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The Official Thank You Steve L Thread


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Guest Fireman Sam

Legend. Not a lot else to say. Done so much for this club and this city and will continue to do so. Arise Sir Steve

Now say you feel sorry for the situation of the GASH

Read their site :disapointed2se:

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Steve Lansdown has done a great deal for this football club and I'm sure will continue to do so in the future even if less directly (as he says he will continue his financial support). We've gone up a division, become established in the second tier, we have an exciting stadium project that has really one final hurdle to clear, and that has been done at great personal financial cost and perhaps more importantly time and effort invested. Thanks Steve for everything you've done.

I think this was inevitable at some point and I'm not shocked by it. Steve reduced his involvement in HL as well a few years ago and has done this in stages leading towards a more relaxed and enjoyable retirement. I'm pleased to see the transition is being handled smoothly. In the past this kind of thing has been a complete mess and it's a good example of how the club has improved under Steve's stewardship.

I like the look of the new board, Ernie is somebody who will keep the directors well grounded and close to the fans and Jon is a passionate fan who is also the landowner for the new stadium site. Colin has proved himself very capable and Guy seems very well thought of. I don't have any knowledge of the new finance director but I think Steve's judgement in that area can be well trusted. We look like we have a good balance leading the club now, a few different opinions but not so disparate as to cause any strife and no fragmentation of ownership which can lead to boardroom battles.

Things are looking very bright for our future, so once again thanks Steve Lansdown and best wishes. Good luck to all of our new board members, you have a hard act to follow but you will have the support of all the fans in doing so and I'm sure you'll succeed.


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I would also like to say a big thank you for everything Steve has done at our club. I would also like to say that the promotion of Colin and introduction of new (and younger) blood onto the board is also a positive step forward, and of course like to welcome Lansdown junior :sub: to his board appointment.

Cheers and thanks for the past, and cheers for a bright future :clap:

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Steve, thanks for your commitment and drive to take Bristol City Football Club to where it is today. For many years to come fans will talk about what you have done for our club. Your inspiration and determination has been a catalyst for the club.

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Steve - if you ever find the time to read this can I thank you for turning BCFC around - into a club that makes me feel so proud.

BCFC fans can hold their heads high right across the country. The achievements of the board, staff and players since your tenure began have been nothing short of fantastic.

Most of us already know how lucky we have been, and will be, to have you involved in our club. To think that on top of everything else we may soon be moving into a new Stadium is incredible.

I, for one, think you have every right to stake your claim at the new ground. At the very least you deserve to name the main stand after your good self.

Enjoy Guernsey. In Colin we are in good hands clapping.gif

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Guest The_Boy

Thankyou Steve! The stability and success you have brought to the club can now be used as a springboard to establish City as a future prem side (and perhaps repay some of your investment).

Hope you find time to pop back from Guernsey for some of the games :)

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I reckon this is going to be a very long thread, and so it should be.

Steve - you have been absolutely massive for us. Your love of football and this club in particular is obvious for all to see.

Your vision for our club has been to take us to a higher place and we could not not have done it without your very significant (and ongoing) financial support.

I can't claim to know you, but I think you are a modest man and you would probably hate the idea of one of the stands at the new stadium being named after you, but why not ? In fact, given the huge effort you have put into the project there is a strong case for naming the whole stadium after you.

Thanks a million - well actually several tens of millions I believe !

Enjoy your retirement. You will always be a legend at BCFC and I hope you can make it to most home games next season.

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Steve - if you ever find the time to read this can I thank you for turning BCFC around - into a club that makes me feel so proud.

BCFC fans can hold their heads high right across the country. The achievements of the board, staff and players since your tenure began have been nothing short of fantastic.

Most of us already know how lucky we have been, and will be, to have you involved in our club. To think that on top of everything else we may soon be moving into a new Stadium is incredible.

I, for one, think you have every right to stake your claim at the new ground. At the very least you deserve to name the main stand after your good self.

Enjoy Guernsey. In Colin we are in good hands clapping.gif

Completely agree with everything Cotswold said here

Steve - thank you so much, time to enjoy the fruits of your hard work now, you deserve it!

