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We Should Feel Sorry For Millen


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There has been one consistant at this club in its decline over the last year and a half and thats millen

He's a yes man not a manager he couldn't manage to dinish his breakfast and should resign before its to late,

He's had a hand in every player thats started for this club in the 10 years

Tactics are poor the team lacks leadership and that can only come from Millen he's not providing it,

He needs to go Alan Walsh needs to go David Lee needs to go we need to bring new people in from outside the club with fresh ideas the place has run out of idea's

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Ever thought that we had better side out at Swansea? Stead etc.

Perhaps I should say Swansea are shit, if that satisfies you! Anyway,I'm off to bed, got to be up at 5. To late for this in depth Paxman grilling ;)

haha! Nice one! You really sounded tired with that reply; 'stead etc' - city had a better team out the day we won at the liberty compared to last night because of 'stead etc' ?!!! That's a cracker!!! Oh boy, give it up man, talk of the blind leading the blind!!

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Im not going to feel to sorry for Millen, To stand at the dug out with your arms crossed during the first 45 minutes when you can see its not working and the shape of the team is all wrong says to me that he doesnt know how to change it!

Johnson and Elliott are being rightly slated but Swansea had three in the middle most of the time which meant the two of them were chasing shadows or marking empty space, Millen could see that but did nothing to change it.

Also something else I noticed that annoyed the life out of me was when Swansea took Luke Moore (I think it was him) off towards the end of the second half, Fontaine shook his hand!!! Im sorry but what a nice bunch of lads we have playing for us, is that really the attitude of a player who wants to win at all costs? Shake hands at the final whistle by all means but not during the bloody game when someone has made you look cluless......Rant over.....

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Millens the gaffer he takes the flack, simple as that, exactly as GJ found out last year.

No doubt Keith will trawl out the same old phrase, "We have a lot of hard work to do on the training ground"

After last nights performace I suggest its not hard work thats required, its the simple aspects of the game

that seem to the problem. How about using his so say respected coaching methods to teach the players how

to control a ball and pass it to a palyer in the same coloured shirt. How about teaching the players that

tight marking is essential against a team such as Swansea if you are going to have half a chance of winning.

How about teaching the players that, just by a simple sideways move you make yourself available to receive

the ball. Stop making excuses, we are seeing our club turning out dire performances week in week out.

I want Keith to succeed, I was happy that Keith was appointed, but unfortunatley the reward for clueless

performances by manager and player alike is relegation. Will you still feel sorry for Keith then.

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I would say this though, Millen has brought in 6 players and spent over a million quid. Fact is thats peanuts in todays market. You don't get class players at an average of 250k each.

no idea without seeing what other clubs in this division are spending. hard to know as so many are undisclosed but I'd guess we've spent for than most.

remember the million and a half estimate includes 3 loans so its not 250k each.

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