to avoid relagation after which i would hope a mass clearout in the summer followed by purchases to make a statement

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**** me your as thick as a whale omelette Riaz. Just go out and buy any old left back and any old midfielder because Riaz is having a panic attack. Have you been in charge of the rovers recent recruitment drive, cause they've just gone and signed any old shit just to appease brainless fans. Do you think we are the only club after a decent left back and more importantly a quality attacking midfielder is as rare as rocking horse shit.

Do you think it might be possible for you to be slightly less of a thug?

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jamie mac is fine at this level with fontaine/nyatanga as back up.....in all fairness i am happy with just keogh in this windonw a big frontman to replace stead and chip in with goals.....think we have enough to avoid relagation after which i would hope a mass clearout in the summer followed by purchases to make a statement

I still think there will be some loan signings coming in next week when the loan window opens again, and that could end up bringing even more quality in, with the chance of signing them permanantly in the summer.

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Guest MC Risk

I still think there will be some loan signings coming in next week when the loan window opens again, and that could end up bringing even more quality in, with the chance of signing them permanantly in the summer.

yep agreed mate......loan signings are often great signings.....plenty to prove etc

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Millen has had plenty of time to find a left back good enough - just making excuses for him.

And as you point out - we've only got Jamie McAllister - who has been very poor for at least 2 years - and he is injured!

yes he has had plenty of time to find one... And he's found one. His name is Billy Jones and Millens happy to wait until the summer to try and get him rather than pay stupid money now. You might be happy to spend somebody elses money but Millen knows the value he puts on a player and isnt prepared to be ripped off.

Mcallister will be back this week and we have players who can fill in.

Macallister is fine with a decent left footed player in front of him as he will show once he's played a few games with Woolford.

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Says the person who rates jamie mcallister....

Where in any of my posts have i said i rate jm. Answer is i haven't.What i'm trying get through to you is Millen can't just wave a magic wand and get in who he wants. Other clubs with a richer history and bank balance are in for the same players. Why would players want to come to a lower championship side rather than one hovering around the play offs. Therefore we have to bide our time to get the right players in. That's why i called you thick because you fail to realise that we are a average to small club in this league.

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Considering KM was given a remit to reduce the squad generally I think he has done a good job in this transfer window, assuming Woolford signs. Keogh on loan helps shore up a threadbare forward line, Woolford can add something we have been lacking, (Supply to the strikers) and if WIlliams leaves that should help balance the books a little. Other players may not leave until the summer, but this gives a bit of lift without too much disruption.

Shame it seems we can't pick up a full back as well, but it's actually a position we can "make do and mend" in for now, we could go back to Preston when the season finishes and pick up Jones for a more sensible deal, especially if PNE go down. I think KM has shown he will not be panicked by the deadline day fever that hits some clubs.

Two good signings from what I've seen of them...admittedly one match on TV in Woolford's case. Good business. I'm impressed.

Disappointing if the left back and central midfield positions are left unfilled and continue to impact on performance...but great if Jamie Mac comes back and plays to his best.

Certainly better than I expected and I'll give KM credit for that.

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Where in any of my posts have i said i rate jm. Answer is i haven't.What i'm trying get through to you is Millen can't just wave a magic wand and get in who he wants. Other clubs with a richer history and bank balance are in for the same players. Why would players want to come to a lower championship side rather than one hovering around the play offs. Therefore we have to bide our time to get the right players in. That's why i called you thick because you fail to realise that we are a average to small club in this league.

I'm not expecting miracles - I dont expect an amazing player and I realise we're not a big draw for players... I said on here the other day that only s****horpe are smaller than us in this league - so I dont need a lecture on how unattractive we are as a club.

but I think we can afford a decent youngish player from the lower leagues at the very least.

I think most of us agree we have an unbalanced squad that needs addressing - not further imbalance.

Our number 1 priority in the summer should have been a full back and in this window also - but I dont think it has

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Two good signings from what I've seen of them...admittedly one match on TV in Woolford's case. Good business. I'm impressed.

Disappointing if the left back and central midfield positions are left unfilled and continue to impact on performance...but great if Jamie Mac comes back and plays to his best.

Certainly better than I expected and I'll give KM credit for that.


Surely it is a possibility that provided Rose returns fit at some point we'll give him a go in the middle now we've signed another wide left player in Woolford?

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I'm not expecting miracles - I dont expect an amazing player and I realise we're not a big draw for players... I said on here the other day that only s****horpe are smaller than us in this league - so I dont need a lecture on how unattractive we are as a club.

but I think we can afford a decent youngish player from the lower leagues at the very least.

I think most of us agree we have an unbalanced squad that needs addressing - not further imbalance.

Our number 1 priority in the summer should have been a full back and in this window also - but I dont think it has

I understand your points and yes we have got a very unbalanced squad but it takes time to sort these problems out. Millen has said in the past he would like to get in young hungry players with a sale on value i.e. Billy Jones. If for whatever reason he's not found the right player(s) then he is better off waiting than buying someone that won't be good enough in the long term (Akinde) anyone.

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