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It's a rare thing in football for a football chairman to be universally respected and liked by the fans of the club, but Steve's achieved this and more.

A true credit to the game and to football.

Time to put your feet up!

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Its true then :crying:

What can you say about the man? Nibor has it bang on. Never known a chaiman in football so universially supported as Steve. Even rivals fans/clubs pay him a grudging respect. Just done so much for the Club.

Love him as I do a family member, wish him the happiest future. Tears, but tears of joy, thank you for everything.


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Guest Night84

True great... Amongst other great achievements he was bold enough to spend £2.25m on Nicky Maynard from Crewe. Everyone thanks him for that.

He runs our football club as a sustainable business with passion and desire.

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Not being over dramatic now just becuase ive heard the news, but why has someone like SL not been acknowledged by his country? Lord Suger, Midge Ure, Dame Ellin McCarthur I mean, even red trousers has a CBE! If somone as dynamic, loyal, passoniate and driven as SL cant get some honor from his peers there frankly there is no hope for anyone that aspires to achieve.

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Not being over dramatic now just becuase ive heard the news, but why has someone like SL not been acknowledged by his country? Lord Suger, Midge Ure, Dame Ellin McCarthur I mean, even red trousers has a CBE! If somone as dynamic, loyal, passoniate and driven as SL cant get some honor from his peers there frankly there is no hope for anyone that aspires to achieve.


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Certainly worthy of the thanks and praise of all City fans - now and for decades to come.

I think his new hands-off role will give him more enjoyment of the club and considerably less stress.

That can only be a good thing for his long-term involvement here.

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So its not the Queen picking names from a silk bag or something? :yawn: I thought it was all secret squirrel stuff, getting black balled, goat killing or whatever. Hmm, Hate to be cynical, but Involved in Football AND the banking sector?! :whistle:

Well, until we nominate we can't know can we? :)

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it doesnt mention making large donations to the government to help with funding election campaigns. thats a sure fire way of getting an honour.

My grandad got an MBE. He thought politicians were complete see you next tuesdays and didn't have a penny to donate. Admittedly most of the honours are back door deals but some genuine ones have to get through to disguise them.

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My grandad got an MBE. He thought politicians were complete see you next tuesdays and didn't have a penny to donate. Admittedly most of the honours are back door deals but some genuine ones have to get through to disguise them.

sorry wasnt having a pop at anyone who gets one. just making the point that donating to government funds is a way of securing one. Didnt mean it was the only way.

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I agree with all the above - Thank you Steve.

We are fortunate enough not have had the comparative shambles of foreign or corrupt ownership like other clubs have had to endure. Whether decisions have paid off or not in the past, we could at least rest assured that they were ade for the right reasons and with the best inerests of BCFC in mind.

Everything Steve has dealt with, from success to dealing with the Wornock/Jordan saga, stadium obsticles, management changes etc etc have always oozed class & dignity in the way they were handled. A role model to us all and I for one will always hold him in the higest regard.

Thanks again Steve.


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sorry wasnt having a pop at anyone who gets one. just making the point that donating to government funds is a way of securing one. Didnt mean it was the only way.

I didn't take it as one, and agree in the main large donations are good for it. Just that it's good that ordinary people can also use this system with some, albeit small, chance of success.

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Just wanted to echo what Nibor and others have said. The word "Great" is often overused; but Steve has been a GREAT Chairman. The media used to talk of Middlesbrough's Steve Gibson as "the best Chairman in England". Well Steve L is up there with him, if not ahead of him now.

Many, many thanks Steve.

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Thanks for everything so far Steve. We aint 'arf come on a long way since the unhappy days round the dying days of the Wilson era, when every mothers son queried your commitment.

Here is to the new Stadium

Hope the new board live up to the standards set by yourself...

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Guest Tonto

Great chairman and we have made significant progress during his tenure and he is leaving us in a position where we can progress from.

I hope we see can make the final home game of the season a fitting tribute to stevel.

