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I'm Sure Some Of Us Can Help..


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I've just been browsing through the Liverpool Forums purely out of interest to see what the general reaction to yesterday's activity has been and stumbled across some interesting links on the thread titled "So what are you gonna do with your Torres Shirt?!"

There was the predictable "Burn it", "Give it to my dog" reactions but there were also some more level headed responses including several suggestions to "send them to Africa".

Now I for one know that i have in excess of 50 football shirts - City, England et al - but rarely wear anything other than the "current" Jerseys, of course I have my vintage favourite's which I will treasure for ever but that still leaves a huge number of what are frankly plain, boring and somewhat meaningless shirts stuffed in the back of my wardrobe.

In light of the thread thats cropped up on here today regarding the "new jersey's every season" I thought id post this & the links as i'm sure many of us are in the same situation, left with jerseys bought for the sake of it in the £5 offers and the end of each season.

In my mind at least this seems an infinately better idea than letting the dust collect on polyester shirts that bring little or no memories (and don't look that great either!) when i'm sure they would be hugely appreciated by some of the less fortunate on our planet!

Anyway here are the Links!




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