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What Can We Change To Get A Win?


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Realistically we only have two choices

Get in a special midfield player or change the manager.

We've got players in attack and defence that match any other club, so Steves choice is clear?


Anyone who was at leicester will see that with the players and manager we have that if we play like that for the rest of the season we will be safe without a problem

Still, the people demanding millen out were probably celebrating Leicesters winner as they were pushing "post" for yet another pointless millen out thread

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Anyone who was at leicester will see that with the players and manager we have that if we play like that for the rest of the season we will be safe without a problem

Still, the people demanding millen out were probably celebrating Leicesters winner as they were pushing "post" for yet another pointless millen out thread

An alternative view might be that while we played very well v Leicester in the 2nd half we didn't take our chances when they came and got punished. Hence, like v Leicester we won't be winning many games if we can't take our chances when they come. Playing well and losing is arguably more worrying than if we had been crap attacking wise, soaked up a load of pressure then got a scrappy winner.

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Play well and lose - "it doesn't matter, we're not getting the points - we'll go down. Millen OUT"

Play poorly and win - "we've been lucky, this is lousy entertainment, our luck will run out and we'll go down. Millen OUT"

For some, either result wouldn't matter.....the last two words would be the same. And yes, I can appreciate that it could be said the same in reverse, for those people as well the bias is equally daft to see.

I'm in the worried but hopeful camp, as I think that at least three of the teams below us will stay there - but I'm trying not to always post doom, or always post happy clap-trap. Because either version is equally unrealistic.

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Anyone who was at leicester will see that with the players and manager we have that if we play like that for the rest of the season we will be safe without a problem

Still, the people demanding millen out were probably celebrating Leicesters winner as they were pushing "post" for yet another pointless millen out thread

If we keep playing the way we have, we will be down. Where as second half against Leicester we may have improved, we once again show a soft under belly and go on to lose. You assumption of us being safe "without a problem"....is laughable.

It really annoys me when people like you put something like "the people demanding Millen out were probally celebrating Leicesters winner....", this is utter garbage. I personally cant wait for Millen to leave, but I was still gutted when we conceded that ;ate goal. You think certain people on here have a personal agenda against Millen....ala Robbored vs Johnson, but far from it. I would love to be proved wrong, I would love to come on here and say "Gumble, you know what, I was wrong.....", but i just cant see it happening.

Still....the people who seem to have this odd love affair with Millie will no doubt be celebrating Bristol Citys winner tomorrow night as they are pushing "post" for yet another pointless "where are all the moaners now...." thread

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If we keep playing the way we have, we will be down. Where as second half against Leicester we may have improved, we once again show a soft under belly and go on to lose. You assumption of us being safe "without a problem"....is laughable.

It really annoys me when people like you put something like "the people demanding Millen out were probally celebrating Leicesters winner....", this is utter garbage. I personally cant wait for Millen to leave, but I was still gutted when we conceded that ;ate goal. You think certain people on here have a personal agenda against Millen....ala Robbored vs Johnson, but far from it. I would love to be proved wrong, I would love to come on here and say "Gumble, you know what, I was wrong.....", but i just cant see it happening.

Still....the people who seem to have this odd love affair with Millie will no doubt be celebrating Bristol Citys winner tomorrow night as they are pushing "post" for yet another pointless "where are all the moaners now...." thread

Spot on

If we play like that we will go down as we will not pick up points required,

We need 3 points and if that means long ball football between now and may so be it,

Performance are not important results are

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Spot on

If we play like that we will go down as we will not pick up points required,

We need 3 points and if that means long ball football between now and may so be it,

Performance are not important results are

Crap! we have been playing hoof football most of the season.

now that we have not got a fit target man makes it worse.

second half at Leicester we could have got 3 points by moving the ball around we looked better.

Millen gives teams too much respect, he should be playing to our strengths not theirs.

Try playing football 90 minutes and results will come.

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Crap! we have been playing hoof football most of the season.

now that we have not got a fit target man makes it worse.

second half at Leicester we could have got 3 points by moving the ball around we looked better.

Millen gives teams too much respect, he should be playing to our strengths not theirs.

Try playing football 90 minutes and results will come.

not according to one or two on this forum........

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Spot on

If we play like that we will go down as we will not pick up points required,

We need 3 points and if that means long ball football between now and may so be it,

Performance are not important results are

Performance AND points are both important.

If performances don't improve but we just about manage to scrape together the points to survive then what hope is there for real improvement under KM next season?dunno.gif

How KM copes with the pressure of the run in and how his Bristol City team perform for him from here on in will tell us everything we need to know about whether he's worth persevering with, or not.