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I can only echo what has been said above and offer a massive thank you for all that you have done for our club Steve.worship2.gifworship2.gifworship2.gif

It truly has been an honour to have you looking after our club, and gave us fans a sense of pride in having you at the helm.

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Thank you SL for dragging us up from being the laughing stock to a respected football club once again.

A true legend and one of the few chairman around who is honourable, fair and decent with a true passion for his club .

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Thanks Steve for your passion, commitment and substantial financial support.

Having achieved promotion to the Championship I hope that we can now overcome the final hurdle to build a new stadium which will be a fitting legacy to your chairmanship.

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Can only echo everthing already said? Whilst I have never been one of the new stadiums greatest advocates I cannot but admire SL's leadership and his desire on that project?

On a footballing front we probably would not be where we are today without SL's input and his money?

Personally I can fully understand his reasons for todays decision and I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU, STEVE - You have been a brilliant chairman.


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All good things come to an end and its fair to say that Steve Lansdown has been the backbone and public face of BCFC in good and indifferent times,,, Without doubt the greatest chairman alongside Harry Dolman in the clubs history , always ready to promote the club to the bigger footballing and public world his drive to get things done has kept dreams alive when a lesser chairman would have folded.......... Thank you for pushing the club we all love to the brink of the Prem plus the new stadium plan which on hearing the interview seems to be a burning passion for him,, above all Steve Lansdown as said before is that rare thing a chairman with the fan's affection and respect enjoy your background role, retirement and family ..... thank you

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Guest Tenyards

Thank's Steve for all you have done so far - and all you will do in the future. There are people with money and there are people with mouths....some, like you, put them together, which helps us all!!

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Thanks Steve, for your commitment, drive and investment in our club. Wishing you a happy and long retirement

Here, here. May I add that I feel sad that top flight football could not be delivered to Steve Lansdown after all the money, time, and effort he's put into this football club. The same happened to Harry Dolman but I'm sure top flight football isn't far off due to Steve Lansdown's efforts. Thanks Steve as you've laid a very solid platform for this club to progress and be able to compete at the top level.

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For those suggesting naming the stadium after him - please not the Lansdown Ashton Vale Stadium. I could really do without having to head to the LAV every Saturday afternoon!

Or even worse, after the Merchant's Quarter fiasco - the Steve Lansdown Ashton Vale Entertainment arena.....:innocent06:

On a serious note, thanks a lot Steve and well done for all your hard work! :-)

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the best most of us can hope for when we finish a job is that we leave things are better than we found them...

...that's certainly true in your case Steve...let's hope that your involvement with Bristol City is long and fruitful and delivers what you set out to achieve.

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Guest stick

can only echo all the praise and thanks for all that SL has done for this club

its also good news that hes not clearing off entirely and will continue to support the club financially

well done Steve, thanks for everything and good luck

ps...please leave your cheque book in the office when you leave !

:worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

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the best most of us can hope for when we finish a job is that we leave things are better than we found them...

...that's certainly true in your case Steve...let's hope that your involvement with Bristol City is long and fruitful and delivers what you set out to achieve.

Thank you for making us a respectable championship club, heres to the stadium & prem football

HERE HERE..Thank you Steve.

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Thank you Steve for everything you have done for our Club. It is an odd thing to be a passionate football fan, who follows a club through thick and thin. You have made it possible for us to raise our sights and to dream of our club with a realistic prospect of playing at the highest level. I hope that you realise all your ambitions and eventually (in thirty years time or more!!!) manage to sell and realise a fantastic return on all your investments in cash and passion. Better still......maybe Jon will be a future Chairman?

Please give all us fans a chance to say thankyou by coming on to the pitch on the last home match. It is hard to express the appreciation we all feel for someone who has given us so much.

Yours has been a bloody brilliant contribution to City. The Ashton Vale Landsdown Stadium has a ring to it!!

You are a star!

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Thank you Steve for everything you have done for our Club. It is an odd thing to be a passionate football fan, who follows a club through thick and thin. You have made it possible for us to raise our sights and to dream of our club with a realistic prospect of playing at the highest level. I hope that you realise all your ambitions and eventually (in thirty years time or more!!!) manage to sell and realise a fantastic return on all your investments in cash and passion. Better still......maybe Jon will be a future Chairman?

