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Millen Responds To Critism.


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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

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I think he'd do well not to go antagonising people especially on current form.

Gary Johnson's era showed how much better City fans are at giving it than taking it (although against Leeds people seemed pretty chilled, on here is where it's gone apeshit)

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I don't mind him dropping albert not got an issue with that,

I'd like to know why we have to wait to go 1 or 2 goals down before he bothers to change a formation that clearly isn't working,

Thats the frustrating thing not dropping a good player who's on a poor run of form

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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

City weren't fantastic in that game against Preston. We were getting battered in the first half and were lucky to survive. It doesn't make him a 'Genius' to change things at half time. Every normal manager would have done the same thing. Preston had to come at us second half, it's win or bust for them. We took our chances from the space they left in going forward.

As for the Leeds game, we created more opportunities in the last 15 mins to score, after Albert came on. At 2-0 down it was too late. Before then, we didn't 'create' anything. Just hopeful long balls up the channels.

What it does show, is that Albert is our most effective and creative player. Without him we have nothing. The reason he has been less effective of late, is because our opponants have done their homework and know this, and often put 2-3 players around him. He's often running into a wall of players with no outlet.

The reason we didn't score against Leeds, is because we never break teams down quick enough. More often than not, the opponants have had time to get everyone back and defend for their lives, by putting bodies in the way. We created no clear cut chances against Leeds. The ball landed in a crowded 18 yard box each time. It was hit and hope whilst under pressure. Nothing clynical or clear cut.

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We are fighting a relegation battle and the club is going backwards? We continue to be baffled by inept tactics and the entertainment value is really poor and this is pushing both respect for KM and fans away?

Sadly, KM was a gamble and the "cheap option" and as with most things in life, you get what you pay for!?

I've supported KM since the start but I have to say that in my opinion we have gone backwards in his short reign and I believe supporters of his are very much in a small minority now?

I'll be renewing my ST as I have done for many years but in the hope that we just manage to stay up and that KM is replaced by an experienced manager early in the closed season to allow time to build our fractured club?

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I think he'd do well not to go antagonising people especially on current form.

Gary Johnson's era showed how much better City fans are at giving it than taking it (although against Leeds people seemed pretty chilled, on here is where it's gone apeshit)

So people on this forum have the right to write as much crap as they want about Millen but he is not allowed the right to reply, is that what you are saying?

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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

he is right.

At Preston he reacted to the game situation - 1 nil up against a strugling side who had to make 3 changes to their back 4 at half time so he exploited the space as they pushed for a goal and we caught them on the break. That was well thought out management.

Against Leeds we were 1 down at half time against a confident side and soon went 2 down just after the break. They could afford to sit off and defend the lead and allow us to have the ball. It took Millen over an hour to react and it didnt give us enough time to get the goals needed. We had good chances though and on another day we may of got something out of it.

different teams and situations demand different approaches. In 1 game he got it right in the other he got it wrong. We all know that and he's basically agreeing.

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I'll support him as he is the manager, like I would support any manager of our club. But if I did have the chance I would say this to him;

People have been saying for weeks that Albert has looked tired and jaded. I think most people would have expected him to have been used more sparingly so I don't think Millen has to justify that.

And taking the last 2 home games, early on in the games many fans felt we were set up wrongly against both teams and wanted changes made earlier than they were. It was obvious we were struggling but we seem to have to wait until half way through the 2nd half or until we are 2 goals down to make the changes (injuries aside). We aren't a side that comes back from a goal down at the moment, never mind 2 or 3. He is giving an unconfident side a mountain to climb and it's not easy to watch.

I can take losing, but to give in without any pride, passion or fight isn't the Bristol city I have known and loved over the years. Swansea were worthy winners, but Leeds weren't 2 goals better than us, or at least they shouldn't have been.

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Guest Fireman Sam

With all that has gone on this season, I have no confidence in next season with him

I think we have good players but they need to be played in the positions they are known to

IE AA on the right wing

MW on the left side / wing

BP Striker (Not left wing)

NM Striker (He knows if he is fit, and he says he is. It may take a few weeks to get used to the team, but let him start NOW)

IMO I would like to see LJ back in the side with Marvin.

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Guest bcfc_Jamie

I think he was right not to change things at half time on Saturday. We were only one goal down and still in with a shout making half chance oppertunities.

Leeds scored their second 5 minutes into the second half, how anyone can blame KM for not changing it at half time is stupid.

Yes Albert came on and did ok, but I really wasn't impressed with his deliveries, did any actually end up with goal scoring opperutnities? Can't think of any...

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I think he'd do well not to go antagonising people especially on current form.

Gary Johnson's era showed how much better City fans are at giving it than taking it (although against Leeds people seemed pretty chilled, on here is where it's gone apeshit)

I really am amazed how tolerent city fans have been at Ashton Gate under Millens tenure,I have to say even though it went wrong under GJ,it seems far worse under Millen.

