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Rooneys Overhead Goal


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So not only is Nicky a better footballer than Wayne Rooney, he's not as fat and not as ugly :innocent06:

In all fairness, they're both pretty awesome goals; Maynards was more inventive, Rooney's more instinctive. I'd be willing to be that both players (as good as they are) wouldn't score the same goal again if they tried 100 times

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Any footballer worth his salt will score a goal like Rooney's if they keep trying throughout there career.

Personally I thought his goal against Newcastle a few seasons ago was better.

Maynard had a lot more work to do and was the harder to execute, if it had been filmed by 17 camera angles like Rooney's it would of looked even better.

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While Rooney's goal was technically superb it was a one touch movement and he had less opposition around him.

Nicky's goal was three touches, he had to make two clockwork like swivel movements while on one tiptoed foot and completely airborne, had two or more players closing on him and had to get the ball on target, heading away from the goal keeper and powerful enough to hit the back of the net.

To compare the quality of these two goals is to open for debate the comparable reliabilities of a Morris Marina and a Honda Civic.

I don't think Maynard's goal, for pure class, athleticism and perfection will be beaten for many years and we will probably still be talking about it well beyond the housing estate off Ashton Vale has been long demolished for a larger stadium.

Rooney's? that will be forgotten as soon as he hangs up his boots.

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Rooney 'shinned' it....but it was pretty spectacular!

.....................but not as spectacular as Trevor Sinclair's edge of the penalty are overhead kick for QPR in the late '90's- that was an absloute belter.

Sorry Im not computer literate enough to post a link to the utube video.

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Must of seen hundreds of better goals than Looneys down the years and NM's was a lot better.Looney was totally unmarked NM had a lot more to do,and what difference does it make if was in the prem or championship,none.

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When they were banging on about Rooneys goal on the sunday on Talk Sport,, they asked for other great goals so i texed in saying about Nickys goal, it wasnt even included yet they had goals mentioned from years ago in the old 1st division, now prem.

Annoyed me a bit as they cant see further than the premier on that programme.

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Maynard's. No contest.

Rooney's was a cracker, but you better get used to watching it as it will be shown at least twice as often as it would if Carlos Tevez had scored it in the same match.

If Maynard had scored it, it wouldn't be seen again.

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U15's? nice try but sorry, epic fail & a WUM that i shouldnt really be replying to as in many ways it doesnt warrant one. (doh)

To be fair, Tansley has a point it's different scoring a goal in a sunday league match to scoring a goal in the Premier League against your local rivals of similar qualities in the last 5 mins of a game which could potentially have decided who will win the prem.

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Not trying to sound big headed but ive scored about 5 over head kicks this season! some poeple make out that its the hardest thing to do in the word, well let me tell you, its not!! Both goals are great but Maynard get the vote for me as it wasnt just a over head kick, he showed amazing skill in the build up to the over head kick that wins him my vote.

Perhaps the other 4 were scored by your faulty computer. :)

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