Please give all us fans a chance to say thankyou by coming on to the pitch on the last home match. It is hard to express the appreciation we all feel for someone who has given us so much.

Yours has been a bloody brilliant contribution to City. The Ashton Vale Landsdown Stadium has a ring to it!!

You are a star!

David Lloyd, are you reading this ? Of course you must get SL onto the pitch at half time during the last home game this season (v Hull May 7th).

They will hear the applause as far away as Gas Land.

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I posted in another thread the other day my thanks for Steve Lansdown for making Bristol City once again a credable football club....and in doing so has not forgotten the roots, we all know that the club has to grow and grow but the considered way in which he and his colleagues continue to build the club is more than just pumping money into the club. You can't help but feel his legacy will be felt for many decades to come.

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This has been mentioned on another thread, but it it is typical of SL to make sure that after he steps down as Chairman, the club has great continuity on the board.

In particular, the appointment of Colin S as our new Chairman is logical, wise and inspired.

If you were in the council chamber last week, the speech by CS was one of the best that evening and for him to start with "I am Bedminster born" (or words to that effect) was devastating to the opposition as it was then followed by an excellent presentation about all the benefits to the local community arising from JS redeveloping AG and the new stadium.

AND as I said on yet another thread, I am certain that CS was the main driver in selecting our well structured, articulate and passionate speakers that night.

Plus, he is a real fighter - a proper "bruiser" as they say.

No messing with this man.

We are in safe hands.

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This has been mentioned on another thread, but it it is typical of SL to make sure that after he steps down as Chairman, the club has great continuity on the board.

In particular, the appointment of Colin S as our new Chairman is logical, wise and inspired.

If you were in the council chamber last week, the speech by CS was one of the best that evening and for him to start with "I am Bedminster born" (or words to that effect) was devastating to the opposition as it was then followed by an excellent presentation about all the benefits to the local community arising from JS redeveloping AG and the new stadium.

AND as I said on yet another thread, I am certain that CS was the main driver in selecting our well structured, articulate and passionate speakers that night.

Plus, he is a real fighter - a proper "bruiser" as they say.

No messing with this man.

We are in safe hands.

Agree with all that...it was a very passionate and articulate speech.

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Guest cockneyrobin

A great servant to the club over the years and someone held in high regard by the clubs fans.

Thank you Steve for all your hard work, the Cider Army will always be truly grateful for everything you have done.

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May I add my thanks to you Steve on the the superb support you have given our club and the City of Bristol over the years.

More importantly our thanks to Mrs. L. for supporting (allowing) you in your obvious passion for Bristol City.

They say behind every man..........

Don't worry she'll soon get tired of you under her feet all day and send you back off down the Gate sorry Vale!

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A true legend and one of the few chairman around who is honourable, fair and decent with a true passion for his club .

Says it all.

I don't believe any club could want for a more committed, level headed chairman with sound financial aspirations and a long term vision for the club and its future.

With your dream of a badly needed new stadium well on the way :fingerscrossed:, you have probably made the biggest contribution to this club of anyone.

:city::clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping::city:

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Steve, i have turned 45 today and i can quite honestly say there is only one other period i have enjoyed more being a Bristol City fan other than te nine years you have given us, you can guess when !!

I thank you for the investment you have put into the club, just knowing that maybe we can go after that ex Premier League player with te big transfer fee and the big wage, just makes supporting this club just that little bit better, more exciting.

Thank you also for the prospect of the new stadium (god i hope it is built), you would think i am very sad at the the number of times i have looked at the stadium plans and dreamed of where i will be sitting in 3 years time, maybe 2 hopefully.

I am sad to see you go because you and the club are a very big part of my life, but i do hope you and your good wife enjoy your time away.

I am sorry if this does not make much sense, i have been celebrating my 45th a bit to much maybe.

Good luck to Colin also, a good man to take on the helm.

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