It really is a case of going through the motions at present on the field for the players,and for us fans sitting through the game.

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So people on this forum have the right to write as much crap as they want about Millen but he is not allowed the right to reply, is that what you are saying?

No, what I'm saying is it might be wise to keep people onside by not stirring things up; unlike the example set by the little rascal at the top of the thread ;)

Explaining systems, formations and selections is different as it's what people want to know.

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I can take losing, but to give in without any pride, passion or fight isn't the Bristol city I have known and loved over the years.

Sadly, aside from one or two good seasons it pretty much is the Bristol City I have known over the past 15-20 years.

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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

Not really though is he, the ones who are critical of him has hardly labelled him a "genius". So no......he is wrong

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I think he was right not to change things at half time on Saturday. We were only one goal down and still in with a shout making half chance oppertunities.

Leeds scored their second 5 minutes into the second half, how anyone can blame KM for not changing it at half time is stupid.

Yes Albert came on and did ok, but I really wasn't impressed with his deliveries, did any actually end up with goal scoring opperutnities? Can't think of any...

We created nothing first half and you could have played 100 minutes time added on and we still wouldnt have created anything. When he changed it after an hour and we got the ball wider, we certainly looked like scoring a lot more then, then we did the first hour.

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Sadly, aside from one or two good seasons it pretty much is the Bristol City I have known over the past 15-20 years.

Maybe that's it. I think I must have started attending regularly 10 years earlier than you, when we were bottom of the 4th. The only way was up and the team were a bunch of 'nothings', but it felt as we were in it together. Maybe it all went wrong when we started spending money, Sky tv (but thats another arguement) and dreaming of the Premiership.

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So people on this forum have the right to write as much crap as they want about Millen but he is not allowed the right to reply, is that what you are saying?

he can reply all he wants. Talk is cheap. On the ptich is where it matters......and this season, under Millen, we continue to go backwards.

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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

In our position surely we should play our best 11? We don't have the luxury of strength in depth.

We are in a relegation dog fight, and to be resting players is ridiculous in our current plight. Why not rest them during the week? It's not as if they work 8am -5.30pm 5 days a week. Yes, he may be tired, but he is a must in our current predicament.

I'm sure the troops in Afghanistan are tired as well, but their bosses wont send the Nurses out in their place for a day..

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

Maybe so. But they are profesionals. This is what they do. Michael Owen playing in a world cup at 18??

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

Maybe he hasn't, but again. Surely you start with your best 11? And not start with players "filling in" out of position. Adomah should've started which would've kept their full back from attacking down our flank? Surely then after an hour, or even half time....bring on Sproule....Right footed winger. Fast (and yes frustrating) but their fullback still wouldn't be able to cross half way?

Round pegs in round holes.........

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time.

Don't think I've ever heard or read anyone calling Millen a genius! although I know Robbored adores him, or for that matter did I hear anyone call us fantastic. In truth, PNE had to go all out for the win because they are 10 points from safety, so they were always going to leave gaps at the back. Leeds on the other hand didn't need to go "gung ho" at us. They would've probably settled for a point, but we gifted them two goals and allowed them to pitch their camp in our half. A totally different scenario to that at Deepdale the previous week.

Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

People have been concerned, and our position and performances this season would suggest that the people are right.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

Mmm. Not sure about this. If I recall, we didn't create anything in the first half, and second half had a five minute spell with two corners where we hit the bar, and their keeper made an outstanding save, and that save apart, I don't think he was troubled all afternoon, and Leeds (who I thought were no more than workmanlike/ordinary) won at a canter.

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

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"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

I didnt hear anyone call him a genius. We took a battering in the first half despite being one up so he changed it. Albert was having a bad game and so he came off - nothing genius about that.

I have said before and will say it again that while I wouldnt have appointed Millen after Coppell, now that he's in the job he has to be given a chance to learn from his mistakes.

I stand by that but to defend some of the strange selections and substitutions this season is way off. Thats just opinion of course and I dont pretend to be a football manager.

However, when he signed Keogh and Woolford I thought it was a smart move, on the assumption that in the absence of Stead, Keogh would provide Pitman with the presence he needs to be an effective finisher, and Woolford would give us the balance down the left which Albert gives us down the right. To then drop this seasons most dangerous player and play a left footed player in his place on the right, and Pitman in a withdrawn/wide position, doesnt sound like master plan tactics to me.

