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Season Tickets 2011/12

View from the Dolman

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Looking like the right thing will be done for next season's prices... http://www.bcfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10327~2279295,00.html

Considering SL's backing of the manager yesterday, well done for recognising these continue to be challenging times and let's hope we can get behind the boys and really push on for the rest of this season and look forward to more Championship football.

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Reductions are great, let's hope they're as good as those offered by some other clubs. This will be the toughest year financially for a long long time.

Season tickets going on sale in February is shit though. Every year the renewal deadline seems a month earlier. We've only just got through Christmas... Do I really have to pay for a service 6 months before getting it?

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Reductions are great, let's hope they're as good as those offered by some other clubs. This will be the toughest year financially for a long long time.

Season tickets going on sale in February is shit though. Every year the renewal deadline seems a month earlier. We've only just got through Christmas... Do I really have to pay for a service 6 months before getting it?

I agree... but I suppose it's a marketing thing. Again, they want to get the money in before knowing whether or not we're going to be in this league next season. If they wait till the end of the season and we're relegated, ST sales would take a massive hit.

Personally, for the last few seasons, I have been indecisive about renewing and have renewed at the last minute. Last season, it was the Coppell that tipped me over to renew, so this season hasn't been a happy one for me, seeing as he baled out after 2 games!

Currently, for me, the outlook is gloomy and I simply cannot see Millen achieving better than keeping us in this league as a midtable team. At this point in time, I'm afraid City simply aren't high in my list of priorities and, as such, my intent on renewing is about 70/30 against.

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I didn't realise they'd been available in Feb in previous years. I can remember buying in March and thinking "Christ that's early". I wonder what the deadlines for the lowest price have been year on year?

If i can afford it i will renew along with my youngest son, i shall hopefully be adding another season ticket as i finally managed to get my oldest son to come along and strange but true he has loved it

and hates to miss out when he cant go,

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I really can't afford full price this month, no matter how big a cut there is. If I can take it in the first week or so of March it's no problem, otherwise I'll have to take options on it. It's still too early in my (shared) opinion.

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If I remember rightly, didn't they stop selling Season tickets quite early aswell - end of June time? I think this makes it even more difficult because people don't start really thinking about the new season until July time and thats when most people would look to buy.

For me, next season will be the most difficult in terms of whether I renew my ST or not. What with additional expenses involved with buying ST's and the lack of any real excitement over the last couple of years I have begun to question the motive behind it all. Obviously other factors such as job security will also influence my decision making.

Now, I like to think that I'm fairly obsessive about City (well i keep getting told I am), but if I am thinking about whether to renew or not, i'm pretty sure other people will be too.

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If I remember rightly, didn't they stop selling Season tickets quite early aswell - end of June time? I think this makes it even more difficult because people don't start really thinking about the new season until July time and thats when most people would look to buy.

For me, next season will be the most difficult in terms of whether I renew my ST or not. What with additional expenses involved with buying ST's and the lack of any real excitement over the last couple of years I have begun to question the motive behind it all. Obviously other factors such as job security will also influence my decision making.

Now, I like to think that I'm fairly obsessive about City (well i keep getting told I am), but if I am thinking about whether to renew or not, i'm pretty sure other people will be too.

We've got a couple of tickets and despite feeling more optimistic than I have for a long time after yesterday's deals we won't be renewing. We've just not got enough entertainment out of them this season. It'll be POTD for my family.

Last year we must have been amongst the first to renew...Gary was still the boss...

Hope we do well enough next season to have us wishing we'd got the ST discount!

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I really can't afford full price this month, no matter how big a cut there is. If I can take it in the first week or so of March it's no problem, otherwise I'll have to take options on it. It's still too early in my (shared) opinion.

You can pay monthly from end of feb until around Sept/Oct time thats what I do, it does work out more expensive then paying outright by about 50 quid

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I'd honestly advise anyone unsure at the moment to renew. I didn't and have hardly gone since, as the POTD prices are so unnatractive. Suddenly there's a host of things that £30 could do, on a Saturday you'd normally do nothing but go to the football.

See what your saying, but isn't that the bottom line though?

For me, it doesn't feel I'm getting much "bang for my buck" at the moment. For example, I could chose not to renew, save £500, and then POTD for 10 games that take my fancy at £300, and spend the rest of the £200 on something else - ironically I'd probably spend it on going to watch City play away more which I seem to find more enjoyable.

I suppose everyone is different and look at it in different ways.

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I think I'll wait and see what the prices are before I make judgement or commit myself. We think there will be huge discounts with this 'bold, best ever offer' so lets wiat and see how they tempt us to part with our hard earned and not so disposible cash.

'Bold' to me equals 'daring', so what are we offering that is remarkably different? I don't know what other clubs are offering, but do remember Cardiff's if we get promoted you will get free ST for the next year, I think. Now THAT is bold!

Unbeatable under 16 deals, great if you have under 16's, so it betters anything we've ever offered before? Unbeatable, by who? Other Championship clubs? Discounted family, again better discounts than before?

These offers are only great if you can use them I suppose. How many people are not part of a family or have under 16 who want to take them regularly. i appreciate they are the fans of the future etc.

I'm not being negative, just learnt there is no such thing as a free lunch.

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I really can't afford full price this month, no matter how big a cut there is. If I can take it in the first week or so of March it's no problem, otherwise I'll have to take options on it. It's still too early in my (shared) opinion.

Well, obviously one person doesn't share my opinion. Care to tell me why I'm in the wrong about being hesitant?

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I'd honestly advise anyone unsure at the moment to renew. I didn't and have hardly gone since, as the POTD prices are so unnatractive. Suddenly there's a host of things that £30 could do, on a Saturday you'd normally do nothing but go to the football.

What price would be more realistic/attractive?

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"The bold new offer will be the club's best ever since winning promotion to the Championship in 2007, including unbeatable under-16 prices, discounted family tickets and a host of other incentives.

Supporters will be able to purchase their tickets online immediately following the Leeds United home game on Saturday, February 12th. Telephone and in-person sales will start from 10am on Monday, February 14th.

Full pricing information will be released soon onbcfc.co.uk.

City chairman Steve Lansdown told the club's website: "It has been a tough, tough year economically and as a community-based club, we know that we have to do our bit to make Bristol City even more affordable for our loyal fans, and those in our region who would relish the excitement that Championship football brings"

Bloody optimistic there Steve...... Great value Championship priced season tickets......for League One!

Wonder if he'll offer a money back offer if we commit and still go down....not that would be bold

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