I'm looking for inspirational management and a thoroughly motivated team giving everything they've got for the manager, the club and us fans.

Surviving by default simply due to 3 other teams being even worse than us will hardly be an indication of a rookie manager who has proved he is worth persisting with.

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I've been largely undecided about Millen for the majority of the season, I was always willing to give the man a chance and would have expected us to have been slighly higher up the table ever since that win at Swansea which was seen by most as a turning point. People are saying 'Millen can't win either way' even if we beat or draw against a team. Well, in many ways, this is true, but with good reason. We have to be honest and critical of the way we are playing. 4-0 to bottom of the table Preston, the 2-2 at QPR...good results on paper but cleary not reflective of the core method in which we play. The best I've seen City this season was against Derby and Cardiff at home, and it's been a mystery to me why we are so inconsistent! When our backs are against the wall, or when the Sky cameras are there,we seem to perform better. Is there a psychlogical issue with the team? I.e Do they not believe they are good enough? Or, more worringly, are the players fundamentally NOT good enough? Or does the blame lie with the coaching staff? Maybe it's all three. If so, it will take more than a change here or there to keep us up and have us winning games. We could have Rooney up front and still not win games. We could have Wenger as manager and still not win games. For me, the entire club needs a good re-shuffling, re-structuring and re-branding. In the sense of re-branding, I mean instilling the belief and concept into the players and staff that Bristol City FC are a progressive club on the up, with a strong spirit, sound financial backing and community ethos. It may all sound like mumbo jumbo, but I think these players need to be proud to wear these shirts, even if they aren't from Bristol or we don't have an illustrious history. The whole of Bristol and Bristol City FC could be energised with this movement, and hopefully take us to where the club ought to be.

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Anyone who was at leicester will see that with the players and manager we have that if we play like that for the rest of the season we will be safe without a problem

Still, the people demanding millen out were probably celebrating Leicesters winner as they were pushing "post" for yet another pointless millen out thread

Look I admire your positivity, I really do, but why should 3 improved 2nd half performances (because basically that's what we are talking about) and those 3 games only netted us 3 points so how can this be seen as though we can replicate those 3 2nd half performances for the rest of this season, apart from one 6 match run, there has been no consistency at all this season results wise or performance wise, After a wonder performance against Cardiff and a gutsy performance against QPR, we have been woeful and are only still in our slightly better than the bottom 4 position is because those 4 teams are at the moment far worse than we are.

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I've been largely undecided about Millen for the majority of the season, I was always willing to give the man a chance and would have expected us to have been slighly higher up the table ever since that win at Swansea which was seen by most as a turning point. People are saying 'Millen can't win either way' even if we beat or draw against a team. Well, in many ways, this is true, but with good reason. We have to be honest and critical of the way we are playing. 4-0 to bottom of the table Preston, the 2-2 at QPR...good results on paper but cleary not reflective of the core method in which we play. The best I've seen City this season was against Derby and Cardiff at home, and it's been a mystery to me why we are so inconsistent! When our backs are against the wall, or when the Sky cameras are there,we seem to perform better. Is there a psychlogical issue with the team? I.e Do they not believe they are good enough? Or, more worringly, are the players fundamentally NOT good enough? Or does the blame lie with the coaching staff? Maybe it's all three. If so, it will take more than a change here or there to keep us up and have us winning games. We could have Rooney up front and still not win games. We could have Wenger as manager and still not win games. For me, the entire club needs a good re-shuffling, re-structuring and re-branding. In the sense of re-branding, I mean instilling the belief and concept into the players and staff that Bristol City FC are a progressive club on the up, with a strong spirit, sound financial backing and community ethos. It may all sound like mumbo jumbo, but I think these players need to be proud to wear these shirts, even if they aren't from Bristol or we don't have an illustrious history. The whole of Bristol and Bristol City FC could be energised with this movement, and hopefully take us to where the club ought to be.

Not that i am hugely experienced in the art of football tactics or anything but many would say one, perhaps of many, reasons we have been inconsistent this season is pretty plain for all to see; switching teams around and putting players in positions they are not familiar with one week and not the next.

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You depress me ! But for some reason I'm supposed to respect the fact that you depress me !

I hope my positivity depresses you , at least will be even !

You certainly do not have to respect me for causing that sir.

It will take a lot more than your positivity to depress me; I am purely being realistic.

I reckon we'll end up amongst the potential relegation fodder; i doubt we'll get to 52 points as SL would like but I think we will survive.