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Just like to state again,

I've not got a problem with Albert being dropped I've also not got a problem with the formation we started with as it worked against preston,

I've got a problem with not changing the formation halfway through the first half when its clear its not working as a manager he HAS to be able to see this,

For all Johnsons faults and as you are aware I was and am a big fan of his,

He wouldn't leave it that long to change somthing that isn't working he use to switch players like dropping haynes in to midfield etc,

Millen could of switched woolford and pitman and see if that worked or he could of pushed brett up front and move Clarkson on the right wing to see if that worked,

He didn't and it takes us going a goal or two down for him to see its not working, thats just poor tactics and poor management in my book

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From todays EP,

Millen said: "Albert has had a fantastic season and, because he has done so well, I've tended to play him every week. I think that has finally caught up with him and that's why I took him off at half time at Preston the other week.

"It's tough for a young lad in his first season in the Championship and you cannot expect him to turn it on in every game.

"He has not been quite as effective in recent games and, sometimes, you have to get them to take a step back for their own good.

"I thought it was right to bring him off at Preston and nobody said anything when we won 4-0. Everybody said we were fantastic in that game and that I was a genius for changing things at half time. Now that we've lost to Leeds, people will be saying I don't know what I'm doing.

"What those people have to remember is that we created more chances against Leeds than we did against Preston. We scored four up there, but couldn't manage any at home."

I particularly like the fourth paragraph, he's exactly right.

Well thanks for that Alister Campbell, nice bit of spin. I have seen little or no complaint about the team selection for the Leeds game, all of the complaints have been about the fact it took him 62 minutes to make a change and by then and not for the first time this season the game was already lost. Perhaps he should address the real issue of the Leeds match which was his slow reaction to what happening on the pitch and not bleat about something that I have seen little or no actual complaint about.

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However, when he signed Keogh and Woolford I thought it was a smart move, on the assumption that in the absence of Stead, Keogh would provide Pitman with the presence he needs to be an effective finisher, and Woolford would give us the balance down the left which Albert gives us down the right. To then drop this seasons most dangerous player and play a left footed player in his place on the right, and Pitman in a withdrawn/wide position, doesnt sound like master plan tactics to me.

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Erm, factually incorrect.

Off the top of my head, without watching the highlights yet, Woolford should have scored a header from less that ten yards and Marvin missed the target from even closer in the first half.

Those two chances were about as easy as a professional footballer can hope for... So let's not make things up andy :)

haha, if you say so. Either way, we were sh*t for the first hour, and created very little. Two half chances.....hardly much to write home about.

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Oh dear. Lets get one thing straight no thinks You are genius Keith.

Bit of advice start winning games and playing well and get the team to create and score more goals instead of ranting on.

In other words let the team do the talking.

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Sounds to me as if Keith is begining to feel the heat. Pehaps another example

of why Keith should choose his words more carefully. The real issue is, four straight

losses at home, 11 goals against, sweet FA for. Talk about that and how you are going to

turn it around, rather than your perseved genius.

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Millen can say what he likes, but the fact is 4 straight home defeats, shipping 11 goals and scoring none is just not acceptable.

Does anyone know thae last time we had such a poor run of home form?

No, but the first 5 home games of this season weren't far off, although at least there was a goal feast mixed in with the 3-3 draw with Barnsley.

Millwall 0-3

Barnsley 3-3

Watford 0-2

Coventry 1-2

Norwich 0-3

Apart from the Barnsley draw then, 4 losses, 1 goal for, 10 against.

Next home game of course was the 1-0 win against Reading when we were bottom of the league.

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Guest Fireman Sam

I think he was right not to change things at half time on Saturday. We were only one goal down and still in with a shout making half chance oppertunities.

Leeds scored their second 5 minutes into the second half, how anyone can blame KM for not changing it at half time is stupid.

Yes Albert came on and did ok, but I really wasn't impressed with his deliveries, did any actually end up with goal scoring opperutnities? Can't think of any...

Everybody in the crowd around me kept saying "This is not working, he needs to change it now!"

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, all of the complaints have been about the fact it took him 62 minutes to make a change and by then and not for the first time this season the game was already lost.

Millen didnt change it for us to get back in the game though. He made a change because Carey went off injured. He had to make a change

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Sounds to me as if Keith is begining to feel the heat. Pehaps another example

of why Keith should choose his words more carefully. The real issue is, four straight

losses at home, 11 goals against, sweet FA for. Talk about that and how you are going to

turn it around, rather than your perseved genius.

Absolutely but in fairness to him i can fully understand and because he is under such intense scrutiny he uses a little sarcasm in his comments to try and deflect the heat and/or out of pure frustration.

He has, to his credit, maintained a decent level of decorum until now so I am not going to lambast him for off the cuff remarks even if they were perhaps not the right words to use and will ultimately be used to criticize him even more. You gotta feel for him in one respect.

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whatever way you wanna look at it, this teams results currently are every bit as bad as GJ's, we know the reason why he went.

KM is like Tinnion, one it goes Pete Tong, he is like a rabbit caught in car headlights..............stares and does nowt. I dont think he can get this team working, and his coaching and fitness levels are not good enough.

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