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Civil War On This Board

Abraham Romanovich

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Just reading some of the above threads I have absolutely no idea what they refer to or what has been going on.

I started the Polish fans thread which seems to have caused a few problems - still none the wiser as to why

Nobody minds a bit of banter, it often cheers up the day but pointless abuse when there is no humour involved is incredibly boring, as is the ego boosting silliness that characterises a number of contributors on here.

Please Mr Moderator, get rid of the idiots and lets get this board back to what it was.

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Anyone trying to boost their ego on a forum, needs to get a real life. Most likely people with low self esteems in their day to day lives. It's easy for them to remain faceless behind a keyboard.

What suprises me, is there is more negative energy spent on here, by people venting their displeasure to one another, or their 'hatred' of the sags, than actually talking about the City. You only need to see the number of posts in those relevent threads for proof.

A lot of it is mindless nonsense... :disapointed2se:

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The polish thread went into a racist/bnp nature despite being cleaned up several times by the mods. Maybe instead of bashing the mods, the ones still left, it might be better that people started focusing on the persons who seem intent on ruining this board. The WUMS, the people who abuse other posters, the rascits. Etc etc

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I will add my pennysworth for what its worth.

This forum really has hit new lows this season, with some piss poor posters and bitchyness like never before. This use to be a great place for debate but that has now gone out the window.


I agree Arn...too few quality posts. Everyone can have a view, and we all never agree, but some people don't have the ability to get into a conversation and have a civil debate.

What galls me the most, are lazy posters. Who don't bother to read a thread, or don't read it properly, and always get the wrong end of the stick.

Unfortunately, it's indicative of society today. Very few know how to communicate properly or in a polite manner. After all, we all want the best for City...but some it seems, use this forum, to try and 'big up' there own small insignificant 'real' lives.

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Maybe instead of bashing the mods, the ones still left, it might be better that people started focusing on the persons who seem intent on ruining this board. The WUMS, the people who abuse other posters, the rascits. Etc etc

I will add my pennysworth for what its worth.

This forum really has hit new lows this season, with some piss poor posters and bitchyness like never before. This use to be a great place for debate but that has now gone out the window.


Both spot on.

Pretty much every thread seems to descend into petty, childish squabbling and name-calling, a lot of the time between people old enough to know better. As Arn says, it's a great shame as it has ruined what used to be an excellent forum. I don't agree with everything the mods do, but it seems like a thankless task, when you get mods who've been on here for years like Tom and Maesknoll Red deciding to pack it in because they're getting stick for making what seem like perfectly sensible decisions.

For what it's worth, I can totally understand why the Polish thread was deleted (even if it was by accident and then not reinstated). I'm sure the person who posted it meant well, and never intended for it to turn out how it did, but it descended into a BNP love-in very quickly.

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The polish thread went into a racist/bnp nature despite being cleaned up several times by the mods. Maybe instead of bashing the mods, the ones still left, it might be better that people started focusing on the persons who seem intent on ruining this board. The WUMS, the people who abuse other posters, the rascits. Etc etc

Sorry, whats or who is/ are "WUM" ?? :surrender:... ive gotta feeling i'm not gonna like em though... whatever they are

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Maybe the animosity on the Forum reflects a very frustrating season.

I'm writing as someone who ditched my original identity a while back and I've started posting again under a new one. I'd simply got fed up with being - I felt - tracked by the same posters who never really engaged in a debate with any of the points I made but simply wanted to get in a quick bit of abuse...usually after I'd logged out for the evening...

There have been points this year when racists and folk who think a ruck is great fun have had too much say - and attempts to argue with them have attracted flak.

At its best this Forum features some of the best comment on Bristol City you'll read anywhere. At its worst its dominated by a significant minority of aggressive posters who contribute almost nothing positive, usually restrict their posts to a sentence, and are remarkably inarticulate for people choosing a written medium for communication...

I feel for the mods...having myself had responsibility for online forums I don't envy them their task.

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