Then it will be up to SL to decide if he wants to sell a bundle more season tickets or stick with his coaching staff for another season of probable mediocrity.

I hope you are still as positive though.

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Putting players in the correct positions and like Marmite said, keeping the ball on the ground with simple passes and sticking to the basics would be a good start.

Following on from this, does anyone know what our game plan is. We always seem to worry to much about the opposition than our own game which is why when we get the ball, there is little or no movement to build an attack. It usually goes square or backwards until someone decides to hoof it hopefully upfield which ends with us losing possession again. Why oh why cant we try the give and go game, on the ground, with players looking for space. We have the squad to play this way but at the moment, there is no movement off the ball. Or am I expecting too much from our current players?

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I'm trying not to always post doom, or always post happy clap-trap. Because either version is equally unrealistic.

As a rule yes, of course you are right. However those people who simply do one or the other become synonymous with that approach and, when they choose to air their thoughts, find themselves not taken incredibly seriously due to their previous lack of balance.

Im certainly not a Millen 'hater', or 'anti-Millen', or even a 'Millen OUT!' type, but the unfortunate reality, with a balanced outlook, is that there is currently incredibly little to be upbeat about. Therefore those who repeatedly post 'doom and gloom' are, if a tad frustrating, a hell of a lot more in touch with the situation than those who scrape and scramble for largely absent positives. Which is why you frequently encounter excuses (poor squad, Johnson, injuries, Coppell etc), virtually all of which have no genuine founding, when faced with the 'pro Millen' camp.

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Sometimes changing things isn't the right thing to do. Johnson's awful run shortly after taking over ended after he had settled on a way of playing and kept to it for a few games before we won one and then we went on a pretty decent run of form.

Keep the side the same and remind them what they did well in the last game, what they can improve on and what they are up against in a particular game. I suspect this runs against what most on here think, but reality is any team needs stability to thrive and following a good performance, any changes should be enforced.

Gut feeling that Maynard will score tomorrow off the bench.

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Sometimes changing things isn't the right thing to do. Johnson's awful run shortly after taking over ended after he had settled on a way of playing and kept to it for a few games before we won one and then we went on a pretty decent run of form.

Keep the side the same and remind them what they did well in the last game, what they can improve on and what they are up against in a particular game. I suspect this runs against what most on here think, but reality is any team needs stability to thrive and following a good performance, any changes should be enforced.

Gut feeling that Maynard will score tomorrow off the bench.

Exactly something Millen has rarely done in consecutive games this season, you need to settle on a system that as a coach you believe works for the set of players you have at your disposal and be brave enough to perfect it.

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Exactly something Millen has rarely done in consecutive games this season, you need to settle on a system that as a coach you believe works for the set of players you have at your disposal and be brave enough to perfect it.

Thats not completely Millens fault This has been the worst season for injurys I've known

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We aint no great footbaling side. All our best results have come from playing at

a high tempo, it seems to knock the better oposition teams off their stride. If we continue to

flaf around trying to play square and create the opening we inevitably give the ball away

and screw up. Tempo,Tempo and more Tempo should get us the 4-5 wins we need to stay up.

Then hopefully build a better squad in the summer.

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Thats not completely Millens fault This has been the worst season for injurys I've known

Yes we have had an awful lot of injuries, but he has'nt helped his cause by tinkering/changing tactics/set up's and playing players out of position, I still don't really know what set up he favours and I suspect he dosen't either.

On the question of injuries, I think during the summer serious questions need to asked about the viability Ribiero and Wilson.

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What can we change?

To start with the players believing they can win.

They need to be motivated and as others have said impose their game and their desire to win over their opponents.

I'll start with a new pair of lucky pants tonight and see if that helps

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The whole argument that if we play like we did 2nd half against Leicester we'll be safe excludes 2 things, the crap 1st half against Leicester, and that the tables dont lie......

We aint consistent over 90 minutes, we are not clinical when we're on top, and we almost ALWAYS leak goals, combine the three and you see the crux of our current plight. Blame Millen, Blame the players, blame god almighty if ya want, it dont change a ******* thing. We are in the shit, but unlike PNE we can still save our asses

regardless of your personal feelings on Millen, the above points have, and are defining and will determine our fate.

At the moment they are good enough to keep us up. any more tankings, will change that, and we have to win most our games to survive, and it would be damn good idea to do that as soon as possible, rather than wait to the last half dozen games, when promotion/prayoffs and relegation issues will severely complicate things

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